"Star Wars: Ahsoka" Talkback (Spoilers)


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Once a rebel, always a rebel.


Series Premiere: August 22, 2023

Directed By: Steph Green, Jennifer Getzinger, Geeta Vasant Patel, Peter Ramsey, and Rick Famuyiwa

Head Writer: Dave Filoni

Cast: Rosario Dawson, Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, David Tennant, Wes Chatham, Ray Stevenson, Ivanna Sakhno, Diana Lee Inosanto, Temuera Morrison, Eman Esfandi, Lars Mikkelsen, Hayden Christensen

Former Jedi Knight Ahsoka Tano investigates an emerging threat to a vulnerable galaxy.

Part One "Master and Apprentice"

A valuable prisoner escapes New Republic custody; a search for answers reunited two old friends.

Part Two "Toils and Trouble"

Ahsoka and General Hera Syndulla travel to New Republic shipyards and make an unexpected discovery.

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Star Wars: Ahsoka "Part One: Master And Apprentice"

I don't usually do this. Usually I treat Pilots very gently, and with a grain of salt. I try to keep an open mind. But I strongly disliked that. It used a brand of plot-related stupidity of the type usually reserved for long-running series that have become a little long in the tooth and run out of gas. Now, this IS a direct sequel to "Rebels", from Dave Filoni himself, and "Rebels" had some amazing plot-related stupidity of its own week in and week out, but I always brushed that off as it being a show for kids. Nope, truly Filoni doesn't understand how dumb this is and is an actual bad writer. Interesting to learn.

I don't begrudge Sabine for being dumb enough to take the map and go off by herself. It's established she doesn't like being told what to do, and likes testing limits with authority. What I object to it the fact that Ahsoka should already know this about her, and insisted she hand over the map to her right this instant while she was entertaining notions of taking off with it.

Interesting Ahsoka once trained Sabine to be a Jedi. The ending DID fool me though. I really did think they actually killed Sabine off. I was pissed for a hot minute.

David Tennant is not as big as Doctor Who get for Star Wars as Tom Baker's voice-over role was in "Rebels", but it's probably second.

Return of the credit crawl Narration at the beginning, this time using red lettering. I've kind of missed that in the franchise.

I am very unhappy with that, and I almost NEVER give Pilots the business. But this shows started off on the thinnest of ice with me. *.

Star Wars: Ahsoka "Part Two: Toil And Trouble"


I have to say the New Republic is making some of the exact same kinds of stupid mistakes as the Old Republic. The idea that about half the Republic fleet is former Imperialists is troubling. Not only should those guys be in jail, but the bad dude played by Peter Jacobson thought he was justifying the idea, when instead he was pointing out the flaw in its logic, when he claimed the New Republic couldn't function without the Imperialists in the ranks. That's a BAD thing, man.

See, to me, that means the New Republic needed to start over. The idea that they NEED former Imperialists to function gives that faction an alarming and unnecessary amount of political power. If I were Leia, I would simply have the people learn to do without. At least to start off with. Would people have been pissed to lose so many of their comforts? Yeah. But you don't overthrow an Empire and do it halfway by refusing to actually destroy it. Man, people talked smack of The Mandalorian: Season 3, but I dug the fact it hinted the New Republic was not just even more corrupt than the Old One. It was starting to become as corrupt as the Empire itself. This is an interesting idea I want to see further explored.

While we are talking smack about the Republic and the Jedi, I am tickled that the Droid played by David Tennant seems ten times wiser than Yoda and Obi-Wan on their best days combined. And probably twenty times as honest. I dig him.

Sabine with the Mandalorian helmet is a much bigger deal with the added context of "The Mandalorian" than it ever was on "Rebels". Which is something I like.

I can work with this. ***1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Part Three: Time To Fly - August 29, 2023
Hera tangles with New Republic politics while Ahsoka and Sabine Wren voyage to a distant planet.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Ahsoka "Part Three: Time To Fly"

Solid as hell. Not up to the levels of Andor or Obi-Wan Kenobi yet. But close.

David Tennant has the perfect voice for a Droid. Huyang is a revelation of a character. I love that he unashamedly admits what he said to Sabine to Ahsoka, and his defense is it's true. And Ahsoka's perspective that she's not exactly looking to turn Sabine into a Jedi is maybe really the only push back against it that is needed. Maybe she IS the suckiest potential Jedi Huyang has ever seen. But maybe her actual role in all this is supposed to be different.

I also love that he has a name instead of letters and numbers.

