"My Adventures With Superman" Comic Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
My Adventures With Superman

Six Issue Canon Mini-Series


Issue #1 "The Ones Who Fell to Earth Part One" - June 4, 2024
Clark Kent is a bit down and out, spending Christmas alone in Metropolis. But when he gets a tip about a monster in the sewers, Superman, Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen spring into action to investigate this mystery. What is this

Related Threads
-News & Discussion Thread
-Season One Talkback
-Season Two Talkback


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
This was a cute start to this between-the-scenes story bridging season 1 to season 2. It really does capture the vibe

I love Clark helping with the rebuild of the city after the Parasite Kaiju attack (the shell of which is still in the city).

Clark is at the Planet for the Holidays and desperate for companionship, even from the other reporter trio, though I love how Steve doesn't even remember Clark, Lois, and Jimmy's names.

How many times has this trio used a conspiracy board to come up with plans for the most mundane things?

I like how Lois is overcompensating in wanting to be there for Clark because she feels guilty over how things went with her dad.

Jimmy waiting to get solvent so he can start spending away all his money in season 2!

I like how Amazo is a sentient version of the Parasite suit in Amazo colors. They even managed to give it the Amazo elf ears. Which also makes it 10x better than most of the shows other villain redesigns.

You know this is MAWS Superman because he's getting his butt kicked 50-60% of the issue.

Interesting that Bloodsport isn't with Task Force X but working with Checkmate, a rival organization.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Yeah, nice touch that Superman is helping out.

lol Steve doesn't remember their names.

I like the idea that Jimmy's first big splurge with his money is for Clark's Christmas. Not something for himself. Nice character beat.

Had a feeling Bloodsport wasn't going to be with Task Force X based on the loglines and more of a black op clean up crew that scrubs incidents clean. Sounds like Checkmate was the actual group that confiscated all of Ivo's tech and not TFX in the Ivo debut episode? Gotta recheck that if that was ever addressed in season 1. Then that sorta implies all the groups within Task Force X's structure don't work together or know each other's missions but know of each other - compartmentalization.

That's was a neat development. Feels like Amazo took on Superman's powers to learn speech more than to have his power set and ask Superman to help save it.

edit: Also, nice little All-Star Superman shout out with Jimmy talking about the Subterranosauri Underground.
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Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
This was a fun first issue. I'm happy that it covers the Christmas time between the end of season 1 and start of season 2. It fits in naturally and ensures fans don't miss out on the setting.

Everyone helping Clark out was sweet, from Lois feeling a bit guilty from her father's actions to Jimmy promising to first use his money to buy him something nice. It even gave the Scoop Troop more to so, since the show's serialized nature and compact episode runs gives very little for a supporting cast to shine.

I'm glad we got some comic-exclusive characters in the show like Amazo and Bloodsport. I wonder if the show will ever introduce them around season 3 or beyond. It's a bit surreal seeing Bloodsport in particular being so obedient to the government.

I like how Amazo is a sentient version of the Parasite suit in Amazo colors. They even managed to give it the Amazo elf ears. Which also makes it 10x better than most of the shows other villain redesigns.
I really like Amazo's design, a nice combination of the Parasite tech and the classic design. It stands out from a lot of the other robots we've seen in the series.


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