"DC Comics: The New 52 - Villains Month (2013)" Event Talkback (Spoilers)

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James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
The villains of The New 52 take over! September 2013 belongs to the bad guys!


Week One:
Action Comics #23.1 - Cyborg Superman
Deep in space sits a cybernetic force of evil unlike any other. What terrible connection does Cyborg Superman share with Krypton? And what alien force commands the robotic terror? Find out here!

Batman #23.1 - Joker
The Joker has FOREVER been the face of EVIL in the DC Universe…but what led him on this devious path of treachery? Andy Kubert pens this early adventure showcasing the maniacal exploits of the Crown Prince of Gotham—The JOKER!

Batman and Robin #23.1 - Two-Face
Two-Face is approached to join the Secret Society! Which side will his coin land on?

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.1 - The Ventriloquist
The origin of the Ventriloquist is revealed! One of them has powerful telekinesis and the other is a cold-blooded murderer—but who’s the real dummy in this act?

Detective Comics #23.1 - Poison Ivy
For too long, Poison Ivy has played with men’s hearts and been a pawn in their games too—but no more! Now that Batman is gone, she will grow into a force of nature unlike anything Gotham City has seen before!

Earth 2 #15.1 - Desaad
As a member of Darkseid’s inner circle, Desaad is the Apokoliptian god of fear and pain. And since being stranded on Earth because of the events of EARTH 2 #1, Desaad has looked for a way home. He has the means, in the form of Boom Tube technology, but could not power it…until now!

The Flash #23.1 - Grodd
Grodd believed he was destined to become the bearer of light—until The Flash raced onto the scene! What will Grodd do now that The Flash has disappeared with the rest of the world’s heroes? Conquest is on the horizon as the world becomes—Forever Evil!

Green Arrow #23.1 - Count Vertigo
Get set for the twisted origin of Count Vertigo! Why is the Count in Vancouver on the hunt for Green Arrow, and what could have happened to make him such a sadistic adversary?

Green Lantern #23.1 - Relic
Who is Relic, and why must he kill every being in the universe who might wield the light of the emotional spectrum? Relic’s power could be the most formidable force the Lanterns have ever seen!

Justice League #23.1 - Darkseid
For Darkseid, Lord of Apokolips, you conform or die. Now born into his realm is an anomaly who looks to challenge that. A trickster, who will go to any length to survive even if it means sacrificing worlds to do it—leading to an Earth shattering confrontation between The Man of Steel and a Dark Lord.

Justice League Dark #23.1 - Creeper
Freed from his mystical prison, The Creeper walks a path littered with gore and misery—and there may be no way to stop him! Many will be caught in his web, including the Justice League of America’s Katana and Jack Ryder, The Creeper’s unwitting human host. Where will The Creeper strike next?

Justice League of America #23.1 - Deadshot
Is it a death wish that makes Floyd Lawton put on the mask of Deadshot? Or is something more sinister pulling at Floyd when he becomes a relentless assassin who feels nothing for his victims? Discover the truth behind Deadshot’s secret history in this issue!

Superman #23.1 - Bizarro
Lex Luthors’ sinister plan to manipulate Superman’s genetic material to create a mindless soldier under his control results in the monster known as Bizarro: opposite of Superman in every way, with no compassion, no remorse and no mercy!

Which titles are you picking up? Discuss!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I picked up the Joker issue and it was exactly what I feared it would be. Just a throwaway story with no importance. I was worried a lot of these villain one-shots would just be that and I'm hoping that won't be the case. I heard this week's Darkseid issue was really good so I might go back for it at some point. But I was really let down by the Joker issue and I hope the rest of them are able to hold up a little better. This could end up being a really disappointing event.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
No, not all of them are throw-away stories. Relic, for example, is really important to the upcoming Green Lantern arc, Lights Out.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
The villains of The New 52 take over! September 2013 belongs to the bad guys!


Week Two:
Action Comics #23.2 - Zod
General Zod storms into The New 52! Witness the origin of this genocidal maniac, and learn how far he will go to destroy those who oppose him!

Aquaman #23.1 - Black Manta
Set loose as the Secret Society’s plan unfolds, Black Manta is shocked to learn that Aquaman may be dead! Without the object of his hatred, how will Manta claim his final vengeance against the man who killed his father? Where will one of the most lethal villains alive turn his rage when he begins a new mission?

Batman #23.2 - Riddler
With The Dark Knight out of the picture, The Riddler engages in an epic game of wits. Learn what maddening early moments led a young Edward Nygma to evolve into Gotham City’s Prince of Mischief! And see how events of ZERO YEAR continue to affect The Riddler today!

