Anime Fan Parody Talkback Summer 2010 (READ FIRST POST)

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Dec 12, 2008
TauVertex's Megaman Legends Abridged Finale (Part 1) (Part 2)

There were a couple moments where I couldn't hear the voices over the music or SFX, but when I could this episode (as per usual with the series) was great. I don't know what it is about Tau's work, as it's not really a "laugh-out-loud" thing for me, it's just very endearing and entertaining, while being funny. Looking forward to the epilogue for sure.

Saw it today and I have to say it was quite good. The Megaman Juno thing was carried out a bit longer then I had expected but it's an important battle so I didn't have a problem with it.

The best part I think was the whole password scene, I could stop laughing, it was genius


a kids
Feb 3, 2010
New York City
I just usually cast people whose voices/attitude fit the characters (and I have confidence in their acting). I'm not a terrible voice actor (I'm not good, though, either), but most of the kinds of voices I can do are better suited to wacky shows, rather than something like Death Note.

It still amazes me how much range people like LK have.

Mynd Hed

Holy blue on a popo!
Aug 5, 2002
Tucson, AZ
That's a good point, it does depend a LOT on the show. Visually more expressive shows like a Yu-Gi-Oh or a Yu Yu Hakusho or Naruto allow for wackier voices, I think, meaning that it's easier for one or two people to play everyone. Whereas a more grounded show like a Death Note calls for more restrained voice acting, and as a VA it's harder to differentiate voices if you can't go all crazy and cartoony with them.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2007
TauVertex's Megaman Legends Abridged Finale (Part 1) (Part 2)

There were a couple moments where I couldn't hear the voices over the music or SFX, but when I could this episode (as per usual with the series) was great. I don't know what it is about Tau's work, as it's not really a "laugh-out-loud" thing for me, it's just very endearing and entertaining, while being funny. Looking forward to the epilogue for sure.
Agreed. His work up until now has all been quite good, and this did not disappoint. I look forward to the epilogue as well.


Jul 2, 2009
Have to agree it depends on the show and to answer HellCat's question, I prefer getting VAs from the start. But then I hold auditions mostly for roles, as it allows me to get a better grasp on the availability of people. And if no one auditions who I think will fit, it's simply a matter of asking friends. That technique however lends it self to movies as the cast is obviously scrapped for each movie.

With RomeoXJuliet however, as it is an adaptation of Shakespeare's work, I asked Unwardil, Cassius, Juu-kuchi, people with more classical voices who will fit the mood.

Cameo wise, I would have to agree with you Mynd, it's best not to farm out cameo lines. It adds more people to the cast and a greater chance of a delay. Usually I do what Unwardil does and send a page of extras' lines with a first come first serve basis.


a kids
Feb 3, 2010
New York City
Cameo wise, I would have to agree with you Mynd, it's best not to farm out cameo lines. It adds more people to the cast and a greater chance of a delay. Usually I do what Unwardil does and send a page of extras' lines with a first come first serve basis.

That works great for 1-time cameos for the sake of a cameo.... but what about when, let's say, you're given 8+ new characters that will last for 6+ episodes?

I pass out voices when I feel people have a voice that would fit, for recurring cameos. Sure, I do sometimes contact people who would otherwise not contact me when asking for cameos... but I do it for more than 1 reason.

1. It's a great way to meet people.
2. If their voice fits, I want it.

For a 1-time cameo, if I offer a part to someone, and they don't get me their lines in on time, then it's their loss. I'll recast or do it myself.

There's nothing wrong about asking people to cameo when it's not needed. Don't forget the perspective of the viewer, rather than that of the maker. For the viewer, a larger range of voices (voices that fit) make it seem a lot more realistic, professional, etc. I believe we covered the topic of immersion on the previous thread fairly well.

If your series doesn't call for that, great for you; you don't have to wait on as many people for lines. It comes down to the source material/scripting style, really.

Mynd Hed

Holy blue on a popo!
Aug 5, 2002
Tucson, AZ
I was thinking more of "stunt casting," casting well-known people just because they're well-known. A certain amount of it is inevitable, of course, because there's a finite pool of people who are into this sort of thing and who are actually much good at VAing, but IMHO the quality of the episode should come before the exposure of the names involved. If the casting distracts from the writing, it's probably a bad choice, especially if the writing relies on in-jokes about the cast that the silent majority of viewers who don't give a crap about the "names" behind their silly YouTube videos wouldn't get.

...I realize that anyone who's familiar with my stuff could probably cite a half-dozen examples of times I've done things that contradict the above. What can I say, I'm a hypocrite. (-:


a kids
Feb 3, 2010
New York City
I was thinking more of "stunt casting," casting well-known people just because they're well-known. A certain amount of it is inevitable, of course, because there's a finite pool of people who are into this sort of thing and who are actually much good at VAing, but IMHO the quality of the episode should come before the exposure of the names involved. If the casting distracts from the writing, it's probably a bad choice, especially if the writing relies on in-jokes about the cast that the silent majority of viewers who don't give a crap about the "names" behind their silly YouTube videos wouldn't get.

...I realize that anyone who's familiar with my stuff could probably cite a half-dozen examples of times I've done things that contradict the above. What can I say, I'm a hypocrite. (-:

Learn from mistakes, imo. As much against certain things as I am now, that doesn't mean I haven't been guilty of them in the past.

But yeah, I agree. So many people ask for cameos just because of the person they are asking. But most of those people are abridging for the wrong reasons, so their scripts turn out to be complete crap anyways. They rarely ever get anywhere.


Apr 26, 2009
Chicago, IL
My team and I have finally finished our next EBS One Piece Abridged episode.

