"Spider-Man: No Way Home" Feature Talkback (Spoilers)

Spider-Man: No Way Home - Rate and Discuss this Marvel Movie!

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James Harvey

The World's Finest
Staff member
Apr 23, 2001
The Multiverse Unleashed.


Spider-Man: No Way Home
Theatrical Release Date:
December 17, 2021 (December 16 advance screenings, starting at 3pm local time)
Digital Release Date: March 22, 2022 March 15, 2022
4K/Blu-ray/DVD Release Date: April 12, 2022
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, Sony, Marvel Studios
Runtime: 150 minutes
MPAA Rating: PG -13 (for sequences of action/violence, some language and brief suggestive comments)
Director: Jon Watts
Screenwriters: Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers
Starring: Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch, Zendaya, Jacob Batalon, Marisa Tomei, Jon Favreau, J.K. Simmons, Willem Dafor, Alfred Molina, Jamie Foxx, Anogourie Rice, Benedict Wong, Paula Newsome, Martin Starr, J.B. Smoove, Tony Revolori

Plot Summary: With Spider-Man's identity now revealed, Peter asks Doctor Strange for help. When a spell goes wrong, dangerous foes from other worlds start to appear, forcing Peter to discover what it truly means to be Spider-Man. The Spider-Man: Homecoming trilogy comes to its epic conclusion!

Discuss anything and everything about Spider-Man: No Way Home right here!

Be warned: there will be spoiler discussion in this thread! If you don't want any of the many Spider-Man: No Way Home surprises ruined, avoid this thread until you've seen the movie!

Related Discussion:

-Spider-Man: No Way Home News & Discussion, Part 2 (Spoilers)
-Spider-Man: No Way Home News & Discussion, Part 1 (Spoilers)
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-Marvel Cinematic Universe News & Discussion, Part 1 (Spoilers)
-The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Talkback (Spoilers)
-The Amazing Spider-Man Talkback (Spoilers)
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-Spider-Man 2 Talkback (Spoilers)
-Spider-Man Talkback (Spoilers)
-Venom: Let There be Carnage Talkback (Spoilers)
-Venom Talkback (Spoilers)
-Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Talkback (Spoilers)
-Spider-Man: The Animated Series "Spider-Wars" Talkback (Spoilers)
-Spider-Man Special The World's Finest Subsite

What did you think about Spider-Man: No Way Home?



Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
That shouldn’t have worked as well as it did. I still would have liked to see a version of this film that wasn’t a complete Sony callback but this did work. I’m excited how they left Peter. After all that, it looks like we get something closer to the classic Peter we know and love.

So the Venom: Carnage post-credits scene was simply the symbiote and host getting transmitted to the MCU just like the other Sony villains. Then the NWH post-credit was just him getting sent back and leaving something behind. That seems like a pretty clear sign Peter is going to take on a different Venom going forward.
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
WARNING: SUPER LONG RAMBLY SPOILER REVIEW BELOW... Don't know why I always have that warning but eh guess I like making sure people know that before I review I guess.

You know it's a miracle that this movie even happened in the first place. If you don't forget two years ago despite the very positive word of mouth and obvious gigantic financial hit Far From Home was (only Spider Man movie as of yet to get over a billion dollars) there was a major tiff between Sony and Marvel over the rights of what to do with Spider Man next. With Sony feeling they were owned more profit having still technical film rights even if honestly Marvel was the one having it in their universe with their writers and team making this to fit in with the other Marvel movies. And for a brief moment it looked like Spider Man wasn't going to connect with the MCU at all and just revert totally back to Sony. However that didn't wind up happening thanks to Tom Holland the creative producers managing to come together and agree on at the very least another movie to wrap up this trilogy and possibly moving forward with more. Like that's miracle number one that this came together so well. Number two is that it came together so quickly as well. Like Spider Man more then any other franchise in the MCU can't really take long breaks between their movies (keep in mind the last doctor strange movie came out in 2016 and the next one is coming out next summer and this spider man's had an entire trilogy since then) due to not only the character's age in how you need to make them when the actor can still reasonably play a teen, as well as Sony's rights to the franchise having a clause where they have to make a movie in a certain amount of time. And you know Sony will do ANYTHING to keep spider man even making potential sub par work so you also had to really answer the major issues raised in the last movie which had the big "everyone in the world finds out who Peter Parker is" and deal with all of that fall out. And on top of that, you had the fact this movie was the first full MCU movie so far to be in the midst of filming during the COVID pandemic (even Shang Chi got a head start on it's filming while Eternals and Black Widow were much more in the bag) which you know much of caused extra stress. Especially since this was a premise which if botched could result in one of the messiest and outright crazy yet terribly fragmented Spider Man movies of all time. So having to deal with all that and having the movie coming out in any sort of state, let alone a solid one is an achievement in and of itself. And quite honestly this movie comes out more then solid; it is easily the best of the MCU Spider Man flicks and easily one of the best things to come out of Phase 4 so far... though I do want to talk about my big negative/talking point first which even in itself I'm super split on.

