The Spectacular Spider-Man "Natural Selection" Talkback (Spoilers)

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Mar 31, 2008
Denver, CO
Okay, watching and dissecting this episode again, here are some of the little knick-knacks I noticed. Such details are the marks of a well-made cartoon:

-Kicking the pies into the guys’ faces. That’s some good choreography, as is when he strings up the guys with his webbing, winding the third webline around the first two guys.
-Randy: "Dude, you want some Aloe-Vera for that burn?":D
-Conners’ kid: definitely a real kid’s voice. There’s certain things you can hear in a real kid’s voice that don’t come across in an adult actor imitating a kid.
-"So it’ll remove all non-human DNA," says Gwen. "Even Spider," thinks Peter. That's it. Simple. The writers don’t have to carefully explain it to us in Peter’s inner monologue. We get it in just two little words.
-"Cause they’ve only got lizard brains," Billy whispers. Creepy! :eek:
-Ballsy of Eddie to leap on Lizard’s back like that. He shows his fortitude again later when he volunteers to use himself as bait to lead Conners to the polar bear pool.
-“Maybe he’s just scared,” says Martha. “First Electro, now this.” Nice continuity.
-The web bandage shows how good the animators are with the details. The bandage is visible on Spidey's LEFT HAND throughout both the fight in the subway and the one at the zoo. The only time they miss it is when Spidey meets Eddie outside the reptile room, and that could just be the position of his hand hiding it. That’s some SERIOUS attention to detail, ladies and gentlemen.
-My favorite: Eddie calls Martha and tells her that Lizard/Curt is at the zoo. Spidey leaves to go after him. Martha hangs up the phone and goes to follow, telling Gwen to watch Billy. Gwen opens the door to Billy’s room and finds Billy gone and the phone hanging off the hook. END SCENE. From that last image, we in the audience must infer for ourselves: Billy was LISTENING IN on the phone in his room, and has now gone to "help."
-Eddie: "Did you…skateboard here?" Just what I was thinking. Billy: "I took a cab. Duh." Nice detail.
-In the polar bear pond, Spidey seals off the bears’ doorways with webbing, so the bears don’t disturb his pending fight with Lizard. Another nice detail.
-Lizard overpowers Spidey three times in this episode: 1) In the subway when Lizard prepares to bite his head off, only to have the purse lady distract him. 2) At the zoo, when Lizard is about to drown him, the crocodile intervenes. 3) Up against the rail, just before Billy arrives. Intense.
-When Lizard changes back to Conners, his arm and tail don’t just shrink back, they DISINTEGRATE. Gross. :ack:
-“I never asked to be Spider-Man! I never asked for these powers! I never knew it would mean a bashed-up hand, a hard 9pm curfew, no job, and friends who all think I’m scum.” “Except I saved him. Thanks to the webhead, Curt’s cured, and Billy gets his father back. So what if nobody threw a parade?” PURE LEE & DITKO CLASSIC SPIDEY! I LOVE IT!


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
OK, maybe this is just me, but when Eddie volunteered himself to lure the Lizard into the polar bear pond, did anyone else thought he sounded like a psycho when he said the "lizard-bait" line? The tone of his voice was completely different, only similar to when he goes crazier later in the season.


Mar 31, 2008
Denver, CO
-The web bandage shows how good the animators are with the details. The bandage is visible on Spidey's LEFT HAND throughout both the fight in the subway and the one at the zoo. The only time they miss it is when Spidey meets Eddie outside the reptile room, and that could just be the position of his hand hiding it. That’s some SERIOUS attention to detail, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, and one more thing about that: in the scene when they're looking at Pete's Bugle picture, and Pete is getting fired, Pete has his busted left hand stashed in his pocket.

D Dubbs

Wish Upon A Star
Mar 23, 2007
Differences between TV and DVD versions for “Natural Selection”:

1. In the very beginning of the first scene, extra police sirens are added in the DVD version in order to bridge this episode to “Interactions.” (Remember, they also added in the extra police sirens during the very last scene of “Interactions” on the DVD version.)

2. During the scene where Aunt May is counting up her bills and Peter comes home, there is music in the TV version. In the DVD version, there is mostly silence except for the final part of the scene.

3. As usual, no episode title or on-screen credits on the DVD version.


4. The water balloon tossing scene is different in each version, meaning there are different shots that are specific for each version. The pictures above contain those shots exclusive to each version. So in the TV version, Flash hits Peter with five balloons. In the DVD version, Flash only hits Peter with three balloons, although one of them hits him in the crotch, which he covers up with his hand. Other than that, the scene is the same in both versions.


5. In the scene where Gwen says, “So [the gene cleanser] will remove any non-human DNA” and Peter thinks to himself “Even spider,” a translucent Spider-Man mask covers half of Peter’s face in the DVD version. In the TV version, his face stays normal. Also, on the DVD version, the lab is brightly lit in that shot of Peter’s face, when it should be dark (since most of the lights in the lab are off). In the TV version, the lab is dark, as it should be.


