"Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Disney+)" Season One Talkback (Spoilers)

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Jul 13, 2003
Bounty-hunting is a complicated profession.


The Mandalorian
Lucasfilm Ltd
Premiere Date: November 12, 2019 on Disney+

Synopsis: After the stories of Jango and Boba Fett, another warrior emerges in the Star Wars universe. "The Mandalorian" is set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. We follow the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the New Republic.

Chapter 1 - Series Premiere - November 12, 2019
A Mandalorian bounty hunter tracks a target for a well-paying client.

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*Official Website
*The Mandalorian News & Discussion
*Star Wars News & Discussion

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Star Wars: The Mandalorian "Chapter 1"

I hated the first scene (too violent) but the series slowly won me over after that. It helped when the Mandorian started talking.

I love the new Star Wars logo.

The end of a baby the same species as Yoda was cool. I also really liked the Bounty Droid and thought it was a shame he got killed off by the Mandalorian at the end. His self-destruct protocol was funny.

Salacious Crumbs roasting on an open fire.

Return of Carbonite.

Those giant land piranha things were freaky.

The end credits were much more like movie credits than TV show credits. That bodes well for both the series and the upcoming Marvel stuff too.

I wound up liking it. ***1/2.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Great start to the show. The tone was a bit lighter than I expected but I thought that was pretty welcome given how dark I assume this show is likely going to go at times. I'm in for the long haul of course and I'm glad I didn't spoil the ending for myself. So the package is a creature from the same species as Yoda. I did not see that coming! Does this species have a name? Overall the show's off to a great start and I'm glad the next episode is this Friday!


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2016
I really liked the first episode. It was a very good start to the series. I really liked Baby Yoda, he looks so cute.


Yes, have some.
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Jul 13, 2003
I thought it's off to a really great start.

I think the look of the show was amazing, they really captured the look and feel of the original trilogy, imo, and I like it better than the prequel or new trilogy.

Aside from the baby at the end, the other one that was a cool surprise was the Life Day reference.

As for the baby, I don't think they ever named Yoda's race. Off the top of my head, I think Lucas did but keeps it a secret to this day. Though that doctor who was with the client looks like a Kamino cloner scientist based on his clothing.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
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Apr 23, 2001

Chapter 2 "The Child" – November 15, 2019
Target in-hand, The Mandalorian must now contend with scavengers .
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
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Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I'm really into this so far. Mando is kind of filling the coolness quota that I expected Boba Fett to when I first saw him as a little kid. I really love an entertaining western, so I was already going into this wanting Star Wars crossed with Have Gun, Will Travel or something. I wasn't expecting that it might go Lone Wolf and Cub on me but I'm down. The action has been pretty cool and I'm really curious to see where they're going with this story.

The show has been visually top-notch so far. I love that this is the precedent that Disney+ is setting and I am seriously anticipating Falcon and Winter Soldier right now. The Star Wars sequel trilogy has been lackluster for me but I loved the concept of "A Star Wars Story" and I enjoyed Rogue One and Solo. The Star Wars Story line's death due to the polarizing reception to Last Jedi and the commercial failure of Solo really disappointed me, and kind of crushed my hopes of getting a Boba Fett and/or Bounty Hunters movie. I'm pretty glad that this exists right now and that Disney is putting as much stock into it as they are. Hopefully, it doesn't eventually become too connected to the original saga and can remain a cool adventure series of its own. For a universe that is supposed to be so big, they tend to take us back to the same small corners.

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Jul 13, 2003
Of course this planet has Jawa. lol. That was pretty funny they thought the Mandalorian sounded like a Wookie when he spoke their language.

Makes sense this Kuiil person retired to this planet and just wanted it to be peaceful again so he could live out the rest of his days. Voiced by Nick Nolte even. Neat.

The mudhorn was rather formidable. Fighting in the mud probably didn't help any. Good thing that it seems Yoda's race are naturally Force sensitive. Though it's concerning in what that client wants with it. Guess we'll find out what his agenda is next episode.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Star Wars: The Mandalorian "Chapter 2: The Child"

A rare second episode better than the Pilot.

The little Baby Yoda was cute! He reminded me of Gizmo from Gremlins. I liked him always trying to get out of the floating cradle. I also laughed when he ate the frog. Him already being able to control the Force says Yoda's species are simply preternaturally disposed to it.

I love the little guy Nick Nolte voices. He has spoken.

I was amused to see the Jawas. The Mandalorian in their tiny cockpit was a huge laugh too. What bums me out is that the mission essentially boils down to the guy having to kill a mother creature for her egg. Granted, the joke is that it's unfertilized, and food, but the principle is still the same.

32 minutes? That is a weird episode runtime. I haven't seen a half-hour drama in a long, long time, and rarely ever at that. It makes sense the episodes are shorter given the huge budget but I had been expected 45 minutes a week before the show premiere and it's much briefer than that.

This was much better than the Pilot. ****1/2.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
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Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
32 minutes? That is a weird episode runtime. I haven't seen a half-hour drama in a long, long time, and rarely ever at that. It makes sense the episodes are shorter given the huge budget but I had been expected 45 minutes a week before the show premiere and it's much briefer than that.

