"The Marvels" Feature Talkback (Spoilers)

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Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
Higher. Further. Faster. Together.


Theatrical Release Date: November 10, 2023
Digital Release Date: January 16, 2024
Home Entertainment Release Date: February 13, 2024
Disney+ Streaming Date: February 7, 2024

Directed by: Nia DaCosta
Written by: Megan McDonnell, Nia DaCosta, Elissa Karasik and Zeb Wells
Cast: Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, Iman Vellani, Samuel L. Jackson, Zawe Ashton and Park Seo-joon
Rating: PG-13 (for action/violence and brief language)
Runtime: 1 hours, 33 minutes

Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel has reclaimed her identity from the tyrannical Kree and taken revenge on the Supreme Intelligence. But unintended consequences see Carol shouldering the burden of a destabilized universe," reads the synopsis. "When her duties send her to an anomalous wormhole linked to a Kree revolutionary, her powers become entangled with that of Jersey City super-fan, Kamala Khan aka Ms. Marvel, and Carol's estranged niece, now S.A.B.E.R. astronaut Captain Monica Rambeau. Together, this unlikely trio must team-up and learn to work in concert to save the universe as The Marvels.

Official Links:
-Official website

Related Links:
-Guardians of the Galaxy Talkback
-Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 Talkback
-Avengers: Infinity War Talkback
-Captain Marvel Talkback
-Avengers: Endgame Talkback
-WandaVision Talkback
-Ms. Marvel Talkback
-Secret Invasion Talkback
-Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 Talkback
-The Marvels News & Discussion

What did you think about The Marvels?
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Neo Ultra Mike

Creeping Shadow of "15000"+ Posts
May 18, 2006
East Northport
Feels nice doing another super long marvel review after so long of these forums being up to not be able to do them here.

Whether it be due to a general fan boy misandry attitude or perhaps those wanting there to be a hole in the MCU long before people gained an apathy for the films, there has been this overly massive and toxic hatred for Captain Marvel that I frankly find baffling. One that began even before the movie came out and has certainly sticked around after the movie became a massive hit. I'm not going to argue that it's one of the best MCU films... in fact in phase 3 the only movies I'd consider potentially worse are the original Doctor Strange (which had pretty visuals but a pretty "already seen it" sort of plot) and Spider Man Far From Home (which NOW seems to be the Spider Man black sheep of the MCU but that was not the attitude most had when it first came out even though it's one I had) but it's not an awful one and does have some positive ideas. Granted it doesn't do that great job exploring Carol's character due to how the story's structured but eh it's still a decent watch and honestly if a series like Ant man can improve after a second movie I felt the same was true with this series. And yet people were hating on the idea any chance they got of this film including when the title was revealed. As I even have friends claim it was a desperate attempt to gain more attention from folks due to how apparently toxic Brie Larson is to be with on set which... are all really unfounded rumors. Not to mention that not only has every Marvel movie after it's main star had a first had secondary characters known in the comics step into their roles, but it's ones that were set up long before this movie was even announced. IMHO a big reason why the first was set in the 90's was to have this relationship with the child Monica to contrast with the adult Monica we'd get in the present time and quite honestly after WandaVision teased it I have been waiting for over two years to get more on the drama that Monica would have with Carol. As for why Kamala Kahn was added... Feige even as Captain Marvel came out knew how beloved and popular the current Miss Marvel is and how many people wanted to see her in the MCU but pointed out you need to set up Carol as Captain Marvel first, so naturally it'd make sense to have her in the sequel. What I didn't expect was we'd actually fully get a Miss Marvel series first but I had no problem with that as it really help build and ground Kamala as her own character that when this movie came you wouldn't need a lot of time just to set her up cause there was a show all about that. A show that yeah teased this movie finally coming out after all the delays. Granted due to that toxic backlash, Disney's general toxic air and not exactly great word of mouth in a general enviornment that is suffering from some superhero fatigue this looks to be a one of the worst launches for a Marvel property but quite honestly what I care about more is if this movie delivered and was satisfying. And honestly I say it was... granted there are some problems and things that do hold this movie back from like pure greatness but it's certainly an improvement on the first Captain Marvel film due to focusing on the characters bouncing off one another and the fun that comes from that.

