"Beavis And Butt-Head" (Paramount+) Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Meditation Sucks / Polling Place"

Meditation Sucks

The video stuff was a riot particularly Butt-Head telling Beavis he was just going to pretend he never told him that. I love that Beavis is so broken he thinks BUTT-HEAD is the weirdo. ****.

Polling Place

The framing story was painful and awful (anyone remotely believe a strip club would ever allow free admittance in the middle of the day for people with an "I voted" sticker?).

The saving grace was the video and Beavis talking about the half of the Lego pirate ship he left in the toilet. Butt-Head remarks their teacher said he ruined the third grade. And then he retired. That got a HUGE laugh from ne. ***1/2.

Episode Overall: ****.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Old Man Beavis / Hunting Trip"

Old Man Beavis

Not to be confused with Old Beavis And Butt-Head.

I loved Butt-Head saying "That's disgusting." No other clarification needed. It totally is. It appears Butt-Head DOES have a line and Beavis just crossed it.

Beavis has no game. But he weirdly still has ten times the game Butt-Head does. ***.

Tom Anderson's War Stories

If King Of The Hill is done to show why Hank Hill has value, Tom Anderson exists to prove why he sucks. I think Beavis and Butt-Head's take has the right of it on that kind of person. ***.

Hunting Trip

I question why this exists. Do the writers not understand seeing idiots like Beavis and Butt-Head playing with a gun in NOT actually funny in today's climate? I understand this show used to be edgy back in the day. The problem is because of real life this crap isn't actually funny anymore so it's actually a comedy dead end. How do the writers not already know this? *.

Episode Overall: **.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Pardon Our Dust / Pranks"

Pardon Our Dust

I guffawed at the "3 minutes and 35 seconds later" card. I especially love Butt-Head getting up and saying he yielded the rest of his time to Beavis. I love that Old Butt-Head knows what the word "yield" means in a committee context. And yet he's still too stupid to realize his home has been destroyed. ****.


Not really a great mine of comedy gems, to be truthful. The video portion was nothing special either. **.

Episode Overall: ***.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Hellhole / Take A Bow"


A little too stupid, even for Beavis and Butt-Head. The warped thing is at the end they are upset they are still actually alive. Part of me doesn't blame them. ***.

Take A Bow

It's SO weird and refreshing seeing Butt-Head actually remorseful about hurting Beavis and feeling bad. He doesn't exactly apologize at the end but he does say he's glad he didn't die.

Just that alone justify angels singing. Take a bow, Michael. Great ending.

The stuff with the guy chugging the Mountain Dew is Classic Beavis And Butt-Head, and why I'm glad the show has expanded from JUST music videos. Trash TV and web videos deserve deconstruction from these idiots too. *****.

Episode Overall: ****.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Tobacco Farmers / Married"

Tobacco Farmers

Kind of cathartic to see the boys beaten with shovels for destroying that garden. That old lady kicked Beavis' ass.

I loved Beavis' utter confusion at the Sabrina Carpenter video. I'm surprised he actually knows who Montgomery Cliff is. ***1/2.


Sort of predictable but it's also not a premise you can do in the Universe they're kids.

Their voices during that apartment tour were pretty funny.

All right. ***.

Episode Overall: ***.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Sad Boys / Are You There God? It's Me, Beavis."

Sad Boys

This was too cynical, even for this show.

And I was as grossed out by the reality show segment as the boys were. *.

Are You There God? It's Me Beavis

Another episode more depressing than funny. It was amusing when Butt-Head told Beavis never to mention the story about scoring with the car ever again. And frankly I like it on the rare occasions where Butt-Head is actually scared of Beavis.

But the cartoon was still a drag. *1/2.

Episode Overall: *.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "The Day Butt-Head Went Too Far / Spring Break"

The Day Butt-Head Went Too Far

It's probably lucky Beavis is as stupid as he is. He probably would have killed Butt-Head long ago if he weren't. And I would have cheered him on. ****.

Tom Anderson's War Stories

This shorts are proving that in his own way Tom Anderson was just as damaging in his youth as the boys are. ***.

Spring Break

This didn't really speak to me. And the video segments in both cartoons were kind of weak this week. **1/2.

Episode Overall: ***.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "The Warrior / Vasectomies"

The Warrior

Eh. Not great. **.


