JETIX > Toonami


An astronaut!
Jan 6, 2002
Madison, WI
Presentation and line-up-wise..... I never thought I'd see it happen but Jetix pwns Toonami.

It's presentation is fun, energetic, and even interactive with their website. The line-up ranges from their latest to 80's classic Spider-Man and his Amazing friends.

Their promos bring all the shows together under a single energetic philosphy of fun that seems to show great love for all its shows.

Toonami......... dude, what happened? :sad:

Much of what made Toonami great has just bee gutted from it, leaving behind a souless colossus that lumbers along with some good shows, but no adhesion.

It's like they're not even trying anymore. Is this heavily scaled down version of Toonami beneficial at all?


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
Haven't had one of these in a few weeks...

While yes, Toonami's presentation is a bit lacking, Jetix's is far from perfect. The CG is still far too bland and just doesn't try as much as Toonami's CG, not to mention that the coloring for Jetix is awful. And I personally loathe block presentations that have the actual characters interact horribly. And I still have no clue what that stupid grey ball thingy is.

As for lineups, Toonami's has far more punch to it. W.i.t.c.h. and PR are great fun to watch, but Naruto is one of the best shonens right now, Zatch Bell is always great fun to watch, Duel Masters has regained most of its previous awesomeness, JLU is one of the best damn cartoons on the air right now, Bobobo is hilarious and wacky, and even horribly dubbed, One Piece is still fun. Monkey Force and Dragon Booster, from what I've watched of them, don't really try and go beyond their basic formulas (though I don't know who's fault that is). Not to mention that Toonami still has an edge to it that other blocks don't. I mean, really, can you imagine Ultimate Avengers on Jetix?

Jetix's greatest asset is the sheer number of hours they get to work with. Not to mention that Toonami has some awesome stuff coming down the pipe that'll likely continue Toonami's excellence lineup-wise (which, except for Wulin, has been damn awesome for the past few months).

William C. Maune

TZ News Editor in Chief
Nov 26, 2001
Castle Wyvern, Missouri
I must definitely disagree. Toonami's presentation may not be what it once was, but I think it is still well above Jetix. I'll take the Toonami bumpers over that Jetix thing bouncing around any day. Toonami's promos may be different from what they once were, but I think it is a stylistic choice. Previously we just had general show promos that aired for months at a time. These days we instead get multiple new promos for the line-up every single week. That takes a lot more work considering how much more promo-material they have to put out. Finally presentation-wise, I don't see anything on Jetix that really compares to the video game reviews, interviews, and sometimes music videos, that Toonami has.

Line-up-wise, I think Toonami clearly has Jetix beat. When Toonami reruns stuff there is a lot of complaining. If Toonami was continually running some of those 80s and 90s cartoons that Jetix has been airing since their block started, it wouldn't be drawing a positive reaction at all. Jetix does have some fun shows (Power Rangers, W.I.T.C.H., Spider-man), but they can't top the combo of Zatch Bell, Naruto, Bo-bobo, Teen Titans and JLU. I'd even say Duel Masters is better than the majority of the Jetix line-up.

As a block Jetix is definitely moving up and it has potential, but it still needs a lot of work. Compared to Toonami it still has a lot of stuff rerun into the ground and a lot of mediocre shows. Presentation-wise it just doesn't seem all that inspired to me and it doesn't really do anything to draw me into the block. Toonami's presentation may be lacking compared to eras of the past, but I think it is still a cut above anything else out there. Line-up-wise, I'd say the current era of Toonami holds up favorably compared to any Toonami era in the past. I urge to take a harder look at Jetix. I think your dissapointment in Toonami may be causing you to prop up Jetix more than it deserves. Toonami may have fallen more towards generic action block in some respects, but to me, Jetix is pretty much the definition of generic action block.

William C. Maune

TZ News Editor in Chief
Nov 26, 2001
Castle Wyvern, Missouri
Lord Dalek said:
I'll take Power Rangers over Hacked Piece anyday.

So would I. However, I'd also take Naruto over Digimon anyday. Both have their good and bad shows. However, I think overall that the Toonami line-up is definitely superior. Most of the Toonami shows probably couldn't even air on Jetix due to content. Heck, Jetix even airs edited episodes of things like Spider-man that aired uncut on Fox Kids back in the day (and even in the uncut version Spider-man isn't allowed to punch anyone!).


Staff member
Feb 21, 2003
Arlington, VA

Maybe that keeps kids' attention, but I wouldn't call it "good presentation."

Lineup is a stronger area. Yeah, there's some decent stuff over there (and yeah, I do think Spider Man & X-men TAS have a place on TV), and whenever Oban Star Racers gets on the air that should be a big feather in its cap if its as neat a show as it looks. However, it doesn't beat Toonami. Naruto and Justice League alone put it ahead on that count.

I'd also add that I'd take Toonami's worst over some of the D grade crap Jetix puts on the air without a second thought.


Long Live the Fighter!
Staff member
Mar 11, 2005
California, USA
It's cool that Jetix has classic shows that haven't aired since the old days of Fox Kids, but that's the only good thing about the block. Everything else...I just can't stand it. Toonami beats Jetix in more ways than one for these reasons:

1) Far less reruns. Save for 1 or 2 time-slots, 95% of Toonami is new EVERY WEEK!

2) Better, un-generic presentation. Duke put it best; the characters from their respective series interacting in promos is annoying. (Remember 4KidsTV's Star-Spangled Banner? *shudder*)

3) Better shows. Toonami is sort of a borderline Adult Swim Action-esque block. It's not entirely for adults, but it has shows with a lot of action and a "mature" feel to it.

