"Hulk" Talkback (Spoilers)

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The Guard

No Matter The Cost
Oct 31, 2001
and some parts didn't make sense like at the end one year later when Betty and her dad were on the phone they would not be talking about it then they would be talking about it like that day or 2 days later.

They talked about it then because General Ross had been getting reports of a big green monster, and figured out what was going on. He knew Banner was alive, and was basically asking her if she knew where he was.

Memphis Bleek

Active Member
Dec 27, 2001
Arlington, VA, USA

Hulk was entertaining. I thought it was going to be bad. I was wrong. The acting was great. The special effects were excellent.

Nick Nolte was so over the top in a good way. Jennifer and Eric had good chemistry. Sam Elliot was born to play Thunderbolt Ross. Ang Lee knew what he was doing when he included the hulk dogs.

Bruce loves purple pants. Hulk is definitely worth the price of admission.

I give "Hulk" 3.5/5 stars.


Happy Cycler
Jan 18, 2003
The Guard said:
They talked about it then because General Ross had been getting reports of a big green monster, and figured out what was going on. He knew Banner was alive, and was basically asking her if she knew where he was.
thanks I was confused:confused:


Active Member
Aug 29, 2002
remind me to go see it.

from what i'm reading, it is a nice touch to create a david banner that has the name of the tv banner... also would remind you of how wiry the tv banner might be by now if the tv hulk hadn't died...

I guess crusher creel might be spinning despite not being in a grave... but that bubble fate mentioned of david banner's sounds otherworldly.

And to note, i swear i saw betsy ross have a gamma flare in her eyes during a promo.. could she be she-hulk in hulk 2?

infinite possibilities, mmm.


Never Knows Best
Jan 30, 2002
I never read any of the Hulk comics, and I never really even cared for the Hulk that much. The Hulk just never really appealed to me. However, I liked this movie a lot more than I thought I would.

The first real action scene with the Hulk Dogs was really hard to see, but it was still good. My favorite part was when the Hulk escapes into the desert. They did a great job with the CGI Hulk. He really seemed unstoppable.

The thing I liked best was that I was really able to connect with the Hulk. They built up the relationship between Hulk, Bruce and Betty very well.

Not the best super hero movie, but it was still great. :D


Infrequent Poster
Feb 5, 2002
I'm wondering if the people who hated this movie were expecting something else. This was not an action flick (the first half hour should demonstrate this), if you want that go see T3. This was a drama about the conflict between father and son (with some "hulk smash thrown in). People who are saying the movie sucked until the hulk showed up are missing the point. The first half hour gives a lot of back story into why Bruce and his father are the way they are.

I didn't really mind the comic scene changes, though during some sequences they did get to be a bit much.

I went into this film thinking the CGI would suck (from the clips I had seen), but I was very impressed. ILM did a very good job on it.

The "big battle" at the end was kind of pointless. Basically David wanted to steal Bruce's "powers" to better himself (his son was just something to be used) and once he got them he couldn't control them. Though it was a bit confusing, wouldn't Bruce have been normal than (unless the Gamma Blast re-powered him).

I must have blinked or something when Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno, when was it (was it at the end)?

sKorpia said:
- (personal rant) The people at my theatre. Can we say rude? I mean, one girl in front of me whipped out her cell to either check something or play a game. My mom told her the whatfor. It was awesome. And a guy's cell went off twice in a 5 minute period. Instead of turning it off, he got up to answer it. Sheesh. They sucked.
I hear you on this. Some woman decided that this would be a good movie to bring a 4 year old to. The 4 year old then proceeded to talk and cry through half the movie. Why any parent would bring a 4 year old to a PG-13 (and violent) movie is beyond me. That almost made the background chatter from the people somewhere in front of me bearable.


Hey, I want to be Ussop!
Jan 18, 2002
Um...I'll get back to you
Morac said:
I must have blinked or something when Stan Lee and Lou Ferrigno, when was it (was it at the end)?

