Primos (Disney Show From Natasha Kline)


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007

Here is an Instagram short Disney just released today starring Natasha Kline. It's super cute. Looks like they're starting to promote the show in a positive light.
That was cute. Several (though not all) folks on the YouTube comments section are still pitching a fit over the show, but I'm glad that Disney's pressing on positively despite that. Of course most of the people whining about the show are outside of its target demo, so in the end, hopefully they're just yelling at clouds.


Pim The Precious Boi
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
An article in which creator Natasha Kline discusses the origins for the show, and addresses the backlash:

Very interesting interview.
I feel like some of the people complaining should take the time to at least try to understand what this show is trying to do. At the same time, I don't think any of the complaints I've seen were really in bad faith. They felt like legitimate concerns to me.
And that I can understand. I understand the complaints about the inaccurate language and questionable name choices. Those are very valid. What's really gets to me was the vitriol over a harmless kids cartoon that wasn't even out yet. It's like, for the love of God, can we actually judge the show when it actually comes out? Sheesh.
I don't think Primos is going to be revolutionary or anything, but based on what I've seen and read, Natasha Kline seems like a nice person who didn't deserve any of that, plus I give respect to any creator who's willing to stick their necks out and get their vision on the air, I agree with Ms. Kline that multiracial, multicultural families on TV are a rarity, plus for once it's not a reboot or a sequel to something else that already exists, so for those reasons I kind of want it to succeed.
Like I said, I'm not expecting Primos to be 10/10 amazing, but I'm glad that Disney was able to let Natasha Klien to tell her story she wanted to tell, especially in a age where companies favor IPs over original ideas/autobiographic tales.

Here is an Instagram short Disney just released today starring Natasha Kline. It's super cute. Looks like they're starting to promote the show in a positive light.
Yeah, I though it was cute, too.
This short was very cute. I like the premise of cartoon character interacting with the creator.
Yeah, which is something you don't really see anymore on kids TV.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
I , at first, wasn't sure if I wanted to see it (this was like when it was still just one picture of the show and nothing else was out) but I was going to check it out to see. I hope I do like it because it at least seems interesting. I have liked some of the new shows like Hamster and Gretel and Kiff, and Big City Greens is my current favorite Disney Channel series, so I hope it does well the target audience and whatever metrics Disney wants.

I think it should get a long life there just because why not? The people working on the show had to put in extra work, the market place is being very awful right now, and I think it has potential to at least go awhile. I hope it hooks me in either in the first episode (like BGC and Kiff did) or 3rd episode (like Hamster and Gretel did). If I don't end up liking it, I'm not gonna go around and waste my time attacking it either that never made sense to me.

Glad were getting some promotion too.


Staff member
Aug 14, 2015
From the front page of

"Disney’s “Primos” Premieres July 25th"​


"Disney Branded Television has announced that the new animated series Primos will premiere with two episodes on Thursday, July 25th at 8 P.M. EDT on Disney Channel. The first nine episodes will be available on Disney+ starting the next day. After, new episodes will premiere Saturday mornings at 9 A.M. EDT beginning July 27th, with two episodes weekly.

Created by Natasha Kline (Big City Greens), Primos is inspired by her childhood in Southern California, growing up in a large, multicultural and blended Mexican American family. It centers on Tater Ramirez Humphrey, an eccentric girl with ambitious summer dreams. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when her family invites all 12 of her cousins to stay with them, leading to a summer of surprises and adventures."

Read the full article here.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
I love how some people commented "They changed the show's name" it was always Primos, nothing changed except terremoto heights and Cookita that came off as another very unfortunate name.
True story: yesterday Goldstar had a conversation with someone who complained that Disney hadn't made any appropriate changes because the show was still called "Primos", like that's an offensive term. Dude, it literally means "cousins".

I have a built-in low tolerance for closed-minded ignorance, so some people's unwillingness to learn and eagerness to spew bile really gets in my craw.
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Pim The Precious Boi
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
True story: yesterday Goldstar had a conversation with someone who complained that Disney hadn't made any appropriate changes because the show was still called "Primos", like that's an offensive term. Dude, it literally means "cousins".

I have a built-in low tolerance for closed-minded ignorance, so some people's unwillingness to learn and eagerness to spew bile really gets in my craw.
(Sigh) Didn’t these people realize that Primos was green light back in 2021? The Primos name wasn’t even an offensive term then. Why is that a problem now? I can understand the other questionable names, but really?

I swear, people these days can be so petty and overly emotional that their common sense and logic got thrown out the window.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2010
To be fair, some haters got stuck on the idea that the "Original Name" was "OYE PRIMOS" and then raked Natasha over the coal


Mar 1, 2011
United States
True story: yesterday Goldstar had a conversation with someone who complained that Disney hadn't made any appropriate changes because the show was still called "Primos", like that's an offensive term. Dude, it literally means "cousins".

