"Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2" Video Game Talkback (Spoilers)

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Mar 11, 2002
New York
I meant within the context of Civil War, since if I recall correctly, he wasn't even in it. Same with other characters like Blade (Wii exclusive). And the stupid Wii version didn't include Iron Fist.

He wasn't. They couldn't find a way to put him in, so they shot him off planet and the end result was the awesome of "Planet Hulk." It seems more a way to make up for him not being in UA 1.


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Ontario, Canada
Not too impressed with the choice of costumes wither. Secret War Wolverine and Daredevil instead of tan and yellow? Ultimate Venom in place of Bagley/McFarcline Venom? Iron Spider instead of any other Spider-Man costume ever conceived?

Probably my favorite Spider-Man costume in all the games was the White costume from Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2009
United States
Finished the game as Pro-Reg today, am going to take a crack at being on Iron Man's side now.

I'm not buying thier BS about the characters being too details for 4 costumes - none of them bar Iron Man are anything special to look at. The Spider-Man model is especially mediocre - it needs to look more streamlined with less webs.

Not too impressed with the choice of costumes wither. Secret War Wolverine and Daredevil instead of tan and yellow? Ultimate Venom in place of Bagley/McFarcline Venom? Iron Spider instead of any other Spider-Man costume ever conceived?

The game hasn't evolved much despite a system upgrade and it being 3 years since the last one was made.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the game but a lot more effort should've gone into it. Bring Raven back next time please. (Although kudos, they were clearly busy on an awesome Wolverine game.)

Not only that, but they took away Deadpool's spin move./


Active Member
Feb 25, 2005
I'm disappointed with the lack of special conversations.

Hey, I'm using Hulk, there's She-Hulk! We'll have a Special Conversation! NO

Hey, I'm using Deadpool, look there's Cable, we'll have fun! NO

Hey, I'm using Ironfist, and it's my good buddy and partner of many years Luke Cage, Sweet Christmas we'll have a decent chat! NO

Hey, I'm using Thor, and it's my rival and all around blowhard Hercules, I'll throw some Shakespearean words at him! NO

Hey I'm using Penance, and there's that goody-two shoes Justice! Surely he won't badmouth the New Warriors to my face right? NO

Hey, I'm using Storm. We'll have a nice conversation with my husband Black Panther. NO

And to top this all off there's just special conversations at the headquarters. None with the bosses.


Active Member
Jul 27, 2009
United States
I'm disappointed with the lack of special conversations.

Hey, I'm using Hulk, there's She-Hulk! We'll have a Special Conversation! NO

Hey, I'm using Deadpool, look there's Cable, we'll have fun! NO

Hey, I'm using Ironfist, and it's my good buddy and partner of many years Luke Cage, Sweet Christmas we'll have a decent chat! NO

Hey, I'm using Thor, and it's my rival and all around blowhard Hercules, I'll throw some Shakespearean words at him! NO

Hey I'm using Penance, and there's that goody-two shoes Justice! Surely he won't badmouth the New Warriors to my face right? NO

Hey, I'm using Storm. We'll have a nice conversation with my husband Black Panther. NO

And to top this all off there's just special conversations at the headquarters. None with the bosses.

Yeah, really Deadpool only has a few, like if you use him in DC stage. I loved how in MUA1 all the characters had at least one place where special dialogue was used, but in MUA2, only Deadpool has situationals, and around 4 or 5 dialogues.


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
I have to admit, I did get a laugh out of the Deadpool and his inferior friends comments in the ending credits.

Mediocre casting though. Tragically, Nolan North is the game (although, I have no idea who he's playing.)


Active Member
Feb 17, 2004
The voice cast compared to the first game was unbearable. I wasn't as compelled to go through this one, either. By the time I beat Legendary, all of my characters were maxed out. The variety in the sim discs were gone, as were the different abilites (only four powers in this game as opposed to 10 in the last one). I'm leaning towards a thumbs down for this one.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2005
I haven't found a single character with more than 1 attack that was less than decent / good in MUA2. And even the less than great moves are still usable.

In MUA1 most characters had 5 powers, 2 boosts, and 1 Extreme. Fusions replace the Extreme in MUA2, so technically MUA2 has 5 powers per character (7 if you count each seperate fusion). And some buffs are built right in to offensive powers, so those attacks are almost like 2 attacks in one.

In MUA1 you were limited to 2 normal powers (or 3 if you didn't use a buff) and a buff, along with the Extreme. Technically you could switch powers on the fly, but I doubt most people did. You get a solid 4 powers in MUA2, plus Fusions on a completely different button.

And even if you had more powers in MUA1, you never had enough points to upgrade them all. You could only "keep up" with 3 powers, and sometimes not even that. So at any given time you were still restricted to 3, because if you were putting points into all of them they'd all be weak.

The powers in MUA2 are much more polished, varied, and useful than MUA1, even if there are a couple less.

Admittedly, when they first announced 4 powers I was extremely skeptical. I always like choice, and I'm one to use the "fun" powers even if they aren't spectacular. But now that I've played the game, I applaud the change, because it allowed them to do a lot more with the powers.

Now, if they could have more than 4 powers AND polish them as well as they did in MUA2, then all the better. But if its a choice between a few less well-done powers and a bunch of mediocre powers, I'll take the former.

Shawn Hopkins

TZ Member of the Year 2013
Mar 13, 2002
Winner's Circle
Has there been any mention of any downloadable content so far?

First DLC will be Carnage. Not my favorite character, by any stretch, but at least he looks cool in the game and different enough to set himself apart.


No word on pricing or release date, or even if he'll be available by himself or in a character pack. I bet individual characters will be $2 each, though, because when they accidentally put Juggernaut up for a while before the game was released that was the price.


Suck gas evildoers!
Feb 21, 2009
Just wondering the casual mode says you lose some rewards if you play that diffuculty. Can anyone tell me what gets lost is it the hidden characters costumes artwork and dossiers or is it the worthless awards like trophy's/achievments. I got a niece who wants to play but I dont think shes old enough for heroic mode. I really dont want her to punished for not being an expert gamer and not get any of the unlockables especially Jean Grey who is her favorite.

If anyone could help me out with this it would be really apperciated.

Shawn Hopkins

TZ Member of the Year 2013
Mar 13, 2002
Winner's Circle
First DLC will also include Psylocke as well as Carnage. Looks like they're going for the "People who haven't read a comic since the early 90s crowd" at this point, but these are still good characters. Nice models.


There's a leak going around saying the rest of the pack will be Cable, Black Panther and Magneto. Nothing to complain about there but I was hoping for the Punisher.

Sorry Shredhead, I'm not ignoring your question I just don't know the answer.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2009
I just beat this game a few minutes ago. Its a pretty good game and I felt this one was longer than the first since I was doing both sides at the same time to get my gamerscore higher.

I like how this game seemed cleaned up than Marvel Ultimate Alliance and XMen Legends 1/2.

But what I didn't like is how Deadpool teleports, like the three games I mentioned above the teleporting ability would allow you to go through walls, this game seemed to block it. This costumes in this game seemed to realistic and looked weird, so I didn't really like it. I liked it on some like Wonder Man, Spiderman, and Iron Man but for others such as Deadpool, Captain America, Wolverine, and definately Venom looked really weird. Green Golbin looked alright in the game.


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