Actually they are early in the movie. Look for two peculiar security guards working at Berkley when Bruce arrives there for work early in the movie.

As for the ending fight, while it was a bit much to have David as "The Absorbing Man", it (and especially "the chair" sequence before it) summed up one of the themes of the movie. David was trying to play God with himself to improve his own imperfections. It didn't get to him, but it passed itself down to Bruce. Then, once Bruce became the Hulk, it was the epitome of the power and ability David wanted. He thought by doing what he did, he would be "using" his own son in order to get the Hulk power, which he believed was rightfully his. (thus fueling the father/son relations in the movie) And another thing interesting about that fight to me: note some of the forms David took: the electric form reminded me of Zzaxx, the "stone" form reminded me of Thing (well, this would be the closest they would fight since they probably would never be in the same movie together), and the final form/explosion was symbolic of the various jellyfish and sea creatures David experimented on at the beginning, perhaps a symbol of the "primal power" he wanted to tap with his experiments.

wrenchien said:
And to note, i swear i saw betsy ross have a gamma flare in her eyes during a promo.. could she be she-hulk in hulk 2?

You know, I swore I saw something similar in one of the Hulk TV ads, and it freaked the heck out of me. It could be possible (well, Betty was semi-close to the gamma explosion David caused), but who knows. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing Jenny Walters (not She-Hulk....yet) in the sequel partially because it seems to me that she is one of several people Bruce can actually semi-reach out to. (and also a part of a trinity of "caring females" I once thought about, including Bruce's mom and Betty, that somehow reach out towards him...but then again this is based off all I know of him from web research and the animated series) Besides, with Betty as bugged up as she is at the end of the movie, Bruce is going to need to go somewhere after he returns from Latin America.....


The Master Of Fear
Nov 20, 2001
Arkham Asylum
Anyway, I went to see it with my dad and we both enjoyed it.

The CGI is fantastic for the most part. And not just on The Hulk but also on the Hulk Dogs and the “absorbing effects” on David Banner. CGI will never replace human actors, but it is the best thing for doing justice to larger then life characters like The Hulk. ILM outdid itself here.

Sam Elliot was just fantastic casting for General Ross. He looks very much like the character as he is in the comic books, and is just a great actor to boot. He just nailed it pure and simple.

Eric Banna really impressed me in the scene with David Banner just before the end fight. He was solid was Bruce Banner throughout the movie, but that scene really nailed it for me. Eric is going to be a big star after Troy comes out, no doubt.

Nick Nolte is still a great actor imo in spite of his personal problems, and was especially good in describing how he murdered Bruce’s mother. You could just see and feel the emotion coming from that scene. Nolte did overact sometimes, but he *was* playing a mad scientist after all. ;)

Jennifer Connelly was solid here. Not exactly a standout, but she did her role. Plus, she is still nice to look at.

All and all, I like the artistic approach Ang Lee took here. It makes it different from other summer blockbusters like 2 Fast 2 Furious and the Charlie’s Angels crap (if I want to watch porn and MTV music videos, I’ll stick to TV thank you very much) as well as other Marvel comic movies like Spider-Man and X-Men.

As a whole, Shakespearian melodrama just works with The Hulk (as the 70’s TV show proved). I like filmmakers that take risks and don’t just dull your senses with action scenes, but maybe that’s just me.

As for the flaws, well I would’ve liked to see Talbot fleshed out more though, and the “comic panel screens” were overused at times where they were not needed. That is about all I can fault the movie for though.

Oh, and note to all parents. Infants can’t enjoy movies, so STOP BRINGING THEM!!!! Plus, there was a little girl behind us that wouldn’t stop whining. It was enough to almost make me Hulk Out in the theater. :mad:


Friend from another star?
Jun 26, 2002
Good stuff. Another worthy Marvel movie, although this film had a lot more to digest than the disappointing Spider-Man or either of the X-flicks. It was certainly more to take in than most people were expecting. I'm not a fan of any of Ang Lee's previous films, I absolutely abhorred Crouching Tiger..., but he succeeded in all the areas that mattered, namely the tone and pacing. Hulk is not an action movie, nor was it ever meant to be. This is a horror film, and by that I mean it's a throwback to a time when the genre wasn't dominated by cheesy "slasher" flicks, but movies that had...well, stories.

