The NEW Official "So What Do You Recommend?" Thread


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
So I read Superman/Batman: Supergirl which I will post my thoughts on soon. Is Supergirl: Power recommended to read?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I just finished reading Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham #1 (details) and I wanted to recommend it to everyone, as it's the funniest thing I've read since Spider-Man & Human Torch: I'm With Stupid!

The most hilarious aspect of this comic is how Marvel and comics in general nowadays are mocked, but I don't want to spoil any of the jokes here :)
Just think thought balloons...


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
My local Chapters is having a huge sale on comics and the discounts are huge. I am considering getting Superman/Batman: Absolute Power and Superman/Batman: Vengeance. I may possibly get the first hardcover collection of Justice too.Are these worth getting? I know I already plan to pick up Superman: Red Son and a new copy of The Death of Superman. I am going to the bookstore this weekend before the sale ends and would love some pointers.


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
western comics?

after my viewing of the good, the bad, and the ugly i am looking to get into some "western" themed comics. i guess i'm looking for stuff where the main character is the "sterotypical" gun fighter/anti hero. basicly someone that resembles clint eastwood's "man with no name". i got some of the recent jonah hex comics of the origin arc a few issues ago. i was also looking into stephen king/peter david's dark tower comic. i kind of was scratching my head on that one because of the "fantasty" elements in that one.

i could use some info on dark tower (basicly, little fantasy/some fantasty/alot of fantasy elements) and any other comics that feature a character that resembles eastwood (besides jonah hex).

i also had a question for the jonah hex comics. are they in arc's or one shot stories? i got issue 2 as well and i didn't see any story info. such as "part _ of _".

Ed Liu

Frog of Thunder
Staff member
Sep 6, 2001
Princeton Jct, NJ
Most of the current Jonah Hex comics are done-in-one stories. I would definitely recommend the Showcase volume of the older Jonah Hex stories, because they're terrific. Personally, I like them a whole lot more than the modern stories.

The Marvel Westerns book that came out last year was a bit uneven, but fun overall. Certainly got a beautiful presentation in the oversize hardcover that collected the individual issues, but I don't think the single issues sold very well so you might be able to grab them in comic shop quarter bins.

The Long Haul from Oni Press is a nice combination of a heist story and Western, written by Antony Johnston with some really great artwork by Eduardo Barreto. Definitely worth checking out.

If you want to stretch even further, Comanche Moon by Jack Jackson is an underground comic that chronicles the life of Cynthia Ann Parker, who was abducted by Comaches in 1836 and became one of them, eventually giving birth to Quanah, the last Comanche chief. It looks like it's now out of print, but if you're looking for something a bit off the beaten path, it's worth your time.

-- Ed

Leaping Larry Jojo

Searching for a map
May 10, 2001
after my viewing of the good, the bad, and the ugly i am looking to get into some "western" themed comics. i guess i'm looking for stuff where the main character is the "sterotypical" gun fighter/anti hero. basicly someone that resembles clint eastwood's "man with no name". i got some of the recent jonah hex comics of the origin arc a few issues ago. i was also looking into stephen king/peter david's dark tower comic. i kind of was scratching my head on that one because of the "fantasty" elements in that one.

i could use some info on dark tower (basicly, little fantasy/some fantasty/alot of fantasy elements) and any other comics that feature a character that resembles eastwood (besides jonah hex).

i also had a question for the jonah hex comics. are they in arc's or one shot stories? i got issue 2 as well and i didn't see any story info. such as "part _ of _".

Have you tried Preacher? It's basically a fantasy/horror comic, but the atmosphere is heavily influenced by Westerns. Lots of walking around in bleak desert fields, etc, lots of "tough guy" characters in the vein of Eastwood...


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
i have the first 3 preacher trades. i got them before i got into my western fix. i also picked up brian azzerello's loveless vol 1 on ebay.


I'd like to test that theory!
Apr 27, 2004
Ok, it's help the newbie time! I've got two big questions:

First, I haven't read anything in the Marvel Civil War escept for the TPB Prelude to Civil War. I've gone to and seen several list of what order the Civil Wars trades should be read in, which ones are essential to the storyline, and which ones are good. However they all contridict each other to some degree. So what do you recomend? What order should I read them in, what's worth getting, and what is essential to the story line?

Second. Up to this point I've only been reading comics when they come out in TPB, but with the new Buffy series and Runaways I'm starting to enjoy picking up the monthly issues at the comic book store. I caught a break with Runaways starting a new arc so it was pretty easy to jump into. I've been reading the thread for Detective comics, and I think I'm going to pick some of those up since they seem to be all one shots. What are some other series that are either just starting a new story arc that I can pick up, or are mostly one shot's that I can just pick up?

I saw The Brave and the Bold #1 and #2 the other day. They look like one shot's, are they? Are they any good?

