1999 Avengers Series Coming To Toon Disney


"Up, up & away!"
Jan 31, 2005
According to the TV Guide website, The Avengers: United They Stand from 1999 will be showing on Toon Disney beginning Sept 1 at 11:30am. Does anyone remember this cartoon? Were there any episodes worth watching?


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
The 1999 Fox Avengers cartoon earned the disdain of many viewers because, among other things, they dared to do the show without the Big Three: Capt. America, Iron Man and Thor. Except for being seen once in the shows' opening title sequence, they didn't appear on the show at all. The reasons for this were probably legal (I know that Iron Man was starring in his own series on the syndicated Marvel Action Hour around the same time), but to many, doing an Avengers series without the 3 founding members would be like doing a Justice League cartoon without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman: unthinkable.


The Saturday Morning Kid
Dec 9, 2003
Latham, NY
The 1999 Fox Avengers cartoon earned the disdain of many viewers because, among other things, they dared to do the show without the Big Three: Capt. America, Iron Man and Thor. Except for being seen once in the shows' opening title sequence, they didn't appear on the show at all. The reasons for this were probably legal (I know that Iron Man was starring in his own series on the syndicated Marvel Action Hour around the same time), but to many, doing an Avengers series without the 3 founding members would be like doing a Justice League cartoon without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman: unthinkable.

Honestly, for me that was one of the show's selling points.

Most of my favorite Avengers are the more obscure ones. So, I figure it's pretty cool that they didn't waste three spots on a seven-member roster with characters who could get their own shows anyway. I mean, Iron Man's already had a show and Cap and Thor could probably have one each if someone in Hollywood was willing to push for them. However, what are the odds of seeing characters like Falcon and Tigra in a cartoon series? It would have been even cooler if they had somehow managed to get Quicksilver on the team. Pietro keeps showing up in X-Men shows, but I think of him as an Avenger.


Aug 6, 2003
The 1999 Fox Avengers cartoon earned the disdain of many viewers because, among other things, they dared to do the show without the Big Three: Capt. America, Iron Man and Thor.

I agree that it was the reason most comic fans didn't give it a chance but I don't really have a problem with it. I've never seen the show because I think it didn't air on my affiliate. But the armor was a BIG turn-off to me: that's WAY too forced to be back in the late 90's, "Power Ranger" era.

Still, I've never seen the show. I may give it a shot. Thanks for the heads up!

Dark Fact

Preaching evil since '04
Dec 5, 2004
Tower of Dharm
Silverstar said:
The 1999 Fox Avengers cartoon earned the disdain of many viewers because, among other things, they dared to do the show without the Big Three: Capt. America, Iron Man and Thor. Except for being seen once in the shows' opening title sequence, they didn't appear on the show at all. The reasons for this were probably legal (I know that Iron Man was starring in his own series on the syndicated Marvel Action Hour around the same time), but to many, doing an Avengers series without the 3 founding members would be like doing a Justice League cartoon without Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman: unthinkable.
Um, Captain America did appear in one episode of the 1999 Avengers series. I honestly remember that the entire episode was spent kissing his ass.

Captain Highwind

Active Member
Feb 1, 2006
Um, Captain America did appear in one episode of the 1999 Avengers series. I honestly remember that the entire episode was spent kissing his ass.

They had an Iron Man episode too. I don't think they got to Thor.

The thing that bugged me about Tony in this falls under the same category as in FF: WGH. After I'm so used to the dynamic they had going with Robert Hays in his own series, they screw it up by giving him this horribly generic robot voice. Practical for identity purposes, but still sucked.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I've been wondering if they'd ever get around to airing it

If only they could show some 80s solo Spidey or Hulk

Back when this was on the air, I'd watch it every Saturday with shows like Beast Machines, Digimon, Nascar Racers and Spidey Unlimited. I wasn't a big fan but personally it could have been a lot worse. I must be pretty forgiving when it comes to Marvel, or completely biased. Not to mention I lack good taste.

Having Cap, Iron Man and Thor in the intro was such a tease too ( so they were allowed to put them in the opening but not have them as main characters ? strange). The armor, the designs, and nothing else really bothered me, outside of Hawkeye's Wolverine impression. I hated that voice as much as some people loathe Australian Wolverine.