They almost died. Par for the course. Golf is apparently a thing in Star Wars. He's especially cool because he doesn't argue further about being shut down once he's reminded it's Jedi protocol. That is one chill Droid. I love his, "Almost... Almost..." leading to him being shorted out.

Is Jason Kanan's son? If he was, you'd figure he'd have small tentacles and not just green hair.

Return of the space whales. The episode kindly reminded us the last time we saw them was Rebels' finale.

Mothra from Andor appears. Really leaning into the Shared Universe here. Somebody reminded me seeing her in future-set projects is all right because we already had before Andor started. She was always gonna survive that series.

Great episode. On-board now. ****1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
8/29: Part One

Strong premiere. Hope they can keep that energy for the whole season.

Woot, a text crawl! But oops, pretty sure Ahsoka never made the rank of Knight.

Ok, so continuing the arc from the Mandalorian's "The Jedi" with Morgan. Makes sense. Very intriguing she has hired some Sith mercs for hire and is descended from Nightsisters. Siths expected. But robots that self-detonate if they can't beat their opponent? And that was no little explosion. Droids that ain't pushovers, well ok.

Loved Sabine. She's cool in every facet. Can understand why the SW fans really hyped her on sites and social media. So a Mandalorian turned graffiti artist turned Rebel that I guess between shows learned she had a connection to the Force and trained under Ahsoka briefly but things got... strained between them.

Huyang sounds like an interesting droid. Taught Jedi for 500 years. The Alfred to Ahsoka's Batman.

It's idk, I wouldn't say "comical," but oh sure, another Jedi that survived Order 66. But the interesting caveat is he went Sith and basically survived through the years after as a mercenary for hire then somewhere along the line, found a little Force sensitive girl and decided to take her on as his padawan. And amassed a small droid gang. I'd say Baylan Skoll is gonna be a fun villain.

I'm sure if I watched Clones Wars and Rebels, I'd have more context but I did watch two 15-30 minute recap videos to get the gist and went through the episode fore the most part without any confusion. So that concern of mine wasn't that big a deal. They showed and said a baseline of what the general audience needed to know and if you saw everything before it, things click a lot more. This ragtag band of rebels had a strong bond during the Empire's reign and now during the New Republic they've since moved on and scattered to their own corners. Some more friendly with each other than others.

Only nitpick with Part One I'm sure will be Sabine getting stabbed through with a lightsaber and surviving.

Part Two

Ok... guess Lothal had some great medical tech to save Sabine from certain death.

Interesting, is this the first time we've had mention of an entirely different galaxy in Star Wars canon? I assumed Ezra and Thrawn were taken to Unknown Region space but seems the map indicates the Purgills took them to an entirely different galaxy altogether. And sidebar, Skoll calls that place the "Reflex Point"? Is Filoni a Robotech fan?!

Dug the Hitchcokian tension when Sabine was trying to hack into the droid.

Ah, some more New Republic/Empire stuff with a dash of corporate greed.

Ooh! Those were HK-droids. From Knights of the Old Republic. Totally forgot about them.

Ok, the third one's an ex-Inquisitor? Intriguing.

Love Chopper. It flexed, how could you not dig this dude? Lol

It was amusing to see Hera and Huyang act as the mediators to nudge Sabine and Ahsoka back together. Lmao at Huyang's assessment of Sabine's Force skills. And as soon as the ship leaves, Hera knows they succeeded. But loved the subtle changes with how Hera talks to Ahskoa and how she talks to Sabine.

Skoll continues to make for a unique and interesting Sith. Still has such reverence for the Jedi – the hilt design as Huyang pointed out in part one, the Padawan braid Shin has, and the convo at the end of the episode lamenting "there are so few left." And even Skoll's demeanor. No real pulsating anger like most Sith, no sense of evil, but calm and collected yet sees Thrawn's return as an ascension to more power.

So the episode title has to be a nod to the Witches in Macbeth. Since we have Morgan who is descended from the Nightsisters and seems to have some skill with that green energy when she uses the star map at the site (though if she was powers, odd she didn't use them against Ahsoka in "The Jedi"...shrug). It was intriguing Morgan mentioned people from another galaxy built that site. Maybe an allusion to the Zeffo from the Fallen Order games.

Interesting ship design for the Eye of Sios. If Morgan's that far along on a ship, wonder what the remaining 6 episodes entail. I mean, I think it's a foregone conclusion Ezra and Thrawn will be found by the season finale but looking forward to whatever space melees and saber fights are left. Wonder if this Macbeth reference is just this episode or foreshadowing. Like Star Wars' Macbeth is Thrawn and he will ultimately lose due to his own hubris.

