Hamster And Gretel (New Series From Dan Povenmire)


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
Shush Hour - I like that Kevin was the one who was there to stop the librarian. Yes, Gretel did the final punch, but he was the one that did the big job here. The show did tone back the whole Kevin feeling bad about not having superpowers, which is good. And showing how much he's the key to how Gretel and Hamster do their thing. This was great to see him doing most of the evil-fighting here. I loved Gretel's report at the end too.
It was nice to see a Doof spot, but again I really hope this show stands on its own, the thing I didn't like about Milo Murphy's Law was season 2 where Doof is just part of the show, it felt like there was no confidence in the show and decided to go with familiar. I like this show and don't think it needs to lean on P&F as a crutch either. I'm actually kind of against a crossover episode just because I think a lot would be interested in P&F's parts and not much about H&G and would give the network a bad idea to combine things again.

I Was a Teenage Mad Scientist- I think Professor Exclamation is going to be the final boss villain of the season. We had the Nordle episode earlier that piece might be interesting down the line. We get Exclamation's back story too, the part where he was well-liked in school. The moment where he gets the info that Kevin is Gretel's brother (super hero mode Gretel) and thinks to use it later that's interesting. Will be interesting to see where that goes.

Both episodes were good.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Too Many Crooks: Gretel goes so solo for an episode. The villain was a little lame, but this was still a good episode. I was expecting Gretel to get an idea on how to defeat the villain from the third ghost Gretel head eating ice cream. The villain kept bringing up heat and Gretel's class are at an aquarium with the polar bear exhibit mostly shown.
The B-plot with sick Kevin and sick Hamster was funny. Especially Hamster's "don't make me turn my head and glare angrily" comment.

President Fred: Good episode. For a minute, I thought we were getting an episode with no supervillain. But Fred's behavior was incredibly suspicious from the beginning.... Well after "sleeping on it". No wonder The Imposter didn't get the role he was aiming for. Though I was expecting something had happened to Fred to make her like that and not an actual imposter. I'm surprised that Chad wasn't made into a villain, just a spoiled teen.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
Too Many Crooks- It was interesting to see Gretel without her team, kind of wish the villain(s) were more quirky it would have played a little better than just being a woman who cloned herself and that being it. It didn't give much for Gretel to bounce of either, since usually Hamster would be there for quip or something, at least. In speaking of Hamster and Kevin, they had some fun parts. Comparing how they feel to something and how far it goes was great. Well timed "Floating women" are real joke was funny, and like how it wasn't the patient that saw it.

President Fred- Episode set itself up well, Fred says she doesn't like these elections because running for power changes you, so when the impersonation happens, Kevin and Gretel think it's that and not someone else pretending. Pretty fun.
President Fred: Good episode. For a minute, I thought we were getting an episode with no supervillain. But Fred's behavior was incredibly suspicious from the beginning.... Well after "sleeping on it". No wonder The Imposter didn't get the role he was aiming for. Though I was expecting something had happened to Fred to make her like that and not an actual imposter. I'm surprised that Chad wasn't made into a villain, just a spoiled teen.
The funny thing to me I knew they weren't going to play a school election plot fully straight, but didn't Chad would have been the villain that'd be too obvious. But they did have me going and fully thinking he would be an 80-year-old guy who goes to high school because that feels like something that could happen in this show.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
But they did have me going and fully thinking he would be an 80-year-old guy who goes to high school because that feels like something that could happen in this show.
Yeah like ironically The Impostor's first episode where he disguised himself as a small boy (as well as the other villain in the beginning of the episode), and the Vandyke villain.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Log-lines for December.

Saturday, Dec. 2
Original Series – Episode Premiere on Disney Channel
Hamster & Gretel “Flake It Till You Make It/Game Changer” (1-29)
(10:00-11:00 a.m. EST)
“Flake It Till You Make It” – Hamster and Gretel encounter a flaky villain who has the power to turn to flakes.

“Game Changer” – Fred, Kevin, Hiromi and Anthony compete in a video game tournament.

Saturday, Dec. 9
Original Series – Season One Finale on Disney Channel
Hamster & Gretel “Exclamation Strikes Back – Part I/Exclamation Strikes Back – Part II” (1-30)
(10:00-11:00 a.m. EST)

Professor Exclamation traps Hamster and Gretel and takes away their powers.

Elijah Abrams

Just deal with it!
Jul 29, 2017
Saturday, Dec. 9
Original Series – Season One Finale on Disney Channel
Hamster & Gretel “Exclamation Strikes Back – Part I/Exclamation Strikes Back – Part II” (1-30)
(10:00-11:00 a.m. EST)

Professor Exclamation traps Hamster and Gretel and takes away their powers.
I’m scared for our heroes, man…


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
Today's episodes were good. It's not often you see a daughter forget some things a Father wants to do. I liked how Gretel found away to relate to the villain to stop him. Such a strange town going mad over the time being off. Loved the Big Jen gags. Love Handel showed up as a gag, again I think they need to calm on the references, please.
Kevin is a sweet fellow, he wants to ask Hiromi on a date, does succeed glad things are going smoothly, I liked how they made sure it wasn't a whole season of him stammering they instead worked it where he talked to her and they hang out and stuff to lead to that. It was sweet. Also loved seeing Tina back.

