"Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two" Animated Release Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
The Justice League and Team RWBY reunite on Earth to face off against a Grimm invasion and the real enemy pulling the strings.


Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two
Studio: Warner Bros. Animation
Release Date: October 17, 2023 Digital; October 31, 2023 4K, Blu-ray, DVD; January 29, 2024 Max Streaming Service

Synopsis: On the heels of successfully escaping a deadly digital trap, the members of the Justice League emerge in their own world to discover that Grimm, ravenous creatures from Remnant, have overtaken Earth! In order to defeat the monsters, they must call on their new friends – Team RWBY – for help!

Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two – Special Features
4K, Blu-ray and Digital

-You look…Different: RWBY on Earth (New Featurette) - Earth is not exactly the same as Remnant, the world where Team RWBY live. The enemies are different. The Justice League heroes are different. And Team RWBY's powers? They’re all extremely different. In this featurette, we get a closer look at Team RWBY on Earth.
-I've Got Your Back (New Featurette) - In Part One, Justice League and RWBY members had to work together to save Remnant. Now in Part Two, on Earth, they all must work together to save each other. In this featurette, we get into the story behind so many of the characters saving each other both physically and emotionally.

Related threads:
-News and Discussion Thread
-Part One Talkback Thread

Discuss the Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two animated release here!

Please note this talkback is for both the Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes and Huntsmen Part Two animated feature and all aspects of the assorted home media releases. Spoilers are allowed, so those who have yet to see the movie may want to avoid this thread until they have.

Note: We appreciate and encourage discussion, but please keep your posts civil, relevant and insightful. And remember to keep the discussion on-topic!
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Unfortunately, I found it dull and I nodded off twice. Lot of the same issues as Part One: If you never watched RWBY, this movie lacks of lot of context and gives the viewer homework if they want to know what's going on and who likes homework? And non-stop fights that go on way too long. Some were entertaining, sure. But just went on and on and on. A meh/cliche resolution trapping the tech villain(s) in tech after their uneasy alliance is shattered by a slip of the tongue. But I'm sure the RWBY fans enjoyed this way more than the DC fans did.

In terms of DC references
-Black Canary mentions Green Arrow
-There's a DC logo hidden in a Gotham City scene
-Riddler and Catwoman are mentioned when Vixen and Batman talk
-Joker and Harley have a cameo watching Gotham in chaos from a roof
-It's mentioned Fire is fighting Grimm in Brazil, Titans in San Francisco, and Green Arrow in Star City
-Weiss has Mr. Freeze's Freeze Gun, Blake has Deathstroke's weapons, Yang has Heatwave's Heat Gun, and Ruby has Scarecrow's sickle
-Flash stops at a Jitters and sees his digital possessed self. It's a chain of coffee shops in Central City popularized by the CW show.
-Superman mentions Jor-El and Lara and Thomas and Martha Wayne after training with Ruby
-Kilg%re in Beringel is referred to as Gorilla Grodd
-Shazam has a cameo on the screen at the end, implying he helped fight Grimm in Paris
-At the end, Cyborg mentions Lex Luthor
-In the final shot of the JL with their backs to the audience, on the left is Lexcorp.

