Miguzi Talkback: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (6/7 - 6/11)


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Week Eight

June 7th- June 11th, 2004

Do the swim it's time for a Miguzi Talkback!​

Spend time after school with Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo! Get your mind in the gutter. (All Times are EST)​

Time: 6:00pm​

Your Week of Episodes!

Monday, 6/07/04
The Ultimate Ninja

The self-proclaimed ultimate ninja is in town and he's looking for good fight. He originally wanted to fight the Shredder but Leonardo beat him to the punch so he decides Leonardo's would be an adequate challenge. The turtles aren't sure whats going but it seems like there's more to this fight than meets the eye.​


Tuesday, 6/08/04
Modern Love - The Return of Nano
Featuring classic family values from 60's​

Nano and this time he wants to turn his life into the perfect reflection of Leave it to Beaver. But his "mommy" and "daddy" aren't too hip on that idea. The turtles feel sorry for Nano but how can they stop him without hurting him?​


Wednesday, 6/09/04
What a Croc!
Featuring Jeff Corwin being mauled by a giant crocodile "crikey!"​

While exploring some under water tunnels for Donatello, Michaelanglo finds another large green human-like creature and it sure ain't no turtle. Who is this creature? Where did he come from? Is he friend or foe? Who knows, but one things for sure... he doesn't look friendly.​


Thursday, 6/10/04
Return to the Underground
Featuring way too many Godzilla movie rejects​

Donatello has been working hard on finding a cure for his friends in the underground city and he's finally come up with something, but when the turtles trek down to the ruins they find the crystal that was keeping their friends human has dissapeared and the humans have reverted to their monsterous forms. This isn't quite the trip the turtles bargained for.​


Friday, 6/11/04

Featuring the un-needed return of worst idea for a villian EVER​

On the trial run of his new submarine, Donatello (with Michelangelo) find themselves in a under water strong hold run by none other than the Garbage Man. He plans on building his fortune on underwater salvage even if he has to make his own shipwrecks to do so.​


  • This show is vastly different from the old cartoons, so if you are seeing it for the first time and have only seen the old show then you may not like what you see, but give it some time… you will not be dissapointed.
  • This week includes the follow ups on all the filler episodes that still had some loose ends to tie up in the last season as well as the adaptation of a classic TMNT character (Leatherhead) who appeared first in Tale of TMNT from the Mirage line and then in the OG TMNT cartoon and the introduction to new characters that will play an important part in the season 2 finale.
  • This will be the last week of premieres and for our sanity CN decided to skip airing City of War Part 1 and end with a filler episode. I for one thank them for that because leaving on City of War Part 1 would be harsh. The week long wait alone was enough to drive a guy mad.
The eighth (and final) week of straight premieres of TMNT on Cartoon Network. Now can I get a COWABUNGA?​

This is really the end friends. It's been a shell of a good time. But don't worry, I'll be back for rerun talkbacks.​


Feb 11, 2003
no continuing episodes? the end of new ones for real? garbageman is back?? :eek: sounds like a bad week

but maybe not all that bad since todays episode was cool! very weird but lots of Leo action and since he has the best moves thats a good thing so umm I can expect these guys to show up again?


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
"What a Croc!" is the best episode this week. I'll probably tape it or something so I can watch it again.

Yes "this is the end, beautiful friend" for now at least. There will be plenty of reruns though. 40 episodes out of the 49 available ain't too shabby considering that some of these episodes only air on the Fox Box earlier this year.

It's also nice of them not to leave us on a cliff hanger like they would have had they gone entirely in episode order and believe me the cliff-hanger for City of War Part 1 is a doosy.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2004
no continuing episodes? the end of new ones for real? garbageman is back?? :eek: sounds like a bad week
Well, this is the last week of TMNTs to premiere on CN. I was at first Suspicious that they would end on a climax ("City At War") but showing "Junklantis" instead shows that they really are going to end this week. Oh well. It's better then ending on episode 30, that's for sure. But no, this isn't the end of new ones. Season Three will start in fall on the Fox Box (which will have the three remaining Season Two Episodes in it) and of course, that will come to Miguzi sometime in Late 2004/Early 2005.

