"The Avengers: Infinity War" Feature Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
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Jul 13, 2003

"Where will you be, when it all ends?"

Avengers: Infinity War
Release Date: April 27, 2018 (April 26 advance screenings)
Studio: Walt Disney Pictures, Marvel Studios
Directors: Anthony and Joe Russo
MPAA Rating: PG -13 (for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action throughout, language and some crude references)
Screenwriters: Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely
Starring: Josh Brolin, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Don Cheadle, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Holland, Chadwick Boseman, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Tom Hiddleston, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Anthony Mackie

Plot Summary: As the Avengers and their allies have continued to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero to handle, a new danger has emerged from the cosmic shadows: Thanos. A despot of intergalactic infamy, his goal is to collect all six Infinity Stones, artifacts of unimaginable power, and use them to inflict his twisted will on all of reality. Everything the Avengers have fought for has led up to this moment - the fate of Earth and existence itself has never been more uncertain.

Discuss Avengers: Infinity War right here!

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-Avengers: Age of Ultron Talkback Thread
-Marvel Cinematic Universe News & Discussion (Spoilers)

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Like I've said before, 2012's The Avengers was a massive gigantic hit that not only delivered on the payoff of the previous MCU films before it, but also showed Hollywood as a collective just how profitable and successful cinematic universes are. Sadly it's an idea that many people are trying to ape without realizing exactly how Marvel made them work but it was still a great success and a great movie all around. And ones who fans knew was just the start of greatness, especially with that tease at the mid end credits. And I remember/have my reactions to seeing that for the first time all these 6 years ago.

"I think that's Thanos who was at the end. I mean I don't know everything about Marvel yet and am still kind of a newb in some aspects but that was Thanos right? One of the big bads of the entire Marvelverse? Cause it felt like that should be him."

And turns out that was indeed Thanos, the Mad Titan. Marvel hadn't fully mapped it out at the time but the idea of having the Tesseract Cube be one of the Infinity Gems that would in turn reveal Loki was given another one to get that back did show Marvel was in the process of adapting the Infinity Gauntlet arc from the comics. Which was this massive event about Thanos having acquired all 6 of these wrecking havoc on the entire universe even wiping out the entire Avengers team which felt like the kind of epic incredible stakes you just have to wonder how they would translate into a movie. And of course with one space invading force proving such a huge money maker, there were people who wanted to get to that for the next film. However thankfully management and Joss Whedon agreed on having Thanos saved for a threat as well as spacing out when all the other gems were found or discovered allowing to build up more heroes and stories and just have the second Avengers movie involve Ultron as the major threat. Which again I liked even if not as much as the first movie and honestly even for those who don't care that much for the movie... it was actually important and integral to the MCU. And I don't mean as a movie but I kind of mean as well a slight sort of "failure" or bump compared to the first Avengers movie. The lesser box office and lower critic ratings against the movie's crammed in plots and development is IMHO what got scumbag jerk Ike Perlmutter off being head of the MCU (even if he's still in charge of the ABC shows and TV division of this Universe) and allowing the MCU to take more risks and focuses on other characters. So yeah by the time they wanted to try to actually get to one of the biggest bads of Marvel they would have much more built up to play around with and honestly have had far more critical success and love then in any other phase of the MCU. Thus making the antipication for this one all the sweet especially with the secrecy on even what happens in a lot of it which you didn't get for the first one or even the third one because yeah whatever happens here is going to matter and move the entire MCUverse in some way. Is that in a good way or a bad one though? Well in my honest opinion...


Okay I'm going to need to spend a lot of time digesting the ending so I'm going to focus on that and I guess the rest of the review will come after that because... yeah before I start talking about the rest of the movie I need to get to that.

Honestly there's a lot of Infinity Gauntlet imagery from the actual comic within here. Some is changed like Banner crashing through instead of Silver Surfer, you have Spiderman being smashed along the ground effortlessly, you have a very twisted and cut up version of Nebula being torture to try and get a specific rise out of someone, you have the snapping of the fingers and.... yeah you have Thanos eliminating half the universe's population and pretty much winning as you see the half chosen to die disappearing into nothing. Which I have to say is very VERY surprising because I admit I did not think Marvel was actually going to end like that. And Yeah I know Avengers 4 next year will likely have the remaining heroes (probably joined together by Captain Marvel as that's obviously who Fury was hinting at calling in the end) join together to reverse what happened but... I kind of thought at most it would be a bunch of Avengers and Guardians going on a quest to like get the gauntlet back to try and reverse those Thanos's forces have killed. Not "like in Infinity Gauntlet this ends with Thanos sitting by himself reflecting on his actions, however unlike in the comic he actually GOT WHAT HE WANTED AND WON and everyone is in disarray seeing friends, family and loved ones disappearing in front of them." I mean that is really a gutsy because even in cliffhanger endings other franchises pulled there's either like either a larger note of hope and optimism in how it ends, or the loss isn't nearly so great. I mean how did Deathly Hallows part one end? Dobby the house elf dying. How did Mockingjay part one end? Peeta being found to be brainwashed? Even Batman v Superman with Superman's death still had the "the day was saved even if the world mourns a hero." Not "the world mourns because HALF OF IT ISN"T AROUND AND THE VILLAIN STILL HAS THE POWERS OF A GOD." And you know in comics you come to expect death because of how easily it is reversed and yeah I guess in the MCU death can be overturned and cheated but never at this sort of scale. Seriously I don't think there's any movie in history until now that ended with "and the baddie killed trillion of people and just walked away." Even however this is reversed there is so much hutzpah and just shock at that happening and honestly it is the perfect cliffhanger because yeah you have to know how everyone is going to come back. Will Nebula get the gauntlet and reverse this like in the comics? Since I would be down for that and honestly it would be worth checking out.