I guess we should focus on the problems first. A big one being the exposition in a lot of cases isn't really well handled. Either it's super rushed (talk about the pacing more in a bit) or it's really clear they are sort of straw clinging to try and make sense of the story. Like the whole switching of the three leads is a really cool idea and is well implimented into the movie but when you have to hear Monica talk about the effects of how their light space powers intermingle and what this has to do with the Quantum Band you can pretty much hear the "yadda yadda" talk a lot of other expositioners in the MCU manage to make charming in a way. Like when you hear Tony Stark go on about his technology or Peter Parker talking about math or even Doctor Strange about the multiverse you're invested but as good as Teyonah Parris is at handling the emotion of a scene she isn't good at the super fast quick paced talking about theory in a way that makes you really buy it and there is quite a lot of that especially in the middle of the movie so it is a problem. Though if we're talking problems a bigger one would probably be the pacing. This is on record the SHORTEST of all MCU films and in some scenes you certainly can feel it. Especially when getting away on the Aladana planet where we go from being at the end of an action scene to Carol spilling on the reason why she never returned to earth. Which though I do buy and like the reason (more on that in positives) it is noticable in how it doesn't properly transfer over smooth. And this isn't a Guardians of the Galaxy kind of movie either where the transistions there aren't smooth but those also go for super extreme sort of feels or comedy that actually make the fact they come out of nowhere make sense and really allows everyone to feel but this doesn't dial it up nearly as much so even when you get those big reveals it doesn't have the hits that impact as much. Which granted this movie series should feel like it's own thing but that should also mean it should give scenes more time to breath. I really wish we got more of Dar-Benn and her story since on paper it's fine and you get her anger and where she's coming from but this really needed a flashback more showing that journey. I mean maybe show what she learned from the previous Accuser Ronan to make him feel like more of a character and get more a sense of this world. Or maybe more time to play with these big spectacle ideas. I mean the whole set of of Aldana is "oh this is a musical planet where everyone communicates really through song" where Carol married this guy for political reasons so you have her transform into a princess dress version of her outfit to sing to this guy but... it lasts like a minute and doesn't feel like a full song. Look this is a movie that has no problem being silly; it solves a major problem of how to get people off a crowded sinking station by "hey let them be eaten by this alien cat who recently breeded and laid all her babies so now has a bunch of Flerken cats going about that let all the people get eat by the space cats" which worked cause it was allowed to be as silly as it could be. This though really didn't. I mean remember the fun bit in Miss Marvel where Kamala and her family had that dance to celebrate her brother's wedding? Have an expansion on that and make up this big song that would tell the story of yan and Carol and how they got into this poltical alliance marriage and go off the wall crazy with it to be then be hit with the "oh I'm bilingual I can also speak regular english" joke hit more. Brie Larson can obviously sing use that talent and have her sing a more full on song and really have fun with this crazy concept. Felt like they tapped on it but either didn't fully comitt or maybe like it was just cut down which it shouldn't be. Especially as it would give us a better example of Carol's history throughout the universe which is a really interesting concept they could have exploitted a lot more from.