We finally reached the Kuro arc. We had to get yet another new Luffy. But hopefully people will think the new one is good. We gotta get cracking on the next episode since this one ended on such a weird cliffhanger. It was supposed to go a little bit further but the script was a bit longer than we expected. There's a few bugs in this episode that kinda bothers me but maybe they just stand out to me since I edited it. Dunno.

Hopefully you guys enjoy it.
May 14, 2006
TFS #16:

So long they can't fit it on YouTube!!

Now, to be a bit critical. Something I noticed throughout the entire episode (and with Kaiser as sharp as he is, I'm sure he knows)...Zarbon's kind o' sort o' monotonous. I'm not entirely sure if this is purposeful or not, but the character only seems to exist on the one wave length in terms of emotion and vocal volume. I'm probably doing a terrible job of explaining what I mean, but it's something that has bothered me throughout my viewing of the episode.

On the flipside, that final scene with Kaiô-sama spoke to my heart. B-beautiful...:tear:


Member of the 10,000 post club
Feb 21, 2008
Aw, but the stinger is really funny!

-I know some must have had enough of people constantly praising LK's voice work but that last part when he's threatening Zarbon without actually threating him was just so Nakao. It seriously gave off the vibe of pissed off Freeza without him actually losing it. Really good job.

-You know, I'm starting to realize that Vegeta kicked more ass on Namek than like...anybody. I mean
Cui, Dodoria, villages, 2/5 of the Ginyu Force he killed straight-up and the other two Goku beat but Vegeta still killed and he was completely screwing with Freeza the whole time.
I guess this is more of that karma thing amirite?


Everypony's Starry-Eyed
Jul 23, 2003
It matters not.
Yes, LK's Frieza was once again a very large contributing factor to the goodness of this episode. But then again, just about everything was in top form. The dialogue was very natural and people bounced off each other exceptionally well, the scenes with Guru were absolutely brilliant, and while a bit long it came at a brisk and wonderful pace.

Only real flaws I could find are Zarbon, and while i understand you're trying to emphasize the effeminate pretty boy that he is, the homosexual undertones of his speech can get exceptionally tiresome. Also the stinger. Didn't really care to be sortof thrown out of the element that the Kaioken won't be learned by the Z Warriors because of an instance of mispronunciation. Kindof felt it was like a punchline without any setup. So I won't necessarily be missing much of it when it gets uploaded on YT.


Chicks dig it, dude!
Aug 22, 2009
United Kingdom
I liked Guru and Nail in this episode, the stinger was funny too, but the rest I felt was 'meh'.
Not YGOTAS 47 'meh', it was entertaining, but didn't make me laugh.


Active Member
Jul 10, 2002
Lake Charles, LA
Yes, LK's Frieza was once again a very large contributing factor to the goodness of this episode. But then again, just about everything was in top form. The dialogue was very natural and people bounced off each other exceptionally well, the scenes with Guru were absolutely brilliant, and while a bit long it came at a brisk and wonderful pace.

Only real flaws I could find are Zarbon, and while i understand you're trying to emphasize the effeminate pretty boy that he is, the homosexual undertones of his speech can get exceptionally tiresome. Also the stinger. Didn't really care to be sortof thrown out of the element that the Kaioken won't be learned by the Z Warriors because of an instance of mispronunciation. Kindof felt it was like a punchline without any setup. So I won't necessarily be missing much of it when it gets uploaded on YT.
The setup is years of mispronunciation by FUNimation and the fanboy wars that raged over it. We RARELY do jokes about the fandom in the show, but that was definitely the point of that scene.


Everypony's Starry-Eyed
Jul 23, 2003
It matters not.
The setup is years of mispronunciation by FUNimation and the fanboy wars that raged over it. We RARELY do jokes about the fandom in the show, but that was definitely the point of that scene.
I understand that. I was thinking a setup in the actual context of YOUR series, build up, where EVERYBODY who has come into contact with King Kai throughout the series have been perpetuating that nonsense until that final stinger, where it reaches a boiling point (I dunno you have various verbal or visual cues that Kai beforehand was annoyed at those pronunciations) and then BOOM, he goes off. It marries the universe of the show with the pervasive reality that was the history of DBZ and they join in a conjugal union that serves as a admonishing of the fanbase that waged war upon it, but something that feels natural to happen within the confines of the show.
May 14, 2006
I try to look at it from the point of view that, since Gokû had learned it from him, it would be obvious that they too would attempt to learn it.
But as those who have seen the series know...the idea really only appeals to Tenshinhan...once where he promises to improve upon it...but never does.

Personally, the stinger was probably my favorite part of the episode. Dragon Ball Z Abridged has always been a hilarious (the perfect?) marriage of the two very polarized main factions of the English-speaking Dragon Ball fandom, despite leaning primarily towards the FUNimation dub side of things. For a scene to finally directly address this, it was hilarious.

Now, can we please have a VegettoEX voiced Appule pronounce 'Saiyan' correctly before
being fried by Vegeta?


Lesser spotted Brit
Staff member
May 6, 2001
"The Time Limit Is 11 Minutes! The Fated Episodic Upload!!"

Good stuff. Guru in particular was a hoot "So he calls himself God now...pretentious p****" :D LK is also still doing a strong job with Frieza. Kaiser's Zarbon is also starting to take center stage and coming into his own....Oh sweet mercy, it's contagious!!


Jun 9, 2002
South-central Missouri
Ohh, the double entendres hurt!

Still, that episode was gold. I love Guru, and LK continues to dominate as a hilarious, yet almost scary, Frieza. Good stuff.
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(cricket noises)

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