Sure there were a ton more SW references. But Denab system instantly made me hink of Lando. And Corellia, Han's home planet!

Really liked this director Steph Green's work. The stuff with Sabine hacking the droid, the tensions between Hera and Ahsoka and the shipyard staff, and the back and forth with Ahsoka fighting the droid and Inquisitor and Hera and Chopper chasing the transport.

8/31: Part Three

Loved this week. Mainly for digging into some classic Star Wars like training the newb and space melee.

Confirmed the obvious, that ring is gonna go to the next galaxy to get Thrawn. Didn't know until later, the name of it Eye of Sion or whatever is a Knights of Old Republic nod to a Sith lord.

And New Republic politics.... Props to Hera zinging that one senator with her 'did you fight in the war?' Like that manager at Morgan's factory and the comment on the business's lack of caring about who's in charge, same with these politicians - not a shocker - but still cool to see someone call them out. No shock, Mothma ended up the new chancellor. Could see Leia not wanting that title and the headaches that came with it.

Guess next week will be cat-and-mouse in the forest.

Is Jason Kanan's son? If he was, you'd figure he'd have small tentacles and not just green hair.
Yes, Jacen is Kanan's son. That was not the first thing I thought of. It was y'know... he could be Force sensitive.

Return of the space whales. The episode kindly reminded us the last time we saw them was Rebels' finale.

Mothra from Andor appears. Really leaning into the Shared Universe here. Somebody reminded me seeing her in future-set projects is all right because we already had before Andor started. She was always gonna survive that series.
lol, it took a bit to realize you were talking about Mon Mothma.
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Peter Paltridge

Staff member
Sep 24, 2003
Stars Hollow
I've enjoyed this show so far, which is a relief, because it's no longer a guarantee that a Disney+ Star Wars will be a good one. Sabine and Hera translated to live-action pretty well. If the rush of fanart is any indication, they have new fans now they didn't before.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Fun Fact that not a lot of people really talk about: Ahoska Tano actually is the last major creation George Lucas crafted for the Star Wars universe. Like yeah it was sort of based on an idea Dave Filoni had but George is the one who wanted to make Ahoska a teenage padawan under Anakin. Not only because he wanted to finally have one of his works to have a more proactive female action hero in it (having daughters) but also because he wanted to do more with the Clone Wars. Which... was always a massive turn off for me. Since like or hate the prequels I kind of thought after Revenge of the Sith we were done with that era and that more Star Wars would you know be done in the AFTER Return of the Jedi time. Especially since already was an amazing Clone Wars shows by Genndy Tartaovskey so why have another? To make them look ugly in CGI with this new character? That's how I and a lot of people felt at the time and though I didn't see the pilot movie I saw the first half of season one and though it had some moments I couldn't get into it an dropped the show feeling an annoyance ot the idea and especially to the character of Ahoska. That's how I thought a lot of people felt to and still though even after I heard Clone Wars had gotten better that Ahoska was still this super hated character. "Like oh yeah Clone Wars is good just ignore her" like you would say Jar Jar Binks. Then after Clone Wars inital end when Rebels started up I heard that Ahoska was back in that show. And I remember going "wow now she's going to ruin ANOTHER Star Wars cartoon" but then found out a lot of people were hyped and that excited them to the series. Because apparently when I wasn't watching Ahoska went through a lot of character development and growth and became actually a beloved part of Clone Wars and the franchise as a whole. Which really surprised me... not enough to fully keep up with either of the two animated series but I saw enough of Clone Wars to get she had grown and even enough of Rebels to see where the character was now and how it was an interesting history. It did feel weird since I assumed originally she wasn't mentioned in the original trilogy was because she died in like 0rder 66 that she would still be around but again I guess I was more impressed the character was still popular. So popular that she wound up transitioning into live action for the Mandalorian and becoming even more beloved there and had this new aura around her. And I saw enough of that and then seeing Boba Fett to go "you know what? Maybe I should give this character another actual chance and check out her show." Yeah it's weird of the live action Star Wars shows the big ones I haven't seen or don't have any interest in are the ones people say are the best like Andor (which yeah I still haven't forgiven Rogue One yet for it's eh ness ) or Mandalorian but seen the others. So after that long speil how does this one shake out as a Star Wars series in it's first 3 episodes?

