20th Anniversary of Cartoon Network "City" Era


Aug 22, 2022
Matthews, North Carolina
Almost 20 years ago, Cartoon Network changed forever. Animal Logic helped the iconic channel produced the City bumpers on June 14, 2004. Many shows appeared in that era:

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
Megas XLR
Camp Lazlo
Ben 10
and more!

Also, during that time, many Hanna-Barbera shows were relocate to Boomerang, as the channel was trying to appeal to a more kid-demographic as opposed to all ages.

Live-action shows and movies also started during that era as Jim Samples, former president of CN, was trying to compete against Nickelodeon and Disney Channel.

Can you imagine if Samples was still running CN to this day?



Staff member
Sep 10, 2006
In A House
I remember this day. I came home from school and turned the tv on and saw they changed their logo. I was surprised when I saw they got a major overhaul on the bumpers. I honestly love the City Age and I would consider it to be my favorite.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL

This is Cartoon Network City's 20th Anniversary!

To say this era is the most fan-favorite out of every era in Cartoon Network's history will be a massive understatement. Right next to the Powerhouse era, CN City take everything what made Cartoon Network so great, and expand upon it to new heights.

Animal Logic did a phenomenal job of the City landscape. They took all the backgrounds from various shows and make it so accurate that it feels they are part of this one big universe. I really love the bumpers of CN City. The animation still holds up to this day. You see the characters and the worlds just feel so alive. It really makes you wanna be there.

Another thing I love about CN City is that they were able to push CN Originals to the forefront. They were treated as they were the biggest stars during that time. It really did grab a lot of people's attention. And it worked, because CN knew their own original shows were the biggest face of the network, and they knew they had a great lineup of shows, and they were proud it.

The third thing I love about CN City is that they were about to kept the Powerhouse era blocks to new era. Fridays, Toonami, Cartoon Theater, and Miguzi were originally came from the Powerhouse era made its transition over the City era, and I'm so happy they kept them going for a while. Granted, the only new block for CN City was Tickle U, and that's pretty much it. Other that that, it's great that City were able to respect the legacy blocks of the Powerhouse era without killing everything off just because you want to do something new.

The fourth thing I loved about the CN City era was that they were able to have different variety of shows and special events. Cartoon Network back in the day was able to have fun with their library and give us different show one after the other. It wasn't like now where they were airing one show for 6 or 8 hours at a time, while others get jack-squat. CN were able to get ALL the shows the spotlight, and advertise them heavily. With special events, especially Summer 2005, is a masterclass example of how to hype up your network. Go all out with special marathons, sneak peeks of newer shows, and overall, have a great packaging that feels inviting and exciting.

Finally, the last thing I like about the City era was its 2004 logo. As much as I love the classic checkerboard logo, the CN 2004 logo was a much needed change. It really does fit for the City era, and it captured what made Cartoon Network so special at the same time.

With that said however, one of the downsides I had with CN City was that there was little to no Hanna Barbara representation during that era. I understand we already got the Boomerang channel, but adding some Hanna Barbara characters wouldn't hurt a bit since the classic cartoons does represent CN before the Cartoon Cartoons, and they should honor that legacy.

Another downside I had with CN City was Tickle U. I know it's not saying much, but I don't think CN really needs its preschool offerings when it works as the outlier compared to Nick and Disney. I can applaud them for their efforts, but in my opinion, it was just unnecessary. Then again, I could say the same thing with Cartoonito now, but at least that was better executed than Tickle U, but I digress.

One of the last downsides for the CN City for me, and I know people are going to disagree with me, but I do miss the unified approach of Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. Cartoon Network was meant to appeal to all ages, while Adult Swim just a late night block for adults. So the fact that Turner had to split CN into two brands in one channel (CN for Kids 6-11 and AS for Adults 18-49) for advertising purposes doesn’t feel right to me since I do believe animation is geared towards all ages, and you shouldn’t fix something that isn’t broken. But hey, what do I know?

Besides those things, Cartoon Network City is definitely a great era. Nothing can top Powerhouse obviously, but something about City era very special. You’ll never get to see something like this in this day in age, but it was a great time for many CN fans.