Again though those are my major negatives out of the way since yeah this is still a movie I enjoy. Since this did a very satisfactory job answering honestly a question I sort of had since the original Captain Marvel and especially had since WandaVision of Carol and Monica's whole relationship. Like WandaVision made it clear Monica did not really like talking about Carol and I always got the impression it's because though she promised to visit and see her at some point never did, likely not even after Endgame. And I do like too that Monica is a professional and though knows she has to talk to Carol doesn't want it to be over the phone nor does she make it this big thing first seeing her again after so long even though you can tell there's some awkward tension. But yeah I am glad when they do have a quiet moment to themselves Monica just points it out considering you know it's been 30 something years and just trying to say "oh I was busy with other planets" doesn't really feel like an excuse especially considering how fast she is when actually traveling through space. I also liked too them having that moment going through the memories where you actually saw that Carol visited Maria at some point (that I just just realized if Maria was talking about her cancer going back into remission and thinking she may not survive must of been right after the blip. I guess makes sense as Carol had to go back anyway to see her) and then yeah seeing Maria die again from WandaVision. I think a big thing people dislike about this film really off topic is unlike even Multiverse of Madness, you do have to really watch the Disney Plus shows to really get any emotion from it. Even Multiverse of Madness was sort of made so though that series mattered you didn't have to see it which... yeah was a big problem with it and why the writing feels off but yeah this series nails the characters from the streaming series and their journeys properly so it all makes logical sense. Thus yeah though again like I said before rushed I do really like that the reason Carol hasn't visited Monica and been to Earth really unless she absolutely had to the last 30 years was because of the guilt she felt over the mess she made of the Kree. The first Captain Marvel did a good job making the Skrull sympathetic (that Secret Invasion kind of ruined but we don't need to talk about that show here... cause this movie sure doesn't. Even when it could/should have but eh Secret Invasion sucks I get not wanting to talk about it) so I do like the idea of actually extending that somewhat to the Kree. Like yeah there are obvious radicals and those who went about it wrong but the idea the Supreme Intelligence was controlling them and now they had freedom they could be better but in her anger at having lost so many years of her time on earth Carol wrecking the Supreme Intelligence and thus majorly damaging the Kree's home world. Like shows there are actual consequences to Carol's actions and I like Carol's regret to in not only feeling that Maria should have gotten that power when hearing she had cancer again but feeling she wasn't good enough to go back home until she fixed her mistake thus more her bull headedness of wanting to be alone not because of hubris but self imposed guilt. Feels like that's more of Carol's actual personality then we got in the first movie of now that she has this standard and this title she wants to live up to it and wants to do better and wears herself thin which is something the comics had as well so I appreciate the movie showing that. And then Monica telling her she doesn't have to do all that just to be worthy of going back because to Monica she's not some hero but rather her aunt she just wanted to see again does hit well. Like again it's no "Rocket Raccoon backstory" level emotion but it hits the right high especially with Kamala admitting how due to her hero worship of Captain Marvel not seeing her as a person and though feeling she wasn't worthy enough to be there and thinking she was holding her back getting told by Carol she's glad she was there hit the right beat. Same with Kamala hugging Monica after finding out what happened to her mom and bringing in Carol or Carol desperatley trying to grab Monica as she is making her sacrifice trying to put back the universe piece broken. It feels like they hit all the right notes having explanations that tie into the characters and their struggle for this drama and that works at elevating all the players here. I will say this makes me realize how kind of hollow Quantumania was in regards to it's emotions not really earning those character journeys since those thinking about it didn't hit but these do. Not the hardest but I do feel they still really worked.

And that's not the only thing to like. Admittedly though some of the villains we've gotten in phase 4 and now phase 5 and their goals haven't been the most interesting, I do appreciate most of them are putting spins on the whole "let's try and take over/destroy the earth". And this here is a unique obstacle since yeah the previous Accuser was all about wanting to revenge to take down this planet, I like how Dar-Benn's goal is instead to restore the home planet of the Kree empire with those Quantum Bands. And though I still feel this was the weakest episode of Miss marvel was going back in time to show what happened to Kamala's family I do appreciate now in retrospect a bit more because here it was showing how these have the power to punch these holes in space time and that's what Dar-Benn's big goal is; to use to these to properly bring back her old planet. Like granted wanting to take the atmopshere and water off other world and then syphon the power of the sun are super extremes but they are very unique goals since yeah you don't often see in these super hero movies the villains trying to actually do something to the sun so I thought that was unique. I will say her faking her defeat to take Kamala felt kind of tropey like "we have to make sure you know she's the villain" but I guess it was also to set up the bands being in space and making that giant hole that needed to be fixed to set up the whole main climax so fair enough in that regard. What I really want to focus on is the coregraphy and the actual lay out of these fights which I think aren't going to get appreciated enough. I really like the idea of this chaotic three way battle where you are not only moving the three fighters from a house to an empty planet's surface to a strong hold but also the various combantants as well and seeing all the chaos that comes from that. Especially when you have Kamala's family get in on the action at the house or really get to see the three cut loose with what exactly their powers are. Monica phasing through someone to knock back and hit them as well as fully learning how to fly to catch Kamala and Kamala trying to make a platform to land on but crashing through that is pretty cool. And then on Alada actually having had time to properly train with the switching and knowing when to use it to transfer Kamala for Carol in the middle of the invasion as well as the use of that scarf or Monica and Carol double teaming Dar-Benn was cool. And yeah that three way with Carol Monica and Kamala vs Dar-Benn was a good fight. The best MCU fight ever? I mean yeah no way I wouldn't go that far but I will say it did feel like the three were even more in synch with their powers and the switching and how to properly set up combos then we got in No Way Home so high regards there.

