Media From the 2010s You Already Find Dated


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
First of all, if this could please not just be about "problematic" elements, or "this cancelled person appears in it", I would appreciate it. I'm interested in less obvious or well discussed elements, and we already have a thread for that.

Secondly, I don't know if you've noticed this, given what a strange few years it's been, but we're rapidly approaching the mid-way point of the 2020s, which means the 2010s is getting further and further in the rear view mirror. So not surprisingly, some films and shows from a few years ago are starting to look a little rusty, even if to some of us it feels like they only came out yesterday. Here are some that have stood out to me

Boyhood- I watched this about a year ago for the first (and probably only TBH) time. Obviously it was very impressive that they filmed this piecemeal over a decade or so, and it does make for a unique viewing experience, but I couldn't help but notice that its big themes and concerns are pretty far removed from anything that would likely get Oscar attention now. Furthermore, I'm sorry, but it's pretty funny that they spend all this time building up the development of the lead character, and at the climax of the film he's grown up (SPOILERS, I guess?) to become a photography major who wins prizes for his artistic photos of traffic lights(?), listens to generic indie music and likes to wander round the desert with quirky girls under the fog of casual drug use, i.e. an archetypal c.2014 hipster who could have been a character on Portlandia. It's also notable that some of the pop culture used as time signifiers doesn't hit like it might have in 2014, as they've since come back in fashion and/or prominence (e.g. Dragon Ball).

True Detective- I finally checked out the first two episodes of Season 1 recently following all the hullaballoo between the old and new showrunners. (I actually watched all of the IMO justly maligned Season 2 when it was fairly current, for reasons not interesting enough to go into). It's hard to put my finger on, but it just felt pretty old hat to me. Very slow, although that's certainly not unique to the era. It just seemed like a Very Serious Show for Very Serious Men to Discuss Seriously. The titles also struck me as very trendy and a little risible, derivative of Mad Men in particular. I could see myself watching all of this on DVD 10 years ago, but in the streaming etc. era I just don't have the patience for it. Maybe it's me that's aged badly more than this. But I'm still going to post it!

Parks & Recreation- This is kind of hard to dance around without stumbling into implicitly political territory, but I'll try; I think this has a very "of its time" view of the world, what was going on at the time and where people assumed things were going, which turned out to be pretty wrong, for good or ill. And Chris Pratt's schtick has become overfamiliar and isn't as charming as it was 10 years ago.

I mentioned in a previous thread in the Café that I was a bit taken aback by how dated some of the music in Despicable Me 2 sounded when I had it on in the background recntlyish. The Amazing Spider-Man films, especially the second, were kind of dated in a fair few ways when they came out, but the soundtracks of EDM, dubstep and post-Mumford indie tunes have certainly aged it further since.

Any that jump out to you?


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
The Office. It's become unwatchable now.

Leaving aside whether or not it's watchable, I still think of that as a 2000's TV show, not a 2010's TV show. It just lingered too long (into the 2010's).

I think the 2010's are going to be known for the following series:

Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, the "Arrowverse" TV shows and "Once Upon a Time".....and "Stranger Things".

I know that streaming TV shows started in the 2010's (with "House of Cards" on Netflix), but besides "Stranger Things", but my mind is starting to classify "Streaming shows" as more a thing of the 2020's. Yes, it kind of feels like it kicked off with "Stranger Things" in 2016, but "The Mandalorian" in November of 2019 was kind of a "moment in time" for the transition to streaming. But I digress...

To the topic at hand, I fear the Arrowverse shows are going to become dated and unwatchable. Or maybe that just applies to all CW shows of the decade (stuff like "Grimm" , "The Vampire Diaries", and "Gotham" and "The 100"). When you're targeting a teenager (or early 20's) demographic, it's just going to quickly become dated. Same could be applied to "Glee" (though that was on Fox).

Yes, "Glee" and "The Vampire Diaries" started in 2009, but c'mon....these are shows of the 2010's.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
To the topic at hand, I fear the Arrowverse shows are going to become dated and unwatchable. Or maybe that just applies to all CW shows of the decade (stuff like "Grimm" , "The Vampire Diaries", and "Gotham" and "The 100"). When you're targeting a teenager (or early 20's) demographic, it's just going to quickly become dated. Same could be applied to "Glee" (though that was on Fox).

Gotham was actually on Fox, I mention only because it had quite a different vibe to any of the CW shows. I'm also not sure how young it skewed; it had some pretty grizzly violence, admittedly not unknown to the world of youth-targeted entertainment, and most of the leads were well into their 30s and beyond. (Grimm was also apparently an NBC show, but I never saw it).

I agree the CW Arrowverse etc shows are probably already pretty dated, much as Smallville, One Tree Hill and Roswell quickly seemed "very 2000s", but for me it was never a vibe I much cared for in the first place.


Staff member
Sep 10, 2006
In A House
Would Big Bang Theory count as a 2010’s show? Anyways, I feel like many of the stereotypes and jokes at Raj’s expense wouldn’t fly today.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
Gotham was actually on Fox, I mention only because it had quite a different vibe to any of the CW shows. I'm also not sure how young it skewed; it had some pretty grizzly violence, admittedly not unknown to the world of youth-targeted entertainment, and most of the leads were well into their 30s and beyond. (Grimm was also apparently an NBC show, but I never saw it).

Ah, thank you, you're right! I never watched it. My brain lumped it in with the CW.

Okay, swap out "Gotham" for "The Gifted" and the CW's version of "Beauty and the Beast".

I agree the CW Arrowverse etc shows are probably already pretty dated, much as Smallville, One Tree Hill and Roswell quickly seemed "very 2000s", but for me it was never a vibe I much cared for in the first place.

Exactly. "Smallville" automatically comes to mind with "the 2000's".

Would Big Bang Theory count as a 2010’s show? Anyways, I feel like many of the stereotypes and jokes at Raj’s expense wouldn’t fly today.

In my mind, yes. Definitely yes. The show premiered in 2007, but it didn't catch on fire in syndication until the 2010's.


Staff member
Sep 10, 2006
In A House
Is Big Bang Theory also the last audience/laugh track sitcom to really catch on big? Perhaps notable that Young Sheldon doesn't have one
There was the reboot of Roseann that lasted for like five minutes. Ha ha For what it’s worth, a new spin off about Georgie is coming this fall and it supposedly has a laugh track.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
There was the reboot of Roseann that lasted for like five minutes.

Oh yeah. Of course, out of the ashes of Rosanne rose The Connors; I don't know if it's really "caught on big" per say but it is now on its 6th Season.

Zorak Masaki

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2002
Scott Pilgrim vs the World. I know the comic (which I'm currently reading) is from the 2000s, but I'm talking about the movie. It just seems to scream early 2010s, with its nods to indie rock, classic video game references, and there are some elements that would definitely turn off modern viewers now.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
That made me feel like a grumpy old man at the time. I was 23.


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