"The Spectacular Spider-Girl" needs to happen


May 17, 2009
I know I'm not the only one thinking this needs to happen. We've seen dozens of series for Spiderman, but never one for Spidergirl. It's about time she gets a chance at the small screen. If this show gets a sequel series I hope this is it.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2003
British Columbia
That would be cool, but let's wait for TSSM to get a third season before we start thinking about anything that far into the future.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
I'd love to see a Spider-Girl series done at some point, or even a Marvel DTV of her.

But I can't really see it happening unless we get very lucky. The sales of her comic series was never great and had been on the brink of cancelation many times before its latest cancelation in the Spec Spider-Girl title then moving into a feature in Web of Spider-Man book and Marvel's Digital Comics thing.

The fact that she can barely sustain her own comic series is going to turn people off thinking it's not going to bring in ratings.

Also the fact that if someone can convince an executive that an action cartoon staring a female character can work it'll be a miracle.


Mar 24, 2007
Also the fact that if someone can convince an executive that an action cartoon staring a female character can work it'll be a miracle.

Yeah... too girly for the male audience, too masculine for the female audience. Spider-Girl is a hard sell.

I'd absolutely love it, but it seems like a pipe dream, honestly.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Yeah... too girly for the male audience, too masculine for the female audience. Spider-Girl is a hard sell.

I wouldn't say that. Kim Possible to my understanding did just fine with both genders. Other than her comics selling less, I don't see why a SG cartoon wouldn't work.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
I wouldn't say that. Kim Possible to my understanding did just fine with both genders. Other than her comics selling less, I don't see why a SG cartoon wouldn't work.

Yeah there are a few cartoons with female protagonists, but actually getting shows green lit with them is very difficult.

It took 9 years for the creator of Oban Star Racers to get financing and make the series because he didn't want to change the main character into a boy.

It can work fine it's just telling the network people that yes boys aren't immediately put off if they see a cartoon with a girl in it. :rolls eyes:

I've never even heard of Spider-Girl.

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Greatest Poster Ever!
Mar 9, 2009
Long Island, New York
Same here! As I've previously stated, I would love for them to create a whole MAU out of TSSM, much like how the DCAU sprouted out of BTAS. And I think it could work, too! Just look at how Batman Beyond did! But, of course, convincing any executive to make a show with a female protagonist would be undeniably difficult.... The best approach would be to something like that would probably be to make a spinoff out of a popular costar - and obviously, since Spider-Girl exists in the future (and an alternate future, nonetheless), that wouldn't really be possible....

For now, I'd say to expand TSSM universe into spin-offs with other popular Marvel heroes, like the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Avengers, and then when the MAU manages to build up its reputation, you could probably do it. (Gee, all this hypothetical talk is getting me upset.... Mainly 'cause I know there's no chance of creating an MAU out of TSSM....)


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
The only way I can think this series would get sold (even though there's a very slim chance that someone might come in at the right time with the perfect pitch) is an episode set in the future and showing how things are there. Essentially like the issue of What If that introduced Spider-Girl. Then going to the executives "hey this was a popular, how about a spin-off?"

Like those episodes of Ben 10 (Ben 10,000, and Ken 10) and The Batman (Artefacts). Even though they didn't have spin-off it's same basic story principle.

However if it's done that way all dramatic potential in Peter's love life is gone since we see where he, and everyone else, ends up. Once we see him with MJ, married with a kid, the spark will go out of all Peter/Gwen/whoever stories. It'd be great for a series ender though.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
W.C.Reaf said:
Also the fact that if someone can convince an executive that an action cartoon staring a female character can work it'll be a miracle.

So true. Aside from Kim Possible, there hasn't been a network animated action oriented series with a female protagonist on TV since Kids' WB's The Legend of Calamity Jane (1997), and that was canceled after only 3 episodes.

You know, seeing as how Spider Man couldn't be featured as a regular on Marvel Super Hero Squad due to the character's being on Spectacular Spider Man, SHS's producers could conceivably had used Spider Girl in his place. Alas, it would seem that SHS's producers wanted for all of the mains Squad members to be male. Pity.