I kind of liked them envisioning how cool it would be to be fathers. And the end of kicking each other in the nuts was funny too.

Unfortunately, that has to be one of the worst choices for a video to watch the show has ever picked. It literally led to NOTHING funny. The videos are often the best part and it's amazing what a dud this one was.

Cool story, horrible video. ***.

Episode Overall: **1/2.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Stolen Valor / Breeding Frenzy"

Stolen Valor

The framing story was WAAYY too mean and offensive. And why is Anderson the same age as when Beavis and Butt-Head were kids?

The video was great. I love Butt-Head selling the hell out of the Fiat 500K and when Beavis tells him there isn't one outside of their apartment because of his shameless product placement, he lists the actual reasons it sucks. Suffice it to say, that joke would not pass muster on broadcast.

But really, the framing story made me cringe. **1/2.

Breeding Frenzy

Have I mentioned before that there is something inherently creepy about the fact that Beavis and Butt-Head aren't just always laughing, they are always smiling too? Those expressions being on their faces at the end of THAT specific cartoon gives you a hint at how stupid and broken they are.

I love Butt-Head telling Beavis it's okay if he's not old enough, and shouldn't feel pressured into doing something he's not ready for. For Butt-Head this is what passes for a smart burn. He knows it's mean and that it will upset Beavis, which is why he says it in the soothing voice he does. Butt-Head may be stupid, but he IS a sociopath.

I love the smack the boys were talking at the woman in the video. They're suggesting the woman feeds on people being tired of her, and Butt-Head does a franchise first and calls her the a-word at the end (thank you, streaming). Beavis actually marks the occasion and says he never heard Butt-Head say that before. And Butt-Head replies he never needed to. Another smart burn for young Mr. Butt-Head.

These kids are so messed up. ***1/2.

Episode Overall: ***.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head. "Hoarders / Needle Dicks"


Beavis stole both cartoons.

I love his bit with the newspapers. He thinks going to score sounds great. Until it sounds like a plot from Butt-Head to get his newspapers. SO funny. The mayonnaise will surely someday be a collector's item. Now we play the waiting game.

Beavis and Butt-Head occasionally clean their house. We've gotten the sense over the year how absentee their parents are. That is simply the biggest sign that Butt-Head can make as many slut jokes about Beavis' mom as he wants. Kid probably hasn't seen her in years. Kid's closest thing to a legal guardian is Butt-Head himself. Doesn't that just make you want to to cry? It makes ME want to cry.

I loved Butt-Head dunking on Mr. Needle. Unfortunately, I have to say I don't feel like this is a video Beavis and Butt-Head would watch. You can't have them talk crap about Downton Abbey for the same reason. They'd immediately say "This sucks" and change the channel. Are the producers REALLY that hard up for pertinent YouTube videos that would create funny humor? Because music videos ARE still a thing, you know.

They died in that house. Isn't the Multiverse great? Judge can actually get away with those specific dark endings and people can't call foul anymore. "A Wizard and Smart Beavis And Butt-Head did it."

So funny. ****.

Needle Dicks

Beavis is just doing nothing but giving Butt-Head the business, especially in the video. It's a joy to watch.

I love how happy the needles make him. And when the acupuncturist left the room, and then Beavis did, I was like "Never leave Beavis unsupervised with a face full of needles."

But truly the most peaceful thing about them is how much they were pissing Butt-Head off. I'd find a level of joy and satisfaction there too.

This episode sort of hinted at something I've always felt, but I don't think the old show pushed too far. Is it just me or is Van Driessen like, a creep? Like he shouldn't allowed within 200 feet of boys Beavis and Butt-Head's age? He isn't a cool, hip teacher who relates to the kids. He's a creep. And I think that describes ALL supposedly cool teachers who "relate to the kids". His whole "Since your parents aren't here," bit is eye-opening for that reason. Dude seriously sucks.

That was hilarious. *****.

Episode Overall: ****1/2.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "The Ciabatta Zone / Warehouse"

The Ciabatta Zone

I thought Beavis was getting a raw deal all throughout the episode but the fact that he was happy at the end of the day made me like "Well, all right then."

I love them suggesting Post Malone already has a smoker's voice box. And that the old dude in the video was his doctor wanting to talk to him for a minute.