Thanks in advance for any answers you give!!:D


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
for civil war, all you really need is the civil war trade. most of the "main" heroes have tie in trades, so if you really like spider-man, daredevil, iron man, ect why not go ahead and pick up their tie in trade? other than that reason, you dont really need any of the tie in trades to read the actual main civil war story. i only got 1 tie in, the punisher war journal trade. i wast amazed by it. i think it was mostly because of the punisher's involvement in civil war, you'd think he wouldn't be involved at all. i think thats the one tie in thats a must have. from my point of view anyway. personally i think it's the only civil war tie in you'll ever need, and actually want.

the current run of detective comics is all one shot and you could jump in. i think they're being reprinted in a trade anyway, so if you want to wait and pick that up instead. go for it.

the vol 1 hardcover of all star superman is coming out or is already out. there IS a story going on, but for the most part all the issues felt like one shot stories to me. definately consider picking that up. all star superman is the best comic out today.


Active Member
May 1, 2001

Not to disrupt the previous thread, but was wondering if anyone on here had any suggestions on new/different comics worth trying out?

My criteria:
- no mainstream DC Universe or Marvel Universe titles (subdivisions like All-Star, Vertigo, etc. are OK, as are reprints of older DC/Marvel material, a la the "Showcase" TPBs, which I'm already buying...).

- non-superhero comics are fine.

- something where all the main characters aren't stupid "jerks" a la the 90's-era Batman.

- major storylines *not* being built on stuff like: characters' wives being raped; an annoying idiot clown with a room-temperature IQ who hasn't done anything more creative in the past 20 years than slaughter a population the size of Cincinnati; uber-expensive crossovers; etc.

- no manga (never cared for manga or anime).

A list of comics I've been enjoying recently:
- Superman (the only mainstream superhero title I'm reading, and that's for Busiek; soon as he's gone, I'm also gone from the book...)
- Uncle Scrooge
- All-Star Superman
- Krypto the Superdog
- The various Showcase Presents TPB reprints
- The Crisis on Multiple Earths TPBs (JLA-JSA teamups)
- Various comic strips including: Get Fuzzy; Doonesbury; Dilbert; For Better or For Worse; Monty; Pearls Before Swine; Mutts; Dykes to Watch Out For; Chelsea Boys; A Couple of Guys; FoxTrot; This Modern World

So, given the above, any suggestions?


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
for brainatra:

given my current western fix, i'd go for the currnet jonah hex series. i've read a couple issues and have really enjoyed them. what i've read so far have been one shot stories. the only story arc i've seen is the 3 part origin story. but today's standards, 3 parts doesnt really make much of an arc.

loveless is another western themed comic on vertigo. or as i heard it described as a "vengance story set in western times". the language is what you would expect from vertigo and there are some "love making" scenes only to be obscured by shadows or absence of light. the first trade is 10 bucks, so thats good. a cheap inexpensive trade always works. its written by brian azzerello and we all remember the crapfest of his superman run. surprisingly, loveless was really good and i hope to continue getting the trades at least.

next up from the western category is lone ranger. i havent seen the show or know much about him (except his relation to the green hornet :)). it's just a really great title. i picked up the first couple issues and read them. after that, i had to go and get caught up. a hardcover is coming out, and dynamite publishing is doing a lone ranger comic for free comic book day.

some of my main highlights from vertigo are the "standards" like the sandman, matt wagner's sandman mystery theatre, and preacher. all worth checking out and i think you might enjoy sandman mystery theatre the most out of those.

also from vertigo was dave gibbons' original graphic novel the originals. basicly a story of 2 rival gangs set in a futuristic england. it's basically a mods and rockers story with hover bikes and cars. thats really the only futuristic thing. so if you know about mods and rockers, like gang stories, or enjoy music by the who and their album quadrophenia, the originals is a nice read.

ok, im busting your chops now. but how can you not want the trade of the recent speed racer series or the trade that reprints the original manga (aka select episodes of the series adapted to comic book form). i dont like manga or anime either, but speed racer is the man. also, how are you NOT getting the richard donner/geoff johns action comics run???!!! i'd take action comics over busiek's superman anyday, granted i get both.

Ed Liu

Frog of Thunder
Staff member
Sep 6, 2001
Princeton Jct, NJ
Ed's Big List of Suggestions for Brainatra:

- Usagi Yojimbo (Dark Horse): You can start with the new issue that came out last month, or with just about any TPB you can get your hands on except Grasscutter II (which you probably could start with anyway, but it is a sequel and much depends on the earlier volume). I started with volume 18 and liked it so much I went back and got the rest of the earlier ones. The only people who don't like Usagi Yojimbo are Communists, Terrorists, Nazis, and Islamo-Terror-Commie-Nazi-Fascists with severe mental handicaps and a tragic lack of taste.