Feb 11, 2008
knoxville,TN United State
First off who is spider-girl?If you want a female star it should be spider-woman and they did that but who are her villians?You want them to create a MAU from TSSM?We have X-men and will have the Avengers.TSSM have no other hero guests how can they make spinoffs of other heroes if they dont appear on spidey?Please don't say the black cat cause shes not a hero and she could'nt have a series.I don't even know why anyone would even suggest this thread but I guess alot of kids post here and will come with some "wishful thinking" series they want made,I've always wanted an Iron fist series but don't think that will happen,even just a guest appearance hasn't happened but he's more likely to appear on a series than spider-girl.
Same here! As I've previously stated, I would love for them to create a whole MAU out of TSSM, much like how the DCAU sprouted out of BTAS. And I think it could work, too! Just look at how Batman Beyond did! But, of course, convincing any executive to make a show with a female protagonist would be undeniably difficult.... The best approach would be to something like that would probably be to make a spinoff out of a popular costar - and obviously, since Spider-Girl exists in the future (and an alternate future, nonetheless), that wouldn't really be possible....

For now, I'd say to expand TSSM universe into spin-offs with other popular Marvel heroes, like the X-Men, Fantastic Four, and Avengers, and then when the MAU manages to build up its reputation, you could probably do it. (Gee, all this hypothetical talk is getting me upset.... Mainly 'cause I know there's no chance of creating an MAU out of TSSM....)

Mistah K88

Jan 17, 2009
capfan1, Spider-Girl is Peter Parker and Mary Jane's daughter May "Mayday" Parker...there was a link to her wikipedia link earlier...

ANYWAY... Personally, I like the fact that they are force to use Spider-Man characters and only Spider-Man characters in TSSM. I wouldn't like to have a bunch of guest star heroes showing up all the time like the 90's show. Batman TAS didn't have any guest stars (Superman TAS went and really started the DCAU by having guest stars on that show). So, if a MAU were to start from TSSM, I'd rather them make a new series and go backwards like they did with Superman and Batman.

As for Spider-Girl, maybe a series down the line, but I would rather have it set like Batman Beyond (after the original series is over). I mean, I'm still waiting for Norman to throw Gwen off of that bridge.


Greatest Poster Ever!
Mar 9, 2009
Long Island, New York
First off who is spider-girl?If you want a female star it should be spider-woman and they did that but who are her villians?You want them to create a MAU from TSSM?We have X-men and will have the Avengers.TSSM have no other hero guests how can they make spinoffs of other heroes if they dont appear on spidey?Please don't say the black cat cause shes not a hero and she could'nt have a series.I don't even know why anyone would even suggest this thread but I guess alot of kids post here and will come with some "wishful thinking" series they want made,I've always wanted an Iron fist series but don't think that will happen,even just a guest appearance hasn't happened but he's more likely to appear on a series than spider-girl.

capfan1, Spider-Girl is Peter Parker and Mary Jane's daughter May "Mayday" Parker...there was a link to her wikipedia link earlier...

ANYWAY... Personally, I like the fact that they are force to use Spider-Man characters and only Spider-Man characters in TSSM. I wouldn't like to have a bunch of guest star heroes showing up all the time like the 90's show. Batman TAS didn't have any guest stars (Superman TAS went and really started the DCAU by having guest stars on that show). So, if a MAU were to start from TSSM, I'd rather them make a new series and go backwards like they did with Superman and Batman.

As for Spider-Girl, maybe a series down the line, but I would rather have it set like Batman Beyond (after the original series is over). I mean, I'm still waiting for Norman to throw Gwen off of that bridge.
And just adding some stuff: Spider-Woman is a different character entirely, with no relation to Spider-Man at all. In fact, she's a member of the Avengers.
And by the way, now that Spidey's owned by Marvel again, Greg actually can use guest stars, though he'll probably only do maybe one per season. I know that Human Torch and Cap are at the top of his list of ones he'd like to use (so we'll probably see Torch in S3).


