Best Spider-Man voice over actor?

who is the best Spidey voice actor?

  • Christopher Daniel Barnes

    Votes: 21 38.2%
  • Rino Romano

    Votes: 4 7.3%
  • Neil Patrick Harris

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • Josh Keaton

    Votes: 29 52.7%

  • Total voters

Blackwing Zero

New Member
Mar 19, 2009
the 210
At first I was meh to Josh Keaton's voice, but once I grew into it I started liking it. Now, I love it. Barnes voice was good, but I just live Keaton's voice now.


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2008
A, A
Where's Paul Soles, Ted Schwartz, and Dan Gilvezan? There have been after all, actors to provide Peter Parker/Spider-Man's voice on TV shows before 1994!

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Wow, this is a tough one to pick. The first animated Spidey I knew was from the two 80's series and Schwartz and Gilvezan sounded pretty similar and were evenly matched, in my opinion. In fact, I thought it was the same voice actor until a year or two ago. They were what I thought Spidey should sound like until the debut of the 90's series, where Chris Barnes was perfectly cast and earned the spot of one true Spidey voice in my mind for years. Rino Romano's voice on Spider-Man Unlimited is a hard sell for me because even today when I hear it, I just think of Eduardo on Extreme Ghostbusters and I haven't seen that show since 1997. Josh Keaton is excellent for a modern take of a teenage Spider-Man. Paul Soles is always entertaining to hear. I especially love hearing him go from timid teenage everyman to tough, confident wiseguy.

While I've been sitting here writing this, I've come to the conclusion that my favorite Spidey from any of the series has been Neil Patrick Harris. I think his performance and voice were pitch perfect. Another Spidey voice I've really taken a liking to but that I don't expect to see on too many lists is Quinton Flynn. I thought he was laready a perfect Johnny Storm but ever since Marvel Ultimate Alliance when I hear his Spider-Man, it just feels the way I always thought he should sound. I wouldn't mind hearing him play an adult Spider-Man again in the future whether it's just for a video game, a dtv feature or whatever else.


Jan 19, 2009
Mumbai, India
I haven't seen Spider-Man Unlimited, I've barely seen an episode of Spiderman 2003 and got bored of it, and gone through a few episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man, and I've noticed one thing- all Spider-Man voice actors sound the same. Even the voice actors from the Capcom games sound the same, just like these. That makes it rather hard to decide who's the best. Captain America's voice actors were different across shows (Arthur Pierce and the rest, actually), and the same can be said of Wolverine, but all actors playing Spider-Man sound the same, for some reason.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Garland, TX (Dallas, TX)
He met Stan Lee and saved the entire multi-verse from annihilation. Tell me what ending could've topped that?

You're forgetting that he going to bring back the Real Mary Jane which the show ended on a obvious cliff hanger that was going to resolved if they had another season to work with.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
You're forgetting that he going to bring back the Real Mary Jane which the show ended on a obvious cliff hanger that was going to resolved if they had another season to work with.

That wasn't really a cliffhanger as much as it was an unresolved plot point. Him travelling with an extra-dimensional being with powers similar to the Beyonder kinda already says he's going to find her without too much trouble.

It still doesn't top him "saving all of reality" and meeting his creator. The Mary Jane stuff is saying his life will go on with the woman he loved by his side.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Garland, TX (Dallas, TX)
That wasn't really a cliffhanger as much as it was an unresolved plot point. Him travelling with an extra-dimensional being with powers similar to the Beyonder kinda already says he's going to find her without too much trouble.

It still doesn't top him "saving all of reality" and meeting his creator. The Mary Jane stuff is saying his life will go on with the woman he loved by his side.

None the Less, I think most everyone would have much rather see that play out on screen in another season, instead of FOX wasting our time with the fictional abomination known as Spider-Man Unlimited.

Remember, the producers did not know that the 5th season was going to end up being the final season season while their were working on it, they were expecting at least another season and even wrote several scripts past the last episode continuing the Mary Jane storyline, so that was most definitely a cliff hanger.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Garland, TX (Dallas, TX)
I know it's old news, but why wasn't there a season six? Did FOX not want anymore seasons?