And heck even if the people who die because of the half the universe come back, what about the three before this? You know Loki, Gamora and Vision. I have to admit I would of liked actually seeing Xandar being invaded and showing Thanos's forces wiping them out but I admit seeing how hopeless things are by seeing how easily Thor and Hulk are battered around is pretty epic. Seriously building up Thanos by have him take out the Hulk in... 5 moves and then have the Hulk pretty much withdraw and not want to appear in the rest of the movie leaves an impression but yeah then we've got Loki's death and I honestly appreciate that we're past the "Loki is trying to betray and sell out his brother" and is just using his trickery to take out Thanos even if it leads to utter failure. But yeah didn't see him actually dying and making sure he couldn't come back and him actually not coming back. I am glad a bunch of the false rumors actually helped who turned out to be around and not since I heard one that said "Loki serves under Thanos like Mephisto did in the Infinity Gauntlet comic" so seeing something turn out wrong or different made this movie less predictable. I guess Vision biting it isn't so surprising since you got the feeling that Thanos was going to put on the glove and have that power and you needed the stone removed but it was still pretty sad how he went which I'll talk about going over the themes of this movie which there was a big constant that kept getting repeated but it still worked so kudos there. Still seeing him be broken to pieces only for Thanos to reverse that, take the stone and off him again is pretty heartless. But the one I have to say I didn't really see them doing is Gamora. Talk more abut some aspects of this later but I do like how we actually see her backstory fleshed out with Thanos taking her as a kid and then her actually breaking down thinking she killed him despite her hatred to him and yeah him choosing to kill her. It wasn't surprising when we got to the scene but again I thought she might be saved somehow before crashing but nope, Thanos actually did kill her. And honestly I really like how the emotion and journey there wasn't "oh Thanos is a heartless monster how dare he kill his daughter" but the reveal he actually did care about Gamora and was actually broken up and regretful about his decision. It was said in Guardians 1 how Gamora was his favorite but I kind of actually didn't expect even this version of Thanos to care at all for his underlings but seemed that was actually genuine. And yeah these three deaths were all separate of the "wiping out half the universe" so if any are going to stick in this movie, it will be these ones. I like these characters and don't want them to go but man would just throw a whole in the MCU that make this feel even more tragic. Especially with the guardians who man got screwed over with only Rocket and Nebula living but again those are the "will be reversed" pile.

Okay time to start actually talking more about the actual movie and probably one thing worth mentioning is how there's this whole "no one able to sacrifice someone else even for the sake of the universe" theme that is constantly being hammered in over and over again with everyone. You have Quill taking so long and not really be able to kill Gamora and in turn her not willing to see Nebula die by Thanos's hand and then Scarlet Witch not wanting to kill Vision and Cap's whole "we aren't trading your life for ours" philosophy and honestly I think that actually works a lot more in this movie then in other MCU movies. Not only because of all the sacrifices and loss actually going on but how it ties into Thanos as well feeling he's the only one who can take the pain and weight of killing so many to help "save the universe". Part of me still kind of wanted him to be doing all of this for Death like in the comics as that seemed like one of those actual earnest emotional connections but I have to admit the idea of his own world having been screwed over due to over population issues resulting in everyone dying making him want to stiffen half the universe's population as an end goal and not having it be based on gender race, social economic standards or anything like that but rather chance is interesting and the kind of unique complextity that does make him stand out as a villain. The fact he actually did have feelings for Gamora and for his world and actually did mean what he said about sparring half the universe and it being random did work. Oh speaking of that scene I have to say I really like the whole reveal of where the Soul Stone is because that's something I was wondering ever since it wasn't in Thor Ragnarok but yeah having it be something Gamora sort of knew but didn't want Thanos to ever find out was actually a good twist. I was going to be sort of disappointed if we didn't see anyone else especially since apparently the Colelctor was offscreen taking out (then again not like he did much but again one of those guys I like because he was amusing. Heh guess Benocio will have his revenge in Sicario 2 though) but having the whole guard of the Soul Stone revealed to be Red Skull I think was an awesome twist. I was kind of wondering since we saw him teleported with the space stone if he would ever show up again so glad we got to see him again even if it was only for like 5 minutes but hey very surprising 5 minutes all the same. I'm also glad some of the whole "I'll save you rather the universe" were given twists when Strange was doing it since based on him saying he looked into so many future possibilities and that they were playing the long game and how this was "the only way" makes me think he knew there was a plan to save everyone.. but the only way to have it happen was to actually have Thanos win. Which means I'm guessing even if Quill hadn't muked it up the whole "dog pile thanos" plan as awesome as it was (more on that later) likely wouldn't of worked in the long run. But again I do like showing just how it comes down to ethics or at the very least attachment and morals that really divide the heroes and villains here and how they are fully committed to having that come across in the movie, even if it leads to a more sour or bitter tone in the ending.

That said there were still a lot of stand out action scenes between all the various characters. Honestly the Black Order as characters didn't really have that much going for them other then either fairly cool looks or abilities but eh when you actually have development for your main villain I'm fine with just having the others serve a purpose of just being good action fodder if they work for that and honestly we really got that here. I admit I'm not going to bother remembering the Black Order by name so I'll just refer to them by ability and say the magic one probably had some of the overall best fight scenes especially with how he was able to wrap around Strange or repel Spider-Man and like using the whole "old movie" call back with aliens to have him sucked out into space to defeat him. The giant ax guy having that big fight with the Hulk buster armor was cool especially with how Bruce managed to actually take him out with the rock hand and having him explode around part of the shield. I also really liked the tag team with Black Widow and Okoye against the uh female warrior. Honestly I think if this movie was made after BP was wrapped up they probably would of had Okoye stack up a bit better with Widow but eh both were sort of fighting out of they're league and I like Scarlet Witch making the save (and the whole "why was she just to the side" before as a joke though saving more of the comedy for talking about scenes later one) and them still having a lot of epic moments in this huge army clash. Especially once Thor came in with Storm Breaker (which I think was the big cheer moment with the audience as I know that's the most people cheered in my theater) and he, Rocket and Groot got in on the action. Though by far the best battle bits were anything actually with Thanos. Him taking out Hulk in the beginning was good as was him effortlessly twisting around the Guardians in they're little encounter but the big fight on Titan is probably one of Marvel's best fight scenes ever in one of they're movies. Pretty much just loved all of it especially all of Strange's trickery from flower spells to bouncing Spider Man around through portals to giving platforms for Starlord to jump on and then him going through a portal after setting a bomb and giving Thanos the finger. And loved Nebula crashing in with the ship and then the big pile on tag team of everyone grabbing or webbing or holding him in place and then dropping Mantis on him to try and put him to sleep. Again probably wouldn't of worked anyway even without Quill's outburst but just love tagic team moments with all these various characters like that. Kind of hope if we get another big Thanos fight in the 4th movie we get something even grander though if we bring together all of the Avengers and Guardians for a big slug out brawl.