It's not the fact that they killed Aunt May off. Like I admit I didn't really see it coming because yeah you don't see that with Spider-Man at all. What was the last Spider Man... thing that did that which stuck at all? An alternate variation of the 90's cartoon universe the clone Ben Riley came from? Like typically when Aunt May dies it's a ruse or they retcon it with Mephisto but no they didn't here and honestly it felt very much earned. A lot of people bag on this variation of Aunt may because "oh she's really hot and they make a bunch of jokes on how hot she is" but honestly I really liked her. Rosemarry Harris is very comic accurate but they gave her way too many long drawn out speeches that kind of made you dread her scenes more then you should of and Sally Field had good bits and good banter but honestly not only did it feel more she should of known Peter was Spider Man but they never gave her good material outside of a rant or two about her sad life which felt misplaced. I honestly really liked Marisa Tomei's take on the character; having a sense of fun and warmth to her that Peter could actual confide into. I really like how she did find out and actually encouraged Spider man in Far From Home and to me really felt like her own character and I really liked what they did with her in this one. I really thought that when Norman found her we were going to get another "oh Peter and him are going to fight" but the idea she actually was able to reach seemingly the good part of Norm and encourage Peter to try and help the people misplaced from their own world and get them the support they need really worked as good motivation. I mean it not only makes sense with how she became more active when being blipped before but she has always seemed like the moral center. And honestly especially since they never handled it as dramatically as they could of in Far From Home I didn't feel the transistion of "Iron man is Peter's Uncle Ben" worked nearly as well as now having Aunt May be that. I guess maybe that could mean Uncle Ben is alive (I mean if he did really inspire Peter wouldn't MCU Peter Mention that to Raimi Peter... what this is spoilers I'm not going to hold back on that but anyway wouldn't he have mentioned that to Raimi Peter when talking about losses) but honestly I like the idea of having the whole "great power comes great responsbility" come from her in this universe but you not realizing that her trying to save Peter from Norman in the apartment fight would be her death until yeah you see the blood and realize she was hit more then thought and then dies. That is a big tragic moment that really earns the pathos in a way these Spider Man MCU movies just haven't before. I didn't mind that in Homecoming as honestly not EVERY Marvel movie needs to be a huge emotional tear breaker and hit big dramatic beats and if one just wants to be fun that's fine but I felt that was something they majorly fumbled on in Far From Home and they did not do so here. May died and that was given the proper respect it warranted. Especially since Peter was pulled out of his funk by well other Peters reminding him of how terrible the job is. Obviously this moment was also done in Into the Spiderverse with all of the other Spidermen telling Miles their burden when he loses his Uncle Aaron but this hits harder. Because not only do you know May more and not only do you know what Raimi Peter and Amazing Peter are talking about when they mention Uncle Ben and Gwen Stacey and their failure but they have much more a full scene talking about it and opening up that trauma. And I also really like how for the first time this does push Peter to the point of actually wanting to legi MURDER someone. Normally I'm annoyed in movies or shows where characters are pushed there and about to do it but someone talks them out of it but it works here because you know that the other Peters know getting that vengeance won't fix anything and just make them more miserable and if there's anything Peter Parker DOESN'T need it's an excuse to be miserable. Plus this ties into redeeming the villains which I really dig and will talk about later.