6. There’s about four seconds cut from the beginning of the subway scene with people running and the policeman firing his gun about ten times at the Lizard.


Mar 31, 2008
Denver, CO

5. In the scene where Gwen says, “So [the gene cleanser] will remove any non-human DNA” and Peter thinks to himself “Even spider,” a translucent Spider-Man mask covers half of Peter’s face in the DVD version. In the TV version, his face stays normal. Also, on the DVD version, the lab is brightly lit in that shot of Peter’s face, when it should be dark (since most of the lights in the lab are off). In the TV version, the lab is dark, as it should be.
Oh, poo. Every other alteration on the DVDs seems to be an improvement except this. I really liked this scene as it aired, the subtlety of it, that the writers trust us enough that they don't have to jam down our throats exactly what Peter is thinking, that they could get it across with two little words: "Even spider." So the DVD adds the completely unneccessary half-mask bit to hammer it home, and even threw in a continuity error for good measure. :mad:

Tomato Surprise

Uni-Baby Will Save Us All!
May 9, 2009
Thwip! Part One

I hope I'm not too late to the web-slinging action! Needless to say, I've heard so much about this little gem that it's piiqued my intrest. So, let's take a quick web-swing through episode 3 of SSM, Natural Selection.

I wasn't too big of a fan of Interactions after a great season opener, and that turned me off a tad to watching the rest. But, I dove in anyway. And this episode ensnared me in SSM's web.

First of all, Curt Connors. There's a line between sympathetic and whiny, and Curt stayed firmly in the former. Being disabled myself, I can see his very human desire to find a cure for amputees. Yet, at the same time, you want to slap him. That's a good villian.

Secondly, Eddie Brock. You can see the subtext already building for later events, and yet you still enjoy him as who he currently is. I felt a tugging feeling when I realized his eveentual fate. Pity. That's powerful.

Thirdly, Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman himself. He sharp, quick witted, brash, and docile at the same time. I feel like they were ripping pages out of the Lee/Ditko comics and slapping them onscreen. That's talent.

I can't believe I ever passed over SSM. It's the essential animated Spidey. Well, my Spider Sense is tingling so I gotta run. I'll be back next time for SSM episode 4, Market Forces.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Tomato

Mr. NickerNacker

New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Looks like Daimon Scott's Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 2 issues 11-13 were an influence for the Lizard in this episode.

The Transformation:




Sleeveless lab coat and long tail:






Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
United States
The Connor's Lab Arc, Part III

The 3rd and last (and my favorite) episode of the Connor's Lab Arc with Lizard!

*That "nephew of the year" crook was pretty weird with his plan.

*I loved the coloring when Curt was in the bathroom and what happened to his eye...

*This show is what made me like Billy a lot (his voice is great too); unfortunately, this is his only "real" episode. Here's hoping He gets more to do in Season 3 *crosses fingers in hope for a 3rd Season*.

*Curt's transformation was awesome, I think it's cool how they made Lizard a savage beast (although this isn't the 1st media form to do so).

*Spidey complaining about Lizard wall crawling was hilarious!

*I find Martha a little pushy and unlikable in this series, but I guess that's to balance out with Curt being "the nice one".

*The 1st signs of Eddie's hatred are shown here, slowly but steadily he's going from Pete's best friend to one of (if not) Spidey's deadliest enemies.

*Nice touch with the Uncle Ben picture.

Here's hoping Lizard will (eventually) return *fingers still crossed*

Mr. NickerNacker

New Member
Nov 20, 2009
Here is another difference from this episode that the KidsWB/CW 4Kids aired and the version from the Attack of the Lizard and the copy aired on Disney XD.





Attack of the Lizard/XD




So, in all, there are actually 3 different versions of this episode.

Original Kids WB/CW 4Kids black and white underwater battle.

Attack of the Lizard colored underwater battle along with the extended scenes.

Disney XD colored underwater battle but without the extended scenes.


Mar 10, 2010
United States of America
Hey everyone, new here.

Well, I was looking through the thread for discussion on the Final Curtain and reading the status of all the vilians reminded me. Greg said that all the named characters are based off characters in the comics. So who do you think the guy who robs his grandmother is based off of? He is probably not based on anyone, but if he is, my money's on The Walrus.



Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
Hey everyone, new here.

Well, I was looking through the thread for discussion on the Final Curtain and reading the status of all the vilians reminded me. Greg said that all the named characters are based off characters in the comics. So who do you think the guy who robs his grandmother is based off of? He is probably not based on anyone, but if he is, my money's on The Walrus.


While I'd LOVE to see The Walrus animated, I don't think Greg and co. have the rights to him, Walrus first appearing in a Defenders issue and all. The closest we'll get is probably the White Rabbit (who's also a favorite of mine), and knowing Greg, she'll probably play an important role.