Speaking of learning to set up combos let's talk about the humor which I feel is going to be divisive for some people because... again at points this is a really REALLY silly movie. And I argue one that could have been sillier but quite honestly when this movie is being ridiculous I actually do rather like it. I have a feeling the training of the switching from learning how to double dutch jump rope or carrying books on their head or juggling people are going to massively roll their eyes out but I honestly found that quite entertaining. Honestly that montage I feel is the make or break moment of the movie; you know you are going to get anything from this movie if you find that charming and you aren't if you find that stupid. I found it charming and honestly there's a lot of moments like that throughout I do really enjoy. I really appreciated Kamala's opening imagining becoming twin besties with Captain Marvel in this story she was making and how she carried that fangirl energy throughout the film. I guess there were a couple of kind of annoying overly squee moments but it felt appropriate especially if you have been following her from her series to know how much she would love this kind of story and most of it really worked. I especially like when she tried to give Monica her own code name and Monica hating all of them especially "Professor Marvel' and even Carol getting in on the whole nick name thing. Plus I do love too how Kamala ended this approaching Kate Bishop like Nick Fury did to Tony Stark but the super fangirl "trying to sound cool but flubbing over your lines and fancrushing out and also just asking nicely at the end giving up on being cool." Just really fun moments. Again the stuff with the Flurken cats to especially Fury's whole plan and then setting it to that Cats song and even Kamala trapping a guy so they can all get eaten by cats and then Kamala's family and Fury in that pod and the brother praying and Fury going "are you praying" and him going sorry and Fury going "no we could use all the prayers we can get at this point" as they were going down. And bits of Kamala and Monica razzing Carol a bit over her being a technical princess cause of her marriage (though yeah pretty clear not really that much a romance especially since they actually do imply her and Valkyrie are an item... not enough that you know Chinese standards would be offended but honestly this is better example of Valkyrie being gay then in Love and Thunder and she only had a minute of screen time in this movie. Also Valkyrie did with the refugees skrulls what SHOULD have been done with them in Secret Invasion just saying) and the Monica's annoyance at the end realizing she was sent to another universe which yeah is another X-Men universe with Kelsey Grammar back as Beast which I wish I hadn't been spoiled on by some eager beavers out there but eh still a good ending. Again this is just a fun movie that yeah has flaws but I still like it and certainly feel it works better then the last Captain Marvel movie cause it gives Carol people to play off of and feels like it fleshes her out more as a character then her last movie did. I have a feeling this movie is going to bomb and prevent a third Captain Marvel movie and probably not even another Miss Marvel/Young Avengers show which is a shame as I'd be down for those but either way solid movie here.


Oct 4, 2018
As I said before I thought the movie was ok. While I’m fine with Dar-Benn as the main antagonist, I wished they had brought Yon-Rogg back, as a secondary antagonist working for Dar-Benn or something. Give the fact that he killed Mar-vell and his role in kidnapping Carol in Captain Marvel. It would have given Carol an enemy that she had a history with as well as some personal anonymity.


Back with a better image
May 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Saw it earlier today. It was alright but it was a lot more enjoyable than its predecessor plus it was great to see the X-Men film universe returning in the mid-credits scene three years after the release of the last film The New Mutants, especially with Kelsey Grammer reprising his role as Beast, this time via motion capture than wearing prosthetic makeup.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
11/18: Vellani confirms a prior version of the final battle ended with Monica taking on the codename Photon.

11/19: Was a version where the Young Avengers were already formed.

Other cut plot points were
-Kamala wasn’t able to take off her bangle and was imprisoned/tortured by Dar-Benn.
-Captain Marvel and Valkyrie were explicitly together in the past (cut quote: “we work better as friends”) -Prince Yan was supposed to gift each of The Marvels with a new suit, right before gathering his army. -Monica had her comic accurate wings at first, but it was too much for her so she tore them off.
-Kamala’s new suit originally turned into a space-suit, which would’ve been used to join Carol and Monica to close the rip in space-time TOGETHER.
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
11/18: Vellani confirms a prior version of the final battle ended with Monica taking on the codename Photon.