And of course for a Marvel movie there was plenty of good jokes they kept firing off worth noting. Honestly I'm going to keep it to 3 a character and since there's like 24 characters that's still a lot of bits to talk about and also try and say what I liked to what they brought to the table even dramatic here.

Tony Stark: Pointing out to Bruce how much he's missed due to not being debriefed, Trying to figure out how to steer the alien ship, and pointing out to Starlord that Missouri is on earth so saying he's from Missouri instead of Earth is just stupid. I also like how contrary to what a lot of people thought, he didn't actually make up with Steve in this movie so there's still that divide so even if they do get back together in Avengers 4... it's after half the population's been taken out so there's much more rationale of how buried is that hatchet. Plus I like this actually tying in Tony's fears of Thanos to that the whole New York Invasion which we saw much that messed him up.

Pepper Potts: Her pointing out she's not pregnant so his baby dream is pointless and how him getting that mini arc reactor despite not needing it kind of is the reason she and him aren't connected like that as well as being in shock seeing Dr. Strange come through that portal. I do also like how these are actual bringing to the forefront the whole coupling issues also from Iron Man 3 but due to Tony still being Iron man after with didn't really seem like they ended but now seeing them logically continue due to giving her a scene worth of focus. More then just like the little brief joke bit from Homecoming too.

Steve Rogers: Him pointing out that if the world Government and Ross are still going to fight him he'll go through them on this mission (well that's a mix of awesome and cool), "I am Steve Rogers" and pointing out Thor's cut his hair and Thor saying he stole his beard look. I'm also glad it was pointed out his sort of "sacrifice" in First Avenger is a bit hypocritical when he talks about others not making the sacrifice but again you get the emotion and yeah still seems like the most stable leader and appreciate him getting some hits in against Thanos... even if he was still so effortlessly tossed aside.

Bruce Banner: Bruce being angry at the hulk and calling him an a-hole and always wanting to come out at the most dramatic moments and not being a proper team player, him being in shock that there's apparently an Ant-Man and a Spider-Man running around, and really liking the power of being in the hulk buster armor but still tripping around with it at first. I am honestly glad that though they acknowledge Bruce and Natasha's relationship we don't dwell on it as Bruce's whole big dilmenia here besides on being the first guy to warn everyone that Thanos is coming is apparently now the Hulk not refusing to fight anymore. I think it was mentioned that this is part of the character's journey through Ragnarok and these two Avengers movie so going from "The Hulk doesn't want to ever leave again and worried I'll stay transformed for good" to "yeah the Hulk doesn't want to come out anymore and even getting angry anymore isn't going to change that" is a unique way to take the journey.

Thor: There's a whole lot of great comedy bits from Thor who probably is one who I have to cut the most out of. But my personal favorites are him actually pointing out to Gamora getting having a sour family due to his issues with his father, brother and sister, constantly calling Rocket a raccoon, and not getting the dwarf's warning on the whole "it will kill you" point he tries raising. I do like how though there is still Thor's jovial nature and charisma and energy they actually do bother not making him a total goof. Heck honestly explaining it by Thor admitting with how many battles he's been in and how much loss and pain he's gone through he finds they're good motivators for going forward and feeling destiny has a reason for him to still be around and obviously feeling some sadness over what happened but actually explaining why we haven't really seen it before.

Natasha Romanov: I like her still having obvious annoyance at Ross after what happened, pointing out the whole reason they stayed in constant contact with one another is to not have last minute rescues, and her pointing out the "negotiations" didn't really go well Thinking about it though of all the Avengers movie, this is probably the one where Widow did or really seemingly mattered the least. Maybe this will come into play later as the Russos said characters not given the focus in 3 will matter more in 4 but yeah she didn't really have much of a plot or character journey here though guess you're going to get that with like 20+ characters to keep track of.

James Rhodes: Him pointing out how full of crap Thunderbolt Ross is and then saying hi to the others and getting Bruce to do the bow to T'Challa even though that's not really a Wakanda thing. Probably not a lot but again there are like 20+ characters here and the fact they still have some moments and still are recongnizable if you've seen the other films counts for something. Seriously some people giving short comings of characters guff in this are hypocritical if they weren't like this in Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings who knows how many other franchises that pulled this same level of crap.

Sam Wilson: I like Sam being glad for the Wakandian shields protecting them as well as shooting missles from the air and... I don't know why the idea of him being called after everyone disappeared by James is funny mostly due to they're "black friend" sort of connection they have as characters. Not really too much from him either but again showing up and helping and having a point is what works with some of these characters and you get that well enough here.

Bucky Barnes: I don't know much about the whole White Wolf from the comics but like how that does seem to be a thing with all the Wakanda characters and his reaction getting back the metal arm, as well as him refusing to give it to Rocket who vows to take it from him at one point. Admittedly Bucky was never the most interesting character taking away the whole being brainwashed for so long and under mind control but he works well in his little scenes here and they still have the bond with him and Cap which is I guess is still the most important thing to... all those fangirls shippers heh heh.

