Review: “Star Trek: Picard Academy”: Failing History Class


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Mar 8, 2009
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Review: “Star Trek: Picard Academy”: Failing History Class


"When I saw the first issue of this miniseries at my local comic book store, the colorful cover artwork and creative character designs caught my attention. After all, the idea of a young Picard at Star Fleet Academy has a lot of potential. We’ve only seen brief tidbits of it within the Next Generation TV series, but there was always a lot of potential in seeing him meeting and befriending Jack and Wesley Crusher for the first time. They could’ve touched upon the injury that he received in the bar fight, which set up the plot for Next Generation episode “Tapestry”, and taught Picard the lesson of taking risks in life. Or they could’ve maybe given an explanation for why he was bald in his graduation photo in “Star Trek: Nemesis”.

Unfortunately, we don’t get any of that. There isn’t even a mention of the Crushers, which is highly disappointing because TNG did seem to imply Jack Crusher and Picard were very close friends during Academy, but we never saw it. Instead, close friends are just a bunch of random aliens. There is an appearance by Q (who might as well be considered Picard’s “friend”, going by his involvement with Picard over the course of his life), and you would think Q’s appearance here would be to set up the episode “Tapestry”, but nothing of the sort. Q’s brief inclusion is random and abrupt, and there is very little to make of it.

The only other characters we see outside of Academy Class are Spock, who takes on the role of the disciplined teacher, and Boothby the groundskeeper, who was still alive during the events of TNG despite also being an old man in this comic. Didn’t we all spend our college days hanging out with the local gardener? No? I guess this is just to show how lame Picard is at socializing. The comic is really about Picard learning to be part of a team and able to work with others. I did appreciate the flashback we had to Picard’s abusive childhood on the vineyard, leading to him running away from home and creating a list to leave Earth as soon as possible."

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