Talkback - Hey Arnold! The Jungle Movie


The kids are all wrong
Sep 3, 2006
Those of you who know me on these forums are probably aware of how much I hate coming-of-age stories and the cheesy morality plays they usually turn out to be. But that is not to say that there aren't shows in this genre that I make exceptions for. And Hey Arnold! is one of those exceptions.

I think it has to do with the fact that most of these shows focused on the main characters' families, and I always found these families to be incredibly dull and cliched. HA!'s decision to focus more on Arnold and his classmates was definitely one of its strengths, as they were much more interesting characters and their shenanigans made for a much more interesting show. I guess it's why I look back on it fondly - it was one of those things like Peanuts or Ed, Ed n Eddy that made the kids the most important aspect, that let them figure the world out on their own instead of needing a parental figure to deliver a sermon at the end of the episode.

So naturally, when they make a reboot movie of one of my comic's biggest influences, of course I have to watch it.

And you know it's gonna be a doozy when they finally give us Arnold's last name. (So obvious...)

Color me surprised to learn how much of the original cast they got back - regulars AND one-offs. (Caught this on NickSplat - had a bunch of behind-the-scenes stuff. Hi Craig - my nieces love Dinosaur Train.)

Never mind the shirt-versus-skirt controversy - I always thought that Phoebe wore a hat.

We've been searching for a heart of gold. And we're getting old.

So there's our closure. Arnold's parents, Arnold's last name, ArnoldxHelga...even a bit of GeraldxPhoebe thrown in to make it final.

That was quite enjoyable. One part Indiana Jones, one part Race for Your Life, Charlie Brown, one part...well...Hey Arnold!.

Nothing left to do now but wait for the Rocko movie. Maybe we'll finally learn HIS last name.

Wait did Phebe know about Helga's feelings for Arnold, because I don't remember that being the case on the show.
I remember it was hinted that she knew in that episode where Helga kept sleepwalking and waking up in Arnold's house, but I think that was the only time.


Sep 4, 2010
It did air on NickSplat along with some behind the scenes/cut footage segments. Glad it's getting another run to boost the views.

Looney Turtles

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2014


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2013
I believe it was simulcasted on the main channel, TeenNick (NickSplat) and Nicktoons.
I'm talking about the rerun. I already know Nicktoons and TeenNick simulcast with Nick for the premiere. NickSplat and TeenNick are not same, NickSplat starts at 11pm, Movie started at a time 7PM, meaning it's technically not at NickSplat time
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2015
I can't understand why it didn't do well on the ratings. It's not that I'm expecting a new season of Hey Arnold and the Jungle Movie was meant to be a conclusion of the show, but I'm just disappointed it didn't do well in the ratings. I blame Spongebob for it.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
So there's our closure. Arnold's parents, Arnold's last name, ArnoldxHelga...even a bit of GeraldxPhoebe thrown in to make it final.

People keep bringing this up, but I couldv'e sworn that this was already a thing.

I can't understand why it didn't do well on the ratings. It's not that I'm expecting a new season of Hey Arnold and the Jungle Movie was meant to be a conclusion of the show, but I'm just disappointed it didn't do well in the ratings. I blame Spongebob for it.:rolleyes:
Me and my family watched it on the app, could that be a factor?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2011
United States
I can't understand why it didn't do well on the ratings. It's not that I'm expecting a new season of Hey Arnold and the Jungle Movie was meant to be a conclusion of the show, but I'm just disappointed it didn't do well in the ratings. I blame Spongebob for it.:rolleyes:

Probably because a lot of the younger viewers have never seen Hey Arnold! before and they probably wanted to watch the Loud House and Teen Titans Go! over the Hey Arnold! Jungle Movie. That probably resulted from the ratings going down because most of the younger viewers didn't watch the movie.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2013
It did air on NickSplat along with some behind the scenes/cut footage segments. Glad it's getting another run to boost the views.
What cut footage segments were used? Are those available on

Looney Turtles

Well-Known Member
May 11, 2014
Shortman? After all this time that was the name the came up with?

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Just be glad they finally revealed his last name. While we didn't know it back then, that's why Grandpa Phil would always call him Shortman in the show.


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