You can call Beavis and Butt-Head stupid, but they were insightful enough to recognize Ryan is prouder and more excited to be a CEO than a parent. I wonder how many people watched that show and didn't pick up on how exactly sucky that is. Good for Beavis and Butt-Head, although them concluding the baby must suck means they still aren't rocket surgeons. ****.

Tom Anderson's War Stories

Honestly? I think they've done enough of these. This is getting depressing. *.


At a certain point I was like "Seeing these two behave in such a damaging and stupid fashion is not funny when they are middle aged." And then all those automated carts of spray cheese start rolling by the woman on camera and I was instantly made a liar. "I don't want to say it's idiot-proof... But..." But you really shouldn't say it, lady. Really big laugh there. ****1/2.

Episode Overall: ****.

Mike Judge's Beavis And Butt-Head "Abduction / Sleepover"


These were like the greatest B&B cartoons ever.

I love that we actually got a Smart Beavis And Butt-Head cartoon. Smart Daria? Smart Todd? Smart McVickers? Smart Buzzcut? Where have these guys been?

I'm still laughing thinking of the video segment. Because they don't slut-shame in that Universe, Beavis' mother is VERY honorable. Humorous. Quite humorous.

There were a lot of smart jokes present in that video, believe it or not. I want more cartoons of these guys for that reason. Judge is never allowed smart humor because most of his characters are dumb. It worked here though and I'd like to see more.

That was amazing. *****.


I don't recall ever giving both cartoons in an episode five stars before but that's what we're doing.

Return of Cornholio. Honestly, I love that Cody's mother loves Beavis and considers him an extrovert. The thing is, the show is doing that to show she and his father are famously bad judges of characters. My interpretation of that is probably different than the writers intended. I believe Cody must be SUCH an unpleasant chore to live with, Cornholio standing on the counter and spewing cereal everywhere is a vast improvement.

I'm not giving Beavis such a benefit of the doubt because he deserves it. I just think that's how much Cody sucks and how little he deserves such loving and attentive parents.

Interesting note: "Shlong" has turned into an acceptable "limit-testing" naughty word for parents. And damn it, that's actually true! Because of Twitter and social media in 2023, 10-year-olds freely use f-bombs and barely anybody raises an eyebrow these days. When you realize the show actually hasn't raised the content advisory level since it returned in 2022, and is still using its milder euphemisms that used to be cutting edge, I get why she thinks Beavis' language is both sanitized and a way to test limits of the adults present.

The video was awesome because it was Beavis beating the crap out of Butt-Head. Granted, Butt-Head hurt him equally badly (him slamming into the wall and then being hit on the head with a hammer would be considered a shocking moment for any other characters) but Beavis is done putting up with that crap and I'm here for it. Doormat Beavis is on vacation for this episode. Excellent.

When Butt-Head says, "This is gonna be cool," he's right. But I think Beavis had it right the first time. It's a song. Boing! I'm hip now. That's what the kids are saying. *****.

Episode Overall: *****.

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
[Meditation Sucks + Polling Place]

Absolutely no complaints from me here.

Out of everything from this new series already shown to me as of yet, this episode was the first I can distinctively say is “#1 favorite” material.

Both segments struck home runs.

Even when they had Jesus pissed, there’s something infinitely more funny about Zeus being the first figure to be outsmarted by Beavis & Butt-Head.

Having music videos again was a good return to form. Today, I learned Beavis regularly pulls a Vito Spatafore Jr. in the shower.

“I bet Ronald Reagan had some big ol hooters.” - Legitimate spit take.

Polling Place had a very 90s structure. The interactions between the duo and the random characters felt somewhat natural again.

[Old Man Beavis + Tom Anderson’s War Stories: Incheon + Hunting Trip]

Roughly two minutes into the first segment, we see Beavis briefly get high off paint again. Takes me back to the “don’t try this at home” days.

Old Man Beavis started out as a good plot to thwart Beavis into something stupid. Took a weird turn, but also sorted itself out quick enough.

Tom Anderson’s War Stories was a real clever revisionist skit. As both an avid KOTH fan and someone who loved Anderson in the original show, I found it fascinating that the flashback took the history of Tom Anderson literally.

Mike Judge’s initial inspiration for the character was always some old guy in Texas mumbling about something pointless. Like the neighborhood having a new paper boy.

