The Super Mario Bros. Movie Talkback (Spoilers)

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Super Mario Bros. Movie

This will be less a review and more a "Matt's How-To Guide To Enjoy A Movie". Or considering the videogame motif, maybe consider it an instruction manual instead.

First, let me tell you my biases going in. I wanted to like the movie. For three major reasons. First, I love the Super Mario characters and their videogames. Secondly, the trailer of the first scene with Bowser and the penguins was hilarious. And third, I adored the "troll-casting" of Jack Black as Bowser. I'll get into that in a bit, but those three things were the reasons I WANTED to like the movie. Good deal, right?

Basically, in a movie that I want to like I ask two questions:

1. Is it competently made?

2. Is it not so thunderingly stupid that it insults my intelligence?

If the movie can't pass these two very lenient and basic guidelines, I will talk smack about it. Every time. No exceptions. Even for beloved stuff like Avatar.

This movie passed those two metrics with, well, maybe not flying colors, but enough to make me mad at the fact that it's only 58% on Rotten Tomatoes, and it gotten a TON of negative reviews.

I want to specifically address the critics who sniff there is nothing to the movie, it's just mindless junkfood for the Philistines. Let me put this idea in your head. You telling me I have low standards for enjoying a movie that is DESIGNED to be enjoyed says you seem weird to me. Our priorities in entertainment are entirely different. A movie wants to be fun and feel-good? As long as the quality is fine, there is nothing wrong with a film aiming for that, or successfully connecting with audiences who respond to that. We are not Philistines, or as you would refer to it the "Only five-year-olds who would enjoy this movie". We're normal. You talk crap about a movie that doesn't have much if anything of note wrong with it? You, Mr. and Ms. Critics, who apparently get paid to write reviews, suck at your job. Maybe you resent the fact that this movie connected with people in a way your snide pretentious reviews of various films never do. I'm not saying general audiences don't sometimes watch and enjoy dreck. Michael Bay has a career, and I might be inclined to take similar shots at Tim Burton. But this movie is not remotely that, and I'm tired of constant negativity in critical reviews, which readers of my reviews will find ironic considering how much stuff I bash. The ugly truth about Matt Zimmer is that I do have pretty low bars (if not standards) in what I will enjoy. I don't write all those negative reviews because I'm super picky or super finicky. It's that all the stuff I bash always fails those two minimal questions I just asked. And those are the LEAST a project can deliver. A project does, I am usually happy. You see so much negative stuff from me because about half of the things I've seen can't bother to do even THAT much. The truth is I am very lenient on fiction, particularly popcorn movies. I'm never giving a bad review to be an Edgelord Contrarian. I give bad reviews if a project offends me. And a LOT of stuff does simply by not passing those two easy questions.

Let me also give anyone reading this manual a final piece of advice: I could be wrong. You could legit hate this movie for your own reasons. Let them be YOUR reasons. Don't let critics tell you what to think and believe. And damn it, that sure as hell includes ME. When you see this movie make up your own mind. Maybe it doesn't pass those questions for you. Or maybe you have a LOT more stringent standards and questions that the movies needs to pass than I do.

Either way, stay off Rotten Tomatoes. Stay off YouTube videos with hacks claiming inoffensive movies are destroying their childhood. I don't tend to take that complaint very seriously because these tend to be the exact people who claims it's "wokeness" that is destroying their childhood, which tells me their childhood must have sucked anyways, because they clearly weren't raised right. Just enjoy or hate the movie on your own. Your opinion is as equally valid and powerful as mine. And it always was. Paid critics don't understand that. And that's why they can be ignored when talking down the perfectly acceptable "The Super Mario Bros." movie.

Random other thoughts:

I love hearing the old Nintendo tunes scored by an orchestra in the end credits.

As the credits rolled I said to myself, if there isn't a tag introducing Yoshi, I'll be pissed. The tag introduces Yoshi. And again I feel disgust at people ragging on a movie for giving the fans what they want. I am allowed to want Yoshi and be happy to see the egg crack and the baby say his own name. It's weird that you think I shouldn't be.