But back to... wow totally talked about another topic before getting to the actual issue I had. The whole "everyone forgets that Peter Parker is Spider-Man." Like normally I hate these stupid "everyone forgets something about the main hero that is framed as this tragic series of events when it feels like they could have dealt with that in a million better ways." See "The Darkest Minds" for an example of that done terribly. However here it actually made sense. The entire spell was originally forged by the basis of everyone forgetting Peter Parker was Spider Man except himself obviously and that was changed/altered and put on standby when it started causing issues and multi dimensional tears. And the facts those tears were blown away by the containment on the spell being broken away and couldn't be stopped unless the source of the spell was undone I totally get. So yeah I actually get "have to make a new spell where everyone now forgets that just is so the multiverse can be unfractured after having damaged it so" plus hey outside of the end of Loki and what If we haven't really seen the rules of the multi verse yet so this having that sort of parameters to it makes sense. Plus I will give credit that I never EVER thought I would be okay with magical or otherwise or feeling it made sense for someone to forget a hero's identity after how that was bungled in other super hero movies (namely Superman II) but they actually made that work. And hell I even get that despite the fact that Peter did promise MJ and Ned he would find them again and tell them what happened and he knows they would want to know... I also get why he wouldn't tell them. Because as much as Peter needs his friends and they help him and mean the world to him, Peter's selfless and heroic nature also wants to protect them under any circumstance. And seeing that scar on MJ he knows "if they know they would just be pulled into that web again" and potentially die. And as much as i really enjoy stories about characters having to learn that the seemingly selfish thing that hurts them the most isn't something they have to do if they have loved ones that can help them out and support them (a big theme of the Sonic movie among other examples) I also get stories where characters put themselves in places above that to not seemingly have that torment. And yeah a lot of that torment is a part of Spider Man; him having that idenity to protect his loved ones and that wrecking him so much is a core aspect of the character. One I was wondering how they would keep after seemingly the "memory erase spell" gets benched for a good chunk of that movie but then bringing it back in that way at the end... really got to you. I mean on one level it is sort of infuriating as you want to see Spider Man/Peter happy and be there for his friends and the idea of the entire world forgetting him despite all he does feels so crummy. But it's part of the core of the character and does show how heavy the consequences of what he did are. I guess you could argue "well Aunt May died showed that" but I think the idea of him just being Spider Man and having no one really know who he is and having to just be okay being the hero without those connections just feels so in spirit with the character. Plus honestly I think that can set up the next movie real well since we find out the entire point of the post credits bit with Venom is so you can have the symbiote bit come into contact with Spidey and yeah maybe the 4th will about him being full black suit Spider Man. Except this is a Spider Man who tries not making any personal connections which will obviously eat at his soul and somethin the symbiote will prey on on this deep, dark level. Plus this movie spent a fair chunk revealing that Ned has magical gifts so maybe he'll find a way to get his and MJ's memories back again to help Peter. I don't think this is the end of their story but it is a good dark place to take it. And I think on that level I can respect this choice more. It feels wrong and feels like a downer but it's supposed to be. I mean a lot of the Raimi and Webb movies were downers or suppose to be downers with the consequences forcing Peter to make a tough choice but this felt earned as you felt the pain of his choice but got why he made it. And again maybe down the road it can change but I am glad this did show the consequences of what happened.