Well I actually have grown to like and appreciate Ahoska and seems like they are going in a decent place but still haven't majorly fallen for this one.

Again I haven't watched a lot of Rebels but I know enough about it where I'm not lost on pretty much all the major points on why Thrawn and Ezra are gone and Sabine being this punk Mandalorian and about the relationship her and Ahoska and Hera have... honestly feels like the first episode if you were just a fan of the live action shows should have had like they did with Obi Wan a recap or Rebels just to clear everyone up on. But it's not a major problem. The major problem is that I am not a fan of Sabine at all. I don't know if she was that annoying in Rebels as I didn't see much of her in the bits I did but she's super annoying here. Between blowing off that whole memorial for the crew and then taking the map to try and work on it (like it is stupid of Ahoska's part not to like guard her more closely especially since she KNOWS Jedi sprung Morgan for that very reason so something to be more on guard for) and then still being cynical and brattish even after being stabbed... yeah doesn't warm me up to the character. Reminds me of why I didn't get into 2K8 Clone Wars cause of not liking young Ahoska and I guess maybe this show will be more about Sabine growing up but there's a charming way to do bratty and this isn't really working for me. The opening too of how Baylan and Shin got out Morgans felt pretty hokey but not in a fun sort of hokey way either just hokey. And though there's stuff I'm sure they'll address further down in the season like more of Baylan and Shin's backstory as well as Ahoska and Sabine's previous falling out there's stuff that feels like it should have been touched on at the start. Like are we ever going to find out exactly fully what Ahoska was doing during like the original movies at all as that would be a good way to catch us up on the character here but yeah they aren't doing that.

There is quite a lot I do like. The second episode I really appreciate them going to that base and finding out how much of the Empire's units and people still have jobs because there's still this demand to get stuff moving and have people working and it probably taking more time if they didn't sort out those former empire blokes. Even though that is the attitude you know will bite them by the time the First Order comes out but again I do like how this shows the downtime between major wars and how even in these peace eras these smaller issues you know will be major problems. I wasn't sold on Sabine but the main characters really work for me. Hera has this coolness about her especially when needing to get that tracking chip and talking to Chopper I really liked and also appreciate her annoyedness about all of this political red tape she has to deal with. And yeah though I did enjoy the Clone Wars show finale I saw and bits of Rebel and her live aciton bits this is so far the most I've really enjoyed of Ahoska in Star Wars. She has this cool collected "trained heavily in the force and is this master but isn't old and looking to retire and just stay somewhere still wants to be active" energy that works well and honestly her training Sabine and showing her quickly move out of the way of the camera and try to get Sabine more in touch with the force was good. And I will say they did a really good impressive "better then I thought for a TV Budget" approach for that major ship chase in the latest episode. Again haven't seen Mandalorian or Andor but this is so far more impressive effects work then either Boba Fett or Obi Wan had plus they do really proper the tension well in these sort of scenes.

So yeah going to keep watching as though I had problems these were still decent episodes and honestly I am glad I'm finally mostly over my old grude on Ahoska... maybe this will turn me around on Sabine too hopefully in a few or less epsiosdes heh heh.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Part Four "Fallen Jedi" - September 5, 2023
Hera risks her career to help her friends while Ahsoka and Sabine confront enemies.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Ahsoka "Part Four: Fallen Jedi"

A little bland and dry, although it was nice to see Hunyang in action for a bit (even though he lost).

I have to say I always found Vader's end in Jedi totally unjust. After all that genocidal maniac did, he gets to hang around with Yoda and Obi-Wan as a blue ghost for all eternity? Not remotely fair. Anakin's appearance at the end here has me feeling hopeful that there's a chance he'll actually wind up useful for the good guys, and that his last minute unearned "redemption" THEN will have actually shockingly meant something for NOW. We'll see. But seeing Anakin's ghost past the Ewok celebration and seemingly willing to help Ahsoka out is already a good thing.

I can't believe Sabine gave into Baylan like that. I think a LOT less of her for it. She can live without Ezra. The rest of the galaxy cannot live WITH Thrawn. How is she too dumb and selfish to get that? I don't think I'll ever forgive her.