Wanda Maximov: I liked her flirting with Vision and coming in to wreck some of the Black Orders troop and taking out that general. Honestly her and Vision though were probably the most oddly enough serious characters in the movie as a lot of the whole sacrifice aspect really came down on them and glad they built up to this relationship well as seeing how broken up Scarlet was about well Vision being broken even Thanos trying to "comfort" her actually did work well as a scene.

Vision: Again sans the flirting with Wanda and how he was strapped into the machine and the kind of tragic "comedy" of him having to die again his role was pretty serious and I have a feeling of honestly all the characters who died in this movie his death may be the one that really sticks the most. Especially since he was only fully given live by the stone and yeah doubt they're going to try making another machine like that again even if they do get all the stones back from Thanos and I do like how the whole "we aren't sacrificing" someone is brought up as reason why his stone is kept and again you get the emotion from that well.

Peter Quill: Lot of great bits from Peter as well. I like him trying to talk about his past to try and "out sad" Thrr's whole backstory as well as trying to adopt a more masculine voice, him having no idea who the Avengers are and Thor admitting he has no idea if "Kevin Bacon" is one and him actually talking with Peter Parker about Footloose and no one apparently considering it the greatest movie ever made. Admit part of me would of liked more "fish out of time" jokes with the two Peters trading pop culture at it but eh glad they had at least a bit of it. I also think it works showing Starlord and Gamora in a relationship now considering well it was 4 years after the end of Guardians 2 so still having a "will they won't they" would be weird and yeah if Gamora really is gone won't that make his whole attitude going forward quite different and honestly the whole little battle showing the Guardians having an advantage over the Avengers made sense logically and a good reason for the little alternate team skirsmh.

Rocket Raccoon: Honestly I really like how a lot of time was spent on the Thor/Rocket dynamic as they had a lot of great banter bits from Rocket being called the smartest and enjoying seeing himself called the captain, him wanting to go with Thor to see the actual cool weapons or being picked up by Bucky to shoot at all the Black Order soldiers around them. I am glad he did actually try "being the captain" and actually talking with Thor and yeah feeling really out of it seeing Groot die in front of him again. Again fingers crossing next movie though has him as part of the "science brothers" with Tony, Bruce and Shuri as that feels like it just has to happen honestly.

Gamora: I think it was honestly kind of cute seeing her groove to Peter's song introducing the guardians as well as trying to point out they were trying to do the reasonable thing getting the distressed call despite the others wanting to scavage and joining Peter in pointing out how terrible Drax is at being invisible. Though yeah think despite her death she had the most focus of the Guardians which makes sense considering her connection to Thanos and this really making sense off her being the favorite and again having that backstory and thinking he wouldn't get what he wanted but realizing he did care he would have to kill her and not even be able to kill herself. Again I will be sad if this actually her end like it could be but at least she went off on a really solid note if that is the case.

Drax: I think one of my biggest laughs in this movie was "how long were you standing there?" "an hour", as well as him and Mantis being in the same mindset on not having any sort of plan and trying to bring up Peter doing that whole dance off from the first movie. Speaking of that glad they also brought up Drax wanting to kill Thanos for blaming him for losing his family and still having that savage hatred even if again how easily Thanos tosses him aside like most everyone else but those personal connections are a big reason I wanted the guardians here for this movie so glad we got that.

Mantis: I am glad we are getting to see Mantis well integrated into the Guardians team more as her pointing out seeing the supposedly "invisible" Drax was great, as was seriously freaking out Peter Parker thinking she was some sort of insect alien queen and reaction to being webbed up. I think in a weaker movie her spelling out emotions would of gotten old but they did it well enough especially her realizing Thanos was grieving without it becoming terribly annoying or anything.

Groot: I don't know if this counts as funny or just cool but I like him using his branch powers and cutting off his hand to actually help make a connection point for Stormbreaker and otherwise either being consumed in his game or being called a brat by the other guardians, as well as Thor admitting he learned Groot as an elective and being identified as an alien tree in the Wakanda battle. I do think it's interesting how each movie gives us honestly a different Groot and though I think adult groot is probably the better groot I do like how this is a much different Groot then the Baby Groot we got in the last movie.

Nebula: I have a feeling if this really does follow Infinity Gauntlet we'll get a lot more of Nebula next time as most of her scenes were either watching her get tortured or realizing Thanos did off half the universe. Do like it pointed out she did nearly kill Thanos I assume in his sleep and how she got away after being taken apart and again her crashing on him. As well as showing after Guardians 2 her and Gamora were closer due to them more openly communicating back and forth and Nebula showing deep regret knowing what happened to Gamora.

Steven Strange: Honestly comedy wise I just love how out of everyone in this movie, Steven is the one who takes Tony's crap the least. From saying he's not on his payroll or him choosing between the stone over they're lives and confronting how his role of sorcerer supreme puts him over Tony. He also had good banter sending away Banner when he couldn't transform or his cloak's desperation to get back on Strange and him pointing out Thanos's whole genodical tendancies. I'm also glad it's pointed out though he does want to protect the Eye of Argemtto he doesn't use it due to having learned about power's temptation and again him probably having the best overall thought plan against Thanos even if in the end that will only be really pointed out in the next movie.

Wong: Like him talking with Strange about them not having any money and how he would pay for food with sort of worthless rubies and then leaving Bruce behind to guard the Santcum. Not too much else from the guy as he only really appeared in the beginning but I think he still did more fighting then even in Dr. Strange and his friendship banter with Steven also felt better then that actual movie honestly.

Peter Parker: I kind of wondered if the idoliziation of Tony and constantly calling him Mr. Stark would get annoying but again they did it the right amount of times to not grate on you. And him getting sent away on a parachute, admitting he should of just stayed on the school bus and admitting he doesn't know anyone's names in this fight as he's webbing and trying to save him and talking about wanting to save the wizard with the necklace are good. I also like his earnesty in the whole "what's the whole point of being a friendly neighbordhood spider man without a neighborhood" and honestly him tagging along accidentally feels like how this kind of Spider Man should be in the movie.