Another thing this movie did really well was how many just sit there and just talking moments there were that really worked. Homecoming had that as well but that was just amusing banter and yeah you certainly had a lot of that as well but quite honestly I appreciate how much earnestness there was with pretty much everyone here. I really dig how bad Peter felt about him MJ and ned failing to get into MIT and "start their lives over" together and having that at MJ's job and the 3 opening the letter and how it was set up and held on you actually did feel that. I also appreciate how unlike the trailer which made it seem like Strange was doing a spell under Wong's breath it was actually "oh come on the kid's been through so much let me help him out" and Wong just not wanting to be part of it. Also just realized that maybe the reason Wong was going around trying to give therapy in cage matches or set up meetings about the rings in Shang Chi is because technically HE is sorcerer supreme due to Strange having been blipped for 5 years and no longer having the time stone which is a cool detail. I also really like the idea that these were villains either taken in the middle of their rampage or right before their death. The reason Otto is at first so annoyed is because he was literally taken right before Peter was able to talk him out of giving into the tentacles to finish the experiment since yeah that's right when Otto was going to sacrifice himself for the sake of the machine so it makes sense he was so fight happy at first and then actually getting cured out of it. And I honestly I do really like the idea of the villains all agreeing to come with Peter on the idea of being redeemed even if not all of them are entirely onboard with that and actually getting to bond or at least talk to one another. The idea that Otto knew that Norman died and then Flint knew Otto died and then Flint talking with Max about just wanting to get back over Max wanting to be a nobody and actually playing off the split personality a lot of these guys have really did work. Like I did feel lit was lazy and lame in Far From Home hinting that Mysterio had a bit of that but honestly the split WAS a big part of these characters so actually working with that and having a part of them want to be cured while others fighting against it really did make sense. Plus honestly I do appreciate the idea that whole crushing the mask was Norman's Goblin personality taking over and waiting for an opportunity to get out in a sense and just using Norman/Peter for his own aims of power. Like the Goblin's suppose to be the Spider Man villain who most messes with Peter but you don't get that in well... a serious way in the first movie (yeah in that movie Aunt May and Norman's big scene was him getting her to... finish her prayer and spooking her into a minor heart attack? Yeah this one has way more stakes) but it works really here but not to the point where are you again totally for Peter just killing him. And I dig the fact that the other Spider Man get to have actual serious conversations in addition to the comedic ones. Like I really dig the idea of MCU and Raimi Spider Man not wanting Amazing Spider Man to feel so bad for himself as well as the three working together to think of cures to help out their foes. Which... feels more Spider-Man. Heh wonder if they should of done a dig at Amazing when Raimi Spider Man brought up fighting with his best friend and Amazing said "yeah me too when I didn't use my blood to help heal his Goblin disease" and the others pointing out how messed up that is but eh it works. And I appreciate too Amazing telling Max how he sees him and he's not a nobody (feels like a much better ending to his story then seemingly killing him in Amazing Spider Man 2... man now I realize all of these movies are now totally changed thinking about it) and Raimi telling Sand Man he's going home and happy that Otto got better especially when Otto saved them from Electro. Kind of predictable but done in a really well timed way that worked really well.

But this movie acutally not only nailed the drama but also the action as well. A fair amount of the highway fight was shown in trailers but exactly how Otto crawled under that pass and then Peter using the nanobots to take over his tendrils was really well done and a cool way to take him out. I also dig how MCU Spidey and Sand Man teamed up to take out Electro in a short quick fight. It's also played a fair amount in the trailers but there's a lot of cool things with portals and Peter actually having control of his soul self through his spider sense that's not shown and actually showing all the layers of the mirror dimension and Peter using math to get an edge over Strange to trap him there was well done. The building was well done and brutal. I appreciate showing Norman's strength smashing MCU Peter through those buildings and then when Peter tries getting out being knocked back by Lizard and then Aunt May trying to distract before Norman takes out his pumpkin bomb. And of course like everyone suspected we had the 3 spider man team up to have this big epic fight with all the various villains. I really like how they were clowned taking them all on together so tried focusing one with Peter managing to get the cure to Flint before he was sand tombed and MCU Spidey webbing up Lizard and then Amazing Spider managing to make the save with Michelle Jones. Like I think I said "you cannot seriously try and drop MJ here unless you're making up for a past sin" and Amazing doing it to make up for how Gwen died in Amazing Spider Man 2 really worked. And I really dug how brutal and vicious MCU Spider vs Goblin was at the end both un masked and Peter just pounding him over and over again. I do appreciate how it does show even this Spider Man can give into his anger and go down a dark path... already pointed out how it worked having him saved but then Norman stabbing Raimi Peter and Amazing and MCU Spidey giving him the cure was a good end. it is interesting to have these fights go with Spider Man trying not to just take or knock out or off their foe but more cure them but still make good compelling action scenes. Honestly this is still probably an area Spider Verse has over these movies as though these movies had good fights those were just spectacular but these were still really solid fights and really worked for what they were trying to handle.