(Also season finale next week)
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Flake It Till You Make It: Gretel is starting to use her own brain now instead of relying on Kevin. I liked how she figured out where and when the villain was gonna be with her own flaking tendencies. Hamster making Kevin wear the sweater was funny. I hope it wasn't itchy.

Game Changer: The game testing should've made it obvious who the villain was. Makes sense that Tina would've been disgraced after not completing her previous mission. Understandable that she would want to redeem herself to her people. Luckily a solution that didn't involve kidnapping(ironically by kids) people was found, and hopefully Tina will take Gretel's advice and call first. Kevin finally asks Hiromi out. Which was done in a sweet way.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
The season finale does a good job of what a season finale should do, a balance of bring everything that build on to a climax as well set things up for the next season.

I called it that Professor Explanation would use Destructess and Fistpuncher as henchmen. It makes sense you bring these characters together, they are the only villain character that get any development and care, while every other villain is just villain of the week.

And does the Professor know Hamster and Gretel's identity? He knows Kevin is Gretel's brother, what more does he know?

And poor Kevin is relationship with Hiromi is over before it got started. Kevin found a way to not be a super hero but have the down side of a super hero. What happened to Kevin, that happens to super heroes that keep their identities secret from this love interest. I wonder if this is set up for Hiromi finding out the truth, that might be the only way they have a relationship, Kevin is going to have to choose this secret that I don't think Gretel cares much about, outside of their parents I don't think Gretel is everyone knew her secret, or Hiromi.

And if we take what the aliens said at their word, and for the record I don't know, if so, I wonder if Destructess and Fistpuncher will become allies, now that the training is done, they did their job, and we had that development with Lauren, if this threat is as big as they say, Hamster and Gretel will need allies, those two would be excellent, as well as Tina and Grobla, that would be a good team up to take on the evil aliens who I assume are the big threat, and maybe Nordle as well, though I don't know what he offers on the battle field.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
Yeah, after that ending, I'm giving the finale an "F". You finally have Kevin ask out Hiromi just to ruin the whole thing, that's a middle finger, and then have the aliens give him another middle finger. There's also the beginning with Gretel being selfish that her brother has a date and not going to her award ceremony. It's like the writers can't give him a break for once.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
The season finale was good, but yeah Kevin didn't have a good ending. But he did just get the confidence to ask her on a date, a couple episodes ago, so it probably won't move to fast and they wanted something to hook in for season 2. I think it did feel a little too much when it was that then the aliens, then getting wiper fluid on him.

I didn't like that Gretel was that mad at Kevin couldn't show up for the key thing, when it's been established that Kevin is always there for her and has given up things to help her, it felt a little off to make a conflict besides the main conflict of Exclamation coming around to do his thing.

I did like how it showed everyone as a group and how "Team Hamster and Gretel" works with Kevin, Hamster, Gretel, Fred and Bailey, it was nice since that's how the season really started to build up a great team. Like how the twins, or at least Lauren showed her caring side and didn't want to harm a powerless Gretel. Hope to see more them in season 2.

I do hope season 2 keeps the charms of this first season with episodic episodes, quirky one off villains and things and doesn't go lore heavy. Also they don't go too hard in trying to tie in Phineas and Ferb. I enjoyed this show so far, glad I didn't get filtered by episode 1.


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
New York
But do you agree with me, the whole Hiromi thing that is Kevin's fault. Remember the whole secret identity thing was his idea. Keeping secrets is not the foundation to a functional relationship. Hopefully he learned that lesson. If you can't tell I don't like the whole super hero secret identity from loved one's trope.


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2013
But do you agree with me, the whole Hiromi thing that is Kevin's fault. Remember the whole secret identity thing was his idea. Keeping secrets is not the foundation to a functional relationship. Hopefully he learned that lesson. If you can't tell I don't like the whole super hero secret identity from loved one's trope.
Except it was because of Professor Exclamation finding out that Kevin was Gretel's brother that Kevin got kidnapped and thus his date was ruined in the first place. So it's not Kevin's fault, especially since it was Gretel who spilled the secret to the villain, and putting a "loved one" in danger. Which justifies keeping the secret.
Kevin just asked Hiromi out for their first date and never even got to said date. So she wouldn't exactly be close enough to warrant knowing about Gretel's superhero identity yet.


Staff member
Aug 14, 2015
From the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com:

"“Hamster & Gretel” Season 2 Premieres September 14th"​


"Disney has announced today that the second season of Hamster & Gretel will premiere on Saturday, September 14th at 10 A.M. on Disney Channel. The first eight episodes of the second season will subsequently become available on Disney+ starting Wednesday, September 18th. A trailer was released."

Read the full article here.


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