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
TSSM have no other hero guests how can they make spinoffs of other heroes if they dont appear on spidey?Please don't say the black cat cause shes not a hero and she could'nt have a series.

I don't remember Superman being on Batman TAS yet he had his own show which was a part of the DCAU. Nor did Hawkgirl or Jon Stewart appear before Justice League yet they fit in there just fine.

I do think its wishful thinking about wanting an MAU, but hey it's a cool idea and I wouldn't mind seeing a Greg Weisman universe unfold. What's wrong with people dreaming a little?

As for Spider-Woman, I think she's rather dull and haven't found anything particularly interesting about her when reading things like New Avengers.

Spider-Girl has much more potential as a follow on from SSM as it’s directly related to Spider-Man and shows a future that isn't bleak and horrible.


Nov 14, 2004
Yeah... too girly for the male audience, too masculine for the female audience. Spider-Girl is a hard sell.

I'd absolutely love it, but it seems like a pipe dream, honestly.

Especially with Joey Q now in charge of the animation division...he HATES Spider-Girl!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
Especially with Joey Q now in charge of the animation division...he HATES Spider-Girl!

You mean the guy who has kept Spider-Girl alive for a long time despite extremely low sales? The guy who moved it to anthology book after anthology book when its own book was cancelled? The guy who could've ended the book anytime he wanted to since he came into power but didn't?

Yeah he really hates her. :p


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2009
Ontario, Canada
The only way I can think this series would get sold (even though there's a very slim chance that someone might come in at the right time with the perfect pitch) is an episode set in the future and showing how things are there. Essentially like the issue of What If that introduced Spider-Girl. Then going to the executives "hey this was a popular, how about a spin-off?"

You're suggesting something like a Batman Beyond series set in the Marvel Universe.

Only other thing, which might be an interesting TV series, is to have a Spider-Man TV series that takes place while Peter Parker and Mary-Jane (Watson) Parker are in their 40's/50's, and Spider-Girl/Mayday Parker is revealed to be their teenage daughter.

But I think that when you think of female heroines...and especially when you think of all the DC shows that have had Batgirl on them or Supergirl, you have to think of how the characters were not the main characters of the show. In the 1977 New Adventures of Batman Batgirl was treated as an equal to Robin, as a sidekick and not the main star of the show. So it might be a better idea to have Marvel make a Spider-Man cartoon where Spider-Girl was a sidekick until her popularity got to a level close to the level that Batgirl's popularity is at now.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
You're suggesting something like a Batman Beyond series set in the Marvel Universe.

Well Spider-Girl is like Batman Beyond anyway, except with no character death at the beginning and Bruce being a grumpy man who grew old alone replaced with Peter being married to MJ and having a daughter together.

Only other thing, which might be an interesting TV series, is to have a Spider-Man TV series that takes place while Peter Parker and Mary-Jane (Watson) Parker are in their 40's/50's, and Spider-Girl/Mayday Parker is revealed to be their teenage daughter.

You mean make the series like the comic? ;)

But I think that when you think of female heroines...and especially when you think of all the DC shows that have had Batgirl on them or Supergirl, you have to think of how the characters were not the main characters of the show. In the 1977 New Adventures of Batman Batgirl was treated as an equal to Robin, as a sidekick and not the main star of the show. So it might be a better idea to have Marvel make a Spider-Man cartoon where Spider-Girl was a sidekick until her popularity got to a level close to the level that Batgirl's popularity is at now.

Well they were sidekicks and that's why they were treated as such. Batman was the name of the show so he was the main character. I also don't see the point of the comparison considering Batgirl doesn't have her own show so what’s the point of bumping Spider-Girls popularity to her level? Heck she (Barbara Gordon version) didn't even have much of an ongoing comic book back in the day where as Spider-Girl has been going on for over 10 years in her solo title.


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