I've noticed several critics complaining about the lack of humor in Hulk, but I couldn't disagree more. Hulk biting the tip off that missile? Beautiful! The death of Talbot? Hilarious! I wouldn't call it the worst death ever [cough]Darth Maul[cough], but it was certainly the funniest.

The acting was spotty, but Sam Elliot (I've always been a fan of his) and the gorgeous Jennifer Connelly were excellent. Hey Jennifer, I'm still waiting for The Rocketeer 2, any word on that? Eric Bana's Banner was decent, but nowhere near the "milksop" from the Kirby era and certainly not the humanitarian that Bixby portrayed. I never truly felt sorry for this film's Banner, even though I think I was supposed to. He was a victim and the Hulk was thrust upon him by outside forces. While he risked his life to save the clumsy Harper as well as the entire lab from destruction due to the unleashed gamma rays, I just never felt any impact from that act. Maybe we needed to see how much the lab was in danger, how everyone would be killed if Bruce didn't risk his life. The novel adaptation certainly extends this scene and heightens the drama and suspense considerably. So maybe it was the quickness of the event that left me indifferent. Maybe we just needed Rick Jones to provide an outsider point-of-view, someone in the thick of it that the audience could relate to. As for Nick Nolte, he doesn't just chew the scenery, he devours it and then asks for seconds. He's channeling Colin Clive's Henry Frankenstein and Jack Nicholson's Randle McMurphy here, but he truly frightened me in certain scenes so he did his job well.

The CG Hulk? Better than I thought. I felt his daytime scenes worked better than when he appeared in the dark. There were certain scenes where he truly had "weight", but others where he seemed like a giant gummi bear. I'm not complaining about ILM's creation at all however. He was as the Hulk should be, and I can't think of anything that would have made him better. 'Nuff said.

The comic-style panels and wipes? I thought they were well done and never distracting. I enjoyed the use of comic fonts in the opening and closing credits. That was a nice touch. Danny Elfman's score was good, but none of it was nearly as memorable as his Tim Burton collaborations.

All in all, this film is no Daredevil, which still ranks as the top Marvel movie for me, but a enjoyable experience without a doubt.

wrenchien said:
And to note, i swear i saw betsy ross have a gamma flare in her eyes during a promo.. could she be she-hulk in hulk 2?
While I didn't catch this in the film or promos, it is touched upon in the recent Hulk video game, which is a semi-sequel to the movie.

- Cap

Good Ol' Batmanuel!

Dressing for success?
Nov 27, 2001
Ontario, Canada, Earth
JLApe said:
In the theater where I saw the movie, audiences didn't respond to it with as much fanfare as they did with X2. They were applauding and cheering every other minute in X2 (even for the Colossus cameo). For the Hulk, hardly anybody clapped. But there were lots of laughs.
Wow. You must live in a hyperactive neighborhood! :p The last movie I saw where there was honest-to-goodness "old school" applause after a movie was Star Trek IV! (sure, they clapped for the Star Wars Trilogy, but that's expected. ;)) And during? I don't remember a single time. I wish I could see movies at the theater you went to!

As for me, I saw The Hulk tonight and was mightily impressed! The CGI went above and beyond my expectations and although the story was way off the comic book version, it was very good nonetheless. I rate it "HULK SMASH!"

The Guard

No Matter The Cost
Oct 31, 2001
oh and you can not learn fluant[sp] spanish in 1 year

Yes you can. Especially if you already know any Spanish (which most scientists, being high school grads, would), and are forced to speak it day in and day out.