Batman and Robin #23.2 - Court of Owls
The Court of Owls takes stock of the new world order created in the wake of Forever Evil! What horrors will they unleash in order to maintain control!

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.2 - Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze takes his obsessions over the line when he sets his sights on his newfound family and getting revenge on Batman!

Detective Comics #23.2 - Harley Quinn
If Dr. Harleen Quinzel wasn’t crazy when she fell for The Joker at Arkham Asylum, she sure was messed up afterwards! Find out more from Harley’s time with her beloved Mr. J. and see what got her into so much trouble that she was “recruited” for the Suicide Squad!

Earth 2 #15.2 - Solomon Grundy
Grundy hates green. He hates life, and he hates Green Lantern most of all! So what made Grundy this way? Find out in the secret origin of Solomon Grundy!

The Flash #23.2 - Reverse-Flash
Discover the untold origin of Reverse-Flash! Who is he, and what is his relationship to Barry Allen? Secrets are revealed and questions answered as we race through the history of Reverse-Flash right through to Forever Evil!

Green Lantern #23.2 - Mongul
Deep in space, an unstoppable force is committing genocide on a galaxy-wide scale, and only the strongest will survive! Be warned, because nothing can prepare you for an all-new Warworld under the absolute rule of the tyrant called Mongul!

Justice League #23.2 - Lobo
Deep in the dark corridors of space lives a black-hearted being of unimaginable power. He’s witnessed horrors beyond description and committed unparalleled evils. In all of history, no being has ever been capable of as much chaos and terror as this lone individual. This is the story of the man called Lobo. He’s coming. And he’s bringing all of hell with him.

Justice League of America #7.2 - Killer Frost
Not every villain is grateful to the Secret Society for ridding the world of the Justice League. For Killer Frost, only one thing matters: feeding off Firestorm’s energy! But with Firestorm gone, a desperate Frost is forced to decide whether she should search for the missing hero or find a new source for her power fixes.

Superman #23.2 - Brainiac
Brainiac was the first adversary Superman fought on Earth, but where did he come from? A lineage that spans the universe holds many secrets when we ask, “Who is Brainiac?”

Teen Titans #23.1 - Trigon
He is the ruler of six kingdoms of pain, suffering and agony—but the one world that evades Trigon is Earth. Trigon’s influence has been spread across worlds by his sons, but it wasn’t until he conceived a daughter of Earthly origin that the monster finally had an heir who could aid his quest. Now, with all the world’s heroes missing—is this the final victory of Trigon?

Which titles are you picking up? Discuss!


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
Spider-Man said:
I picked up the Joker issue and it was exactly what I feared it would be. Just a throwaway story with no importance. I was worried a lot of these villain one-shots would just be that and I'm hoping that won't be the case. I heard this week's Darkseid issue was really good so I might go back for it at some point. But I was really let down by the Joker issue and I hope the rest of them are able to hold up a little better. This could end up being a really disappointing event.

I thought the same... I couldn't help bit feel it was a waste of an issue, a complete throwaway, beyond the flashback of his Mother bleaching his face.

The rest of the issues I read, Poison Ivy and Two-Face just felt like fill ins. It seems like a rushed editorial mandate rather than a story the writers wanted to tell.

All the issues felt like a waste.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Well, not all of them. Some are actually expanding on big villains who have had little to no presence in the New 52 so far, and giving out new information about villains relevant to the title they're appearing in.

Though considering the majority are pretty much just fill ins, Having a whole month of them is practically a waste.

If there was anything of value in the Joker issue, it's that it might be the last time we see him with his normal face again.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
Well, I've heard pretty good things about the Mongul one. Jim Starlin writing Mongul is never a bad thing.


Active Member
Sep 20, 2009
Dragon Hub
Honestly(no surprise coming from one of the only new 52 fans on the board) I've enjoyed most of these one shots, it'd probably be easier to name which ones I hated which I'll list now...

Ventriliquist-Not a fan of Gail Simone at all.
Creeper-Not a fan of this at all.
Desaad-No thanks.

So yeah, just a few bad eggs out of what has been a great month so far! Can't wait for next week!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I found this week's Zod comic was actually great! Riddler was pretty good too. Save for maybe two comics, my comic shop has been able to get the majority of the 3D covers without a problem it seems. I've been hearing that a lot too. The issues with allocation don't seem to be as bad as some were thinking. I swung back for the Two-Face issue and while the story was alright the artwork was beautiful. I wish March was still drawing the Talon monthly.