11/19: Was a version where the Young Avengers were already formed.

Other cut plot points were
-Kamala wasn’t able to take off her bangle and was imprisoned/tortured by Dar-Benn.
-Captain Marvel and Valkyrie were explicitly together in the past (cut quote: “we work better as friends”) -Prince Yan was supposed to gift each of The Marvels with a new suit, right before gathering his army. -Monica had her comic accurate wings at first, but it was too much for her so she tore them off.
-Kamala’s new suit originally turned into a space-suit, which would’ve been used to join Carol and Monica to close the rip in space-time TOGETHER.
People probably won't let that Carol/Valkyrie thing go :p.

I wish she'd kept the wings...it would've helped her costume stand out more :).

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Marvels

I loved it it. Not entirely. But mostly.

The singing planet was too far. The aliens cats eating people for transport while "Memory" played? Just far enough.

But the thing I responded to most was the teleportation fights. They were so fun.

The movie's biggest drawback is that the beginning is hard to understand. I remember the stuff from Ms. Marvel fine, but it's been awhile since I've seen both WandaVision and Captain Marvel, and the flashbacks were entirely unhelpful. It's possible people stayed away from the movie because of the homework involved before seeing it. The interconnectivity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a double-edged sword, and started working against the franchise for the first time ever. Some people probably hadn't seen Ms. Marvel or WandaVision on Disney+ yet, and skipped the movie in theaters until they did to avoid spoilers. Not the wisest idea to connect it to two previous TV shows.

The irony is, the Ms. Marvel stuff is pretty self-explanatory, which is good because she's the best thing in the movie. Her enthusiasm is infectious and the cartoon at the beginning shows the movie did better than the TV show about something important. Outside of the Pilot, Ms. Marvel forgot to be fun. It forgot Kamala Khan was a dorky kid who loved fangirling Captain Marvel and getting up to shenanigans with her new powers. The film brings the tone the Pilot set, and the rest of the series stepped away from for dark broodiness, and it's good.

I hated the fact that Monica was stranded in another Universe by the end, but then we find out it's the X-Men Universe in the tag and I turned into the Celestial Toymaker: "Well, that's all right then!"

And while the movie shows the flaws of the MCU interconnectivity, the positive is that despite the fact that the movie bombed at the box office, and there will never be another Marvels movie, it's not gonna be the last time we see the characters. One of the unfortunate aspects of The DC Extended Universe is each character's future participation was predicated entirely on box office performance. The MCU is successful enough that we can still see these characters in other movies and TV shows. If the franchise were on thinner ice I'd be more worried. But Disney can afford a bomb or two.

But the movie may have bombed at the box office, but it's a damn good movie. It's better than a LOT of lackluster Marvel stuff that made money like Quantumania, Love And Thunder, and Multiverse Of Madness. By a large margin. I think perhaps internet critics sabotaged its chances for being so upset at its diversity, which is weird because a LOT of those critics insist that their objections to characters of color are because they believe the adaptations are turning legacy white characters into them for political reasons. But Kamala and Monica are already characters of color in the comics. What exactly was the objection here? I don't see any sort of Woke Agenda for strong female characters of color being allowed to exist. I understand the argument that changing the race of legacy characters might upset purists. This movie did NOT do that, and it still raised people's ire. I'm starting to believe those types of arguments were never being made in good faith. I keep hearing "It's fine using characters of color, just keep the Legacy characters as they are." Well, this movie did that and it's supposedly too Woke anyways.

What's interesting about the complaint is that none of Carol, Monica, and Kamala's heroics feel gender-based. Maybe it's the fact that the movie doesn't make a federal case about being led by three women which is the objection. It treating it as normalcy, instead of making a direct statement, actually makes a statement. That's how I approach Gilda and Bernadette too, and I bet those same types of YouTubes critics would SAVAGE Gilda And Meek. It's a little scary to me.

They did do one acknowledgement of diversity. When Monica has to immediately learn how to fly to save Kamala's life, Nick Fury screams at her "Black Magic!". But if that moment pissed you off instead of making you smile the problem isn't the movie.

I love the MCU for always having it's share of good Skrulls. I love that very much.