Jennifer Connelly was solid here. Not exactly a standout, but she did her role. Plus, she is still nice to look at.

She really had very little to work with. I was somewhat disappointed in Jennifer Connelly's role. She seemed very "eye candy", with not much of a character behind her. That's not her fault, it's the writers' fault.

This is a horror film, and by that I mean it's a throwback to a time when the genre wasn't dominated by cheesy "slasher" flicks, but movies that had...well, stories.

I don't think it's a horror film, although yes, it has elements of Jekyll and Hyde and Frankenstein. But I think the best way to describe HULK is that it's a pyschodrama.

While he risked his life to save the clumsy Harper as well as the entire lab from destruction due to the unleashed gamma rays, I just never felt any impact from that act.

That had to be the worst origin sequence ever. POOTIE TANG had a better origin sequence. Banner stood there for like 2 seconds, we see his body go black and white, and then what...nothing. That scene had no impact.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2002
just got home from seeing the Hulk I thought it was great and cant wait for the DVD. the Cgi hulk didnt bother me he looked real to me.the backstory at the first was interesting I never read a hulk comic book I was a fan of the tv show when it was on re runs in the 80's and i think early 90's.the person who played General Ross was great. i was confused at first since i played the game and general ryker was in it.
but the desert base sequence was awesome.I cant wait for the DVD.
but for gods sake people please turn off your cell phones it even says so at the start of the movie I had two people cell phones go off and they answered and started a conversation.I guess some people dont understand Silence. I gave it a Hulk friggin Smash


Active Member
Mar 8, 2002
A mindless orgy of destruction and violence... an AWESOME mindless orgy of destruction and violence. :p Don't really have much to say, it was just another comic book movie... the whole chase scene with Hulk was just awesome, I didn't mind the CGI at all, I enjoyed the split-panelling thing... the human drama was good, it did whatever it set out to do. I wasn't expecting this to be the greatest movie ever, but it met my expectations.




Bringer of Darkness
May 1, 2001
Rochester, NY
I was kind of disappointed by this movie... I think it could have been a lot better.

You can count me in the camp that didn't like the use of split-screening to create comic book panels. I admire Ang Lee for trying something different, but, I felt it "took me out" of the film every time it happened. The highest achievement a film can make is to engross the viewer so much that they forget they are watching a film, and every time one of the quirky transitions, jump cuts or split screens happened, I felt it was too jarring.

Mostly what I didn't like was turning Bruce's father into the Absorbing Man, and having them duke it out at the end. I thought that was really pushing it, and for a movie about a man who turns into a green monster, you can only stretch believability so far... Nolte turning into the energy being and all at the end was too much. And for someone who reads about men who fly and walk on walls every week to say that was a little too "out there" is telling you something.

My other complaint was about Bruce Banner himself. I dont know if it was just the way Eric Bana played him, but, man, it seemed like he was always angry! In just about every scene I was like, "is he going to change right now?" He just always seemed pissed... Not to compare it to the show, but, Bixby's Banner always seemed like the nicest guy, like you wanted to sit down and just have coffee with the dude. Bana seemed like he was always ready to lose it, so there wasn't enough contrast, I felt.

Okay... now, what I really, really, really liked... was all the stuff where we got to see the Hulk in action. Was the CGI perfect? No, but it looked a lot better than I think we'd all expected, and I was really impressed by it. Seeing the Hulk smash tanks, beat up those dogs, and do the huge jumps! It was great! To see Desert Base, and General Ross, and the fights in the mountains and in the desert, man, that was all straight out of the comics, and it was perfect! I could have watched that for two hours. And it was great being able to see the whole transformation at once (as compared to just seeing his arm... then his foot... etc, on the TV series).

I liked that they did include Bruce's dad killing his mom in front of him (that's also from the comics, the Peter David era), but some of the other stuff they threw in was unnecessary, I thought.