- Mouse Guard (Archaia Studios Press): There's an HC of this coming soon. Badass mice with swords. Wildly entertaining, fun stuff, and one of my favorite comics from 2006.

- Hero Squared (Boom Studios): If you liked the Giffen/DeMatteis schtick from their "bwah-hah-hah" JLA/E/I/O/U run, this will be right up your alley. One TPB collects the original 3 (4?) issue mini-series plus the one-shot special, one collects the Planetary Brigade mini-series, and there's an occasionally late monthly comic.

- Conan (Dark Horse): Channels the spirit of Robert E. Howard for good, dirty, pulpy fun. 3 TPBs so far should get you up to speed.

- I don't see it on your list, so I'll recommend Darwyn Cooke's The Spirit comics from DC. Each issue is brilliant in about a half-dozen ways.

- Castle Waiting (Fantagraphics): Get the great big HC. Creator Linda Medley openly admitted she's writing for the trade, which makes the monthly book an almost excruciatingly frustrating read. The HC is great, though.

- Love and Capes (Maerkle Press): Essentially, "What if Superman told Lois before he proposed?" Superhero sitcom, but it's a GOOD sitcom and takes opportunities to poke fun at romantic comedy sitcom situations and superhero story conventions alike. Started in on this one from a recommendation by our own Dr. Octopus. No trade, as far as I know, but you can buy from Thom Zahler direct via the link above. He's a total mensch.

- Death Jr. (Image Comics): The exception that proves the rule that comic books based on video games suck. Death's son and his school freakshow posse have to make things right when Jr. accidentally hands dad's scythe (and powers) over to Death's Evil Brother. Hilarity ensues. Funny in a Charles Addams macabre kind of way, with some wonderful artwork by Ted Naifeh (Courtney Crumrin). The original series has a trade, and there was a 3-issue sequel ("Take Our Son to Meta-physical Work Day") that is getting a trade Any Day Now.

No idea if I just broke your bank or made you realize you had more rules than you let on at first ;).

-- Ed


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
Brainatra said:
A list of comics I've been enjoying recently:
- Superman (the only mainstream superhero title I'm reading, and that's for Busiek; soon as he's gone, I'm also gone from the book...)
- Uncle Scrooge
- All-Star Superman
- Krypto the Superdog
- The various Showcase Presents TPB reprints
- The Crisis on Multiple Earths TPBs (JLA-JSA teamups)
- Various comic strips including: Get Fuzzy; Doonesbury; Dilbert; For Better or For Worse; Monty; Pearls Before Swine; Mutts; Dykes to Watch Out For; Chelsea Boys; A Couple of Guys; FoxTrot; This Modern World
one of the easiest things when looking for new stuff to read is look into the other works a writer/artist has done if you are currently enjoying something a particular person is writing or drawing. since your reading all star superman and have the crisis on multiple earths trades, you may want look into grant morisson's jla run and his 3 part story in jla: classified just based on the fact that you enjoy morrison's writing and enjoy justice league stories.

EDIT - i dont know why i didnt think of this one for my example of looking into other works by writers and artists you are already familiar with, but morrison and quitely did the original graphic novel jla: earth 2 in which the justice league fights the their crime syndicate counterparts. if are enjoying all star superman alot, you'll most likely enjoy jla: earth 2 just as much.
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Active Member
May 1, 2001
one of the easiest things when looking for new stuff to read is look into the other works a writer/artist has done if you are currently enjoying something a particular person is writing or drawing. since your reading all star superman and have the crisis on multiple earths trades, you may want look into grant morisson's jla run and his 3 part story in jla: classified just based on the fact that you enjoy morrison's writing and enjoy justice league stories.

EDIT - i dont know why i didnt think of this one for my example of looking into other works by writers and artists you are already familiar with, but morrison and quitely did the original graphic novel jla: earth 2 in which the justice league fights the their crime syndicate counterparts. if are enjoying all star superman alot, you'll most likely enjoy jla: earth 2 just as much.

Thanks for the suggestions, all...

Will pass on the Morrison-JLA suggestions (still fall into "current DCU comics" which I'm trying to avoid, and I absolutely hate Kyle Rayner/"jerkass Batman", thus I avoided the 90's/recent JLA books for those reasons).

Not buying "Action Comics" more out of the "giving up on mainstream DC/Marvel" reason above---sorry, but DC's had their (multiple) chances, and after "Identity Crisis"/"Infinite Crisis"/various crappy stuff remarked on above (Joker-as-brainless-killing-machine, superhero wife-rape, etc.), I don't think I'll be missing out on much in the future... though guess I'll be following them online anyway to keep up with comic-board conversations. That, and don't really care for Geoff Johns (after seeing various comics of his)...

I liked the "Lone Ranger" as a kid, though not the biggest western fan.