And yeah there's also the comedy that was also really solid. Not a lot of flash this time around and I think he should of had a bigger reaction to finding out Peter is Spider Man (though him realizing as MJ and Peter went in the sewers was great... oh also them agreeing not to do that ever again) but I do like him wanting Spider man zip lines for a week and writing a biography on being Spider Man's best friend. And though spoiled Matt Murdock's cameo was great. I didn't watch the Netflix shows but yeah even I knew it was him (especially due to all the cheering) and really liked him also realizing the rock being thrown and Peter asking how he knows that and him just saying "I'm a really good lawyer." I'm guessing like J. Jonah in this world he's different from the Netflix shows (BTW Missed joke. When MCU Peter was making that message later calling in Jamenson, Raimi Spider should of been like "man I thought my J. Jonah was a jerk but this guy's the worst" and Amazing admitting he only got texts from his Jonah or something) but he makes a good impression here and glad it shows they are keeping him for whatever... plans Marvel has with the character. Also really like the line of people who agree that Spider Man's a hero even with the charges dropped and those who still think he's a monster and that spreading even to the teachers as well with one still thinking Mysterio was right and even admitting that to Peter's face. I like the joke the reason the Sanctum Sanctorum was trashed was because of an enviornmental protection going wrong thus why it was being dug out, and Strange throwing out Peter when peter didn't think to just call MIT about getting another chance instead of asking for a memory reversal spell. Like that's a stupid mistake but one you would totally make as a kid and quite honestly I hope people don't annoyingly nitpick that because characters NEED to be flawed and though they should be believable they shouldn't all be called out as nitpicks because by that logic every movie is stupid because they star unperfect characters who can do the wrong things and... okay rant over back to the funny. I appreciate the MIT lady pointing out over Peter's plea to get his friends in how unprepared his speech is and how it seemed like he was more dissing them. I really liked how amazed people like Otto were over the concept of Magic and am so glad they did the "MJ Mary Jane?" "No Michelle Jones" so people can finally stop thinking she's Mary Jane when she isn't. As well as Kurt making fun of Max for his Electro makeover and Max making fun of how Kurt's plan is to turn everyone into lizards and how stupid that is, or Kurt not wantign to go into Happy's apartment to get cured and MJ threatening everyone with that spell book or Aunt May thinking Otto might like sea water due to being an octopus. Though I have to admit the best comedy came when the other two Spider Men were introduced. I really like Amazing having to really prove he's spider man or asking where Raimi's suit is and then dunking on the fact he has organic web shooters and the others asking "have you ever had a web stop". And man once they were on the same page all of their banter was so great from Raimi talking about having to fight Venom and saying his best friend harry died in his arms to Ned and Ned saying "Peter I may have powers but I will never turn evil and go against you" and Amazing talking about having to fight Rhino in a suit and not having a space battle and yeah the other spider men not knowing who the Avengers are (I would of liked more of that with them being surpirsed at the idea of other super heroes in general) or Raimi admitting he's still hurt after the hug send off the three have at the end and just a lot of great lines. Some groaners here and there (the "Dr. Octopus" line as well as Ned interrupting a kiss between Peter and MJ) but man so much less then No Way Home as more worked.

Overall this is easily one of the best Spider Man movies. In fact IMHO the only Spider Man movie better is Into The Spider Verse because that had a much better uplifting ending and better action while still having stake and consequences and was probably overall funnier. This is still super great though. Like the only MCU movie since Endgame that could beat this is potentially Shang Chi and... though I liked Shang Chi's ending better that had a more noticably flabby middle while this had better focus throughout. And yeah it's clear now the problem with Spider Man movies with multiple villains isn't multiple villains it's the focus put because the focus here worked... granted the set up was in other movies but still this was a great Spider Man movie though hopefully the next one whenever that comes has black suit spider man lead to his friends being the one to help him remember who he is as they remember their connection with him but get there when we get there. Still great stuff worth all the praise it's getting.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I haven't seen an audience cheering so relentlessly since Avengers: Endgame. It was crazy. Matt Murdock, Garfield, Tobey, each one got uproarious cheers from the audience, even the bad guys got enthusiastic responses from the crowd. It was a great movie-going experience and for those few hours it was the most "normal" things have felt since the pandemic started. This movie is going to be a massive crowd-pleaser!