Jin Kazama

Staff member
Jun 26, 2002
Somewhere Around Here..
So far the only one I've read was the Black Manta one. I planned on grabbing the Reverse Flash issue, but all they had was the 3D cover, and I'm not spending a dollar over regular cover price for a gimmick cover. I guess I'm not the only one, as my regular comic shop were mostly sold out of the 2D covers but had pretty much all the 3D ones, which I found amusing.

The Black Manta issue wasn't too bad. It didn't really feel like it tied into what's happening in Aquaman (or that it will), but it was still a pretty good issue regardless. It felt like it tied into Forever Evil pretty heavily, so I guess if I were reading that, I'd care more. But for a one-off issue staring a character that I enjoy reading, it was worth the read.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
The villains of The New 52 take over! September 2013 belongs to the bad guys!


Week Three:
Action Comics #23.3 - Lex Luthor
Evil genius, sadistic businessman, sociopathic inmate—Lex Luthor is all this and more. Now released from prison, there is nothing to stop Luthor from getting his way...not even Superman!

Batman #23.3 - Penguin
Follow The Penguin’s latest quest for power as he prepares to undermine one of Gotham City’s most powerful politicians. What does the criminal mastermind stand to gain?

Batman and Robin #23.3 - Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins
The origin of Ra’s al Ghul in The New 52! For centuries Ra’s has had a plan for this world, and now he is faced with an offer from the Secret Society that could help him achieve what he wants…or undo everything he has worked for. Which path will the Demon’s Head choose?

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.3 - Clayface
It’s the biggest audition of Clayface’s life as he attempts to impress the Secret Society and join their ranks. Desperate to prove himself more than a monster, Clayface sets a scheme into motion that quickly unravels! Will he make his mark—or dig his own grave?

Detective Comics #23.3 - Scarecrow
See the new Gotham City through the eyes of the Scarecrow! It’s Arkham Asylum unleashed on humanity—and it’s all the Scarecrow has ever wanted!

The Flash #23.3 - Rogues
The Rogues have their rules and their ways of doing business—so what do they think of the Secret Society’s claims that the Justice League is dead, and that the world’s villains need to unite? It’s a culture clash that won’t end quietly!

Green Lantern #23.3 - Black Handl
In a world with no heroes, death lies behind every turn! Black Hand arrives to take advantage of Forever Evil, and he may be the most dangerous player yet! And when last we saw him, Black Hand was a pile of dust in the Dead Zone! How did he manage to return?

Justice League #23.3 - Dial E
You can’t stop dialing! In a special VILLAINS MONTH coda to the fan-favorite DIAL H series, a lost E-dial is discovered by four young criminals on the run in Littleville. But who is chasing them? And will they figure out how to control this nefarious dial before it’s too late? Hindsight is twenty-twenty when you’re sprinting through dark alleys! This issue features 20 new villains, 20 pages of creative insanity—and 20 top artists, each drawing a page of the action!

Justice League Dark #23.2 - Eclipso
The powerful Black Diamond has been seen causing trouble in different corners of The New 52. Now you will learn its secrets as it lands in the hands of the host it was always meant for...and the full power of Eclipso is unleashed!

Justice League of America #7.3 - Shadow Thief
Where is the line between duty and villainy? For the new Shadow Thief, there is no question: Her mission to eradicate all alien life on Earth is above questions of morality. Armed with technology that allows her to become a living shadow, the Shadow Thief wages a covert war across the globe, but how long can she stay in the shadows before they consume her soul?

Superman #23.3 - H'el
After his last battle with Superman, H’el wakes up on Krypton years before it is destroyed! Can H’el manipulate the Science Counsel, soldiers and countless others including Jor-El, to save the planet? And what does it mean for the birth of Superman if he succeeds?

Swamp Thing #23.1 - Arcane
Behold a being so vile and deadly that even the Parliament of Decay could not control him! Now take a journey to a place beyond hell—the personal prison of Anton Arcane! Plus: the return of The Rot’s new avatar, Abigail Arcane!

Teen Titans #23.2 - Deathstroke
One of the deadliest men in the world has a secret: his family. Slade Wilson lives to kill, but can even Deathstroke the Terminator balance his home life with a complicated hit?
Don’t miss this amazing issue written by Corey Mays and Dooma Wendschuh, writers of the video games Assassin’s Creed and Batman: Arkham Origins.

Wonder Woman #23.1 - Cheetah
The Cheetah has clawed her way out of Belle Reve, and is hungry for blood—but before she steps up as one of the Secret Society’s most powerful generals, she has a personal score to settle! Learn the truth about the cult of Hippolyta, her vendetta against Wonder Woman, and just how far she’ll go to prove that she’s the most dangerous predator on Earth!