I expect that will probably get favorable reviews, but I was a little bored. About the best thing I can say is that it promises good things for next week. But we'll see. I don't think a single Star Wars project has handled Anakin Skywalker well, and if this is the first I'll be (pleasantly) surprised. But it just might be. Like I said, we'll see. **1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
This was a frustrating week. Sabine making the wrong choice, Hera and the pilots not shooting as soon as they found the Eye of Sion, Ahsoka being pushed off a cliff, more multiverse/time travel/whatever stuff with the World Between Worlds, Anakin from whatever point in time or Force Ghost appearing. Feels like the middle of this season is being padded out and this probably could have been a 6 episode show instead of 8. Just get to the galaxy and Ezra and Thrawn already.

Though yes, it was cool to see Huyang fight the droid and it was intriguing that when Marrok got killed, his black-green soul/essence seeped out. "Witchcraft"? EDIT: There was an episode of Clone Wars where the Nightsisters used something called the Chant of Resurrection. Hmm. EDIT2: Ok, read about Maul's brother's death on Clone Wars and the same thing happens to him, green smoke leaves his body. Basically a spell turning him into a Nightbrother that can use the Force. Interesting.
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Fallen Jedi" - Unfortunately when you have a character who you're more used to how they operated in one type of medium it does take some getting used to how they are in another. I wasn't the biggest fan of Clone Wars or Rebels but from what I saw especially in the Clone Wars finale it feels off seeing Ahsoka not only have such difficulties with these kind of opponents but even her speed in getting somewhere. Yeah yeah I know the super jedi speed and jumping and agility was more able to be shown in animation compared to live action but it still feels off with how long it seemingly take her to travel through the forest to this location set up. But that's honestly a minor quibble compared to man I am disliking Sabine more and more. Now this probably is my fault for not watching Rebels to really see that bond her and Ezra have that would make her super desperate to see him again but yeah not so much a fan of these "oh character's super whole devotion and motivation to save someone else they'll just keep doing stupid things because of that." Like it can work sometimes but you have to like and get the connection which I don't. And again irony in that in Clone Wars Ahsoka was the obnoxious brat always working against orders and following more emotional gut based decisions that sometimes blew up in her face and now is more the wise professional but that again is part of the reason I stopped watching hte original clone wars. This being a mini series I'm not going to stop but it does make it harder to get invested in whatever's happening to Sabine. I don't care if you feel bad about Hera and the other's ships being knocked around when they're like that BECAUSE of you. I guess granted Skoll would have just offed her probably if she did destroy the map bridge but it's clear her motivation was more trying to get Ezra so yeah still not a fan of her.

I do think the action though not as flowing as you'd get in the animated series works here. Especially Ahoska and Sabine working in tandem against that patrolling hunt and Sabine faking out Shin with her blaster and Ahoska and Skoll using the force in their duel as well as Ahoska's focus being on trying to destroy the map instead of fighting thus allowing Skoll to get in hits. And yeah seems like we're in that whole time room that Rebels had to see Ahoska reunite with Anakin. I really am hoping now that we see Hayden Christanian Anakain (BTW nice to see Hayden acknowledge this part of the Star Wars franchise he never properly was able to before) we do get more on why Ahoska distanced herself more from him during the original movie run. Like Sabine and Skoll tap on that here but we don't get any answers but yeah now that she's confronting Anakin directly hoping that's something that winds up changing. Admittedly that and a couple of jokes (Huyang saying after the fight it will be more difficult making repairs and Hera's son asking "hey how come you get to break the laws but I can't?) are the highlight here as to me Sabine really drags things down but eh still more into this then Secert Invasion anyway as I at least feel there is a good FOCUS to this series that didn't have.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Shadow Warrior" - You know I have to say I never thought we'd see a life action take on the CG Clone Wars stories much less with Hayden Christensan. Probably should have considering how much Dave Filoni has control over even this aspect of Star Wars but yeah it is neat to see. Especially since honestly if I had gotten up to the aspect of Ahoksa doubting herself and having failed so much and Anakin reminding her of what it means to be a warrior and the cost of battle I would have probably given the show more of a chance. I also did like the lesson that ultimately came from here since a lame "you have to just live on" would be too formulaic but I think it's more that Ahoska is now reflecting on her own legacy and how toxic it's been considering her relationship with Sabine and what she knew of Anakin. I still want more a direct kind of answer of where was she during the original movies but I do like the idea of her questioning this legacy and how one can rise past all the various wars that was all pretty good.

