"My Adventures With Superman" Season Two Talkback (Spoilers)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2009
Europium. Which is a real element, btw.

Well, this is falling apart rather quickly. Knew they should've gotten 11 members first.

Worse than no one. She had an abusive robot dad who brainwashed her.

See? Brain and Mallah are still cool.

Maybe it's not such a bad thing that billionaires are wasting money on hundreds of easily accessible disposable rockets.

Oh, and Livewire and Heatwave are cool too. Neat.

And there's the rest of our 11. I guess.

Suck it, Deathstroke. Go back to fighting the Teen Titans. Maybe they're more your speed.

And this is where we left off last episode.

Next week: Superman enters the Matrix.
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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Suffice to say, "Olsen's Eleven" takes inspiration from the classic heist movie structure. Even the episode title itself. The object of the heist is presented. The crew is assembled. The heist is jinxed. The crew improvises. Someone betrays them or it turns out to be a feint. They prevail and a secondary heist also succeeds. The crew parts ways.

After the romance drama two weeks prior and heavy reveals last week, I think in retrospect this episode will be a more appreciated detour of sorts. It is essentially an aperitif heading into the final three episodes of season two where things are likely to get more dour, namely Brainiac mentally hammering Superman into compliance and unleashing him on Earth which is speculation on my part but logically where this season is headed. It also gets Lois back in the game after getting burned by dad again and imploding... all thanks to the probably most unlikely person on the show calling her out and dishing out sage advice. Livewire. Yeah.

And the episode also lines up things on Earth rather than waiting to stuff it all in at the last minute when all hell breaks loose: Metropolis is under martial law, Task Force X has taken over under the guise of a public mask called the Human Defense Corps, Lex is working on giving the Metallos a new power source (long time DC fans can take a wild guess what that is... Kryptonite), Lex and Slade's rivalry is dialed up, Jimmy convincing Lois to give Kara a chance, and Lois finding out about Jimmy and Kara.

Adding to the lighter tone of the heist gimmick is the much appreciated return of The Brain and Monsieur Mallah! Livewire being dumbfounded, their chibi style briefing of they were up to, beating up their alternate selves and taking their stuff, the reveal they were having brunch with Jimmy this whole time, working under high stress – they always show up in the show when a breath of fresh air and comedic antics are needed. I said it before, I'll say it again: I could watch a spin-off starring these two.

And no time to dwell on it in the episode, but Jimmy's broke again! Guess he can't buy that much ice cream and hot dogs for Kara anymore.

Conversely, this isn't just a bottle episode. There are a lot of big changes affecting the status quo that will come pay off this season and/or likely pop up again in season three. Task Force X is not hiding in the shadows and declared martial law, Lex is powering up the Metallos with Kryptonite, Jimmy's broke, Jimmy and Lois are criminals, Lois hears what she needed to hear, a Parasite suit is now in the wild, Brain and Mallah have a safe, working portal machine, and the chip on Slade's shoulder gets massive. The puzzle pieces are really starting to come together for the season finale.

Human Defense Corps was a neat little pick from the comics. I believe Ty Templeton created them (or is the co-creator). Short-lived series but they're a military group designed to back up super heroes during alien invasions but they only recruit those with prior experience fighting aliens. Then x time later, Sam Lam sorta made it all about anti-Kryptonians like we see in the show but I forget if it was renamed or subgroup within the HDC called Project K.

"Olsen's Eleven" is a crucial spotlight on Jimmy and Lois that moves things forward in preparation for the final three episodes of the season much like last week focused on Superman, Kara, and Brainiac. Splitting this story into two full episodes to allow each set of characters to get their due was a smart move versus jamming this all into one episode.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I shouldn't be surprised Waller is trying to spin the fight with Kara to make it feel like Superman's fault, or use it to assert more control (complete with giant robot sentinels), but I can only hope her establishing martial law and trying to curb the press from exposing the truth will prove her undoing.

Dang, Lois was going to say "yes" to breaking up with Clark, poor guy. But I guess that just makes her even more committed to trying to make things right.