Which titles are you picking up? Discuss!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
The best of this week was without a doubt the Lex Luthor comic. That is probably my favorite "villain" comic to date and one that tied into Forever Evil. It got us up-to-date with Luthor and placed us right before the events of the first issue of Forever Evil. It was just a really well-written issue that has a perfect handle on the character. I think there was plenty of influences from the Superman: The Animated Series in there too. I also picked up the Ra's Al Ghul one which didn't really say too much new on him but it reaffirmed why he's such a great character. Nice art and a good story. So far the comics have been pretty hit and miss but I'm hoping for a great final week next week.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
The villains of The New 52 take over! The final week of the special September 2013 vDC Villains event is here!


Week Four:
Action Comics #23.4 - Metallo
Before he became Metal-Zero, John Corben had two great loves: his country and Lois Lane. Awakening from a coma after the events of Action Comics #8, Corben finds himself betrayed by both—and now his Kryptonite heart beats only for revenge! And when he joins up with the Secret Society, there’s no limit to the destruction he can cause!

Aquaman #23.2 - Ocean Master
Ocean Master is freed from Belle Reve and wants no part of the Secret Society—he just wants to go home to Atlantis. But he has a long bloody journey across the surface world in front of him, and he might not make it back!

Batman #23.4 - Bane
Batman is gone, and the inmates of Arkham Asylum are running wild in the streets! Bane is in Gotham City with one goal…to take it over no matter who he has to break!

Batman and Robin #23.4 - Killer Croc
As the battle for Gotham City continues to build, the scales become unbalanced when the ferocious Killer Croc enters the fray!

Batman/Superman #3.1 - Doomsday
Long before Superman fought the unstoppable monster known as Doomsday, the beast’s reputation for death and destruction haunted The Man of Steel’s home world of Krypton.

Batman: The Dark Knight #23.4 - Joker's Daughter
The Gotham Underground is quickly becoming a base of power in the DC Universe! After the destruction of Arkham Asylum, The Joker’s Daughter is gaining hordes of followers across the terrifying and brutal landscape! In a world where ugly is considered beautiful, what dark initiation rites befall this madwoman’s new recruits?

Detective Comics #23.4 - Man-Bat
Dr. Langstrom has given in to the Man-Bat side of his personality. Left unchecked in a world without heroes, he brutally stalks his prey in Gotham City! If Langstrom won’t stop himself…who will?

Green Lantern #23.4 - Sinestro
Years ago, Sinestro used his Green Lantern ring to utterly dominate his home planet of Korugar, all in the name of “protecting” his people. It’s the mistake that turned his name into a curse, and brought down the greatest Green Lantern of them all…but one never-before-seen moment from those dark days holds the key to his future!

Justice League #23.4 - Secret Society
An army of super villains has been built throughout The New 52 during 2013—but for what purpose? Learn about the villains that have paved the way for the world of FOREVER EVIL.

Justice League of America #7.4 - Black Adam
Where is Black Adam? And what series of events is triggered when the Secret Society attacks Kahndaq? Discover all of this and much more in this issue!

Superman #23.4 - Parasite
Parasite: Noun. An organism that lives in or on another organism. Preferably Superman.

Wonder Woman #23.2 - First Born
The First Born son of Zeus—Wonder Woman’s oldest brother—has returned to claim the throne of Olympus! But it’s been a long and bloody road to reach his destiny…and you won’t believe the horror when you meet the rest of Wonder Woman’s extended “family”!

Which titles are you picking up this week? How did you find the special Villains month? Discuss!


Feb 10, 2008
Tyler, TX
So if I had to rank the Batman villains month issues I would say
2)Penguin and Bane are tied here

Penguin is a great one shot and Bane is a pretty good lead in to Arkham War but I think I will wait for the trade to read it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
The Doomsday issue was surprisingly good even if it was a little bit confusing. I had to re-read it just to make sure everything made sense. The artwork was fine but nothing special. It was probably my favorite villain book of the week. I did enjoy the Bane one too but that was mostly for seeing Graham Nolan drawing a Batman comic again. It was awesome to see his version of the New 52 Batman. I'm a not a big fan of the new Bane costume (what is what that big padded disc on his stomach) but overall he looks good. A good comic but really nothing great and a cool set-up for that Arkham mini-series. I may swing back and pick up a copy of the Secret Society issue maybe next week. I'm glad I avoided Joker's Daughter - I heard that comic was probably worst of the entire month's lot. Overall it was a mixed bag of comics for the month but there were some good things released.


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