I was actually interested in the budding Wanda/Vision/Wonder Man love triangle and the way Ultron kept improving himself. Its funny that I already knew there wouldn't be a second season when I saw the season finale . Was there a boxed set released in region 2 ?
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Staff member
Mar 4, 2006
This show could have had the big 3 full time and it still would've sucked.


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Iron Man did get a guest appearance in an episode. His own show was long over by the time this one came on.

Two of the biggest disappointments to me are that we never got the WWII Cap series or season 2 of Silver Surfer. Those were both being planned before a big legal battle in the late 90's. Unfortunately after it ended we got that crap Avengers show and Spidey Unlimited. I think we have Avi Arad to thank for that.

The biggest problem for the Avengers cartoon to me is that they gave them this stupid power ranger armor gimmick. So every episode they would armor up and morph like power rangers so they could have a better toy tie-in. Even though Avengers by themselves would be reason enough to make toys. Spidey Unlimited did similar stupidity to Spidey's costume to make the show more sellable with the toys to kids. Lo and behold Unlimited never even got toys produced.

Justice League for all its problems never went to a stupid gimmick route except adding a ton more characters.


Staff member
Mar 4, 2006
Justice League for all its problems never went to a stupid gimmick route except adding a ton more characters.

JLU also had an actual in story reason for why they had all the additions, so at least it didn't just come off as a toy cash in. Don't think the Avengers cartoon can lay the same claim.

What did their armor do anyway?

Nothing...Absolutely nothing.


The Saturday Morning Kid
Dec 9, 2003
Latham, NY
The armor didn't bother me too much either. Then again, when it doesn't interfere with the story much, why get upset about it. I only remember one episode when it seemed to get in the way.

Besides, as a kid who grew up with the superheroes of the '90s, I remember designing armor and jetpacks on construction paper for every superhero I could think of, whether they needed them or not. So, I just figured the designers of the show were just having them same kind of fun. :p Besides, I just liked that they actually created new designs for the show rather than copying from the comics like a lot of older Marvel cartoons did.


Active Member
Jul 14, 2004
Having never seen this show and hearing about how bad it is I want to see it just to see how horrible it truely is.


Fear the cat-eared dog demon
Jul 13, 2003
A, A
Didn't a comic tie-in explain the armor? Anyone here who knows care to explain it?


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Didn't a comic tie-in explain the armor? Anyone here who knows care to explain it?

From Avengers United We Stand #1:
(This isn't shown, but mentioned) Ant-Man designed his armor while battling Dragon Man. While he did receive battle injuries, the armor supressed the pain.

In the current time, he builds armor for Wasp and Hawkeye (who requested it) after they are injured by the robot that will become Ultron.

Also to note:
- #1-2 takes place before the first episode.
- Black Panther is a member of the team in issue 1, but his injury from Ultron results in him quitting the team. Infact, the later issues show him bitter at Pym and thus he won't rejoin the team until Ant-Man steps down as leader.


Freelance voice actor & fulltime symbiote geek.
Nov 6, 2005
Hmm, I honestly don't remember much about the series, I remember just waiting for some of the big 3 to show up. In fact all I remember was Cap showing up and the way he threw his shield was similar to MshVs Street Fighter/ MvC at the time due to the blue energy that trailed it. :p I'm confused as to why they made such radical changes to their looks and even added gimmicks where as fox didn't go absolutely bonkers with the x-men or Spider-man looks. (Storyline wise things changed, but they didn't give Pete organic webshooters or the x-men wholly different outfits)


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
I think the main reason being that it was Avi Arad's fault because they wanted more toy possibilities out of the show and make it more Power Ranger-ish.

John Semper fortunately enough didn't have designs like that for Spider-man and usually made the best out of all the craziness that Arad caused, such as the mandate for no Sandman and Electro (Arad's fault), no Ghost Rider, no guns, etc.


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Samurai Champloo, $5 on Apple TV. I know the series is 20 years old which is, like, 100 years in anime world, but definitely worth the buy!
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