I did enjoy "Sandman Mystery Theater", though don't think I bought the whole run (and these days, said issues of mine have vanished between moves...).

Love and Capes sounds interesting/amusing, as does Heroes Squared.

Ed Liu

Frog of Thunder
Staff member
Sep 6, 2001
Princeton Jct, NJ
Thanks for the suggestions, all...

Will pass on the Morrison-JLA suggestions (still fall into "current DCU comics" which I'm trying to avoid, and I absolutely hate Kyle Rayner/"jerkass Batman", thus I avoided the 90's/recent JLA books for those reasons).

It's ultimately your money and your decision, but I think you ought to reconsider Morrison (and, to a slightly lesser extent, Waid's) run on JLA if those are your only concerns. Batman may be grim and dark in JLA, but has a good shot of dark humor throughout and doesn't slip into the stereotype until well into the run. He gets some of the best one-liners in the first story arc, too. "Three minutes, fifteen seconds. You'd be surprised why." Doesn't look like it out of context, but it's one of the funniest Batman lines ever.

As for Kyle Rayner, my first exposure to him was from the JLA: New World Order TPB, and when I jumped back into comics discussions on-line, I was completely mystified why people seemed to hate him so much. Just based on how he's shown in JLA, I thought he was funny, charming, and filling the role of "green rookie of the League" quite nicely. I like him, which is probably why it's best if I avoid his own comics as much as possible ;).

I never really got seriously into any of the regular DC continuity comics, largely for the same reasons that you have, but there's always going to be space on my shelf for at least the first half-dozen JLA TPBs if I have anything to say about it. They're pretty much all I want out of the big guns of DC without all the baggage.

Strangely, though, I didn't like JLA: Earth 2 very much, because I felt it started off strong and petered out into Morrison-itis (where so many Great Big Ideas are crammed in that the story becomes completely incoherent). Mighty pretty, though. I actually liked Kurt Busiek's reuse of those characters in the Syndicate Rules arc more (though Busiek nearly lost me with the first few issues).

-- Ed


I'd like to test that theory!
Apr 27, 2004
for civil war, all you really need is the civil war trade. most of the "main" heroes have tie in trades, so if you really like spider-man, daredevil, iron man, ect why not go ahead and pick up their tie in trade? other than that reason, you dont really need any of the tie in trades to read the actual main civil war story. i only got 1 tie in, the punisher war journal trade. i wast amazed by it. i think it was mostly because of the punisher's involvement in civil war, you'd think he wouldn't be involved at all. i think thats the one tie in thats a must have. from my point of view anyway. personally i think it's the only civil war tie in you'll ever need, and actually want.

the current run of detective comics is all one shot and you could jump in. i think they're being reprinted in a trade anyway, so if you want to wait and pick that up instead. go for it.

the vol 1 hardcover of all star superman is coming out or is already out. there IS a story going on, but for the most part all the issues felt like one shot stories to me. definately consider picking that up. all star superman is the best comic out today.

Thanks for the advice! I'm definatly going to have to check out AS Superman.

New question. I'm looking to pick up some old TBPs. I'm particularly interested in comics about The Flash, Spiderman, or the Hulk. I'm not so interested in the ultimate stuff, but I could be talked into it. So what do you recomend?


Mar 2, 2002
Philly Philly Earth-96
there is a greatest flash stories ever told trade coming out. also, there is the superman vs flash trade which is availible now. for spider-man, you cant really go wrong with the stan lee stories reprinted in like the first 6 or 7 essential spider-man trades. although, if you want the stories in color you can pick up the upcoming 100 dollar hardcover the amazing spider-man omnibus. it's like 60 on amazon, so i'm getting mine there. all of the stan lee comics were also reprinted in color and single issue form in the marvel tales series. here's some other trades i can recommend:

the death of gwen stacy - probably the best spider-man story i've ever read. i think alot of spider-man fans would agree with me that this the best or one of the best.

marvel knights spider-man vol 1 hardcover - or you can pick them up in trade form which are marvel knights spider-man vol 1-3. i really enjoyed this story and it's written by mark millar (civil war). i think this is a very accessible story for "newbies" yet people who have read spider-man comics for years can also enjoy it.

spider-man: blue - a "retelling" of a couple of the early stan lee/john romita issues. the first spider-man story i ever read. a nice companion with your stan lee trades or a nice read to see what the big deal about stan lee's stories is. although, it's written by jeph loeb.

definately pick up the first ultimate spider-man trade. the first spider-man comic i ever read was the free comic book day edition of ultimate spider-man #1. i quickly followed the story on marvel's digital comics and became hooked. unfortunately they dont have the complete arcs up anymore.

and as always, you can visit to read complete issues online. although, i think it was better years ago when complete arcs (especially of ultimate spider-man) were up online.


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