C&C - Rick and Morty: The Anime Talkback (Dub & Sub) (Spoilers)


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
We are here to liberate you from your meaningless, wasted lives!

That's not how District 9 ended!

She knows the future like she knows the past, but can't change the future like the past...?

A President with a conscience? Surely you jest.

This Batman: TAS homage bump makes more sense than this show so far.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
"You've got some guts, missy. Let's see what they look like."

Morty, the hero of the furry bird aliens.

Or the six-eyed aliens?

I thought politicians didn't have consciences.

Okay, that BTAS homage is probably the coolest Rick and Morty-related thing we'll see this year.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
So Morty is a space hero with an alien girlfriend and a bounty on his head?

And his alien girlfriend is also a Time Lady?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
A pickle dog? Eww.

Make sure that's not Pickle Rick.

So she's like Dr. Manhattan?

Bad idea to try to assassinate someone who can perceive all of time.


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
So she's a living spoiler?

This is a Schroedinger's series. It's a show that we must perceive both has and doesn't have a plot.

The future is the past, and the past is the present in the future and...?

You know, never mind virtual reality, I'd like this show to pick one reality and stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
And again, it was all a simulation.

Yep, this is what R&M fans want is slow-paced, humor-free contemplations on philosophy and reality.

Yeah, Rick really looks like he's in trouble.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Alien Elle" - You know I think I owe Kite Man Hell Yeah an apology. Yes it is really a messy series how it handles it's overarching story from episode to episode but you know at least it's being linear and still trying to tell a straight forward story. This is trying to have a continuity but also jumping all over the place. I guess you can argue "oh well that's because we're suppose to feel a bit how Elle feels when she does that" but quite honestly it comes off as more pretentious nonsense when framed in this way. Seriously all the talks about "oh the present is just this little bit of time and how she feels about the future is how we feel about not being able to change the past" is the kind of roundabout nonsense anime got caught into for a few too many years after Evangelion. Like I remember this also happening a lot with Big O season 2 but even at it's worst most of those episodes still felt like mostly the original show just with more ponderous crap occassionally dialed up. This only has the very tiniest bits of what Rick and Morty is about. Like I can believe Morty being gung ho sold on this Elle chick or even Rick selling some sort of "yeah you can do whatever you want without worrying about the consequences" to the president (well this alternate Rick I guess doing that) but then you have these long stretches of these back and forth talks between Rick explaining about Elie in the past when we're past that in the future and it's all taking place in an alternate virtual reality anyway that Rick set up so Morty would meet Elie and like... I am trying to follow this but I shouldn't be needing to go through this many steps to get anything about Rick and Morty! I know the worst fans think "you need a high IQ to understand Rick and Morty" but all seasons of the show have episodes where the plot layout at the end make sense and are explained well but this nonsense isn't doing it.

And you know thinking about it, even within Rick and Morty the actual series (which again I may not complain about this one being so dissonance from the original if they didn't specifically try and say the Rick and Morty we're following are the ones from the ORIGINAL show, not some alternates ones just from this one. Seriously just say this Was R A-91ME or something like that. And don't go "oh they couldn't cause the crew wanted to use Space Beth" we hear in "Solarickis" that is something from other dimensions too so not an excuse) we've seen this concept before that makes sense in this universe. "Mort Dinner Rick Andre" ended with Jessica becoming a "Time God" and having this monologue about seeing time differently but not only was that with a character we're at least more familiar with but the idea of coming to this conclusion just to go "I think we should be friends" and "(BEEP) off I'm a time god!" Are jokes that actually work within Rick and Morty and feel natural to the situation. Seriously even the romantic montage Morty has with Planetina fits better then this resistance fighting and eating earth esque food schitck which you know I complained about when My Adventures With Superman did it but still did it better then THIS show. And you know we also got those Testice Time monster keepers as well when thinking about characters who see Time 4th dimensionally. And there weren't long obnoxious prentitious monologues about the drama of the situation or what being like that meant but JOKES that made the characters amusing and still played well with the concept. Like seriously what are you going to remember more? Elie's apparent history playing out backwards as she hangs out with Morty or Testicle Monster 1 being tricked to look behind him by Rick pointing out "look you're immortal and you're going to do everything anyway at some point which also means look behind you"? Like regular R&M if they pulled a plot like that would reveal Morty may not care what her fate is but if she was part tentacle creature he would and leave right away or even if they treat it more seriously show the actual PROGRESS of the relationship naturally again see Planetina.

And even when I'm not confused or annoyed by it's ponderous nonsense or realizing the concept is super played out, I'm getting very bored because as others have pointed out the action scenes aren't even well staged. Say what you want about the writing of some of the recent R&M seasons but you can't deny when they cook on a fight scene it is impressively laid out and boarded and really pops. Rick, Mory and Evil Morty vs Rick Prime in "UnMortricken" for instance that yeah none of these episodes have come close to. Like here's it just shooting down ships with wonky looking giant missiles and just wave after wave of Galactic Federation grunt and... you know R&M didn't do episode after episode of fighting these guys in a row because yeah it would get BORING because we're now on the third episode of these guys and there isn't even an interesting or unique bug to keep track of at all that's even calling the shots it's just generic soldiers and more generic resistance fighters in this alien generic planet without even an interesting twist or gimmick. You know maybe next episode will be better because seems it will be more focused on the family and less on the Morty Elle prentitious future stuff but yeah this show is still wiffing very heavily and is easily the worst material related to R&M I've seen.
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