The Spectacular Spider-Man "Growing Pains" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
AdamYJ said:
Honestly, while I appreciate all the little nods to past Spidey lore, sometimes I wonder how many are just little "nudge-nudge" moments and which are meant to turn into something else. So far in terms of things on this show that were just tossed out there include: Hobie Brown (aka the Prowler) on the football team, Cletus Cassidy (aka Carnage) in Ravencroft wearing a Santa hat, Morris Bench (aka Hydro-Man) as a demolitions expert and Stan Carter (aka the Sin-Eater) as a NYC cop. The things on the show I'm pretty darn certain will turn into something are Miles Warren becoming the Jackal and something to do with Liz's brother Mark. Maybe not out-and-out Molten Man, but something along those lines.

Since their mandate is to not create new characters and only use ones from the comics we're probably only see hints to what will happen with them later in life (I doubt there will be a Sin-Eater story with Cater and DeWulf in the series). But a lot a characters probably will follow a version of their comic destiny.

We'll probably see Morris Bench as Hydro-Man at some point given the show has had nearly all of it's villains appear episodes before they become super-villains. I'm also hoping that Cletus was just a cameo for a cameo's sake 'cause I'm not a fan of Carnage.

What ever happens it'll be good, the show has earned my trust in these matters.


Just A Little Bit Crazy
Nov 27, 2005
I watched this episode again and I just noticed something. During the fight with Venom, Spidey gets tossed in the air and lands on some pidgeons. Anyone else this that this might have been poking fun of how the 90's series was specifically told not to do that by the ridiculous censors?


Staff member
Mar 4, 2006
I watched this episode again and I just noticed something. During the fight with Venom, Spidey gets tossed in the air and lands on some pidgeons. Anyone else this that this might have been poking fun of how the 90's series was specifically told not to do that by the ridiculous censors?

I doubt it. I don't think any of the crew worked on that show, so unless they spend a lot of time on the internet I think it was just a coincidence.


The Saturday Morning Kid
Dec 9, 2003
Latham, NY
Since their mandate is to not create new characters and only use ones from the comics we're probably only see hints to what will happen with them later in life (I doubt there will be a Sin-Eater story with Cater and DeWulf in the series). But a lot a characters probably will follow a version of their comic destiny.

We'll probably see Morris Bench as Hydro-Man at some point given the show has had nearly all of it's villains appear episodes before they become super-villains. I'm also hoping that Cletus was just a cameo for a cameo's sake 'cause I'm not a fan of Carnage.

What ever happens it'll be good, the show has earned my trust in these matters.

Oh, I didn't know there was any such mandate. I'd like to see Hydro-Man and the Prowler show up. I like Hydro-Man more than Sandman.

Does this mean that Sha Shan Nguyen was in the comics? I've never heard of her before this show.

What I'd really like to see is them take a really lesser-known Spider-Man villian and make them really cool. Someone like the Grizzly, the Gibbon, the Kangaroo, or my personal favorite the Beetle.


Staff member
Mar 4, 2006
Does this mean that Sha Shan Nguyen was in the comics? I've never heard of her before this show.

Yup. I've never read any stories with her in it but I know she exists during the comics around the Vietnam era of comic books. I think she married Flash but I'm not 100% sure about that. I do know they had a relationship though.

What I'd really like to see is them take a really lesser-known Spider-Man villian and make them really cool. Someone like the Grizzly, the Gibbon, the Kangaroo, or my personal favorite the Beetle.

If Molten Man can make it any little known Spidey villain can...except Beetle. Is he part of the Daredevil banner?


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Sha-Shan was Flash's love interest until he cheated on her with Betty Brant. She then got phased out because they didn't want to be to tied down to Vietnam.

Uzemaki Goku

Jun 30, 2008
This episode's cliffhanger had me in awe the first time I saw it, the only thing I thought was odd was John Jameson suddenly growing large... the show's usually been so good at setting these things up but here they just kinda forgot or maybe it was cut for time?