You know you're desperate when you're turning to a known criminal who has regularly tried to kill you and someone you're close to.

I knew Jimmy would be broke by the end of the season but I didn't expect it to happen THAT fast.

This version of Livewire honestly feels more like Captain Cold...consumate criminal/thief, prone to coming up with heists, paired with Heat Wave (albeit not as "roommates") etc. Definitely closer to Leonard Snart than comic Leslie Willis.

Happy Pride Month! Here's LivewirexHeat Wave! I remember a tie-in comic for the Harley Quinn show establishing Livewire in a relationship with another female Supervillain, so I guess that's a thing now.

Ha! Giant talking French gorillas in relationships with German brains in a robot drone! Only in Metropolis!

Mallah wearing his comic-accurate look is so surreal when this version is nice and not evil.

It's kind of funny how Lois has been anti-Kara for this entire season. Like, for believable reasons on her part, but still. And Jimmy called her out for turning into her dad.

"Project M" - Metallo's powered by Kryptonite, I'm assuming.

Slade obviously does not like Lex being in Waller's inner circle more than him and Lex is still trying to prove himself, though he's also letting his successes go to his head. Be interesting to see how things shake up by the ending.

Ha! Of course Livewire was pulling a heist within a heist. So Lois and Jimmy basically helped major criminals steal a bunch of dangerous tech/weapons. I kind of would've preferred they straight up ditch everyone but I guess we needed Livewire to espouse the courage to realize love so Lois wouldn't be hesitant to pursue Clark any more so...okay? Really surreal.

Next week: Brainiac is trying to steal Clark's body? Guess that's more interesting than brainwashing him for the umpteenth time.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Olsen's Eleven" - So yeah this is the other half of "The Machine Who Would Be Empire" which though references Clark/Supes doesn't show him at all which hey I'm always cool with a show that has the confidence to go without it's main lead for an episode. Granted it's a "here's what the other group was doing" sort of episode, but honestly I think it worked for me. I'm still not totally sold on the contrivances and excuses used in "Most Eligible Superman" but again when Lois is ranting on her mistake and insecurities on not wanting to be abandoned and not feeling worthy it works. Plus this one actually has a good counter point to that which helps justify the "break up": the idea that "love is not for cowards". Which is pretty simple but honestly I feel really works in the context of this episode and I also like how it parallels the relationship between Heatwave and Livewire... you know I know even regular Cartoon Network is more open to queer relationships as seen by Craig of the Creek but major props for this show for being so open with the idea for the more side characters and having those believable moments between them whether it's Heat Wave chastising Live Wire for "never knowing when to quit" when she wanted a bigger score and even later coming to help Lois, or Brain and Mallah talking about their own multi verse hoping experiences (I admit missed opportunity for a really great joke though since they mentioned seeing other Brains and Mallah in their little flashback explanation, they should have shown one that was based on like the Teen Titans cartoon or even Teen Titans Go! adaptation of those characters. I mean season one referenced the DCAU so why not that?) it does help flesh out those relationships more. Granted sans Jimmy managing to smooth talk the guard a lot of the jokes here weren't really that great. Jimmy having spent all his money and Lois being aghast he went on a "date" with Kara is pretty eh kind of humor but I feel the tension in this episode works.

Even if yeah sans Heatwave and Livewire crashing on some 10% powered bots there wasn't really much action to speak of at all but I think that works for an episode focused on these guys having to sneak around. I also appreciate how yeah even the Metropolis news is pointing out "hey we have actual prints of what happened we can show" before being shut down by Waller because yeah that honestly feels more genuine by a government force then people just instantly believing it. And I do actually like the plan albeit with only like six people instead of eleven (I know what the reference is supposed to be just saying) of sneaking in to get the ship as well as the sort of rivalry Lex and Deathstroke have... it is weird having Lex and Deathstroke at sort of like the same level but you know this is a different kind of show and works here. I do like too Lois actually showing some of the same paranoia her dad would have and Jimmy calling her out on it... granted he's also kind of bias about Kara but as shown by last episode she is genuine about thinking she's doing good and is just being used so yeah obviously trying to be down on her isn't really the solution anyway. Admittedly the comedy and tension and surprises were a lot better last week as this isn't quite as good but does show the season is over it's weak point and now we're getting to the climax with next time likely Brainac trying to take over Clark and also probably something with the crew interrogating Kara so see how that goes but decent episode here.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
"Olsen's Eleven" was pretty fun. I liked how the story takes place during the events of the previous episode, and ends in the same spot. With all of the main characters roughly in the same place again, the story can now continue.