While it wasn't perfect I still loved nearly every minute of it. My only major gripe is that I wish we got a better shot of Spider-Man's new costume at the end of the year. I love that he's back in the ol' spandex and has ditched his Stark tech but of course that all makes sense with how nobody no longer knows he's Spider-Man. It's a gutsy move but it definitely leaves the future wide open for this series. I wonder now what his next MCU appearance is going to be like. Outside of that we got the usual mediocre CG that seems to get worse and worse with each Marvel movie. It looked really weak and maybe rushed. The Lizard looked no better than his first appearance and Sandman was maybe the worst looking of the bunch. It's passable but I just wish it was better. I imagine some of this can be blamed on the pandemic.

Seeing the Riami Spider-Man and the Webb Spider-Man again is something I still can't over. I also can't believe how this movie does a nice job sort of wrapping up the arcs from those two film series. We know Riami's Spider-Man is happy and doing his best. Webb's Spider-Man is struggling a little and I won't lie that I cried when he caught MJ. They even gave Foxx's Electro a great send off and I love how Ock and Goblin were handled too. I love how basically with the exception of Aunt May everyone else got basically a happy-ish ending even if its also all bittersweet. Everyone seemed really game and enjoying themselves here too. The first end credit scene with Venom was interesting and I liked the Dr. Strange 2 teaser at the end.

Such a satisfying movie that even with its problems still ends up being pretty amazing. Easily in my top five now.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
One of the best descriptions I saw is that this was an MCU Spider-Man origin film. Gutsy move to do that after 3 MCU appearances and in the 3rd MCU Spider-Man film. It also sets up the symbiote, opens him up to other classic love interests, even possibly sets up Hobgoblin Ned Leeds. Impressive world shifting.

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Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I saw this earlier today and I enjoyed it.

The entire audience in the screening room that was showing the film were cheering when Raimi!Peter and Webb!Peter showed up.

If anything, the ending is more like the Doctor Who episode "Journey's End" as well as Superman II and X-Men: First Class than like One More Day IMO.


Active Member
Feb 11, 2009
one of the things I found interesting about this movie is they actually made Norman osborn sympathetic a Jekyll to the goblin's Hyde when most incarnations of the character make Norman a piece of trash regardless if he on the gilder or not. what do all think of this choice?


N0t 4 3very1 & Th@t'$ OK
May 28, 2014
one of the things I found interesting about this movie is they actually made Norman osborn sympathetic a Jekyll to the goblin's Hyde when most incarnations of the character make Norman a piece of trash regardless if he on the gilder or not. what do all think of this choice?
That was established in Spider-Man (2002)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
One reason why I regret that it doesn’t seem like we are getting an MCU Norman Osborn.

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Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
Did anyone else think
Andrew Garfield seemed like he straight up wasn't playing the same character he played in his previous two films? All of the returning characters felt like they'd been MCU-ified a bit, and a lot of people have noted Electro retains almost none of his traits from ASM2, but it particularly stood out with Garfield to me. I did like his two big "moments" though.

Film as a whole was fine. I'm not the biggest MCU fan, and in particularly I've never much cared for the MCU version of Spider-Man, so this was never going to be my favourite film, but for what it was and what it was trying to do it was fine.


Jul 25, 2006
Livonia, MI
I see Wilem Dafoe still has pieces of the scenery from the first movie stuck between his teeth after all these years :D.

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Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
This film is really impressive. It juggles a lot (trying to be a major Sony crossover while also fitting itself into the current MCU Multiverse arc while also trying to be the final film in a high school Spider-Man trilogy) and yet I'd say it's pretty successful at all of these. Heck, unlike FFH, I'd say this film didn't forget that the high school stuff was just as important (this all being because of something as low-key as college applications). Even before we enter the multiverse stuff, the first twenty minutes were still very engaging, maybe because we haven't gotten too many CBMs that seriously dealt with the fallout of having your identity revealed. They even went some angles I hadn't expected.

But of course, for many fans, the appeal is in the crossover. And it's super fun and rewarding. Alfred Molina and Willem Dafoe haven't missed a beat; heck, Dafoe is probably the best CBM villain of 2021. He's creepy and ruthless and does a lot of damage. Jamie Foxx's Electro is an improvement on ASM2, but still not great. Sandman and especially Lizard, are a bit overshadowed, but I do like that Sandman's motivations haven't been forgotten.

Maguire and Garfield are utilized well. This is still Holland's movie, and they only appear towards the end, but they still get their big moments, and the film has plenty of references and callbacks to previous films for their fans to enjoy. Also, the scene where the three of them hug is just sweet, who couldn't like that?