T'Challa: You know him and Peter "dying" were really the signs of at the same time really upping the stakes and showing how anyone could die also kind of saying things will be resolved at some point so not like these deaths are sticking though the loss of the main Wakanda city will probably be touched in other BP movies. I do like him leading his troops and that little moment with M'Baku and power blasting foes away with his suit. You know for the most profitable Avenger thought he would do more but again this was made before that was a thing so still worked.

Okoye: I liked the whole "when you were opening the boarders I thought you meant something like a Starbucks" or annoyance at Banner falling face first or again the whole "why weren't you down here before". Again one of those characters who I get a feeling if they knew how big BP was would of made more time to put in but eh still worked here and honestly I am glad we finally big have a big troop vs big troop sort of war which considering this is called Infinity War felt like we did really need one.

Shuri: I really do hope we actually see Shuri and Tony interact down the line as I like her pointing out how Bruce and Tony's designs for Vision could of been better and working to take the stone out even if that doesn't amount to anything but again appreciate her using the gauntlet to still take like one of the black order goons out and how that fight rocketed out of control so solid stuff from her at least.

There are some pretty minor weaknesses I have. I guess some of the effects on Thanos were kind of noticeable at times (especially in the scene when Gamora kept starring up at him) and I didn't really feel anything for the dwarf who made Stormbreaker despite the whole "oh Thanos killed our entire race" though probably because he wasn't in the movie long and uh pretty obvious that was some big fanservice of everyone starring at Steve Rogers and one of the Black Order throwing the spear just for him to return it back just to showcase his arrival and... though I do appreciate like with the Infinity Gauntlet actually seeing the realistic effects of half the world's population disappearing seeing that plane go down does seem weird how it's happening in spurts instead of all instantly and also shouldn't it really be like every other person so shouldn't Hill or Fury have survived at the end? But again that's some real nitpicking I have to admit here. Heck some stuff is just "well I would of done this" is since they hinted at where Ant Man and Hawkeye are would of showed more of a glimpse of them but obviously Scott's being saved for his own solo movie and pretty sure Hawkeye was just mentioned here as he's going to be one of the big heroes in Avengers 4 and hey props to them kind of hinting they might be in this movie even though they aren't at all.

Overall really good and I appreciate how much this stuck to it's guns. Heck even how they played the opening and ending credits with the more dour music really gives the morose and offbeat vibe this kind of movie deserved and the twist of Thanos winning had the dramatic weight to it that was deserved even among all the amusing quips and feel of the rest of the movie so yeah again solid, solid stuff that's overall easily worth a probably really 4.5 stars/5 Stars if that what we're grading things.

Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
I have no intention of seeing this (don't ask, because you'll wish you didn't. haha), so please don't hold back on spoilers. My main question about the movie - Is this a legit AVENGERS movie, or a MARVEL UNIVERSE movie?

And are these spoilers the real deal or click bait?

Uh, anything I said in my review which is in spoiler tags happens in the movie so if that correlates to your link (which I'm not reading because... whatever reason you have for not seeing infinity War I guess) then yes. So again if you want to read about what happens read my review of it man.


N0t 4 3very1 & Th@t'$ OK
May 28, 2014
I have no intention of seeing this (don't ask, because you'll wish you didn't. haha), so please don't hold back on spoilers. My main question about the movie - Is this a legit AVENGERS movie, or a MARVEL UNIVERSE movie?

And are these spoilers the real deal or click bait?

By virtue of GOTG showing up and well the Avengers having disbanded since Civil War,
it's a Marvel Universe movie.

I thought it was ok.


Ravioli, Ravioli
Aug 3, 2002
Chiyo-chan's America

By virtue of GOTG showing up and well the Avengers having disbanded since Civil War,
it's a Marvel Universe movie.
The next film on the other hand...

As for the film itself, while most of the film was fun with the usual action and humor I come to expect from Marvel, the ending does have some issues.
The big issue can be summed up as this: Phase 4. It's hard to really care for what happened here because it's obvious that the ending will be undone in Avengers 4, and it feels like the end result is basically Marvel preparing itself in case a Phase 4 film starts filming before possible re-shoots of Avengers 4 are done.

A better ending would have the set-up of Avengers 4 also keeping characters that either could represent one of the Infinity Stones or had actually made it through the Infinity Gauntlet comic book story unscathed.
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Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
So, I'll give my full review once I've had time to process everything, but dang. This is the most comic-book-y movie ever made, and that's saying something. Does some stuff that I;m still surprised Hollywood allowed (but I guess the MCU has earned enough goodwill). I honestly, truly believe that I;m not exaggerating when I say that this film is one of the biggest Hollywood blockbusters ever made, scope and ambition wise.

I do think the ending may be controversial, but @TnAdct1 I'm afraid I'll have to disagree about the ending, but I'll give a more in-depth reason tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2012
I saw this on Wednesday, but didn't have time to write my thoughts until now.

This movie feels like a really good comic book event in the same vein as the original Secret Wars and Infinity Gauntlet. There's not really a central characters (except arguably Thanos) and there's no time to give everyone a big role or spotlight moment, but everyone's mere presence and charisma are important parts of the whole, and I can't imagine this movie without everyone who is in it. The story is very action-heavy and has little time to breathe, but all the action scenes serve the story and move it forward. If I had to name a similar movie, Mad Max: Fury Road (despite of its smaller cast of characters) would probably be the closest equivalent.

This Thanos is very different from the character who Jim Starlin created and I can't blame anyone who would find him in-name-only adaptation, but the core of the character is similar enough and the character is so great by his own merits that I can forgive the artistic liberties taken with him. Also, Josh Brolin gives such brilliant performance through the CGI - animation that the character always feels alive. The character isn't as complex as Killmonger or as relatable as the Vulture, but a larger than life cosmic - level bad guy like this has never been done better in any other superhero movie and I'm saying this as someone who loved GotG Vol. 2's Ego.