I have a built-in low tolerance for closed-minded ignorance, so some people's unwillingness to learn and eagerness to spew bile really gets in my craw.
Primos is just the Spanish word for cousins. I really hope that was a satire post.

Some Disney fans are as petty as the company itself can be and some of it is kind of their fault for narrowing their horizons by playing it safe both with IP and just being petty in general, giving people impossible to reach expectations. Netflix has made genuinely worse stuff but you don't see people grabbing the pitchforks and mass unsubscribing from their platform.

That's why I'm eager to see Disney try something different and Primos looks like it could be grittier and dirtier than the typical Disney cartoon. They haven't really tried anything like that since their Disney XD days with Pickle and Peanut and all the undeserved pushback that got.


Pim The Precious Boi
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
To be fair, some haters got stuck on the idea that the "Original Name" was "OYE PRIMOS" and then raked Natasha over the coal
Despite the fact that the character Tater wasn't really good at Spanish.

I'm not justifying the "Oye Primos" thing either, but I'm just giving you extra context.
They haven't really tried anything like that since their Disney XD days with Pickle and Peanut and all the undeserved pushback that got.
True, and this is coming from someone don't like Pickle and Peanut.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2010
Despite the fact that the character Tater wasn't really good at Spanish.

I'm not justifying the "Oye Primos" thing either, but I'm just giving you extra context.

True, and this is coming from someone don't like Pickle and Peanut.
I know. I am just explaining WHY the haters thought the name was changed. I know that already. Especially the part that Tater isnt good at both languages to tell the story of diaspora who are still too young to handle one language let alone two.


Pim The Precious Boi
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
I know. I am just explaining WHY the haters thought the name was changed. I know that already. Especially the part that Tater isnt good at both languages to tell the story of diaspora who are still too young to handle one language let alone two.
I understand. I just wish people need to give Primos a fair chance before crapping on it.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
The following are some of the dumbest reasons that I've heard from people claiming that Primos is racist:

"The show has a character on it named NACHO!"

Yeah, so? The 2006 movie Monster House featured a fat boy named Chowder (we the audience have to call him that, because no other name was provided). The 1976 movie Car Wash had a fat guy in it called Hippo (again, no other name was provided). So by this logic, that means that Monster House and Car Wash were also racist.

"One of the kids on this show has a unibrow!" (It's actually 2 kids, but this what the person said)

OK, but do you know who else has a unibrow?



And her

And then there's this guy, who's been rocking a unibrow for decades!
Sesame Street Bert.jpg

So by this person's logic, all of these characters and their respective shows are racist!

"The main character sings 'Oye, Primos!' in the show's opening instead of 'Oigan, Primos!'" For those who don't know, you would only say "Oye" when you're addressing 1 person. When you're addressing a group of people, you would say "Oigan".

In fairness, for this one, you would need to know the context, which the creator could have led with. The show's main character (Tater) is a 2nd generation half Latina who isn't fluent in Spanish, so she uses some Spanish words and phrases wrong, but that's grammatically incorrect, not racist.

I'm not saying that some peoples' concerns about Primos aren't founded, but it you're going throw around epiteths like "racist", then you had better have some logical evidence to support your claim.
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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Nacho actually is a real nickname for Ignacio. It predates the food.
OK, I didn't know that. That's informative.

At bottom, this is the problem that I have with all of the backlash. Half of the people online who are rallying against this cartoon don't even know or understand why they're rallying against it. It's always "Somone told me that it's bad so I have to hate it." I'm not saying that Primos is going to be a masterpiece that will forever change my life or anything, but I'm at least willing to watch a couple of episodes before passing judgment on it. If you're going to throw shade at something, please have some idea what it is that you're talking about.

Plus, like @Silverstar already said, at least Primos is a 100% original idea. It's not a sequel or reboot of an established hit.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
I couldn't decide whether to post this here or as a Profile post, but since this is a bit wordy and I am kind of a motormouth, I guess I'll put it here:

Thanks to YouTube's almighty algorithm, I've now heard three songs from this show. (Yes, there are songs; it's become a Disney Channel cartoon tradition to have musical numbers now). Normally I'm not a big fan of musical numbers in cartoons (especially constant musical numbers; I generally feel that songs in cartoons should be done sporadically to great effect rather than constantly to no effect), but higher powers help me, two of the three songs that I've heard were actually pretty good. One was cute and quirky in a John Mulaney and the Sack Lunch Bunch kind of way, and another just slaps as the kids like to say. Any show, especially a Disney show, which can make me appreciate the songs is OK in my book.


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