Mar 10, 2010
United States of America
If the White Rabbit appears, it raises an interesting point about the show. Is Greg moving too fast in introducing supervillians and cycling through some of them? In seven months, when Spidey is still starting out, he has taken down the resident town crime boss and unmasked the Green Goblin. While not as bad as the hyper-compressed storytelling of Ultimate Spider-Man, or supervillains only attacking once every year or two in the movies, it still is a lot for a seventeen year old rookie to accomplish in less than a year on the job.


Scientist Supreme
Staff member
May 13, 2006
Advanced Idea Mechanics
If the White Rabbit appears, it raises an interesting point about the show. Is Greg moving too fast in introducing supervillians and cycling through some of them? In seven months, when Spidey is still starting out, he has taken down the resident town crime boss and unmasked the Green Goblin. While not as bad as the hyper-compressed storytelling of Ultimate Spider-Man, or supervillains only attacking once every year or two in the movies, it still is a lot for a seventeen year old rookie to accomplish in less than a year on the job.

I have faith in Greg and the crew. I don't believe they would use as many villains as possible each season. I noticed that the second season really did not introduce as much villains as the first, and mostly developed the older ones.


New Member
Jul 10, 2011
To be honest being a huge Lizard fan i wasn't blown away here Billy was annoying and we pretty much got the same stuff as usual.


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
Things go from bad to worse as The Lizard arrives this morning on Vortex!


Episode #3: Natural Selection
Original Airdate - March 15th, 2008

Peter Parker and Spider-Man both must learn to own their choices when decisions made by Dr. Curt Connors transform Pete's mentor into The Lizard.



kiva fan
May 23, 2005
It was a great episode. Nice to see the introduction of the Lizard which it was a nice build up and not just random where he injects the serum just like that. The transformation gotta be the best of this episode, the way he transforms wow really creepy that reminds me of how Man-Bat transformed in Batman TAS. What i like about this episode is if Spider-Man made mistakes in the past episode so does Peter Parker and really one of the biggest mistakes he ever done that he now regrets on doing which it's cool since we usually see the hero never does a mistake or he does but in the next scene he fix it but here it's not the case and it will take awhile where the people who trusted him will forgive him, especially Eddie Brock where he had shown his anger for the first time and it won't be the last.

The fight was just awesome also showing that Spider-Man is not invincible against foes and has to use his head more to come up with a plan to defeat the Lizard, the comedy even if it was minor was funny when Spidey was yelling at the Lizard that wall crawling is his thing and if he tries to shot webs he will sue lol. I like the nice reference/homage where Mr. NickerNacker pointed out where they used Daimon Scott's work on the lizard, especially the transformation in the end, seriously the arm creep me out the way it was transforming.

Enjoyable episode also a nice lesson where your action even tho where for a good cause it ended up being bad for others which Peter will learn from this later on.

The Dark Lord

Active Member
Feb 15, 2012
So this is airing on Dee Bradley Baker's birthday? Nice coincidence. :p

His creature vocalizations for Lizard here are amazing. Personally, I prefer his performance here over any of his spoken outings (whether it's in the old games or in *barf, barf*).

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
I thought that this episode was really good. The buildup to the Lizard's introduction throughout the first three episodes was a great choice. The transformation itself was well done and intense. The fight itself was great. It had a good flow and it got pretty brutal with Spider-Man injuring his hand and falling through the train. The humor worked pretty well during the fight too. Peter taking the pictures for the newspaper was a pretty bad choice though. It was understandable why he wanted to get the money to help his Aunt May, but given the situation, it was just going to end up making people get upset at him, even if he did prevent any information on who the Lizard actually was. It did lead to a good moment where he considers giving up being Spider-Man, but the knowledge that he was able to save someone this time stopped him. It was a good internal conflict and I believe that it does come back up throughout the first season at least.


Jun 22, 2008
Dearborn, MI
Didn't care for the end.

He exposes the Lizard in the Bugle, gets blamed for it, then has a monologue about not wanting to be Spider-Man? It wasn't because he was Spider-Man, it was because he decided to be an insensitive jerk. With no excuse this time, because he got to see how hard it was for Conners' family first-hand.

So he took on more than he could handle and messed up, then felt bad about it and wished he was normal so he wouldn't have been in the situation. Sounds pretty normal for a high school kid. Not sure why that didn't make sense to you.

Loved this episode. I also love how the first three big villains he fights aren't necessarily evil, they just don't handle the power very responsibly. Such a well written show, sad it's gone.


Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
Peter's strapped for cash as Dr Connors goes for broke...


Episode #3: Natural Selection
Original Airdate - March 15th, 2008

Peter Parker and Spider-Man both must learn to own their choices when decisions made by Dr. Curt Connors transform Pete's mentor into The Lizard.



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