Young Avengers at the end. Kate noting she is 23 is part of the problem of making that part of the movie franchise. By the time the first movie actually hits, the cast will be aging out of their roles already. Kamala is okay, but she is not in this for the long haul as the excitable kid. Frankly the MCU trying to keep Todd Holland that even after all this time is already problematic.

I love the movie. I'm sad there won't be another movie specifically of this type but I'm excited to see where the X-Men story goes, and see all three characters team up in the next Avengers films. I had a lot of fun watching this. ****1/2.


Yes, have some.
Staff member
Jul 13, 2003
This was a really great movie. Bummer the box office results didn't reflect that but I don't want to get into it.

I chuckled at first that Dar-Benn's plan to steal air, water, and the sun was basically Spaceballs but then I kinda dug they went with a Silver Agey scheme.

The interconnectivity. On one hand, I watch everything so I didn't need too much reminding and whatever was said in this movie was good enough. On the other hand, if I didn't watch the shows when it came out, I'd be lost. Maybe they saw WandaVision because it came out on 4K Blu-ray last year but Ms. Marvel has yet to. On a positive note, I loved the little follow ups and details like what S.A.B.E.R. stands for (Strategic Aerospace Biophysics and Exolinguistic Response to which Fury scolds Monica about it being classified lol) or we got to meet the Skrull colony and Dro'ge who were mentioned in Secret Invasion which on top of that they gave us a comic book nod because it was Throneworld in the comics aka the second homeworld of the Skrulls and the planet was mentioned in a What If episode prior to this movie. Or even just getting into what jump points are and this whole history behind them, we just accepted them in the Guardians movies but we're presented with the actual science to them here, which I dug and to boot gives more context for the Noors' plan to use them in Ms. Marvel but the deadly results of just trying it with one. I would also imagine Dar-Benn's bait-and-switch with the terrible peace treaty terms and claiming Captain Marvel was an agent as a means to declare the Kree were betrayed was probably how the conflict between the two races first started ages ago.

Loved the comedy. The situational comedy of just you, the score, and a character in bizarre surroundings i.e. Carol first teleporting into Kamala's bedroom and taking everything in. Or "they don't look related" or Carol admitting she's actually married. Gold. And the lines were great, too, like Monica recognizing the Aladna song and dance was fueling Kamala's fan fic brain. Or if you've ever had a friend with a cat who travels for work, then you'll know the pain of Goose being handed over post-CM1 from Fury to Maria then during the Blip to Carol. And yeah, Goose and kittens officially makes Fury a cat dad. :D :D

I did like the arc of Carol being alone as essentially the brawn. And she felt completed with Kamala and Monica, the heart and the brains. When they just stare at Monica after her science exposition. lmao. :D The Marvels teleport fights with Dar-Benn were awesome. Nuff said. Interesting touch at the end in Louisiana that Carol is wearing the other bangle.

The pacing was really tight and I'm on the fence if this could have been longer. A 105 minute MCU movie was weird but on the flip side, I kinda like it. But I think we needed 5 more minutes about Carol's arc - really show the reason she didn't return to Earth much because she wasn't the infallible super hero savior, instead creating more messes that she was obstinate about cleaning up herself. They showed her real quickly destroying the Supreme Intelligence then mentions of the civil war that ravaged the planet. We needed more flashback scenes for context. It got too rushed. It's saved a little by Monica figuring out a solve for Hala that allows Carol to redeem herself, going binary and jump-starting Hala's sun (I'm guessing she had to do a little of that for our sun too? that part was a little vague, all I remember was a line about how the planets are okay and teams were sent to help out) then house sitting the Rambeau house in Louisiana. While minor, I still found it irksome we got no real answers on why Kamala's bangle ended up on Earth. One was buried in a statue on an alien planet, the other in some immortal's terrorist organization's temple base on Earth. I guess some battle happened involving the blue Kree who had the Quantum Bands, and his/her/their arm got bisected and it was accidentally teleported where it randomly ended up in that abandoned temple. Shrug.

Finally starting the Young Avengers. Appreciate Kate points out she's 23. But technically she's still a Young Avenger, the Avengers are all way older than 23. Shrug. The "please," Kamala just shined in this movie. :D

End tag: Wow, the Foxverse nostalgia tour continues. Guess Monica is sidelined until the Avengers movies. That bites.