You just can't undersell Russo brothers range as directors. They start out in a tv-sitcom, make a breakthrough with a political thriller and now they have made, with no exaggeration whatsoever, filmmaking history with a big cosmic epic. Not to mention how seamessly they blend all the different tones and styles of all the different characters.

With every new MCU movie, you can't help but to ask: "where does this rank amongst the rest?" and a big finale like this (although, Avengers 4 still has a lot of things to sort out) has extra pressure to live up to the hype. I can't say just yet where exactly I would rank this, since movie like this is little bit hard to compare, for example, to something more intimate and politically provocative like Black Panther, but it is definitely one of the TOP-5 and it more than exceeded my personal expectations.

Oh, and thumbs up for Marvel for being able to keep Red Skull's return a secret. I don't think there was ever even vague rumors about it. Sure, it is little lame that Hugo Weaving couldn't pull the stick out of his butt for a small cameo, but the impersenator was so good that I can't complain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
A really great movie and I can't believe they pulled it off though I shouldn't be surprised. The tone is a bit inconsistent and some of the special effects are really bad but those are the only complaints. The real question now is who is going to survive the next one, which deaths will be undone and what role Captain Marvel will play. With the next two movies being Ant-Man and Captain Marvel it really makes sense why they have those coming out before the next one as it seems like they will have a role in the part two of this. This movie is a really big achievement for Marvel and I hope it is as big of a success as it deserves.


Open bar knock yourself out
Nov 1, 2013
Can I just say how awesome it is we finally got the bleeding edge armor and hopefully more adaptions will follow suit(my god am I tired of looking at the standard armor)


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
1. Iron Hulk rocks.
2. Iron Spider in this case, though, doesn't. Peter may be a science whiz, but robotics ain't his thing.
3. Elizabeth Olsen (Wanda) does look like she was separated at birth from her sisters. Just sayin'. Has the same facials.
4. I don't think I've ever seen Thanos in the comics without his helmet, so it ends up hiding the fact he's another bald madman.
5. Gamora finally 'fesses up that she's in love with Peter Quill. Well, we knew this would happen.
6. Dave Bautista (Drax) needs to do a comedy. Seriously. He's having fun, even though in the books Drax didn't have much of a sense of humor.
7. They threw everything but the kitchen sink in this one.
8. Was Josh Brolin (Thanos) trying too hard to sound like his father in essaying his role? Sure sounded like it. Just sayin'.

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
So. My full review.

This is a film that many said wouldn't work. And on paper, maybe it shouldn't. This film juggles over 20 characters, with a bunch of sub-plots, while also giving (the majority!) of screentime to Thanos. Yet somehow, while the film certainly does feel stuffed, it never feels incoherent (though maybe it's different for someone who hasn't seen all the MCU films) and various characters even have their character arcs furthered.

Character wise, almost nothing but positive things to say. Part of why this film works is because we already know and like the characters from previous films. Heck, even characters I weren't crazy about before (Scarlet Witch) are improved. The heroes are all easy to root for, and no one feels too one-note.

Vision and Scarlet Witch's romance is a lot better than the Bruce/Natasha one (which thankfully barely appears here). Elizabeth Olsen really gets more of a chance here to show off her dramatic chops. Iron Man is still my favorite Avenger, and a scene near the end is heartbreaking for him, especially since he spent years trying to prevent this. The Guardians still have very believable chemistry; Gamora almost deserves her own paragraph because she has a surprisingly large role. In fact, it's vital to the movie. This may be her best appearance so far.

Some people may be shocked that Cap, Black Widow, and Black Panther actually have surprisingly small roles, but they're still pretty epic whenever they are on screen. Bruce Banner basically has Surfer's role. But the most interesting part of his character is that for the first time, the Hulk seems...scared.

Villain wise,most of the Black Order are basically fodder, but they're cool fodder. Thanos, however, is a revelation. He's one of my favorite Marvel villains, but frankly, he's been written badly more times than he's been written well, so I was naturally concerned if he would live up to years of hype.

Boy, does he. Not only is he the best MCU villain, he's also one of the best CBM villains. I went there. See, there's been this stereotype regarding cosmic villains that, for lack of a better word, they're one-note. With Thanos, they made the wise decision to humanize him just enough that he doesn't come across like a generic final boss or a personality-less CGI creation. He has actual emotions and depth to him, and his dialogue is amazingly delivered by Josh Brolin. Some people still don't respect mo-cap (sorry, Serkis) but Brolin possibly gives the best mo-cap acting I've seen.

The effects are amazing, and helps deliver the best MCU action scenes to date. The script is strong, with fun character interplay (my theater laughed a lot) but this script is multi-purpose. It has funny moments, sad scenes, epic, cheer in your seat action, and quiet, introspective moments.

I also appreciate some of the risks this film takes, even if it possibly means alienating some of the general audience. Like giving Thanos the most screentime, and more notably, the ending. Whoo. My theater was so quiet at the end.

I've already heard some people say the ending isn't effective, and even laughable, because comic fans know that many of the characters will return, but I respectfully disagree. It all depends how it;s handled, and I trust the Russos at this point.

Just how many TV series have featured two-parters where the first part ends with the deaths of various characters - only for the second part to reveal that they didn't die? It happens a lot, but normally works out fine. And heck, in the original Gauntlet comic, literally everyone came back, and it's still considered one of the strongest comic arcs ever written.

So yeah, part 2 could botch it up - but I don't think so. Do I think many of the heroes will return? Yes, but I think it'll happen in such a way that doesn't cheapen this ending.

What else can I say? One of the stronger soundtracks in the MCU, the after credit scene was fun, and I appreciated the detail of having "Thanos will return" at the end, instead of the heroes like usual.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
I certainly walked out mind blow, stunned, shocked, and speechless.

Some initial thoughts.

