Spider-Man Romances In Animation - A Retrospective


Active Member
Apr 12, 2004
Well he did have quite the ego in the third movie. I guess he figured that a kiss for show wouldn't have been a big deal, and that MJ would understand that it was just for show. Guys make mistakes like that all the time...cept they're usually not upside down:p
Yeah, but even for "show" purposes, I think it would've been better (on more than one level - showiness, relationship, more in keeping with his public persona in general) to get over there, keep the mask on, and give her a mmm-wah on the cheek or something.

...I'll stop talking about it now.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
The novelization states that Peter is aware that MJ is watching, and is no different than the guys that she kisses on stage. I'm just passing the info, not justifying it.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Now, as a straight man, I find romantic comedies to be insipid wastes of times which do little other than treat males like complete idiots whilst the ladies sit and marvel at the pathetically predictable plots and characters so paper thin they make Kiera Knightly look overweight. Spider-Man 2 could be described as a romantic comedy, only it dares do something different – the male is the central character, not the girl.

Spider-Man 2 a romantic comedy? It's not the first word that I find off, but the second word. Was Spider-Man 2 really a comedy? Well I didn't hear anybody laughing, DID YOU?! Except for that guy who told Peter he wasn't allowed in the theatre. That guy cracks me up. Heh heh. What was I saying again? Oh yeah, stay out of my booze.

True but I don't think anything would've come from a Peter/Naoko/Mary Jane triangle mostly because I don't Naoko would have been a "threat" to their relationship in any way. She just seemed to fill the role of a female protagonist in the series and nothing more and ineffect was somewhat wasted as a character.

I was thinking more along the lines of Spider-Man/Naoko/Goblin triangle. Even if Peter doesn't see her in that light, their relationship (and the one he has with the kid) is plenty to make the Goblin jealous and cause tension between them.


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