If you gave me a chance to re-edit this movie a la the Episode I Phantom Edit, I'd cut down the first hour a little (it moved too slowly), cut out anything and everything having to do with Bruce's dad having powers (yes, that means the whole ending has to go... you can roll credits after the Hulk's last fight with the military, when Bruce and Betty are hugging each other), and lose all the crazy transitions and split screens. Is that drastic? Maybe, but I think it would make for a more solid film.


Active Member
Mar 8, 2002

How about that Peter Pan trailer? THAT doesn't look too bad. And I love the song Clocks.


On the Cruise!
Jul 22, 2002
Miami, Humidityville
man did I have an experience. first I went ot a theatre that I don't like to begin with, I went to see the 9:30 showing. at 9:30 they started SEATING us. Anyway at 10:15 the commercials finally start and the film scres up, halfway thru the Peter Pan ad theycut out and the lights came bakc on. then we got a new set of ads. Other than Cat in the Hat nothing really worht noting (no Punisher, damn). I was pissed and HOPING TO GOD the movie wouldn't suck on top of what I had endured. Thankfully I was thorougly impressed. Also the place was a mess, I got up to refil my drink, and on the way back to my seat I slipped in somehting ont he floor and fell onto the girl who was sittin next to me. I'm glad I didn't hurt her.

I loved the Comic panels, it really helped set this movie aside from other Superhero flicks. The acting and CGI were stupendous (the gamma dogs looked like ass tho). The action scenes were top notch.

I would have preferred the Hulk to say a bit more, but it's nothing that really bugs me.

Talbot was useless to me, the only real unneccesary character, he could have been taken out after the Hulk hit him in Banner's house and I wouldn't have even thoguth twice about it.

It's no Spiderman and X-men. but it kicks the crap outta Daredevil anyday of the week.

4 stars

BTW I'm NEVER going back to that theatre again. The only reason I didn't complain to the manager was cuz I liked the movie.


Let's Rock!
May 2, 2001
Woodbridge, Ontario
I loved it! The Hulk rocked! When the g/f comes back from vac, I'll see it again.
I did not mind the split screens as I've been watching the 1st season of 24 and does not take anything away or deter or "make my head hurt".

What did I learn? Do not go to 1:30pm showings of a movie. Damn kids & parents for not taking responsibility! I remember my father taking me to ET & Indiana Jones, and you would sit down and watch the movie, or if you cannot behave, you get taken home and miss the movie. The respect for other people has gone right out the window in the last 20 years. I sometimes wonder why I go to movies.

What is Talbot's status in the comic? My only reference is with the cartoon of 1982 & 1996. He character was that of a chicken who would do anything to get Betty.


An astronaut!
Jan 6, 2002
Madison, WI
Saw it over the weekend..... it wasn't bad by a long shot, unfortunately it wasn't frellin' brilliant... it was above average, but not worth more than a matinee.

Ang Lee seems to be trying too hard to be Sam Raimi and in doing that tries to out do Raimi in his Raimi-ness.

Multiple boxes will appear on screen at the same time giving different angles to the same shot and what it's trying to do in a charming attempt is make the screen play out like a comic book would. I thought it was an admirable try, but just not something the guy who directed motherlovin' Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon needs to do. I mean, if you've directed CT, HD you don't need to try and imitate anybody... but he does and that's a bit disappointing.

Also, I was hoping to see Bruce Banner be that everyman that all of us are who get picked on alot, seem to run into an endless stream of bad luck and then get picked on because of that along with other constant frustrations in life that eventually make you want to "SMASH!!! But.. his Hulk fits seem more chemically imbalanced induced or only after constant and repeated slapping while someboy screams in his face.

I've never beena Hulk reader, but I caught a bit of what makes him cool in the Ultimates comic book, where it's alot more subtle cerebral and frustrating to see Bruce get picked on even tho they know when made angry he turns into a monster that eats people.

As a geek it seems an obligation to see it, and I think you'll enjoy it more if your expectations are low.


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