For me, I didn’t grew up with City because I was too young when it came out at the time. My first exposure to CN was through the Noods era and their On Demand service and CN Video on their website, but when I did see the bumpers and promos of City, it was on YouTube back in 2010. When I first saw the City bumpers, I was blown away by how creative and unique it was, but not as much compared to Powerhouse. However, overtime, the more I see the bumpers and promos over the years, the more I began to appreciate them due to its immersive world and having its own identity, which something you don’t really see anymore. It came out at the right place at the right time, and the right strategy.

Now, here we are, 20 years later, it’s such a amazing ride.

Happy Birthday to Cartoon Network City!

Thank you for making Cartoon Network the best place for cartoons!


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
With that said however, one of the downsides I had with CN City was that there was little to no Hanna Barbara representation during that era. I understand we already got the Boomerang channel, but adding some Hanna Barbara characters wouldn't hurt a bit since the classic cartoons does represent CN before the Cartoon Cartoons, and they should honor that legacy.
Agreed. Some Looney Tunes representation would've been nice too, but unfortunately this was during a time when there was very little brand synergy between the Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios branches of CN; we can blame years of infighting between Turner and Warner Bros. for that. The only WBA characters who regularly appeared in the City bumps were the DC superheroes, the Teen Titans and the Justice League. (Some Looney Tunes and HB characters did appear on posters and billboards in some of the City ads.) Thankfully later on there's been more brand synergy between CNS and WBA, so we could get stuff like this:

One of the last downsides for the CN City for me, and I know people are going to disagree with me, but I do miss the unified approach of Cartoon Network and Adult Swim. Cartoon Network was meant to appeal to all ages, while Adult Swim just a late night block for adults. So the fact that Turner had to split CN into two brands in one channel (CN for Kids 6-11 and AS for Adults 18-49) for advertising purposes doesn’t feel right to me since I do believe animation is geared towards all ages, and you shouldn’t fix something that isn’t broken. But hey, what do I know?

I don't disagree with this at all, in fact I think it should be said louder for the WBD execs in the back. I get the reasoning behind the territorial split, but the Powers That Be in charge of CN expanded and unbalanced things so badly that now it threatens to bite the channel in the arse.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
The only WBA characters who regularly appeared in the City bumps were the DC superheroes, the Teen Titans and the Justice League. (Some Looney Tunes and HB characters did appear on posters and billboards in some of the City ads.)
That, and Tom and Jerry and Scooby Doo, obviously.
Thankfully later on there's been more brand synergy between CNS and WBA,
Yup, I'm glad about that. Definitely looking forward to the Jellystone crossover with Cartoon Network characters.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Though I did miss the mixing of the older classic era characters with the cartoon cartoons you'd see a lot in the powerhouse hour, the City era did have a lot of awesome bumpers and character interactions that made it classic as well. I really wish we got more of some of them (like I think there were only two quick bumps made of the Mandy/Raven rivalry which... man that could have been a whole special at least) but I do appreciate how they did try and make it feel like a living breathing enviornment all of these characters got to partake in that sadly after this CN stopped really doing. I guess there was the 20th anniversary bumpers but sans that and the OK KO Crossover that was the end of the "trying to have these characters all unifed together in these unique sort of bumpers" attitude that yeah would love to see more of that appear now but I guess that would mean CN really caring about marketting their shows which it's hard to say is the case at all these days.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
Yes, I remember CN City and I primarily watch Toonami shows at that time.

Beautiful cartoon city and I wish that is real.

Loss of H-B shows weren't hard to me because I had access to Boomerang and I felt for others who have no access to Boomerang, especially vMVPD like Sling and Hulu Live TV didn't exist in 2004. Comcast and want have Boomerang? You have to switch to Dish or DirecTV.

Markus Nelis

Jul 10, 2016
It was very creative and a great way to see characters in the same world. It would have been my favorite brand if there were a lot more bumpers. It got pretty stale after a few months with repetitiveness. It's second best. Powerhouse is my absolute favorite.


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2014
I know it's kinda out of place posting here a day late. Work will do this to you plus I'm on so many other social media sites chatting with ppl, so I try the best I can. Congratulations on 20 years CN City! I knew this day would come eventually, and here we are! Here's my story on where I was and how I felt.

