The Spectacular Spider-Man "Interactions" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
I do agree that Gwen has to die. It's a classic story that shouldn't be changed. It's not a cliché as much as just retelling a very defining moment in Peter's life.

That said I also don't want her to die, as such. I really liked her in Ultimate Spidey and when she died in it I fully understood what fans felt in 616 when she died. And if Greg’s half as good a story teller as I think he is then I'll be yelling "NOOO!" at the screen when/if they get to that stage in Peter's life.

If anything Gwen in this will show people that she's good for other things than just dieing. My God I heard "wow they're going to kill Gwen" way too often when they announced she was going to be in this. That is just sad that a characters most remembered moment is her death and that's all that is associated with her.

And for something completely different: I liked Liz. Sure I was a little turned off by her voice at first but she grew on me and Pete really made an impact on her.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Besides, The Death of Gwen was done at a time before the writers decided that the fridge treatment was cool. Heck, that's why it was shocking.

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
All right; three questions:
1. Did Clifford (King Kong) Harlan appear yet?
2. Is Flash first name revealed? Is it Eugene like the original or Fred like the Ultimate? Flash is just his High School nick name for those who think Flash is his real name.
3. Peter is the Bugle's web designer or the famous photographer?


Staff member
Apr 23, 2007
In the now, man
All right; three questions:
1. Did Clifford (King Kong) Harlan appear yet?
2. Is Flash first name revealed? Is it Eugene like the original or Fred like the Ultimate? Flash is just his High School nick name for those who think Flash is his real name.
3. Peter is the Bugle's web designer or the famous photographer?
1. Didn't notice him if he did, but I don't think so.
2. Nope, not yet.
3. Right now, Peter's not a part of the Bugle. He attempted to join in the first episode, but Jameson didn't approve. Myabe later on he'll join.


Nine Arts Dragon
Aug 22, 2007
Mays Landing, New Jersey

at the end when Liz left with Flash there were two guys next to him, a black guy, and a big bald asian, im prety sure the big bald asian was King Kong, as thats how the Ultimate version looked.

Captain Highwind

Active Member
Feb 1, 2006
It's a classic story that shouldn't be changed. It's not a cliché as much as just retelling a very defining moment in Peter's life.

I agree with this. I won't be looking forward to it, but there seems to be alot of character development building with her already. You know she's not the popular kid, she's introduced before Mary Jane, and she has both a crush on Peter and is envious of him. At this rate it will be a pretty big blow when it happens, instead of "Oh, we have to do this now, so let's get it out of the way so we can move on to the other stuff from the comics."

Overall this series reminds me of the Untold Tales series, which is good because looking back, that's one of the very few Spidey titles that I enjoyed. This show has a wider scope to work with, unlike said comic series; a fact I hated when it got cancelled.


The End Is Here.
Aug 26, 2002
2 for 2. Now I have a reason to get up early on Saturdays(Or buy a TiVO, whatever comes first).

I'm loving the foreshadowing and interconnected nature of the plots. I don't see why people would be against it; the 90s show, Ultimate Spider-man and this series all have the luxury of looking on the original comics, seeing what worked and seeing what didn't.

Nate Palm

Aug 25, 2003
Me likey. The writing still impresses, and the animation's improving as well. Ethnic Liz was a slight turn-off, though, and we're getting into Liz's new-found affection for Peter a little too fast for my tastes.

Should Gwen die in this series, you ask? I don't see why she should, at least not yet

Ethnic Liz didn't bother me. It was Ethnic Liz's over-the-top accent that I didn't like.

Gwen's death is an important part of the Spider-Man mythos BUT as long as this show takes place during high school I see no need for her death to be part of the series.

I'm surprised by the quality The Spectacular Spider-Man. I like being surprised. Don't care for those eyes though. They seem so expressionless.

Master Toon

Active Member
Aug 12, 2007
I do agree that Gwen has to die. It's a classic story that shouldn't be changed. It's not a cliché as much as just retelling a very defining moment in Peter's life.

So much has changed that it wouldn't be that much of a big deal if she does or doesn't die.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
In 2003, Max Dillon (Electro) was a college student. In 2008, he's a janitor or mechanic working at Empire State University. In both cases, he was mutated by his newfound powers. What's wrong with being an ordinary crook who might've had the powers beforehand?

So in this version, Eddie Brock was a couple of years ahead of Peter and was a protector against Flash Thompson? The mind boggles.

I am so not digging Liz being rebooted as a Latina cheerleader. If it isn't broken, why fix it? I have that same question for Joe Quesadilla after "One More Day", BTW.

The design for Aunt May might be inspired by how they rebooted Sabrina's aunts, Zelda & Hilda, a decade ago. Not too bad, but I guess they couldn't use Rosemary Harris from the movies as a template.

And while they've got Peter right this time, in terms of the 60's classics, those of you jonesin' for Mary Jane will have to wait until the season ends.

And, of course, -100000 credits to Kids' WB! for compressing the credits for ad purps. I will give Josh Keaton his props. He's doing good so far capturing Pete's whole character, and he even sounds like Tobey Maguire a little bit. Spidey's web swinging is right out of the movies, not as fluid as we've seen in earlier toons.