The short completely subverted expectations too. Tom starts off addressing the viewer much like he would *sometimes* do as Hank Hill.

This was the first ever time though where I could see a stark contrast between Tom and Hank. Hank in the end would fight to help his gang, where as Tom sees no correlation with how his formal complaint got his own men killed.

Hunting Trip was a fun way to fully revisit Tom being tormented by Buffcoat & Beaver. Got pretty emotional unexpectedly.

Gotta say. I bitched a lot with season one, but this time around I’m really seeing some positive improvements.

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[Pardon Our Dust]

“We’re being bribed. Uhuhuhuhuhuh.”

For some reason, the backdrop of the low income housing at the beginning of the episode I found to look beautiful. I don’t know why that design out of all things impressed me.

Beavis’ speech stole the show. The jackassery of going to a meeting, demanding to “DESTROY EVERYTHING,” mentioning bombs, etc.

Butt-Head only wanted for Beavis to have his important matters attended to.


Yeah, this cartoon flopped rather quickly.

One of my all-time favorites from the old show was the game of Ding-Dong-Ditch.

When they rang doorbells in ‘97, they were stupid as hell, got yelled at by random people, and then pissed each other off once they tried the prank at their own home.

Here, I didn’t mind them being unrealistically bad at pranks. Even though I’m calling absolute shenanigans that they don’t know how to throw a damn egg at a house, because they certainly do know destruction.

The problem was that they were unrealistically bad at pranks, AND there was no pay off at all. They found the sweetest couple of all time who had no problem being pestered multiple times in one day.

One thing I liked at the beginning was when they spared people in poverty from the egging, calling them “badass.”

That Nicki Minaj music video just reminded me of when they tried scoring with her back in the 2011 revival.

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I think this had the good makings and structure of what a typical cartoon should be. It’s only weak in execution because all they really did was jump in a sewer and blow up a gas pipe.

It brings back Butt-Head’s classic illiterate misunderstandings.

Plus, it brought back the head banging!

[Take a Bow]

I unfortunately just can’t stand behind this one.

I think it’s a good episode for all the detractors from the previous season who didn’t like the one-sided smackdowns from Butt-Head.

My only dog in that fight was how Beavis should learn to stand up for himself again, as these days he’s mostly submissive. Case in point.

I had to stop the episode for a minute right at the part where Butt-Head’s showing visible remorse and grave concern for Beavis. It was just the one thing I could visibly pinpoint was horribly wrong to do in an unironic fashion.

You know how last season, they had Butt-Head take medication and he became the ideal respectful young man? That was played out as a dire horror scenario for Beavis. As it should for the context of this duo.

You remember when Beavis first “died” in the old show? And how Butt-Head dragged him by the leg and tried burying him in a shallow backyard grave while laughing about it? That again was more in vain to his identity.

This cartoon also missed what ultimately, should’ve been the big picture...

- Beavis being gullible always leads to him being killed by Butt-Head in the end.

I’m not saying the show can’t have valid moments of clarity. The two Anderson cartoons whether you liked them or not recontexualized Tom into something more tragic and pitiful.

The most heavily under appreciated moment from the original show was Principal McVicker having a brief change of heart once Beavis apologized for one Cornholio incident. They turned that back around comedically by having Beavis instantly resume Cornholio chanting, but the intent was still successful. His apology had no meaning at all.

You can revisit characters under a more pivotal, emotional lens. Lol, just, um.... not with the titular characters.

When you create a fictional body as a satirical jab at teenagers, and then spend roughly 100% of the IP’s lifespan showing them to be idiotic gremlins not to be taken seriously, I’m never going to ask for either of them to express remorse or shame. It’s not nice, but that’s not what they are designed for.

Butt-Head never actually apologized here. But again. That look of fear and disbelief on his face has to be the show’s biggest sin to date.

Though really, I’m not so sure if a whole episode dedicated to punching Beavis in the junk would have sufficed.

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[Tobacco Farmers]

In a way, this was like the sewer episode from before. Aggressively typical, but not bad.

The music video segment got more laughs from me.

Something I can say about the aged Van Driessen. Each episode, he makes it more and more clear with his tone that he just... doesn’t like Beavis & Butt-Head all that much anymore lol.

My favorite thing from this would have to be the ending, but even that itself is flawed.