I do feel the second half of this could have been severely skimmed down. I get taking time with the Clone Wars flashbacks but the stuff of Jason telling his mom about his vision and looking for her felt paded and yeah once Ahoska awoken that half could have been especially trimmed. And though a part of me appreciates they didn't go in the directions fans predicted with "Ahoska having burned part of the map on her hand to be a way to lead them to where Sabine and Baylo" are... again I haven't seen much of Rebels, but were the space whales as much of a kind of dues ex machina here as they are there? Yeah yeah the whole "oh I don't know if they'll actually take us there" while amusing feels still like a "yeah we know they're going to take you there since you made such a big deal of them" plus though I guess maybe this Hera's last big part in this story at least till maybe the last ep, sans talking with her son about his feelings and trying to get someone to halt the fleet not really anything was done with her. So a kind of so so episode. The flashback stuff was good and I really do appreciate Hayden leading credence to THIS part of the Star Wars legacy he hadn't previously before but eh the rest felt extended just to have a full ep of "here's how Ahoska is going to get to where the others are looking for Thrawn." BTW there are only 3 episodes left so if we are going to get anything with Thrawn hopefully he really shows up next epiosde and does something.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Definitely a love letter to the Clone Wars fans. From what I read about and saw in recap videos I watched before the premiere, as I watched this episode, was wondering if there would be a Maul cameo in the Siege of Mandalore flashback but the Super Commandos and Rex cameo was pretty cool.

Nice touches on the legacy Ahsoka carries and why Ahsoka is trying to prevent another war from breaking out.

So like was that Anakin as a Force ghost or something else? Pretty trippy seeing him go from Jedi to Sith 'mode' during the fight and the flashes of Vader.

Confirmed Jacen is Force Sensitive, not like there was a question of that.

That exchange with Mothma, totally another 'this is why the First Order happened.' Instead of granting missions, the New Republic wanted to hold committee meetings. Why are they questioning it still, a bunch of Force sensitives broke out a convict that happened to be an industrialist and acolyte of Thrawn. Don't think Hera will be too broken up if she gets stripped of her rank.

Anyone know when Ahsoka developed Force psychometry or was this a 'between shows' thing?

Love Carson trying to stall the fleet with a Leia name drop.

But then I was like like 'uh you call that evasive maneuvers?'

lol, loved Huyang telling Jacen "no" and later Ahsoka telling him she doesn't know where the Purgills are taking them. Hilarious but also glad it didn't be some deus ex machina that she can Force communicate with animals. From what I've read, that's a rare skill among Jedi and probably dilute the unique skillset of Ezra.


Brand New Day on Toonzone
Staff member
Mar 22, 2002
Springfield, MO
Thrawn's going to show up half way through the last episode, say 6 or 7 words, and then "TO BE CONTINUED!" Then we have to wait 2 to 3 years for "Ahsoka" Season 2.

I fear this is going to be like Luke appearing at the end of "The Force Awakens", where the mentality was "he's too important, save him for later" (and then what we get 2 years later in "The Last Jedi" was underwhelming).

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Ahsoka "Part Five: Shadow Warrior"

Mixed feelings (to say the least). For an 8 episode season, an episode that has as little forward momentum as this one does is troubling. The fact that the current strikes make new content at a premium is also worrisome. Are they spinning their wheels because they plan to end the season on a huge cliffhanger? Considering the studios are refusing every reasonable demand from both the actors and writers that cliffhanger might remain unsolved for a good five years. Ill-advised time for big franchises to do long-term planning. Andor is kinda screwed there too, by the way.

I'll talk about the quality in a minute. But there was something I've been meaning to mention every week but I always declined to because I could have been wrong. It's episode 5. I feel safe enough observing this. What's interesting is I've never seen anyone else point this out.

Am I the only one who has noticed that there is a distinct lack of cursing on this show?

Star Wars is not a profane franchise. But for the Disney live-action stuff especially, "hells" and "damns" are common. Andor has even provocatively graduated to s-bombs. Why do I think the characters are speaking so squarely? My theory is Dave Filoni is trying his damndest to rehabilitate Star Wars Rebels in the fans' minds.

Rebels is the red-headed step-child of the canon. So much of the arc of the current stuff can be tied to it, but its quality was shady. And unlike both The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch, which both had TV-PG stuff with violence, death, and for The Clone Wars, occasional cursing, Rebels totally Nerfed the franchise in not just violence, but the way the characters spoke. (For example it routinely used the dreaded "Destroy them" rather than "Kill them".) Maybe Filoni is having the characters on this show speaking in a more age appropriate manner to suggest Rebels simply happened to follow a group of characters who just randomly happened to not be profane. Maybe this show uses gentle language to give THAT show's gentle language credibility, and to say it both fits, and is in character for that cast. There are three episodes left so for all I know Ezra will scream "Leroy Jenkins!" followed by multiple f-bombs, but in case I'm right, that's the theory I'm going with.