Now, you'd think Marvel could reclaim the rights to use Kingpin here, since it's highly unlikely Fox will ever make a sequel to Daredevil at this point. Kingpin, after all, was a foe of Spider-Man's before meeting DD.

I rated this 2 1/2 stars. The Amerime designs are going to be a problem.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2004
Los Angeles or New York.
In 2003, Max Dillon (Electro) was a college student. In 2008, he's a janitor or mechanic working at Empire State University. In both cases, he was mutated by his newfound powers. What's wrong with being an ordinary crook who might've had the powers beforehand?

So in this version, Eddie Brock was a couple of years ahead of Peter and was a protector against Flash Thompson? The mind boggles.

I am so not digging Liz being rebooted as a Latina cheerleader. If it isn't broken, why fix it? I have that same question for Joe Quesadilla after "One More Day", BTW.

1. In the comics, he was never a petty crook who got powers. He was an electrician who got struck by lightning, gained powers and then decided to become a petty crook. Here he was an electrician, got his powers through different means but still electrocution and went nuts. Guess how the the brain works. It makes sense.

On that note:

Dear Bruce Timm
Mr. Freeze was just a petty crook. Why did you change him like that? What's wrong with just being a petty crook with powers?


2. Eddie Brock in the comics was a character who came out of no where and his motivation made no sense. They're tying him to Peter now so that when he becomes Venom, their conflict will be personal, and even heart breaking.

3. Have you ever been to New York City? It's the most ethnically diverse city on the planet. Stan and Steve's Midtown High was pretty Anglo Saxon. They wanted to make it more like the real world.


Staff member
Mar 4, 2006
Spidey's web swinging is right out of the movies, not as fluid as we've seen in earlier toons.

Now, you'd think Marvel could reclaim the rights to use Kingpin here, since it's highly unlikely Fox will ever make a sequel to Daredevil at this point. Kingpin, after all, was a foe of Spider-Man's before meeting DD.

I rated this 2 1/2 stars. The Amerime designs are going to be a problem.

Spidey seems more fluid than ever before so I dont get that statement. Marvel cant just reclaim something unless FOX wants it too or the deal runs out. Again its not anime at all, and really knocking that many points for designs..seems a bit much.


Swashbuckling Rouge
Sep 15, 2001
A, A
I loved it, not as good as the first episode, but great nonetheless.


Oct 25, 2005
3. Have you ever been to New York City? It's the most ethnically diverse city on the planet. Stan and Steve's Midtown High was pretty Anglo Saxon. They wanted to make it more like the real world.

I don't think the poster was making an argument against having ethnic diversity in the show as much as pointing out that this particular "reboot" didn't seem necessary for the character. That being said, you're absolutely right in your description of the population in New York City. And although it was a bit strange to me at first, having always grown up with a certain depiction of Liz Allen from the comic books, I didn't have any problem with her being recast as hispanic as opposed to your typical blonde cheerleader (I actually thought Sally was Liz when I first saw her in the cartoon).

However, Liz's accent was so poorly done that it did border upon Jar Jar Binks territory. That didn't scream "real world" to me as much as it made me cringe.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
In 2003, Max Dillon (Electro) was a college student. In 2008, he's a janitor or mechanic working at Empire State University. In both cases, he was mutated by his newfound powers. What's wrong with being an ordinary crook who might've had the powers beforehand?

So in this version, Eddie Brock was a couple of years ahead of Peter and was a protector against Flash Thompson? The mind boggles.

I am so not digging Liz being rebooted as a Latina cheerleader. If it isn't broken, why fix it? I have that same question for Joe Quesadilla after "One More Day", BTW.

At least Greg is making these changes through an alternate continuum rather than rewriting existing continuity.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2007
Can we please not have a OMD "lets bash Joe Q" thing here?

As for the Liz ethnicity changes I have two points:

1) It's tricky to introduce a brand new character into a comic book cartoon without it seeming like "hey have you met my friend Jonny Token?"

2) Is it that big a deal that Liz is Hispanic? Does anyone who hasn't been reading 616 for the past 20 years know who she is in comics? Sure there are the “Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane” and “Ultimate Spidey” books, but they're radically different from the original anyway in terms of personality.

My point is that Liz is such a minor character to begin with does it matter so much that they tweaked her a bit?


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2002
Did anyone catch the homages to Spider-Man 2 in the episode? There were two scenes that were obviously based on Spider-Man 2. One was when Spidey landed on the train and the other when he ran up the side of the building and jumped off.

The episode wasn't as strong as the first one but I still liked it. It felt a bit rushed but I still like what Weisman and his team are doing here. I like that Spider-Man's pictures came out blurry when he tried to take pictures. I also like that someone else tried with their cell hpone. The show is really trying to fit in a lot of neat twists here and there to ground it and I like that. I like that the show is doing alot of foreshadowing to future storylines whether it was the mysterious mob boss in the first episode or with Curt Conners here. You can definately tell that there's a plan to this season and I can't wait to see it unfold. A good episode though not as good as the premiere. They are really doing a great job on this show.


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