This show for whatever reason has been too afraid of any serious confrontation between the boys and any of the adults. The old show was fearless when it came to them always getting their asses kicked.

They finally had a slapstick showdown at the Highland garden, but they kind of overdid it once they started joking about tumor induced injuries. Smacking them both with shovels was already enough, they should’ve just left it at that.


Love how these Old Beavis and Old Butt-Head shorts always consists of them screwin’ around with local officials.

There’s some good KOTH fame with this cartoon. Toby Huss is already a known veteran of both, but the County lady (Ashley Gardner) is one I could instantly recognize as Nancy Gribble.

Also a surprise hearing Rachael MacFarlane provide additional voiceover work.

Beavis & Butt-Head having a gay marriage episode without it even really *being* a gay marriage episode was refreshing.

It’s more of a shock to me that Beavis and Butt-Head even know how to drive. They don’t know the essentials, such as paying parking tickets. But they obtained a license!

The NYC apartment video tour segment would have won me over. Had it not been for the fact they hammered in that imitation for too long.

They finally gave an explanation on why the hell they have that old man fishing portrait.

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[Sad Boys]

I liked the very start when they were just kicking lockers.

I was thinking for a sec that the whole cartoon would be them wanting to repeat sad phrases to chicks.

Instead, Highland High sent them to an institution again.

Van Driessen immediately pointing out depression in the boys seemed on-brand. It’s sorta like how they poked fun at him in the classic Cornholio episode, where he wags his finger about sugar not causing hyperactivity. In this instance, he’s allowing something as serious as depression to be misdiagnosed.

The last time the boys were sent away like this, it’s because they were shown to be a danger to themselves.

This time around, about the same. Except Beavis had the most out-there misunderstanding I’ve ever heard, while still combining it with the ol’ “jacking it in Anderson’s shed” bit.

Something about this series... I’m certain Beavis damaged Judge’s vocal cords a long, long time ago.

Judge has not been able to naturally do the Beavis scream without wear-and-tear since like the mid 2000s. And Beavis still screams a lot during this show! Once that obviously worn out yell starts going with the slapstick, I still get a great laugh from it sometimes. If anything else, I gotta say bravo on that.

The Help video segment was one of those prolonged things were Beavis & Butt-Head just go to town talking about one sex related thing. Butt plugs.

Had a couple great jokes in there, like the thought of a guy getting a vasectomy on stage and having tomatoes thrown at him.

It’s always been sort of an unspoken rule that the two can be depicted as somewhat more intelligent once they’re in the video segments. So a part of it I guess might seem uncanny.

[Are You There, God? It’s me, Beavis]

Having the Beavis we know deliberately praying to God is about as out of place and weird as Butt-Head doing the same just episodes prior. Have to dock points again because way too much reflection is showing.

I get the joke is “it’s not puberty! He’s really messed up!” There’s still too much intent with Beavis having to confront anything this way. Skunk attack or otherwise.

And while I was just talking about Mike Judge’s voiceover deliveries, this episode gave me final confirmation that Buzzcut will not be returning.

I mean, I get it. Even with Anderson/Hank you can blatantly hear the age showing, as heard with Beavis pouncing on Anderson at the end of this episode. And we know Buzzcut was the most wound up of them all.

Still bums me out. In the 2011 revival, Todd sounded absolutely awful, but they brought McVicker back to spite the implied demise. In fact, they tried giving everyone a shot.

I get it goes against their planning with the show but it only makes their world further empty. Especially when they occasionally bring up “oh, but we have multiple universes.”

Episode in general isn’t too bad. Rabid Beavis was able to receive ultimate revenge and had Butt-Head running away screaming.

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[The Day Butt-Head Went Too Far]

I’m gonna look past any of the strange awareness Beavis exhibits in this episode, as both the buildup and payoff with Beavis’ sunburn slaps were actually very funny. Really, that’s all it takes.

If it wasn’t for the music video segment in this episode, I would’ve never watched the controversial thing from like a year back where the rapper gets busy on Satan or whatever. Surprised they didn’t go all in mocking that alone, but with the Darth Maul quip, less is more.

[This week’s Tom Anderson’s War Stories]

Same amusing premise I was talking about before. This battle takes it a little more to the extreme as they’re all sitting ducks thanks to Tom. Only this time, we didn’t get an exact number on casualties.

