Looney Tunes Franchise In Trouble?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
“Coyote v. ACME” got shelved, Looney Tunes Cartoons got no promotion for its final batch, and Tiny Toons Looniversity got its first season burned off on Max.

If The Day the Earth Blew Up ends up getting shelved (if no distributor wants to buy it), the franchise is in serious trouble and it could stay on thin ice for years if there is no shakeup in management.

And I am hearing from comments online that WB should sell the franchise. And I hope this is not true.

Zaslav’s push for Harry Potter and DC should not be ignored. And if they no longer want to develop any Looney Tunes spin-offs, Bugs Bunny Builders and Tiny Toons Looniversity could be one of the last spin-offs to end until it remains dormant. And people will start to lose interest.

What about merchandise, gaming, and physical media releases? No one is interested besides just the classic shorts which has a bigger market for adults while all executives just see it as a generic kids brand.

*EDIT. I would love for the franchise to gain major relevancy in pop culture again, but not at a state where Discovery's board of directors prefer to cut costs.
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Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Guys, calm down. The Looney Tunes franchise is not in trouble. When the Discovery merger was first announced, WB's senior shareholders informed Discovery that Looney Tunes was not for sale.

I too hate what just happened with Coyote VS ACME, but let's not start running around like chickens with their heads cut off. The sky isn't falling. Batgirl and Scoob! Holiday Haunt were shelved too, but nobody is speculating that DC and Hanna-Barbera may be in trouble. Even if the studio were to get stripped for parts, WB wouldn't/ won't be parting with Looney Tunes or DC.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Please don't do this. Panicky threads like this only play on people's fear and anxiety. Nothing constructive ever comes from threads like this, especially when there's no factual information to back up the worry.

This latest development concerning Coyote vs Acme isn't a good look
for Warner Discovery. Not in slightest. But at the same time let's try to keep our heads and not act like the planet is about to collapse onto itself like a neutron star.

Warner Brothers is NOT planning to sell or terminate Looney Tunes. That fear is pure fabrication.
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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
If people want to do something, show your support for the artists, writers and animators who spent years working on the movie and now have nothing to show for it. Walking around with "The end is near" signs doesn't help anyone in the slightest.

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
Panic and outrage is blatantly justifiable but if you’re responding to news with “Davie Zazwav is tewawin Looney Tunes to shreds :crying: “ then it’s already something you’re not taking very seriously.

Like... these are people’s lives and careers. It doesn’t matter what IP or corporate franchise is targeted. The fact that just a day after reportedly ending the strike, the same old routine of writing-off on art, and months/years of people’s hard work still happens to be in effect.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Panic and outrage is blatantly justifiable but if you’re responding to news with “Davie Zazwav is tewawin Looney Tunes to shreds :crying: “ then it’s already something you’re not taking very seriously.

Like... these are people’s lives and careers. It doesn’t matter what IP or corporate franchise is targeted. The fact that just a day after reportedly ending the strike, the same old routine of writing-off on art, and months/years of people’s hard work still happens to be in effect.
On point as always. I'm worried about the artists and creators. I'll leave the worrying about cartoon characters to other people.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
The (ugh) "brand" has been struggling to maintain or regain cultural relevance for pretty much all of the current century. The environments that allowed them to flourish so strongly in the 20th Century (Cartoons before theatrical films, syndication, Saturday morning, different packages for different channels) are all gone, and have been for a while. This isn't even the first time a project with these characters has been shelved; in 03/04 6 of a planned 30 or so shorts were completed but were felt disappointing enough that all but 1 of them went unreleased. OK, that's an exaggeration; they were released as Australia-exclusive DVD extras. Granted, that's better than being written off, but it wasn't exactly a success story. Still, the "brand" has hobbled on for a further 20 years. So as ever; down, but not out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
If people want to do something, show your support for the artists, writers and animators who spent years working on the movie and now have nothing to show for it. Walking around with "The end is near" signs doesn't help anyone in the slightest.
Edited my main post. I am more concerned with how Discovery has been given little promotion to kids and animation, and they just admitted this in their recent quarterly earnings call.