Really, the only more disrespected Star Wars show than Rebels is Resistance. But a future producer tries to find ways to make THAT mess more believable I'll be surprised. I think Filoni has done a good job making Rebels seem like a worthwhile project in hindsight. There ain't no polishing the turd that was Resistance.

I was unhappy with Anakin's portrayal. He seems mad that Ahsoka brings up the Vader stuff. You know what Annie? She is right to bring it up. In fact, SHE'S the one who should be mad. The episode is trying to portray Anakin as helpful, but if that's true, there is no logical reason to instigate a light-saber duel other than Filoni imagined we wanted to see at least one in the episode, and one between Anakin and Ahsoka especially. I think it was wrong on both counts because it makes no damn sense.

Carson is taking an awful lot on faith here. They are asking him to risk him entire career for some truly nutty stuff.

Speaking of which, I loved the ending. Not only was it weirdly majestic (and how great was it when Ahsoka admitted she didn't know where the whales were gonna take 'em but reasoned that somewhere was better than nowhere?) but the looks on the faces of the Republic pilots said a LOT about the people in the franchise. Andor has gotten a LOT of praise for exploring how civilians live and fit in on the fringes of the Star Wars Universe. That right there suggested these tie-fighter jockeys really had no inkling of the weird adventure stuff Jedi get up to every week. There isn't just fear and disturbance running through their minds. It's wonder and awe.

Do you know what it is? It's Tyrion Lannister watching Daenerys Targaryen escape a fiery death by flying away on the back of her pet dragon. Of course, I don't think Ahsoka and Dani's arcs will end the same way (God forbid) but it was also a moment with people with previously mundane and / or crappy lives briefly believing in the notion of magic and superheroes. It was really cool. Maybe things are gonna turn out all right. Maybe fairytales are real and happy endings are possible. Maybe.

Jacen is useful. It's also kind of cute to see a live-action Chopper. I love Jacen asking Huyang if he'd train him, and Huyang saying no. Does he know how to build a light saber? Yes. Will he teach him? No. David Tennant was the right voice casting choice for this specific Droid.

The girl they got to play young Ahsoka is not just credible for Rosario Dawson. But the character as she was on The Clone Wars too.

Felt weird to hear Hayden Christensen himself call her "Snips" though.

Cool they got back Temuera Morrison to briefly voice Rex in the flashback.

With Ahsoka in limbo, and about half the of the episode spent searching for her, we feel like we are spinning our wheels in a point in the season we can't afford to do that (Thrawn and Ezra still haven't shown up and the common worry among the fandom is their returns will be as brief and frustrating as Luke Skywalker's in the last 30 seconds of The Force Awakens). I don't love that bit myself. ***.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Star Wars is not a profane franchise. But for the Disney live-action stuff especially, "hells" and "damns" are common. Andor has even provocatively graduated to s-bombs. Why do I think the characters are speaking so squarely? My theory is Dave Filoni is trying his damndest to rehabilitate Star Wars Rebels in the fans' minds.
I can't speak to Rebels but I could for sure see this and the D+ shows are low-key trying to rehab the sequel trilogy and add in more context, etc.

I was unhappy with Anakin's portrayal. He seems mad that Ahsoka brings up the Vader stuff. You know what Annie? She is right to bring it up. In fact, SHE'S the one who should be mad.
Yeah, I and I've seen others online, notice no one every really mentions he slaughtered a bunch of children (and countless adults for decades). But got to become a Force ghost for killing Palpatine.

common worry among the fandom is their returns will be as brief and frustrating as Luke Skywalker's in the last 30 seconds of The Force Awakens). I don't love that bit myself. ***.
I think that concern is only exacerbated by the announcement of one of the movies being a culmination of the D+ shows directed by Filoni. I think at best, we can expect Thrawn to be found next week, the crew tries to stop him, but he survives and the season ends on the Imperial Remnants gathering to him. And the movie will likely be the finale and delve into how Thrawn is stopped once and for all. At worst, he only shows up in the season finale as a tease.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Yeah, I and I've seen others online, notice no one every really mentions he slaughtered a bunch of children (and countless adults for decades). But got to become a Force ghost for killing Palpatine.
Oh, Yojimbo, I bring up the unfairness of his Force Ghostness in every damn project Anakin appears in. But slaughtering the younglings almost pales in comparison to him having Tarkin blow up Aldearan out of pure spite. The dude killed more people than Hitler ever did and gets to chill with Obi-Wan and Yoda for eternity after all that. George Lucas had entirely messed up values and Star Wars has always been a profoundly immoral franchise because of that. I truly believe that.