"The Ultimate Ninja" Thoughts:

- This episode demonstrated a good take on a pretty commonly used device in a cartoon: Seeing a movie/TV Show/peice of entertainment that has parallels to the event you're expereincing in real life. In this case, the Gang watching the Wild Urp movie where the Sheireff beats the Young Gungslinger who wanted nothing more then fame and glory. Which is basically the same thing that happen when Leonardo beat the "Ultimate Ninja" who wanted the same thing. I'm glad they didn't toss any of those "Just like that movie" lines in it though. That would of just made the sequence too corny.

- The Whole Challenge to the fight probably hints at the "Big Brawl" 4 Parter that ends Season 2. I haven't seen it, but I have heard about it, and it does sound cool. That is probably where they'll explain how Splinter as such knowledge of these challenges and his connection to the Father of The Ultimate Ninja. Speaking of whom....

- This may just be me, but did the Ultimate Ninja's father sound like Christopher R. Sabat? I mean, FUNimation voices have been used in 4Kids shows before (Sean Scheamel does the voice of Ryu/Amidearu in Shaman King) so it wouldn't be too far fetched for Sabat to be the voice of the Ultimate Ninja right?

- And speaking of hints to other arcs, all that Gang fights talk was probably ment to get people excited about the Upcoming "City at War" 3 Parter, which fortuantley we will not have to just watch Part one of and be left hanging.


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
DSRGirl said:
- This may just be me, but did the Ultimate Ninja's father sound like Christopher R. Sabat? I mean, FUNimation voices have been used in 4Kids shows before (Sean Scheamel does the voice of Ryu/Amidearu in Shaman King) so it wouldn't be too far fetched for Sabat to be the voice of the Ultimate Ninja right?
According to IMDB, it's not him.

I'm happy, as I can finally see the Leatherhead episode. I missed that and City At War Part 1 when it aired on FoxBox.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2004
According to IMDB, it's not him.
Well, looking over the tape, I didn't see his name in the credits either. Whoever did the voice though does kinda sound like him. Would you happen to know who did the voice for the Ultimate Ninja's father Duke? If you could tell me I would apperciate it very much.


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
DSRGirl said:
Would you happen to know who did the voice for the Ultimate Ninja's father Duke? If you could tell me I would apperciate it very much.
Nope. IMDB only lists the main characters, no extras. If someone could post a screen cap or something of the voice credits I could do a search and find out.


Detective Rachel
Dec 22, 2002
Duke said:
Nope. IMDB only lists the main characters, no extras. If someone could post a screen cap or something of the voice credits I could do a search and find out.

The ninja dad is also more prominent in the latest Fox Box ep (with intro of Usagi Yojimbo), so if people have a screencap of that too.


Feb 11, 2003
family is good :) poor Nano I feel bad for the little big guy :(

are Casey and April a couple? maybe not yet Don might steal her! :eek:

more city at war stuff! I am starting to think maybe the purple dragons and foot weren't so bad to have around if only to keep all the other gang activity down huh? :confused: I say this was another good episode

Master Moron

Active Member
Aug 5, 2002
You know after watching that episode where they get ice cream, I started to wonder? How do the turtles get money? I mean, they don't have a paying job or anything. For that matter, how do the Teen Titans make money?


Feb 11, 2003
Master Moron said:
You know after watching that episode where they get ice cream, I started to wonder? How do the turtles get money? I mean, they don't have a paying job or anything. For that matter, how do the Teen Titans make money?

hey I wondered that to but only today when we were shown the have internet access! thats not free! and what about their cable and electric bills :confused: :eek:


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
Master Moron said:
You know after watching that episode where they get ice cream, I started to wonder? How do the turtles get money? I mean, they don't have a paying job or anything. For that matter, how do the Teen Titans make money?
They're funded by Bruce Wayne.