And.. does anyone know the ratings for Season 2 so far? This show NEEDS a Season 3!


Lord of the Vindaloovians
Mar 18, 2005
Kind of makes you wonder why it wasn't as played up for suspense in the comics when Ock defeated and unmasked Peter there. Probably the temporary loss of powers made it easier to believe he wasn't really Spidey.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
This episode's cliffhanger had me in awe the first time I saw it, the only thing I thought was odd was John Jameson suddenly growing large... the show's usually been so good at setting these things up but here they just kinda forgot or maybe it was cut for time?

And.. does anyone know the ratings for Season 2 so far? This show NEEDS a Season 3!

I think season 2 has an average of 1.5


New Member
Jul 22, 2009
Gotta say that this show is ridiculously good. A big component that helped this episode was sound design! Already loved the two voices overlapped as venom as well as the lizard growls, but was glad to see the addition of a spider's hiss to venom's vocals. A very creepy and welcome addition. And did anyone else notice the 6 million dollar man "da da da da da da" sound effect when colonel jupiter lept from building to building? Nice touch considering that both were astronauts that after an accident had become "stronger...faster...!"...or heavier in jupiter's case. Add on to that the already mentioned framing device of shakespeare lines that were relevent to the scene it preceded or followed and the fact the show refuses to treat its characters like morons (there was no doubt in capt. stacy's mind that venom was an imposter) and you've got one hooked fan. I've never looked forward to mondays like I have now.

Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Good episode that was pumped up to great by the ending with John having lost his mind and Venom storming the Bugle.

The only direction I don't like this show going in is making Peter and Gwen seem kinda like jerks to Liz and Harry.

Honestly, while I appreciate all the little nods to past Spidey lore, sometimes I wonder how many are just little "nudge-nudge" moments and which are meant to turn into something else. So far in terms of things on this show that were just tossed out there include: Hobie Brown (aka the Prowler) on the football team, Cletus Cassidy (aka Carnage) in Ravencroft wearing a Santa hat, Morris Bench (aka Hydro-Man) as a demolitions expert and Stan Carter (aka the Sin-Eater) as a NYC cop. The things on the show I'm pretty darn certain will turn into something are Miles Warren becoming the Jackal and something to do with Liz's brother Mark. Maybe not out-and-out Molten Man, but something along those lines.

Well, Frederick Foswell turned out to be a red herring, so they're not above just dropping references. So far their track record is good. I'm really hoping for the Jackal. Heck, Warren even said he wanted to clone Gwen a few episodes ago! Well, not in so many words, but still.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
Well, Frederick Foswell turned out to be a red herring, so they're not above just dropping references. So far their track record is good. I'm really hoping for the Jackal. Heck, Warren even said he wanted to clone Gwen a few episodes ago! Well, not in so many words, but still.

That was actually Curt Connors, not Miles.

A bit of nitpicking, but George Stacy had footage of Spidey attacking Tombstone's henchmen in "Intervention". Any chance any of the footage could incriminate Lincoln? I just found that placing of the footage to be odd.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
That was actually Curt Connors, not Miles.

A bit of nitpicking, but George Stacy had footage of Spidey attacking Tombstone's henchmen in "Intervention". Any chance any of the footage could incriminate Lincoln? I just found that placing of the footage to be odd.

Well nothing from his encounter in Intervention was that incriminating. Spidey asked for a job, Lincoin gave conditions before he would trust him. There was nothing that he said or did that was illegal.

The only thing was him saying "fight no crime for one week" which trying to explain that away to a Judge would be strange but not impossible.

They'd want absolute proof that Lincoin is the Big Man before they'd do anything because Lincoin has a lot of money and power, so he could easily spin it.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
The only direction I don't like this show going in is making Peter and Gwen seem kinda like jerks to Liz and Harry.

I don't see how they're acting like jerks. The decisions they've made have mostly been because of peer pressure.
Harry came across as more of a jerk when he treated Gwen like she was a prized trophy when talking to dear old dad.


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