Speaking of Spider-Man, this is Holland's best turn as the character yet, in part because he has a lot more intense content to work with. I'm also shocked at how dark this was allowed to be at times; they really addressed the complaint that the MCU Spider-Man hadn't suffered enough. Also, I didn't think they'd do it, but they had the guts to do their own One More Day - and it worked really well.

Also, Black-costume Spider-Man foreshadowing!

There is way more I could say, but I think anyone who is even a mild Spider-Man fan will get something out of this movie.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2021
Atlanta, GA, USA
Saw it last night and I was impressed. Never thought I'd see Garfield and Maguire putting the suit back on after years. I like how the themes of second chances and redemption are overreaching throughout the movie, with Peter refusing to believe that people are destined by fate, as well as the concept of moving on from the past.

I imagine Maguire and Garfield agreed to reprise their roles because they didn't like how their tenures as Spidey ended so abruptly and wanted, at the very least, to give fans a proper send-off.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
12/24: No release date but already up for pre-order:

Best Buy Steelbook

Target Exclusive (Collectible Cards)

-Best Buy

-Best Buy

-Best Buy

Some bts footage, including the cut Harry Holland scene.

12/30: Interview with Chris McKenna and Erik Sommers. Weigh in on a lot of things like the early drafts were jam packed with characters and Hardy's Venom being in the final battle was discussed.

Interview with Angourie Rice.

1/7: Garfield on how he was pitched his role.

Seems the box was a book during the concept stage.

And concept art indicates America Chavez was going to appear at one point.

1/8: Showing up on iTunes with a March 1 digital release date.

1/9: February 28 on Vudu.

So best guess is that means the home release will be around March 22 or 29.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
I opted to catch this movie one last time before the new COVID restriction kicks in and on second viewing it holds up really really well. The pace is fantastic, the story is really good and there are lots of great moments. Some of the "plot holes" do start to creep with subsequent viewings it seems and I'm anxious to watch this movie again when it hits home video. I'm glad I at least got to see it twice and I am still blown away by how well it's doing at the box office. It really seems like people are rallying to this movie for a little escape.

Garfield's moment with saving MJ still hits just as hard as it did the first time and he may be my favorite character in the entire movie. Not that the rest are slouches but Garfield just seems to be on a higher level compared to Holland and Maguire. If this was the last Spider-Man movie ever made it's a great way to end it all.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I've watched the movie twice at this point. Going into this, I thought to set up Peter being put in this situation where the public believes he's Spider-Man was such an easy fix with the people that could have helped him out. People who frankly owed him. I was going into this movie thinking it was so lame for this reveal to be taken as seriously as it was. As I watched the movie, that just became the setup for all of the goodness that the movie delivered. This really made me appreciate the casting that has gone on in the Spider-Man movies for the past 20 years. Everybody played their parts incredibly here. My MVPs were Willem Dafoe and Andrew Garfield though. Outside of the dusting in Infinity War, it has been kind of hard to be emotionally connected to the MCU Spider-Man. It was painful to watch what happened to him here. He's totally in the brotherhood of suffering Peter Parkers now though. I was talking to someone about how much I longed to see live action or animated Spider-Man movies when I was a kid and it almost started feeling like a pipe dream until I found out that the first Sam Raimi movie was made. Much like Endgame felt like the culmination of being an MCU fan for 10 years, this felt like the ultimate payoff for 20 years of Spider-Man movie fandom. I was so happy, and sad, with this and I absolutely love that.

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Yes, have some.
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Jul 13, 2003
1/25: The script has been released online.

They somehow rationalized that Doc Ock didn't willingly sacrifice himself for the greater good, Sandman & Lizard apparently died at the hands of a Spider-Man, but chose not to resurrect the one villain whose dead man's switch is the catalyst for this mess?
Maybe they considered a scene where the variants in silhouette did cross over?

Christian Cordella posts concepts of the villain variants.

1/26: Comments from Maguire on suiting up again.

That released script reveals there was a scene with a Stan Lee look-alike at one point.

Chris Waenger comments on the controversy with the "deleted characters in the trailer" and VFX on the Spider-Men.

1/28: Interview with Watts.

1/30: Couple more Electro concepts.
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