As we'll find out later, Bruce also funds the Shredder, the Utroms, the Federation, and the Triceratons.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2004
You know after watching that episode where they get ice cream, I started to wonder? How do the turtles get money? I mean, they don't have a paying job or anything. For that matter, how do the Teen Titans make money?
For the TMNT, it's like the Mutants in Futurama: They get all the stuff flushed down/ put in the sewer. And among all the garbage and gunk, I bet there was some money found as well as other stuff. For the Ice Cream though, I'm sure that Casey paid for it.

As for the Teen Titans, hey, who ever said fighting crime didn't have it's other rewards?

Master Moron

Active Member
Aug 5, 2002
Duke said:
They're funded by Bruce Wayne.

As we'll find out later, Bruce also funds the Shredder, the Utroms, the Federation, and the Triceratons.

The Shredder? Please don't tell me he's still alive, I swear to God I'll stop watching this show if he comes back. I mean he was a cool villain until I found out that he was just a wussy brain. Was that in the comics?


Truer Words Were Never Spoken
Feb 4, 2002
Baltimore, MD
Master Moron said:
The Shredder? Please don't tell me he's still alive, I swear to God I'll stop watching this show if he comes back. I mean he was a cool villain until I found out that he was just a wussy brain. Was that in the comics?
He has a cameo in Part III of the City at War 3-parter, and returns in the 2-parter with the lost Triceraton. Season III supposedly has him put away for good.

Really, why do you think 4Kids let them get away with DECAPITATING him.


Feb 11, 2003
ohhh I remember that scene from SO part 3 but I thought it was that triceration tail but that didn't make sense since it went in the sewers! theres a lot of sad characters on this series its almost depressing :( I bet Leatherhead will still be alive though cause if Stockman can be imortal so can this guy :)

and I been meaning to ask this awhile but why is like half the show in widescreen and half in full :confused:


Active Member
Dec 23, 2002
What was with today's ending? Leatherhead's just been buried underneath tons of rubble and the turtles walk back to their lair like nothing's happened? Um, shouldn't they have at least tried to help him out?


One who loves naked Kagome
Apr 8, 2002
Master Moron said:
The Shredder? Please don't tell me he's still alive, I swear to God I'll stop watching this show if he comes back. I mean he was a cool villain until I found out that he was just a wussy brain. Was that in the comics?
No, he was 100% human in the comics. The first movie is the best and truest adaption of the comics. And the stupid brain DID die in the explosion...

It's a worm clone from City at War onward.

Freedom Fighter

Active Member
May 25, 2004
Currently wandering
Week's long review of episodes:

"The Ultimate Ninja": Easily the best episode of the week... who can resist a classic one-on-one showdown between two very skilled warriors? Too bad one of them had to be a dishonorable cheat.

"Modern Love": Didn't pay much attention to this one for some reason. Maybe that explains why, out of this week's 3 'villains returning from Season 1' episodes, this one was the best.

"What a Croc!": Leatherhead rocked in the original series, but here... I thought he seemed to much like Dr. Connors (aka 'The Lizard') from 'Spider-Man'. And his connection to the Utroms. And Stockman.

"Return to the Underground": Didn't like the three-part 'Underground' saga back in Season 1, and didn't like this one. I think this is the first time in the show's run in Miguzi that I actually turned the TV off!

"Junklantis": No one wanted to see the Garbage Man come back, and yet he does. The fact that this was a Michaelangelo/Donatello tailored episode helped a little and at least made this watchable.

You know, after watching TMNT on Miguzi, I'm finally inspired to catch the show on the Fox Box. After all, who knows when CN's going to get the rest of Season 2, so I hope I can catch the rest in repeats this summer before Season 3 debuts.


Active Member
Apr 2, 2004
You know, after watching TMNT on Miguzi, I'm finally inspired to catch the show on the Fox Box. After all, who knows when CN's going to get the rest of Season 2, so I hope I can catch the rest in repeats this summer before Season 3 debuts.
I hope so too. Although on repeats, 4Kids is up to "Return to New York, Part 2" this week. So it will take awhile to get up to episodes not seen on CN ("City At War") if they go in production order. And if they do, the new season may start before we can even see those episodes.


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