It is understandable to go in a different direction. I applaud that they are pivoting away from a "streaming first" model that was highly preferred during COVID, but that has shifted and it turns out "Coyote v. ACME" and "Batgirl" where major collateral damage. Even The Day the Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie, which HBO Max passed on, was able to find a company that can try to market the movie for worldwide release.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
Please don't do this. Panicky threads like this only play on people's fear and anxiety. Nothing constructive ever comes from threads like this, especially when there's no factual information to back up the worry.

This latest development concerning Coyote vs Acme isn't a good look
for Warner Discovery. Not in slightest. But at the same time let's try to keep our heads and not act like the planet is about to collapse onto itself like a neutron star.

Warner Brothers is NOT planning to sell or terminate Looney Tunes. That fear is pure fabrication.
The (ugh) "brand" has been struggling to maintain or regain cultural relevance for pretty much all of the current century. The environments that allowed them to flourish so strongly in the 20th Century (Cartoons before theatrical films, syndication, Saturday morning, different packages for different channels) are all gone, and have been for a while. This isn't even the first time a project with these characters has been shelved; in 03/04 6 of a planned 30 or so shorts were completed but were felt disappointing enough that all but 1 of them went unreleased. OK, that's an exaggeration; they were released as Australia-exclusive DVD extras. Granted, that's better than being written off, but it wasn't exactly a success story. Still, the "brand" has hobbled on for a further 20 years. So as ever; down, but not out.
Thank you. It wasn't worth it for me worrying about Pepé Le Pew too many times (I do wish they find a suitable story for him in modern times and I doubt he had been written off), and it is not worth it being so worried about the state of the franchise. I do know that projects in development (especially with big brands and franchises) come and go, and it took awhile after AOL Time Warner's collapse and Looney Tunes: Back in Action's underperformance until 2011 when The Looney Tunes Show boosted awareness and renewed interest of the brand. I definitely sense this will happen again long after WBD changes leadership.
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Staff member
Apr 23, 2007
In the now, man
From what I understand, Tiny Toons Looniversity has given Cartoon Network some of its higher ratings in a while, the Looney Tunes Cartoons project has done well enough on Max and CN to justify a feature in the vein of those shorts to release theatrically, we've had a new series of Blu-Ray releases this year release up to two volumes with a third on the way, and the characters appear to be more heavily marketed than they were a decade or so ago during their lowest point. The franchise seems to be doing alright to me.

Yes, Coyote vs. Acme was a low blow, but Scooby-Doo, DC, and even Harry Potter don't seem 100% safe from Zaslav's wrath (remember that Fantastic Beasts was meant to be a five-film franchise but it's all but confirmed that the third film is the end). Even the biggest franchises have the occasional road block.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2019
Čonoplja near Sombor
Yes, Coyote vs. Acme was a low blow, but Scooby-Doo, DC, and even Harry Potter don't seem 100% safe from Zaslav's wrath (remember that Fantastic Beasts was meant to be a five-film franchise but it's all but confirmed that the third film is the end). Even the biggest franchises have the occasional road block.
What caused that Zaslav's wrath? The big success that was Netflix's purge of the upcoming animated projects like the adaptation of Jeff Smith's Bone comic books?


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
What caused that Zaslav's wrath? The big success that was Netflix's purge of the upcoming animated projects like the adaptation of Jeff Smith's Bone comic books?
What freaking success? Hacking and slashing hard-working people's projects just to save a few bucks? I know ALL companies are guilty of this, but I HARDLY called that a "success". But, I digress.