RWBY references
-The events of this movie take place after Volume 9, the 1st evidence of this being Team RWBY on patrol in Vacuo
-Ruby fighting recklessly against the Taijitu ties back to Volume 9 where she went through some trauma and was mentally broken from pressures of being leader, PTSD, Imposter Syndrome, anxiety, depression all surfacing at once. Basically, she had a mental health arc.
-After the Taijitu fight, it's mentioned the team fought a Sulfur Fish prior. It's another type of Grimm, basically a big silverfish that wants to stab you
-The fall of Atlas weighs on Weiss, it happened in Vol. 8 ep. 14 "The Final Word"
-Weiss's call list
--Row 1: Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Lie Ren, Oscar Pine
--Row 2: Winter Schnee (older sister), Whitley Schnee (younger brother), Willow Schnee (mother), and Maria Calavera (a retired huntress who first appeared in Vol. 6's "Argus Limited")
-Jacques Schnee is mentioned when Weiss talks to Klein (who used to be the Schnee family butler)
-When the difference in time between Earth and Remnant is discovered, RWBY alludes to knowing something about that - an allusion to being trapped in Ever After in Volume 9. It's a realm where the gods were said to originate and is sort of a heaven, Garden of Eden, afterlife kind of place.
-Salem is the big bad of the RWBY franchise
-The first image tease of Tyrian is from Vol. 7 ep 3 "Ace Operatives"
-The second image tease of Tyrian is from Vol. 7 ep 6 "A Night Off"
-RWBY alludes to Tyrian poisoning them before. In Vol. 4 ep 7 "Punished", Yang's uncle was poisoned by Tyrian then Ruby slices his stinger off.
-Shot of Salem and Tyrian from Vol. 4 ep 1 "The Next Step"
-RWBY recalls their encounter with Dr. Merlot in RWBY: Grimm Eclipse
-First image of Arthur is from Vol. 5 ep 2 "Dread in the Air"
-Second image of Arthur is from Vol. 7 ep 2 "A New Approach"
-Third image of Arthur is from Vol. 7 ep 6 "A Night Off"
-RWBY refers to Arthur faking his death, this was prior to the show start was is referred to as the Paladin Incident
-Ruby's mother Summer comes up. She died when Ruby and Yang were very young. Though never revealed, the implication is she was murdered by Salem
-Yang alludes to losing her identity, she grappled with that after losing her arm in Vol. 3 ep. 11 "Heroes and Monsters"
-Yang's mother Raven Branwen is mentioned. She abandoned Yang not long after her birth to take over her tribe and after a disagreement with her brother about trusting Ozpin.
-Amity Colosseum appears as one of the digital landscapes. The real one was a floating battle arena in Atlas but in Volume 8 ep 5, it was attacked by one of the big bads Cinder Fall and plummeted into the frozen north but by the end of Volume 9, it was repaired as a battleship and floats above Vacuo.

Other references
-In Arthur and Kilg%re's first scene, the definition of insanity is mentioned - usually a quote attributed to Albert Einstein. "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
-Not in Kansas anymore - Wizard of Oz nod.
-Sea Feilong is referred to as the Loch Ness Monster
-Invasion of the Body Snatchers is alluded to in reference to Kilg%re jumping from person to person

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
I've never watched RWBY before these movies, so I too was in the dark about some things. I got the general gist of the characters and setting, but I feel like certain things (such as those glimpses of characters in the one-second flashbacks) would only be beneficial to long-time viewers.

Anyway, I think I liked part 1 better, because it was a brand new setting rather than the usual DC locales, and the Justice League crew looked quite a bit different in that universe- whereas when the RWBY crew came to our world, they didn't change their looks that much.

Also, this is a minor nitpick but does anyone else think Wonder Woman looked... odd in CG? The other characters fared okay but she just looked off.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2010
Lackawanna, NY
I've never watched RWBY before these movies, so I too was in the dark about some things. I got the general gist of the characters and setting, but I feel like certain things (such as those glimpses of characters in the one-second flashbacks) would only be beneficial to long-time viewers.

Anyway, I think I liked part 1 better, because it was a brand new setting rather than the usual DC locales, and the Justice League crew looked quite a bit different in that universe- whereas when the RWBY crew came to our world, they didn't change their looks that much.

Also, this is a minor nitpick but does anyone else think Wonder Woman looked... odd in CG? The other characters fared okay but she just off.
Your critiques seem fair. I'm more familiar with RWBY but I am a bit behind, so I wasn't up on every reference made in the film. Even so, I could generally follow pretty well. I really liked the dynamics between the characters in Part 2.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen: Part Two

I seem to recall giving the first part a positive review. Either I was in a better mood or I just wasn't feeling this one.

I guess the thing I responded to in the first one was how different from the rest of DC Comics it was, and how it sort of gave me a good feel for the RWBY franchise. In the DC half of the crossover, things felt a lot more familiar, or standard, if you were being less charitable. The action sequences in the climax were good, and I DO think it had a reasonably satisfying ending. But it didn't really endear me to either franchise, which is the entire point of a crossover to begin with.

Take note: Jamie Chung gets top billing in the credits for her small role as Black Canary. That's really how starved for celebrities the project actually was.

It was all right, but DC puts out a ton of cartoon movies, and I suspect I will forget this one rather quickly. I did like the first, but it IS already a bit hazy to me. Eh. ***.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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