Using these elements, Toonami carries a kind of attitude where they talk to the audience like they're your friend; the kind of friend where you wanna chill out with them for a few hours and enjoy a movie or a round of Halo or something. Jetix makes you feel like you're at a doctor's office, being forcefed a spoonful of Children's Tylenol atop a sugar cube.


Feb 1, 2006
Okay, forgive me for not reading more than one line of the first post, but I'm ready to give my opinion anyway.

Toonami's lineup, while occasionally getting some rotten eggs, is usually overall very good. There's never been a time where there's not at least ONE show on Toonami I didn't like.

Toonami's presentation, IMHO, is the best of any younger-audience TV segment I've ever seen. Some awesome robot guy with a cool voice (wow, but didn't they change his voice recently? anyway...) flying through space ina huge cool spaceship transmitting the best action shows from around the planet to your TV. And all the little CG-scenes with TOM have always been super-cool, with very snazzy music and intresting characters like the female embodiment of his ship's computer and his little CLYDE robots. And even when TOM was a short fat pot-bellied Bomberman, even back when Moltar hosted, it's always been cool anyway.

If nothing else, I don't like the newer scenes with the weird robotic frogs on some strange planet and all that. And I don't like Tom's voice last time I watched Toonami and it seemed quite messed up. But other than that, I love Toonami.


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
JMorgan said:
(wow, but didn't they change his voice recently? anyway...)
TOM's been voiced by Steven Blum ever since TOM2 appaeared in "The Intruder" about, what, 5 years ago? Before that, he was voiced by Sonny Strait.


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
William C. Maune said:
He may not appear as much as he used to, but TOM and Sara are still around. TOM's voice is still heard quite a bit too. (Jetix thing doesn't even have a voice.
I think he's talking about Toonami UK...


Everypony's Starry-Eyed
Jul 23, 2003
It matters not.
Toonami > Jetix. At least Toonami is not attempting to (or can't) to dominate the majority of the day with their programming like Jetix is.


An astronaut!
Jan 6, 2002
Madison, WI
Show for show, Toonami's got a stronger arsenal, but it's only on once a week. I just don't see Toonami being handled as the power it could be and Jetix's influence is being used like mad.

I don't watch Jetix out side of Power Rangers, but what I see of its presentation is fluid and energetic.

To me, the shows are their own. The block is what extra is brought to the time slot to make the experience special. And lately even the Toonami bumpers are uninspired.... all except for Zatch Bell who's sound bites, music and scenes are well chosen.

Other shows tho are random and uninspired. Just picking a random punch or whatever.

What I used to like about Toonami is even if the line-up wasn't full of powerhouses, the way it was all brought together made the full block fun and seem like the block loved all its shows.

Toonami's presentation lately is heavily sedated and some shows seem more loved than others and don't really seemed joined in any kind of philosphy or that the block even understands why a given show is cool.... outside of Zatch Bell. So far I wish the presentation surrounding Zatch Bell (it using a gorram generic American intro not withstanding) has been well done and fun.

While it may not have the shows, the way all the shows are brought together on the Jetix block have a cohesian energy about it that Toonami used to have.

And it's on more hours. Their block, while not having the shows, per se, seems to be much better utilized for the channel. Toonami just lacks the fun it used to have and doesn't even seem to be trying to have any fun, where as Jetix may be endlessly looping their reruns, the presentation makes it all seem fun and new.... kinda like Toonami used to do.

I complain, because I care. I don't want Toonami to ever end, but gorram... it's like they're not even trying. Good line-up... strong... but Toonami itself... so much more could be done so easily.


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
JohnCrichton said:
And it's on more hours.
That's because Jetix is getting its own channel, thus taking over Toon Disney. Toonami isn't taking over CN anytime soon.

William C. Maune

TZ News Editor in Chief
Nov 26, 2001
Castle Wyvern, Missouri
JohnCrichton said:
I don't watch Jetix out side of Power Rangers, but what I see of its presentation is fluid and energetic.

If that's all you watch, then how much of the Jetix presentation have you really seen? Plus, the Jetix presentation can't be that great if it doesn't get you to stick around. That was the great thing about Toonami's presentation, people would stick around just due to the presentation alone. While I don't think Toonami's presentation is as good as it was (although I don't think Zatch Bell is the only show with good bumpers), I think it is still above Jetix. Jetix may have a cohesive presentation, but I can't say it is a good presenation, seems too sugary and grating on the ears and eyes to me, even if it is consistent.

As far as number of hours goes, that isn't really a factor to me. Instead, the question is more how well utilized is the time the block has. Jetix has a lot of time, but it seems more just like a bunch of shows thrown together. The timeslots change a lot more than Toonami and the premieres are all over the place (we hardly knew what timeslot/channel new SPD would premiere in each week). Toonami may only have 4 hours, but it is a jam packed 4 hours. You'd be hard pressed to find a more action-packed 4 hours anywhere else. Jetix may have a lot more hours, but those hours aren't utilized as well as Toonami's Saturday night.


Feb 11, 2003
how can you guys use Jetix's reruns against Toonami's not having many of them :confused: when Toonami was 5 days a week it had less show variety and more reruns

I never watched Jetix so I cant comment on the shows or presentation but if you let me bring Miguzi intho this :anime: since day 1 its had better more lively and interactive presentation (and occasionally better lineup) than Toonami


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