My one gripe that I can think of right now is, on both the Titan ambush and Wakanda finale. On Titan, they did the whole chore of neutralizing Thanos so they could take the gauntlet off. On Wakanda, Thor threw the Stormbreaker into Thanos' chest and even got mocked for not going for the head. But, why the hell didn't anyone just chop the arm off instead?!

After a couple hours to process it all - I think there's 3 things that my brain is keying on looking out to Avengers 4.

1. Soul Stone and the 'pocket universe'

The Soul Stone is still pretty cryptic. I'm starting to wonder if the nature of the sacrifice means the stone took Gamora's soul and trapped it in that pocket universe Thanos entered twice - when he got the stone, and later when young Gamora asks him if he did it. Can Gamora convince Thanos to undo it?

2. Dr. Strange's 14 million to one

Now this would be a retread to Strange's movie but I kind of briefly wondered if what we saw from the point of Strange's statistic and on is just one of Strange's 14 million scenarios and the rest of the movie is just a psych out (though everyone killed before that scene are dead for real). Or for that matter, did he perform one more spell with the Time Stone before the ambush.

3. Etri's mold

Etri was revealed to have made the Infinity Gauntlet and we get a zoom on the gauntlet's mold. Now that Thor has Stormbreaker and can use Rainbow Bridge again -- could they make another gauntlet.

EDIT: Easter eggs, references, trivia, callbacks etc. so far
Marvel flip modified for 10th anniversary.

Kenneth Brannagh, director of Thor 1, is voice of Asgardian distress call. Used a bit of Patrick Doyle's score, too.

Black Order from 2013 Infinity event

Maw quotes Mephisto, "My humble personage bows before your grandeur."

Loki uses Tony's "We have a Hulk" from first Avengers movie

Thanos taunts Loki with "no resurrections this time" - nod to Dark World?

Xandar mentioned

Bruce Banner smashes through the Sanctorum's skylight like Silver Surfer did in Infinity Gauntlet

Yondu had "The Rubberband Man" by The Spinners on his Zune

Groot plays 1981 game Defenders

Gamora compares Thor's muscles to Coati metal fiber. Coati originally shared Hala with Kree in the comics.

Mantis asks about Kevin Bacon

Spider Sense in school bus

Stan Lee is school bus driver

Tony talks about naming his son after Pepper's eccentric uncle Morgan. In comics, Tony had a cousin named Morgan Stark

Tony touches Cauldron of the Cosmos. In comics, it can look at the deep history of the world

Bruce tells Tony it was Thanos who sent Loki to invade Earth

Ben and Jerry's ice cream

Hawkeye and Ant-Man on house arrest, comes up for latter in Ant-Man and The Wasp

Ebony Maw confronts Strange outside sanctum in New Avengers #8

Tony calls Ebony Maw Squidward after Spongebob Squarepants character

Ebony tries to grab Eye of Agamotto but gets burned - Raiders of the Lost Ark nod?

Spider Man says he's being beamed up - Star Trek nod

Steve's phone number is seen to be 678-136-7092, Atlanta area code?

Tony on phone with Pepper says it's his choice - nod to Steve in Cap 1?

Dr. Tobias/Arrested Development character nod in Collector case?

When Thanos asks Collector "where's the stone" - nod to "Snatch" ?

In Thanos Quest, Thanos took Soul Stone from Collector

Kirby circuits on wall of Collector's museum?

When Thanos uses Reality Stone on Mantis and Drax, turning her into ribbons and him into cubes - a nod to what he did to Nebula and Starfox in Infinity Gauntlet comic.

Steve's costume - nod to Nomad? Darker color, accents on shoulders, grows a beard?

Tony activates Iron Spider parachute then says happy trails - Die Hard nod ?

Tony and Pepper's talk - "this my choice" - mirrors Steve and Peggy's at tend of Cap 1

Iron Spider legs from Civil War comics

McFeely cameos as one of Ross' officials in hologram

Jonathan Hickman's run also had Ebony Maw messing with Dr. Strange

Aliens nod - venting the alien. Like Civil War, Spider-Man referenced Empire as this old movie and used its strategy

Star Lord asks about Footloose

Spider Man worries about aliens laying eggs in him - Alien nod?

Tony refers to Star Lord as Flash Gordon

Nebula also horribly mangled in Infinity Gauntlet

Vormir was a planet in the Kree Galaxy from Avengers #123 (1974)

Red Skull's initial appearance resembles Death, who Thanos tries to court in the comics

Red Skull was teleported to Vormir by the Space Stone.

Red Skull recast with Ross Marquand (aka Aaron on The Walking Dead)

Red Skull mentions Thanos' father A'Lars. In comics, one of the Eternals. Just recently mentioned, a movie is being developed.

Red Skull's role similar to the Unseen in Original Sin event?

Flashback to Gamora's homeworld being attacked has Chitauri and Leviathans, seen back in first Avengers movie

Thanos sacrifice - nod to Abraham and Isaac?

Thanos wakes in Soul World, in comics, it was where souls trapped by the Soul Stone ended up. Basically Heaven.

Nidavellir, is one of the Nine Worlds

Eitri is the King of the Dwarves

It's revealed Eitri made the Infinity Gauntlet

Thor admits he's 1500 years old

Rocket's gag of body parts continues with the prosthetic eyeball

Eitri's solar forge sunbeam, in comics the dwarves used sun rays

In trailer - Thor's stance at forge similar to Beta Ray Bill's when Eitri makes him Stormbreaker.

Strange mentioning one scenario of victory - Adam Warlock said something similar in Gauntlet

Star Lord calls Thanos Grimace, the big purple McDonalds character

Spider Man webs Thanos in face like in Infinity Gauntlet

Strange's hands still shake?

