Looney Tunes Franchise In Trouble?


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
^^Zaslav's made himself a target by trying to position himself as the next Hollywood bigwig a la Robert Evans, to the point where he's even moved into Evans' old mansion. He keeps putting himself in front of the camera positing how much he loves storytelling and how much he wants to crack the kids and family entertainment market, then he and his minions pull stunts like cancelling projects and left and right and seemingly not giving a crap about animation, scripted entertainment or the artists who work on it.

Yeah, there are other people in WBD's cabal, but they're not constantly placing themselves in front of the camera like Zaslav does and it's clear that his people are doing his bidding and are following his playbook.

I don't get why you have a problem with people criticizing Zaslav, but he brought the criticism upon himself. When you're the public face of a company, you have to take the flack that comes with being a public figure.
You can definitely say the same thing when people were upset over Ann Sarnoff's decision regarding Zack Snyder. (And Jason Kilar could not do much).


Staff member
Nov 9, 2016
This could have been a disaster and a shows being in streaming limbo is not a minor thing. At first, streaming seemed to make television and film (including animation) more accessible than ever before and the first century or so of those artforms seemed preserved well for public consumption. The original theatrical shorts are some of the greatest cartoons ever made and the Looney Tunes Show, while nowhere near as monumental, is still an important piece of animation history and Max would be missing something if these leave. It's like Max has been so aggravating a service for cartoon fans as they yank stuff away so frequently. I guess Dexter's Laboratory is never coming back to Max. Thank goodness the Looney Tunes get to stay. Now if they can just add the 50s shorts as those are considered peak Looney Tunes.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
What’s New on Max This December

The list has been updated. Looney Tunes and The Looney Tunes Show are no longer scheduled for removal. They were initially added to the list "in error".
The error is excuse word but it is absolutely not error because WBD made a decision to remove Looney Tunes, so changed their mind after major backlash.

I wish that Hollywood unions are compassionate with animated shows.

Because as the acting CEO of Warner Discovery, David Zaslav is seen as the face of the company and he's put his face out there, making himself very much a public figure with his constant interviews and lavish Hollywood parties and many of the recent strategic decisions made for the company are in fact, his. Throwing himself and his Hollywood friends a fancy party on the exact same day that the writers went in strike didn't endear him to general public either.

Let me also answer your question with a question: Why are you so quick to defend Zaslav? Do you know him personally? Is he a relative of yours? If you believe that Zaslav somehow deserves the benefit of the doubt, then I'd really like to know why you feel this way.
Kudos to brothers. David Zaslav and Bob Iger should dance together - corporate studio greeds.

Wait until Zaslav write PPG off for tax purpose, so it will definitely disappoint him big time.


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2019
After some thinking, I do not think the Looney Tunes franchise is in trouble. I can see it go into dormancy for a few years until they announce a new project in development. Who knows what we can expect.

After everything that has happened, I can ensure that nothing terrible will happen to the brand. Last time, Pepé Le Pew, even if controversial is not “dead” or “erased” and eventually we could see him again once good sense prevails. I’ll stay excited and support all current projects.

One last time, the Looney Tunes brand will not die. And Looney Tunes Cartoons, Bugs Bunny Builders and Tiny Toons Looniversity are NOT getting written off.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
Don't let Coyote versus Acme being written off. The movie is NOT getting written off.
You are going to find out this month and if not, next month.

You have to remember that WBD don't read social media and forums, and it is very rare for corporations to reverse if they already made a decision. Much of decisions are final.


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