Kazuki Takahashi (creator of Yu-Gi-Oh) dies at 60

Big Frank

May 11, 2022
Parts unknown
[Breaking news] Kazuki Takahashi, author of the popular manga "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Died in Nago, Okinawa

Google translation of the Japanese article:

It turns out that Kazuki Takahashi, his real name, and Kazumasa, the creator of the popular manga "Yu-Gi-Oh!" For boys, have died. According to the Nago Coast Guard Nago, a marine leisure company reported yesterday morning that "something that looks like a corpse is floating" off the coast of Nago City, Okinawa Prefecture. The body was found 300 meters offshore and was confirmed dead by fire on the spot. The person who died was Kazuki Takahashi, his real name, Kazumasa, 60 years old, the author of the popular manga "Yu-Gi-Oh!" For boys. Mr. Takahashi was visiting for sightseeing by himself, and at around 9 pm yesterday, if he could not contact Mr. Takahashi, the rental car company consulted with the police, and the Japan Coast Guard was investigating the body as Mr. Takahashi. .. According to the fire department, the abdomen and lower body were damaged, which seems to have been attached to marine organisms such as sharks.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
He was wearing snorkeling equipment, so it may (and I stress “may”) have been a diving accident.

Whatever the case, it’s a real tragedy. I hope his family will be okay; my condolences to them.

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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
The article on Anime News Network also mentions that he was found with snorkeling gear, but the police are still investigating the events that led up to his death: Yu-Gi-Oh Manga Creator Kazuki Takahashi Passes Away at 60

This was incredibly depressing and shocking news to see right when I woke up this morning. I think I'm still processing it because it almost feels unreal. I remember watching the Yu-Gi-Oh! dub back on the day on Kids' WB. The ending to the Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon duel got me hooked onto the series and I've been a fan of the franchise ever since. I have so many fond memories of watching the dub, I loved the characters, their friendships and I was invested in the storyline so much that I was pretty sad when it was over. Yami Yugi was such a cool and iconic protagonist too. I've only read up to early Battle City of the manga. It was definitely interesting to see how the manga differed from the anime, but I was still more interested in watching the anime than reading the manga. I should try to get the rest of the three-in-one volumes or buy the volumes all digitally one of these days. I should also finish watching DM subbed too.

This franchise has always meant so much to me and I'm not sure if I can really capture that into words properly. I've made friends through our similar interests in both Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh!, I've played the card game for years and I continue to watch each new series. Without Yu-Gi-Oh!, I don't know if I would have made these connections. My favorite series in the entire franchise is Arc V and neither that or any of the spin-off series would exist without the original manga creating the foundation of this franchise.

Kazuki Takahashi writing The Darkside of Dimensions movie really made it stand out. While it was following the manga continuity since Kaiba wasn't present for the Ceremonial Duel between Yugi and Atem, it still felt like a solid epilogue movie for both the manga and the anime. It gave the DM characters closure that I didn't think I needed after all this time, had some pretty great duels and great moments for a lot of the characters, particularly Yugi and Kaiba. It made me happy that I've been a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan all these years because it was such a good celebration for the manga's then 20th anniversary. Only Arc V has made me feel happy to be a fan of this franchise like that as well.

While he hasn't been too involved with most of the spin-off series, especially when I think they had other people design the characters starting with Zexal or Arc V, he'd still post artwork of the characters from time to time, usually Yami Yugi or Kaiba. I remember he posted artwork of the various DM characters playing Pokemon Go when that started too. It's incredibly sad to know that he won't be able to draw images like that again or work on other projects. After how physically demanding it was for him to work on the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga, as I recall he was really sick during the last arc, I think he wanted a less stressful work schedule and hopefully he had enough royalties from the franchise getting so huge that he didn't have to worry too much about funds either.

Honestly, 60 seems far too young and his death being so sudden like this makes it feel all the more tragic. I hope that Kazuk Takahashi is at peace and that he knows how much his work touched the lives of so many people. I hope that his family and friends will be okay as well.