Anyways, to answer the OP's question, no. Looney Tunes franchise is not in trouble. That's a doom-saying way of thinking. Looney Tunes had been going through rough patches for the past several decades, and yet you don't see the franchise getting killed as a result. If that's the case, then Looney Tunes would've been done-zo by the end of the Seven Arts era decades ago.

Like @Silverstar said, Looney Tunes will still be around even after Zaslav was gone. At least we got Bye Bye Bunny, The Day The Earth Blew Up/Bubble Brains, Tiny Toons Looniversity, Bugs Bunny Builders, Animaniacs 2020 (if you count that) and Looney Tunes Cartoons. That was like a Looney Tunes Renaissance for all of us during that time.

Yes, it's very unfortunate that Coyote vs ACME got cancelled, but....so as Batgirl and Scoob Holiday Haunt last year. Last time I checked, I don't hear people say DC and Hanna Barbara were in trouble when both projects got the shaft. (Okay, DC has been a whole mess altogether, but that's a different discussion)

Personally, I'm more concerned for the hard working people who worked on those projects getting screwed over and horribly mistreated more than anything. My hearts goes out to these people because it's so messed up.

With that said, I really hope the franchise can recover from Zaslav's reign and gain major relevancy again and treat the creatives the respect they deserve.


Invader Zim
Jun 16, 2020
You'll Never Know
Looney Tunes, is like the mascot of Warner Bros. It makes them a bunch of money every year, not only in terms of merchandise. The characters are way too iconic to just get rid of. Looney Tunes content is practically tradition, at this point.

Animation will always be a top priority at Warner Bros, and Zaslav knows this. That's why all the upcoming content his here to cater to audience who mainly watch animated shows.

I understand being worried, but this franchise is not in trouble. It's too big. That's like saying Disney will stop making Mickey Mouse content.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2015
What’s New on Max This December

WBD is really giving up on the Looney Tunes.
All remaining classic Looney Tunes shorts, The Looney Tunes Show, and Looney Tunes: Back in Action are leaving Max on December 31st.

If this franchise gets cancelled by Zaslav, I will be super devastated for the rest of my life.
OMG! That’s terrible! WhileI’m worried for the future of Looney Tunes, I’m so glad I didn’t subscribed HBO Max or Max. I guess Looney Tunes are in jeopardy! No thanks to that tyrant Zaslav!


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
What’s New on Max This December

WBD is really giving up on the Looney Tunes.
All remaining classic Looney Tunes shorts, The Looney Tunes Show, and Looney Tunes: Back in Action are leaving Max on December 31st.

If this franchise gets cancelled by Zaslav, I will be super devastated for the rest of my life.
(sighs) I'm REALLY trying my best to not let this news get to me because I've burned before back in August of 2022, but this should not be surprising since this is Zazzie Dog we are talking about here. Then again, I don't have Max anymore since this doesn't really affect me.

Does this really excuse what Zaslav was doing? Cluck NO! He should be fired and blacklisted from the entertainment industry. Point blank, dog!

Besides that, I'm just gonna say this from the bolded part: The Looney Tunes franchise is gonna be fine. I'm not gonna go all Chicken Little by saying the "sky is falling" since now matter how Zaslav was trying to do, Bugs and the gang will still be alive and kicking.

Keep in mind, this is not the first dark age of Looney Tunes, and it certainly won't be its last. Even you admitted it yourself. If the franchise does get cancelled by Zaslav, then why Coyote vs ACME is still being shopped around by other streaming networks? Why The Day the Earth Blew Up is gonna be distributed in theaters? Hell, why is Looney Tunes Cartoons is still on Max? You get the point.

Don't get me wrong, as unfortunate as the classic shorts, the 2011 series, and Back in Action are not gonna be on Max anymore, that doesn't mean that the franchise will go away. It's still a WB icon. Always has and always will be.

Unless there is someone that can handled cartoon franchises with love and respect they deserves, don't be surprised there is gonna be the guy who doesn't really think that way.

Love and support the franchise and the product, not the corporate type.


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