I had always been curious about why dramas always seem to have to be at least 40 minutes long. The only places I personally seen half hour drama series we're probably on the kid networks or really old western series like The Rifleman or Gunsmoke. Last year, while watching Cobra Kai Season 1, I realized how much I loved being able to go through the season at a quick pace and keep track of everything, etc. It was as though I felt that the 30 minute run time helped keep everything lean.

So far, I haven't felt that this show is running too short. They told us the stories that they needed to tell in the time that they used. I'm not opposed to seeing a random 55 minutes episode, like every other streaming show not bothered by time constraints, in the future when the story needs that runtime. I rather be left wanting much more then to be tapping my fingers, looking at the track bar, and wondering how much longer I have to watch this episode. So far, the show has definitely left me wanting more. If Lucasfilm was putting out high quality Star Wars short films that ran 30 minutes, I kind of feel like most people would be understanding of that runtime but because everybody has been programmed by commercial based TV to know that shows are strictly done in 11 min, 22 min, and 44 min blocks, now they feel "robbed".

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003

Chapter 3 "The Sin" – November 22, 2019
The battered Mandalorian returns to his client for reward.
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
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Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
It was kind of funny that I was watching the first half of the episode just thinking this was going to be a really slow character-based episode and then the thing explodes into all kinds of goodness. When I was seeing jetpacks in use, my first thought was about how cool a Rocketeer live action series could be. I honestly don't care what happens to Episode 9 at this point. As long as this show continues to deliver for me, this will be my Star Wars fix.

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
That was an epic second half like an Old Western standoff and the cavalry arrives at the last second. It was some kind of mind blowing to see a bunch of Mandalorians with guns and jet packs in battle and even earlier in the episode speaking of honor and the way.

Interesting inclusion of the Trade Federation being the attacking force in the flashbacks. Wonder who saved him from the super battle droid. We'll find out soon enough I wager.

My initial guess as to what Pershing was supposed to extract from the child are probably Midi-chlorians but eh, I doubt they'd want to revisit that nugget. And still no real clue who the client works for, though I guess it could be another remnant of the Empire.

I wonder if this means the Mandalorian will be hunted by the guild for his betrayal? Well, for sure he's ousted from the Bounty Hunter's Guild and I guess he'll be forced to become a freelance merc for hire. He doesn't seem the type to throw in with a mob boss like Boba Fett and Jabba.
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
That was an epic second half like an Old Western standoff and the cavalry arrives at the last second. It was some kind of mind blowing to see a bunch of Mandalorians with guns and jet packs in battle and even earlier in the episode speaking of honor and the way.

When the Mandalorian with the huge Gatling gun showed up, my face started beaming.

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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Star Wars: The Mandalorian "Chapter 3: The Sin"

That was amazing. If this is the quality of the Disney + Star Wars and Marvel stuff, we are in for a treat.

It's clearly not on the budget of the recent movies. But it's about par with the originally trilogy, and perhaps even better as far as effects go, so there is nothing to complain about.

I was like "Oh, Mando, what have you gotten yourself into?" That probably wouldn't have been such a huge mess if he hadn't taken in the baby Yoda and collected the bounty in the first place. Good for him for changing his mind, but the truth is he shouldn't have brought the kid back at all. There is no purpose an alien could use a baby of a different species who has supernatural powers for that is not sinister. Mando needs to watch a few movies. The good news is that Carl Weathers is in many of them.

I thought the thing with the helmet never being taken off was interesting, but Sabine on Star Wars Rebels took her helmet on all the time. If both projects are considered canon (which is Disney law now, I guess) they might want to get their stories straight.

Frankly I found these Mandalorians far more interesting that the squabbling family dynasties on Rebels. It's just that they are too different for me to reconcile. We can chalk some of it up to the Empire falling, but a lot of this episode seemed to indicate what we see him is ancient and ingrained culture, and not a new thing. If there is an answer for this, I'd like to get it eventually.

I loved the Mandalorian cavalry at the end.

Not only is this show giving us more insights in the Mandalorians than ever before, this episode was the first major Star Wars project to explore fall-out from the Empire being taken out, and very recently, to boot. I have always wanted a Star Wars project in this timeframe and I like the idea that there are still Empire warlords and criminals lurking about, and there will be always scumbags wearing the Stormtrooper masks. I buy that idea completely. It strikes me as totally plausible.

First great episode of the series. We are in for a treat. *****.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003


Chapter 4 "Sanctuary" – November 29, 2019
The Mandalorian teams up with an ex-soldier to protect a village from raiders.
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Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
Star Wars: The Mandalorian "Chapter 4: Sanctuary"

That was a very sweet episode.

The Baby Yoda sure likes pressing buttons. He's half Gizmo, half Baby Groot.

The little girl hugging the baby at the end made me saw "Awww!" He's so cute!

Mandalorians aren't allowed to put back on the helmet? Sabine took hers off and put it back on all the time.

This show is amazing. ****1/2.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
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Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I think I might have been more into the episode if it wasn't a Magnificent Seven/Seven Samurai riff. I just kept thinking of seeing this done on Clone Wars in the Bounty Hunters episode. The action didn't win me over too strongly but I loved the human moments between the fighting. Everybody felt more real here than anyone in the three prequels combined. It would have been hard for me to handle if anyone innocent was harmed when the bounty hunter attacked.

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Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.
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Happy 4th of July, Light Lucario. I really hope you get to enjoy the fireworks tonight. Have a wonderful evening.
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Thanks for the following days ago. :)
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