[Spring Break]

Episode sounds good on paper, but I guess overall I wasn’t too impressed.

Beavis directly references the “7/11 was an inside job” joke, and I responded with a blank face as I’ve heard that enough times before. One of those jokes where I wanted to laugh but I just couldn’t.

This is the second time within this new series where Beavis and Butt-Head just flat-out die at the end. That was interesting. I’m wondering if they’re gonna make that more common, it was a mostly rare occurrence in the old show.

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[The Warrior]

This was a cartoon I was loving and digging all the way through, and then the ending let me down.

It’s great for some Beavis & Butt-Head episodes to have anti climatic endings. But when you’re hyping up a jock to kick Beavis’ ass, and then just end up with the same ol smacking match between to the two boys, not even having the jock appear again.... I don’t know.

Beavis being scared senseless of that kid, on top of Butt-Head taking on the role of a fighting coach still ranks this one fairly high for me.


*softly spoken Butt-Head*
”Gorillas are not monkeys, Beavis, they’re apes.”

Sperm Bank was the funniest episode from the old show that went into those awkward discussions of fertility.

And while this episode isn’t the same as having them simply donate sperm, it’s interesting to show a slightly less crass variation.

Where the boys have some thoughts about having children, instead of destroying tubes of sperm and laughing at Stewart’s dad for not getting it up.

The ‘93 episode was funnier just by how off the rail it was, but the duo having second thoughts about another dumb idea of theirs in this particular instance made for a poignant scene.

I’ve dumped on this show a few times just within this new season about how they show semblance of consciousness with the two characters, and this is a good example of them actually pulling it off successfully in my eyes.

Sweet ending too lol.

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[Stolen Valor]

Anderson first appearing in this Old Beavis & Old Butt-Head cartoon caught me off guard from the jump.

Though really, both of the universes we see between old and new take place in 2023.

Still find it odd. The cartoons with the middle aged duo are meant to be a little more reserved and bittersweet. The one with Stewart gave you a harsh idea about their past, but uh... Anderson’s just here. As normal as can be.

Maybe they’re depending a little too much on Tom this season. I mean I’m not head over heels for new Van Driessen episodes or anything. I guess they gotta do what they can with the only other major character they have after writing off everyone else.

You could say this is the first time with this new series where Tom obtains a victory. Lately we’ve seen just how deplorable/useless he turned out to be in the war, and this episode reminds you that he still keeps good company with his fellow vets in spite of all that.

While it is funny to give him the Carl Brutananadilewski treatment, I also think it’s good for Tom to maintain some of the things that give him life.

Now we can say Anderson’s laid out some punches on our boys, which is pretty weird. Maybe this would’ve gone down more seamlessly if he complained about Beaufort & Bernardo, to imply he’s being tormented by the younger ones on the side.

(maybe they can crossover for real soon!)

Good episode, albeit a little strange.

[Breeding Frenzy]

That teddy bear’s taking a dump.

This one left me generally even more conflicted.

It’s typically funny anytime animals are brought into these shenanigans. The backyard scene with the raccoon only further awakened my phobia with rodents.

Beavis & Butt-Head trying to get a raccoon to have sex with a poodle would be a hilarious concept. But I did not at all like when the raccoon attacked another innocent dog. The pest should’ve attacked Beavis again instead.

I don’t wanna sound like too much of a prude about it. “Washin’ the dog” was one of the funniest things they ever did.

I just found the end to be too unpleasant, although the living room scene before the credits *kinda* saved it a little.

The video segments lately haven’t been anything of note, except the last one they did here was brutal. They just unloaded on some woman for being too happy and energetic, then Butt-Head called her an unflattering term I also don’t remember if I can say here. Which yeah her content sucked, but they just pummeled her lol.

Wonder if we’ll get any more mean ones like that.

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So, the girls of Highland High like hoarding shows? Strange.

It’s funny having these two hop on this trend.

On one hand, I feel sorry for the poor bastards who destroy their lives hoarding trash. But only the geniuses of A&E would believe a female hoarding 100 jars of poop somehow makes for quality television.

I can’t stress enough how much I enjoyed Beavis & Butt-Head cleaning their house to a T, as preparation for all the trash they’d scatter around immediately after. It’s always amazing when they go the extra mile to show you just how much they waste their own time.