So the county I grew up in Georgia, school always started in early August and ended in late May. I have to remind everyone this because for a lot of you all it started in September and ended in June, but not for me. I was 8 back then (I'm 28 now), I had already completed 2nd grade for 3 weeks the day the rebrand occurred. So 3rd and 4th grade were the grades I was in when CN City happened, and I guess 5th grade only if you count the YES era being the secondary branding of it. 2nd grade for me was the final year of the Powerhouse era.

CN's target audience is apparently 6-11, which is something that no kid thinks about but it makes sense, because usually around age 6 in America is when you're finishing Kindergarten and starting 1st grade, and you've mastered your basics that are usually taught in TV-Y preschool programming for 5 & younger. The first couple years of my time in the target audience was the tail end of the Powerhouse era (thankfully I got lucky to experience it and the shows). Although I first discovered CN in 2001 with my cousins, and I fell in love with the network from that point forward even before my 6th birthday.

So anyways, in June 2004 I was on vacation in Sarasota, Florida, and I vividly remember as if it was yesterday. The new bumpers in between the commercials were incredible along with the now & then bumpers... it was a fresh new feel and I was like "okay this will take time to get used to it but I'm cool with it!", the new abbreviated CN logo was definitely a shocker... even only being 8 at the time, the new logo caught me off guard for a little bit but after about a week it wasn't a big deal to me anymore, although to this day I'm still more nostalgic for the original checkerboard logo since it was my first few years into the network.

Now... the cartoons interacting with each other was nothing new, since that was already a thing in the Powerhouse when the Cartoon Cartoons and HB characters were interacting around live settings around CN studios... what I loved about the City is that they were able to build upon what they had already done with the interaction and make it much better, like an upgrade, because the City the characters lived in was all CGI... a lot of settings from original shows turned into CGI... it was incredible... by this point the network focused more on original properties and the newest at the time Warner Bros shows that were a big part of the network.

Being age 8-10 growing up with CN City, there were a lot of memorable moments for me. Of course, Ed Edd n Eddy, Billy & Mandy, Codename: KND, Foster's Home, and Teen Titans being the major 5 that were on at the time and you had so much more to choose from the Miguzi and Toonami lineups.

Watching the "House of Bloos" premiere of Foster's Home at my grandma's house. Blocks like Scooby Alley or Camp Cartoon, the Summer 2005 event which imo is the best summer CN ever did, making sure I could not miss a Teen Titans or Justice League Unlimited new episode every Saturday, CN Holiday Rush, the premiere of Ben 10, KND: Operation ZERO, Cartoon Cartoon Show and Top 5 for reruns, etc. the list goes on!

Of course, when you're a kid watching CN, you don't ever think of "eras", and I guess this was just me but while the theme and presentation of the blocks got me excited, the shows that were on mattered to me the most. Programming wise most of 2004 still had a lot of Powerhouse programming, it wasn't until Q4 of the year into early 2005 when it felt like a true City era schedule. While it was sad to see some older Cartoon Cartoon classics and Looney Tunes fade away, the shows that were still around and the amount of variety to choose from, throughout the City era, imo, was leagues and miles ahead of any era that came afterwards, and I'll always appreciate this! Full credit to Animal Logic and CN Studios for the amazing work and effort you did to bring us all the wonderful memories!


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
Agreed. Some Looney Tunes representation would've been nice too, but unfortunately this was during a time when there was very little brand synergy between the Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network Studios branches of CN; we can blame years of infighting between Turner and Warner Bros. for that. The only WBA characters who regularly appeared in the City bumps were the DC superheroes, the Teen Titans and the Justice League. (Some Looney Tunes and HB characters did appear on posters and billboards in some of the City ads.) Thankfully later on there's been more brand synergy between CNS and WBA, so we could get stuff like this:

I remember after 2004, that was the only time you could see the Looney Tunes and the classic Hanna-Barbera (non- Scooby-Doo) characters on Cartoon Network. They even began to really scale back on Scooby-Doo programming after decades of being a staple of the network! (Maybe they finally understood the criticism of people claiming CN was basically the "Scooby-Doo Network" and set about to make it more of a "Scooby-FREE Network"?)


Apr 12, 2013
Melbourne, Australia
I know it's kinda out of place posting here a day late. Work will do this to you plus I'm on so many other social media sites chatting with ppl, so I try the best I can. Congratulations on 20 years CN City! I knew this day would come eventually, and here we are! Here's my story on where I was and how I felt.