New Member
Jul 9, 2018
Main Street USA
Thanks, Kazuki. RIP legend.

Key animation by Kazuki Takahashi:


Official statement from Konami:


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
This...this is an utter punch in the gut.

Yu-Gi-Oh! was such a huge part of my childhood and got me into the whole card game phenomenon and I've followed it from every spinoff, new season, and variant of the game and series to this very day. And I still remember religiously watching the original Dual Monsters anime as a kid.

And to have him go out like this...he deserved so much better.

RIP Takahashi-san. Thank you for all that you did as a creator and mangaka, from coming up with such an amazing franchise with so many great designs/characters, to in general just being who you are. Your legacy will live on.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
Man, this was awful news to wake up to this morning. I've been a big Yu-Gi-Oh! fan for years, and it's all thanks to the manga. I maintain that he was one of the most underrated artists in Jump; the jump in quality his art showed in the early volumes was crazy.

A silver lining was seeing all the tributes and fanart on Twitter celebrating his career. It was very heartwarming.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
It was quite touching to see so many tributes and heartfelt statements yesterday from fans and people within the industry too. There was one comment he made in the manga that really broke my heart:

I've seen it before over the years, but reading it shortly after learning of his passing made it all hit really hard for me. I truly hope that he knows how much his work helped to bring people together. I wouldn't have made some of my dearest friends without this manga.

There are also quite a few touching comments from both English and Japanese voice actors here:



Slacker Musketeer
Sep 9, 2018
Yu-Gi-Oh! I’m not as fond of as Pokémon due to being more complex but there was no better supplementary series to Pokémon than Yu-Gi-Oh! given Duel Monsters ran in conjunction with Pokémon on Kids WB. And was 4Kids flagship series when they lost Pokémon.

The card game was a less cumbersome than Pokémon cards because it didn’t need energy cards. I also greatly prefer Yu-Gi-Oh! over Magic: The Gathering which I had a hard time getting into.

I’ll be honest Konami in general sucks nowadays but Yu-Gi-Oh! is their saving grace.

Rest In Peace Takahashi


May 25, 2010
Cartoon Headquarters
Otherwise I agree. YuGiOh is in the top 10, maybe even top 5, of toyetic kids anime with the likes of Pokémon, Digimon and Beyblade. Symbolically at least this is tribute worthy. Never got into it, but still. Bye, sir.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
There's now an update, but I can't post a link from where I am.

Crunchyroll is saying that the Mainichi Shinbun is saying that he did in fact drown, but that it's likely that there isn't foul play.


The worst part about this is that he had gone snorkeling alone, which you should never...ever...ever...EVER do. In other words the world lost the creator of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise because of something that (from what I understand) was preventable.

Remember, everyone. Whenever you do something that involves the water, whether it's swimming, diving, snorkeling, or anything else, you must always, and I mean ALWAYS do it with someone else. It's called the buddy system for a reason...

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Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Here is a link for the update: Autopsy Concludes Yu-Gi-Oh Manga Creator Kazuki Takahashi Died by Drowning

I unfortunately thought that was going to be the case. While I obviously wish that he didn't die in the first place, I was hoping that he at least passed on without any pain or suffering. Drowning is such a brutal way to go. The fact that it was an accident makes his passing all the more tragic. I don't know how to swim or what people normally do when snorkeling, but the idea that Kazuki Takahashi could have lived if he wasn't snorkeling alone is just heartbreaking. He could have had more time to be with his loved ones and to continue drawing, something he clearly loved to do too. It's so sad and his passing is still hitting me pretty hard.

Hopefully, it does provide at least some comfort to his loved ones knowing that foul play wasn't involved. I've seen a lot of tribute art and messages for him over the past few days. There is some bittersweet beauty in seeing how many people were touched by his work and how much they're sad over his sudden passing too. I hope seeing how much impact Kazuki Takashi had on so many people provides some comfort to his loved ones as well.


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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
Your avatar looks interesting.

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