Then again, I think both Obi-Wan AND Yoda are a special level of suck, so if Lucas were to describe this as Anakin's version of Hell and eternal punishment, I'd almost buy it.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Part Six "Far, Far Away" - September 19, 2023
The search for Grand Admiral Thrawn reaches beyond the limits of the galaxy.
Last edited:

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
"Far, Far Away" - Honestly after last episode I kind of expected this episode to be much more focused on Sabine and what was happening in that other galaxy which it was but I actually did like that opening scene with Ahoska and Huyang. The "First is the best" kind of feels like an overly wink meta nod to the star wars films themselves which... are the kind of jokes Star Wars really shouldn't make but I do like this again bringing up Ahoska's annoyance of Sabine actually helping the others get to the galaxy just because of her desire to get Ezra back and not wanting another war to start. Again I haven't seen a lot of the Clone Wars but I did see the first season where Ahoska seemed fine to be part of the war but obviously went through a lot of development between the rest of the show and then Rebels to yeah now have a much different attitude about it so I like setting that more here

Though I think in terms of "okay I actually get you much more as a character" the winner for this episode had to be Baylan Skoll. I didn't really hate him or Shin as characters but they felt kind of more like obstacles to me like "okay we need someone to be able to challenge Ahsoka in this show and I guess someone for Sabine to fight so why not these dark jedi characters who alligned with Morgan to find Thrawn". I mean it was implied that Skoll was one of the survivors of order 66 that obviously changed his view on the whole Jedi system but I didn't exactly care about his greater agenda probably because I didn't know he had one. We still don't know the full story but I do like the gimpses of it here that he agreed to this mission not to get back Thrawn but because there's a force in this universe he wants to amass because he wants to break the constant chains of these wars. Which actually I think is very good motivation. I mean especially for us the audience who knows that this universe is still supposed to be gearing up for the sequel trilogy so the rise and fall is still a part of this universe's legacy so the idea of someone wanting to try and alter that I do find appealing... yeah we know it won't go anywhere but I am atl east on board with that motivation. I even like Skoll's speech talking about liking the ideas that the Jedi were supposed to stand for but knowing exactly why they failed and wanting to train Shin to be something better. It took awhile but I am glad this is at least finally making them more compelling antagonists with their own specific goals and motivations. Hard to know how that will play exactly down the line but nice to see here.

And yeah after 6 episodes we also finally get Thrawn who with all of those troops and marching slowly to meet Morgan has a good entrance. Granted due to the nature of this episode we don't really see how much of a threat he is. Yeah having other Skoll and Shin go after Sabine in case she finds Ezra as well as his own troops just to ensure they are either taken out or stalled so he can go back to the prime galaxy uinimpended and wanting to know everything about Ahoska show off his intelligence which yeah is one of the big things I keep hearing about him as a villain but... you'd think after taking so long to appear they'd have him do more. Then again this is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy better then Book of Boba Fett who introduced Cad Bane into the show second to last episode without hinting at him before since at least there was a reason it took so long plus he does have a plan and I do like his relationship with the dark sisters as it seems they hint at him having some sort of power here as well. Hopefully we'll see more of him as a threat next ep not just planning though.

I still find Sabine rather annoying. Her whole "we had a deal" felt more whining then demanding and even her trying to have a stand off with Thrawn didn't feel that impactful. Not to mention the action with those bandits and comedy with her "ride" weren't that great. I admit her befriending the rock people though nothing that special at least grounded her a little bit and hey after all this time we finally get Ezra as well. I have a feeling if I was more into Rebels I'd appreciate their banter before their big hug reunion though I do like Sabine just wanting to enjoy the reunion and finally finding him even though yeah Ezra's probably going to be as annoyed as Ahoska finding out she only got here because of helping the villains try and get Thrawn back to the prime galaxy.

Which upon retrospect makes this kind of a meh episode thinking more about it. Like the Ahoska and Skoll scene were good character stuff but Thrawn wasn't that impressive and yeah Sabine's bits kind of annoyed me and though I am glad we finally got the characters that the others have been searching for most of the show they haven't done much other then be reintroduced but eh hopefully the last 2 will fix that going forward.


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