So the county I grew up in Georgia, school always started in early August and ended in late May. I have to remind everyone this because for a lot of you all it started in September and ended in June, but not for me. I was 8 back then (I'm 28 now), I had already completed 2nd grade for 3 weeks the day the rebrand occurred. So 3rd and 4th grade were the grades I was in when CN City happened, and I guess 5th grade only if you count the YES era being the secondary branding of it. 2nd grade for me was the final year of the Powerhouse era.

CN's target audience is apparently 6-11, which is something that no kid thinks about but it makes sense, because usually around age 6 in America is when you're finishing Kindergarten and starting 1st grade, and you've mastered your basics that are usually taught in TV-Y preschool programming for 5 & younger. The first couple years of my time in the target audience was the tail end of the Powerhouse era (thankfully I got lucky to experience it and the shows). Although I first discovered CN in 2001 with my cousins, and I fell in love with the network from that point forward even before my 6th birthday.

So anyways, in June 2004 I was on vacation in Sarasota, Florida, and I vividly remember as if it was yesterday. The new bumpers in between the commercials were incredible along with the now & then bumpers... it was a fresh new feel and I was like "okay this will take time to get used to it but I'm cool with it!", the new abbreviated CN logo was definitely a shocker... even only being 8 at the time, the new logo caught me off guard for a little bit but after about a week it wasn't a big deal to me anymore, although to this day I'm still more nostalgic for the original checkerboard logo since it was my first few years into the network.

Now... the cartoons interacting with each other was nothing new, since that was already a thing in the Powerhouse when the Cartoon Cartoons and HB characters were interacting around live settings around CN studios... what I loved about the City is that they were able to build upon what they had already done with the interaction and make it much better, like an upgrade, because the City the characters lived in was all CGI... a lot of settings from original shows turned into CGI... it was incredible... by this point the network focused more on original properties and the newest at the time Warner Bros shows that were a big part of the network.

Being age 8-10 growing up with CN City, there were a lot of memorable moments for me. Of course, Ed Edd n Eddy, Billy & Mandy, Codename: KND, Foster's Home, and Teen Titans being the major 5 that were on at the time and you had so much more to choose from the Miguzi and Toonami lineups.

Watching the "House of Bloos" premiere of Foster's Home at my grandma's house. Blocks like Scooby Alley or Camp Cartoon, the Summer 2005 event which imo is the best summer CN ever did, making sure I could not miss a Teen Titans or Justice League Unlimited new episode every Saturday, CN Holiday Rush, the premiere of Ben 10, KND: Operation ZERO, Cartoon Cartoon Show and Top 5 for reruns, etc. the list goes on!

Of course, when you're a kid watching CN, you don't ever think of "eras", and I guess this was just me but while the theme and presentation of the blocks got me excited, the shows that were on mattered to me the most. Programming wise most of 2004 still had a lot of Powerhouse programming, it wasn't until Q4 of the year into early 2005 when it felt like a true City era schedule. While it was sad to see some older Cartoon Cartoon classics and Looney Tunes fade away, the shows that were still around and the amount of variety to choose from, throughout the City era, imo, was leagues and miles ahead of any era that came afterwards, and I'll always appreciate this! Full credit to Animal Logic and CN Studios for the amazing work and effort you did to bring us all the wonderful memories!
Great post. I am the same age as you, so a lot of what you have written here resonates with me also. In Australia we got the city branding in October 2005, and I can remember having mixed feelings about the change at the time having been a massive Powerhouse era fan. I too was always more nostalgic for the old logo, but at the same time I still loved the City Era bumpers and programming. The Summer 2005 block was repackaged as 'Holidaze' in Australia (same bumpers) and aired in the summer of 2005/06, and I can remember spending a huge chunk of that incredibly hot January sitting on the couch with CN on lmao.

The network's shift to a more direct 6-11 children's focus over the City Era coincided with me ageing out of that bracket, so my CN-watching days were pretty much put on hiatus when the City Era ended. I hung around for the Eds, Foster's and the occasional Billy and Mandy and Camp Lazlo, but apart from that I wasn't really interested in watching CN at all until the Check It Renaissance.

Great memories of the City era all in all.


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