Beavis unsurprisingly develops a hoarding complex of his own once they’ve boxed themselves in, and boy does he show some expression. It’s crazy how off model the two can get now.

As for the two dying, now I see what the skeletons in the promotional art for this season were referencing.

The video segment of the knitting guy was great. I like the idea of them laughing and calling an old man pathetic because he’s got this knitting hobby on the internet.

[Needle Dicks]

Who knew the joke title of this cartoon would lead to a literal payoff?

This one overall wasn’t that special. Hearing Butt-Head scream at the doctor from across that clinic hall was what got the biggest laugh from me.

The “how to scream” video segment I think was better than the episode. It’s good to see a rare occurrence where Beavis is the one getting Butt-Head riled up with insults, and not the other way around.

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[The Ciabatta Zone]

”You wanted to be the hamburger, and I wanted to see you get your ass kicked.”

I loved this one. I really did.

Butt-Head has to do one of the most humiliating jobs in the book, and Beavis is compellingly jealous because it’s the closest to action Butt-Head’s ever received.

I was actually annoyed this cartoon needed to be crammed with two different video segments I didn’t care for. Who knows what else they could’ve accomplished.

And for how hilarious it is to see Beavis get smacked around, he truly is the better person at times.

It was pathetic for Butt-Head to brag about coppin’ a feel in the hamburger suit, but it’s also pathetic on some level for a guy to wanna fight with a hamburger.

There was no scene anyway where the girl was uncomfortable with Butt-Head. She sat on him cuz she thought it was funny.

[This Week’s Tom Anderson’s War Stories]

This Korean Farmhouse bit I found to be overkill, no pun intended.

The previous ones worked because Tom was oblivious to his surroundings.

I just found it odd how even in combat, he shows hardly any expression to the farmer getting killed. No “BWAHAHAHAHHHH” or nothing. He’s robotic at times, but not that robotic.

I think they would’ve hit this home a little better if Tom tried eulogizing the farmer in some sick way by saying his plumbing problem was somehow responsible.

Whether Anderson’s the good guy or the bad guy in a cartoon, you gotta give him a little more to go on for him to work.


It’s all come down to this. The next long running cartoon to spoof Amazon.

I hate the warehouse conditions way too much for me to find any parodies on it to be cutting edge satire, but I like this one on principle for Old Beavis & Old Butt-Head because they set the building ablaze in 90s cry-for-help fashion.

That’s about it.

And the gas station scene made me laugh.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


When I saw this was a Smart Beavis & Smart Butt-Head cartoon, I audibly groaned.

They had that intergalactic council meeting, and oh goodie! All smart versions of characters that could’ve been in the show all along!

Which I mean, fine. But even then, they missed the perfect joke opportunity to have Smart Daria just be regular Daria, since y’know, she was already the only intelligent one.

I guess the cartoon improved once they of course involved Anderson. Thought it was good at first that Tom just followed them without any issue. I do wish for comedy sake he would’ve put up more of a fight on the ship with that confusion.

That last Anderson feature had this problem too, they’ve made him very static at times where he should have a reaction.

Smart Beavis & Smart Butt-Head just aren’t my most favorable pairing. They’re only good when they’re tolerable at best plot devices used to describe alternate worlds.

Their whole shtick was already beyond tired in the movie they debuted in.


All things considered, Cody is a good new character for this show.

I’m just not sure how I feel about this cartoon overall.

Nobody usually comments on Beavis’ nonchalant sex remarks, except the mom and dad decided to obliviously do so here.

And then when Beavis is going in Cornholio mode and messing up the kitchen, the happily married couple finds standing on countertops and spraying cereal everywhere to be charmingly expressive. For a 14 year old.

Every time you saw Stewart and his family, the dynamic would be down to a T.

Stewart’s mom would be the blindly supportive one, and Stewart’s dad would be the grownup to flip out and call them morons once everything went south. That was the comedy.

The 90s show had oblivious, happy-go-lucky adult figures all the time. Ones that would assume the best out of Beavis & Butt-Head simply because they were kids.

But you know what the show also had? BALANCE. The answer is balance.

The Purity Sound Bath video segment was also the funniest thing. If this really is the season two finale (which I’m not sure of yet), that video segment was a strong note to end on. And Beavis getting hit by a car.


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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.
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