Strange uses the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak on Thanos

When Strange makes clones of himself, Images of Ikonn spell in comics dates back to Doctor Strange #42

Okoye mentions Olympics and Starbucks

The Wakandans chant "Yabimbe!" - from Xhosa language in south of Africa - means "Hold!" and used as a rally cry to stand fast

Outriders from 2013 Infinity event, ran covert ops for Thanos gathering intel on Infinity Stones, grown to do nothing but die for Thanos' will

In Infinity event, Wakanda also under siege but from Black Dwarf - the omitted Black Order character.
Last stand in Wakanda in New Avengers #8-9.

Thor's new weapon, visually based on Ultimate version of Mjolnir but named from Beta Ray Bill's Stormbreaker

Bucky goes by White Wolf, a nod to name of Black Panther's adopted white brother the comics

Side by side nod of Steve and T'Challa at end of Civil War

Grott stabs arm through several Outriders like in first GoTG movie on Ronan's ship

If you look at the rips in Steve's costume, you can see the classic comic costume scales.

Cap's last stand against Thanos. In Gauntlet, shield was destroyed.

Thanos tears Mind Stone out of Vision's head, in Gauntlet, tore wiring from chest

Thor's attack similar in Infinity event

Thanos snap from 1st issue of Infinity Gauntlet. Avengers similarily vanish in it

Vision is reduced to a white husk. Nod to white version in comics when he was a West Coast Avenger

Ending with Thanos is a nod to end of Infinity Gauntlet

Fury does a trademark SLJ motherf-- before he fades

Fury's pager sent a message to Captain Marvel, logo appears on pager screen
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Ravioli, Ravioli
Aug 3, 2002
Chiyo-chan's America
I've already heard some people say the ending isn't effective, and even laughable, because comic fans know that many of the characters will return, but I respectfully disagree. It all depends how it;s handled, and I trust the Russos at this point.

Just how many TV series have featured two-parters where the first part ends with the deaths of various characters - only for the second part to reveal that they didn't die? It happens a lot, but normally works out fine. And heck, in the original Gauntlet comic, literally everyone came back, and it's still considered one of the strongest comic arcs ever written.

So yeah, part 2 could botch it up - but I don't think so. Do I think many of the heroes will return? Yes, but I think it'll happen in such a way that doesn't cheapen this ending.
In terms of the ending, I really understand what Marvel Studios is doing (especially with the film being a two-parter, with Part Two coming out next year. However, that doesn't mean there's a few problems with it. In particular:

1. Right from the get-go, Marvel admitted that this film was going to be a two-part movie, with them then trying to cover their tracks and claim that Avengers 3 and 4 are their own separate films. Given that ending, it's obvious that this piece of news is full of bull.

2. I definitely understand that the main goal of the film was to ensure a film version of the infamous "Finger Snap of Doom". However, when you think about it, whereas it's easy to see how Thanos can do this in the comic (as no one was aware of what happened until after half the population disappeared), the film, do to the heroes being aware of Thanos's plan, does contain a few holes in terms of getting to that part (in particular, trying to prevent it). For instance:

  • Why did Thor, Rocket, and Groot head to Wakanda instead of Titan (there isn't really anyone in Wakanda that Rocket and Groot are familiar with, and it would have been wise for Thor to try to stop Thanos while he still doesn't have the Time and Mind Stones)?
  • Why didn't Wanda use her "darkest fears" magic from Age of Ultron on Thanos in a last-ditch effort to prevent him from getting the Mind Stone?
  • Why didn't Thor think of trying to cut of the hand or arm containing the Infinity Gauntlet as part of the last-ditch attack on Thanos?

3. In terms of who disappeared, isn't it convenient that:

  • Every superhero from Phase 1 is still alive?
  • Outside of Nebula (who survives thanks to her having a major role in the Infinity Gauntlet story), the only Guardians of the Galaxy rep still there is a CGI character whose banter could help provide comic relief in Avengers 4 (especially given his scenes with Thor in this film and the possible scenes with him and Ant-Man in Avengers 4)?

While I do see keeping most of the Phase 1 team alive (to avenge the "fallen" and to have one last hurrah in Avengers 4), and I'd still have the "post-Phase 1" survivors to still be alive at the end of the film, I'd make the following changes in terms of this situation:

  • Keep Dr. Strange alive due his role in the Time Stone (and to get some more idea of what the "plan to succeed" is like, unless he did do something before "disappearing" to inform Tony of some of the other steps needed to stop Thanos);
  • Unless the plan it rebuild Vision in Avengers 4, Wanda would stay alive and have her avenge Vision's destruction (and to be the Mind Stone rep);
  • One more Guardian of the Galaxy would remain active (I'm torn between either Star-Lord or Drax for different reasons);
  • Black Widow would be one of the heroes that ends up disappearing in the end (as a way to give either Hulk or Hawkeye someone to avenge in the next film).

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
Makes sense, I seem to recall that Tessa Thompson filmed scenes for Avengers 4.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Makes sense, I seem to recall that Tessa Thompson filmed scenes for Avengers 4.
Agreed, since Thanos' M.O. is to spare half a planet so he spared half the Asgardians on the Statesman. But puts forth the question of did that surviving half get decimated by the finger snap?

Gold Guy

Two is always better than one
Staff member
Dec 14, 2008
New York City
Agreed, since Thanos' M.O. is to spare half a planet so he spared half the Asgardians on the Statesman. But puts forth the question of did that surviving half get decimated by the finger snap?

Oh yikes, I hadn't thought of that. Imagine if half of that half vanished.

As if the Asgardians hadn't been having a bad enough time already...

the greenman

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2006
the point of no return
WoW! They really did it!

I still have alot of questions. There was alot of misdirection in the trailer.

I noticed alot of little things that they to tease.

#1 I definitely see them starting either the New Avengers or West Coast Avengers. I kinda felt that way from the end of Black Panther. White suit Vision on the way.

#2 I guess Nat and Bruce are done? Good.

#3 I seriously loved Strange and Stark going at it. Of course the two biggest egotistical jerks in the MCU would have contention. Peter Quill; truly a manchild.

#4 The interaction between Thor and the Guardians was a match made in heaven.

Red Skull!

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