It was nice seeing a team-up with some of the previous rogues like Livewire and Heat Wave. Mallah and Brain as well, though these versions don't exactly count as antagonists on the show. But it was nice seeing them all together, with some romantic subtext for each pairing as a bonus. The twist with the first couple's actual plan was cool.

Jimmy is now broke again (well, he should still have some sort of salary from the Daily Planet I suppose). It was cool seeing him find another way to infiltrate STAR Labs by talking with the guard instead of attacking. Lois was fine, I don't have a lot to comment on her role this time. But she did come to realize "love is not for cowards" and agreed to give Kara a chance (again, thanks to Jimmy).

As for the actual villains, Waller's martial law decree was an interesting consequence of Kara's attack. The rivalry between Luthor and Wilson was pretty entertaining. I'm guessing we still haven't seen the last of the Metallo armors, so that's something else to look forward and to be worried about.

Last Spider

Arachnid Dude
Jul 8, 2018
United States
You know that whole "love isn't for cowards" thing would be way more impactful if it was coming from an actual interesting character with a relationship that's worth being invested in.

But instead it's from this shows version of Livewire, so I don't care.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
It's funny how they made an Ocean's 11 reference when the only people involved, counting Livewire and Heatwave's crew, counted to 8 :p.

I miss when Amanda Waller had nuance. It's like comics and cartoons keep doubling down on making you hate her.

Also I just find it interesting that they keep calling Heatwave "Rory" instead of "Mick," so you'd be forgiven for not knowing there's an actual first name. Even the person she's in a relationship with calls her by her last name.

This episode did confirm to me that this is the most boring version of Livewire in terms of design. I mean, visually she's basically just a generic criminal lady in street clothes. They really couldn't do better than that? At least Heatwave has an armor.
You know that whole "love isn't for cowards" thing would be way more impactful if it was coming from an actual interesting character with a relationship that's worth being invested in.

But instead it's from this shows version of Livewire, so I don't care.
Honestly trying to have a feel good moment with them really felt like they were trying to make you forget that they just stole a bunch of tech and gear they can use to commit more crimes/hurt people. Or how little they care about collateral damage.

Also now Heatwave's characterization is basically "thug with firesuit + Livewire's girlfriend" which...isn't a lot.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
From the front page of AnimeSuperhero.com

My Adventures with Superman: "Olsen's Eleven" - Episode Recap

My Adventures with Superman - Olsen's Eleven - Action pose.jpg

"Previously - Kara had taken Superman into space. She simulated memories of Krypton for him, and Superman shared his memories of Earth with her. Kara took him to a planet she had visited only to see death and destruction she had no memories of. Superman then met Brainiac. Brainiac, convinced of the glory of the Kryptonian Empire, tried to sway Superman to his side. When that failed, Brainiac used a red sun weapon to neutralize him. Kara realized Brainiac had been tampering with her mind, and as she floated in space wondering what to do next, a space ship carrying Jimmy, Lois, Mallah, and the Brain appeared before her. Now on to their story...

Amanda Waller speaks in a televised broadcast about the problem of Superman. Showing pictures of Superman's fight with Kara, Waller concludes that they need to respond to the alien threat. Thus was born the Human Defense Corps, an army of soldiers and robots who have put Metropolis under martial law. Waller promises that when Superman returns, they will be ready for him."

Read the full review here


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