It's a long story, and I've heard different things from different interviews over the years. But you can start by blaming FOX for canceling the show despite it being a #1 ratings hit on their network and constantly beating both Batman: TAS/TNBA and Superman: TAS in the ratings.

You can find more info by reading through the interviews on:



Jun 14, 2008
It's a long story, and I've heard different things from different interviews over the years. But you can start by blaming FOX for canceling the show despite it being a #1 ratings hit on their network and constantly beating both Batman: TAS/TNBA and Superman: TAS in the ratings.

You can find more info by reading through the interviews on:


Wow, STAS beat BTAS?! LOL...I heard that BTAS was considered one of the best superhero animated cartoon ever. :ack:


Active Member
Nov 12, 2008
Garland, TX (Dallas, TX)

Wow, STAS beat BTAS?! LOL...I heard that BTAS was considered one of the best superhero animated cartoon ever. :ack:

Yes, it did and Everybody does consider BTAS to be the greatest Super Hero Animated Show. Some people even think BTAS is the greatest animated show of all time. Here is a portion of an interview where John Semper talks about it:

"To go off on a tangent for a moment," continues Semper, "a lot of people don't know this, but Batman: The Animated Series did not set the world on fire in the ratings. Never was a big hit. The reason Warners continued making it was because they branched off and created their own network. If you remember, Batman began on FOX and then sequed over to Warners. Because it was an established franchise, they kept making new episodes. But Spider-Man routinely beat the spandex off of Batman. You may not remember this, but when they premiered Superman, they put it on opposite Spider-Man and Superman failed so miserably that in order to keep it alive they had to pair it with Batman as the Superman/Batman Hour. Then they had to take that show away from being on opposite Spider-Man, because Spider-Man was clobbering it."

"I didn't use Gwen on this show, because everything with Gwen would ultimately have to lead to her dying," he says. "We can't do dying on Saturday morning. The Batman guys always managed to get away with stuff like that, but they always managed to get away, quite literally, with murder. They did everything we weren't supposed to do -- everything I was absolutely told not to do by the censors. What happened with Batman initially was when they did the first season, I think the censorship was a bit looser. By the time I started Spider-Man, FOX was having trouble placing their shows in Canada, which was banning shows like Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. FOX was being really skittish about violence and they didn't want to take any chances. So all the stuff the Batman guys had been doing, we suddenly couldn't do. Then Batman moved over to the WB network, so you've got Warner Brothers making cartoons for the WB network, and there never seemed to be any censorship on those guys whatsoever.

"Whenever I watch an episode of Batman, within the first three minutes I see two or three things I could never do -- fists to the jaw, punches to the face, people being thrown through glass, anything having to do with fire, children in jeopardy, and so on," Semper continues. "I would always get letters from viewers saying, "How come Spider-Man doesn't hit anybody? I was absolutely told that I could not do that. So I couldn't do what they did, yet I got better ratings. Their show went on to win Emmys and ran for years and years, because Warner Brothers wisely saw the sense in keeping the franchise going. My show, which routinely beat Batman in the ratings and certainly clobbered Superman -- not only did it end with sixty-five episodes, thanks to corporate stupidity, but it really was a show that from the beginning had far more restrictions on it than any of those Warner Brothers shows did. The original Batman has always received kudos and Spider-Man has not, yet Spider-Man, as far as I'm concerned, was the better show from a storytelling point of view. Not that I'm biased or anything..." He laughs.
--------- This John Semper interview is from the 2002 book "Spider-Man confidential : from comic icon to Hollywood hero" by Edward Gross.

Here is a link to read the whole interview (It's pretty long):
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
Interesting, don't agree with him on some points, though.

It's the quality of the show that won BTAS their Emmy's, not the ratings or the fact Batman could hit people in the face. And if SMTAS didn't have the level of censorship it did it still wouldn't have won any Emmy's because the animation would still be terrible and the stories still wouldn't have been that great.

I am curious what he meant by "[SMTAS] was the better show from a storytelling point of view." I assume he meant since BTAS largely done in one stories where as his show was more story arcs and the like.

Regardless BTAS's "Heart of Ice" beats out anything he did story wise, larger implications or not.


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