Miguzi Talkback: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (6/7 - 6/11)

Master Moron

Active Member
Aug 5, 2002
ClockStomper said:
No, he was 100% human in the comics. The first movie is the best and truest adaption of the comics. And the stupid brain DID die in the explosion...

It's a worm clone from City at War onward.

Well, that kind of happened in the comics, though it happened much earlier. But, the most dissapointing thing about the Shredder turning out to be a giant brain is that now they can't do any Pimiko stories. By the way, has the Rat King showed up on the series yet? I missed all the episodes before the attack on Shredder's base.


One who loves naked Kagome
Apr 8, 2002
Master Moron said:
Well, that kind of happened in the comics, though it happened much earlier. But, the most dissapointing thing about the Shredder turning out to be a giant brain is that now they can't do any Pimiko stories. By the way, has the Rat King showed up on the series yet? I missed all the episodes before the attack on Shredder's base.
No, he hasn't been on, they cut out the Rat King's part in City at War...infact, the CaW adaption is based on maybe 7% of what happened in the comic plus filler.


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