Trivia - this gets harder and harder to do, lol, but this the first set of things that came to mind while I watched tonight

Comics trivia
-S.A.B.E.R.'s station resembles S.W.O.R.D.'s Peak VII in the comics
-Dar-Benn is a male Kree accuser in the comics
-Carol, Monica, and Kamala switching places when they use their powers at the same time is an homage to the Captain Marvel comics from the 1960-70s. Mar-Vell switched places with his teen sidekick Rick Jones whenever he struck his Nega-Bands together.
-The Kree refer to Captain Marvel as "The Annihilator" which was the name cosmic team in the comics who saved galaxy from big threats. Members were Cosmo, Beta Ray Bill, Silver Surger, Ikon, Gladiator, Quasar, and Ronan
-Two of Kamala's ideas for Monica's codename Pulsar and Spectrum were used by her in the comics
-Tarnax IV is named after Throneworld, a later homeworld of the Skrulls in the comics
-In the comics, Dro'ge was a high priest of sciences who created the Super-Skrulls
-Kamala's Cosmi-Rod name for the Kree hammer is also a name used for them in the comics
-Suit Monica gets on Aladna has the sleeves like the original costume in the comics
-Supreme Intelligence's comic book look is briefly seen
-Quantum Bands originate in Fantastic Four #164 (1975)
-In the comics, Aladna's people speak in rhyme. Carol became bethrothed to Yan to save a mutant.
-Binary was a name Carol used after she absorbs the power of a star and later a duplicate of Captain Marvel in the comics

MCU Trivia
-Movie answers why Kamala and Carol swap places at the end of Ms. Marvel.
-Monica was recruited to S.A.B.E.R. at the end of WandaVision
-Carol's been using a version of the Skrull tech from Captain Marvel to get her lost memories back
-Fury and Monica bring up Monica saving Jersey City in Ms. Marvel
-Several bits from the Guardians of the Galaxy movies come up like jump points or the yellow-skinned race, Aakons
-Kamala blurts out Vision as a code name idea
-Emperor Dro'ge and the Skrull colony was mentioned in Secret Invasion
-Valkyrie has a cameo, providing refuge for the Skrulls
-Valykrie alludes to past experience suddenly ending up on teams, like the Revengers in Thor: Ragnarok
-Carol's Kree force helmet has been modified since the events of Captain Marvel
-Memories during the torture device usage and references to WandaVision like Monica saying she got her powers from a witch hex
-Kamala corrects her mother that Fury is never referred to by his first name, a callback to Captain Marvel
-On the space elevator, Aamir appears to be making a video for his wife Tyesha
-The Golden Statue of Liberty appeared in No Way Home and Ms. Marvel.
-A parallel version of Maria once again is a Captain Marvel (Binary in this case). In the 2nd Dr. Strange movie, she was Captain Marvel in Earth-838.
-Kate and Pizza Dog makes their next appearance post-Hawkeye series
-Kamala waiting for Kate to come home, her opening lines, and a new team forming is a hat tip to Fury in Tony's place at the end of Iron Man
-Kamala mentions Ant-Man and alludes to Cassie

Foxverse trivia
-The X door matches the one from the Foxverse movies.
-Kelsey Grammer reprises Beast but this Beast was full CGI.
-Beast alludes to Professor X
-A theme from Days of Future Past plays in the end tag

Pop Culture trivia
-Removing atmosphere from a planet was the scheme in Spaceballs
-The LEGO set reveals Carol's ship is named Hoopty, slang for a jalopy kind of car
-Carol has a pair of Crocs.
-Monica wears a Nine Inch Nails shirt on Carol's ship
-The Beastie Boys song "Intergalatic" plays during the training montage
-As the Flerkens swallow the S.A.B.E.R. crew, "Memory" plays. It is used in the end of the musical Cats, climax of the musical Cats, in which an old cat named Grizabella recalls when she was young and beautiful.


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Please help find lost media of English dubs like DiC knights of the zodiac, 4kids Funky Cops, Gogoriki, Hasbro Idaten Jump
Viper wrote on Light Lucario's profile.
Hi, Light Lucario. I just want to mention that today is my birthday. I'll be having a nice family barbecue tomorrow to celebrate. Hope to hear from you soon.
Wonder why Nickelodeon still shows We Make Fun version 1 promo even though version 2 has been updated this year?
Almost forgot to listen to this before the day was up.

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