I like Nintendo's production company logo. If this were to launch a Cinematic Universe (and it might) Nintendo will invariably spruce it up for future films, but it's charming, perfectly effective, and makes me think Marvel Studios and DC are totally overthinking things.

I mentioned Jack Black's role essentially being a giant troll from the producers. And it was. I imagine the producers were cackling with laughter knowing how pissed the fans would be. Black is entirely wrong for the role on paper. And shockingly, Black actually does an evil-sounding voice instead, so the producers essentially hired him knowing they were casting against type, and the fans would go from fuming to delighted. And while I do agree that Bowser doesn't sound like Black's actual voice, and that it does sound like he's playing a legit different character than the party-boy partly based on himself he always plays, Black needed to be cast simply because I don't think another actor with that specific voice could have pulled off the "Peaches" number. It's frankly not a great part of the movie. But it would have been just painful from anybody else. So it's not JUST a troll casting. It was also weirdly the RIGHT casting.

The Princess essentially saves herself at the end, and Luigi is granted a hero moment too. I very much like those two things.

I love that Donkey Kong randomly hates Mario. Them becoming friends by the end is rewarding for that reason, but I like that he simply doesn't dig the guy out of pure spite.

Fred Armison did a better job of Cranky Kong than I expected him to.

I enjoyed it. Because I am allowed to, and have free will, and can decide what I like and don't like for myself. What professional critics are terrified of their readers viewers learning is that that applies to EVERYONE. Always remember that, and that the true power to judge media resides within yourself. Cheesy feel-good advice. Which by the way you are also allowed to dig without being made to feel bad about it. ****.


Staff member
Sep 10, 2006
In A House
I saw it in theaters back in April. I enjoyed it even though I never really played the games that much. Certainly better than the live action one. Ha ha


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
Well, guess what? I saw it in theaters, too, and while the movie is watchable, I can't ignore what could have happened since Illumination Entertainment made the movie. Let me be clear, here. It only turned out the way it did because of Nintendo's direct involvement. Having said that, I felt that these parts nearly ruined the entire movie:

-Luigi's "bad knees" (he's one of the best jumpers around)
-The Toad guards' patronizing "another castle" explanation
-"He's not important!"
-"BLUE SHELL!!!!!" (It should be noted that the official name is the "spiny shell")

I felt that the fourth one was an insult to Mario Kart players who have had to put up with that bologna in single player mode since Mario Kart DS. There were other moments too, that I felt were Illumination were just making a quick gag, including one based on internet memes ("It is on like Donkey Kong"? I didn't feel that was necessary), as well as the "whatever those things are" joke. I mean, you'd think Bowser would know the names of all of minions, you know? Sure, being an evil villain, he could have just done that anyway because he's that evil, but still.

I did however, feel that having the Toad with the glasses speak with a deep voice was kind of cute, especially the part where he says "Good luck, Princess, for all our sakes". Also, to anyone who criticized the movie for not having Mario rescue the Princess, the way Peach was written works, because later games have shown her to be just as capable as Mario (and Luigi, and Toad, for that matter). I also didn't...really mind her having a lower-pitched voice, though I do think it might have been part of a larger gag Illumination wanted to do, and probably would have if Nintendo wasn't there to reign them in. Then, there's Bowser's love ballad. This works as showing just how deluded he really is; something that was always implied in the games.

I wasn't...really a fan of the licensed music in the movie. I mean, Mario and Luigi will get "No Sleep Til" they get their first job done in "Brooklyn"? Peach "holds out for a hero" while Mario tries to complete the training course? The Kong guard "takes on them" as he drives them to see "King" Cranky Kong (get it? "King Kong"?...)? They're "Thunderstruck" by the kart garage? It's true that The Super Mario Bros. Super Show also had licensed songs (although those were sound-alike cover versions), but I'm personally one of those people who think they should have used the music the composer made for those scenes.

There's actually more to say about this movie, but I think this covers it. Incidentally, how good did I think the movie was? I saw it SEVEN, count 'em, SEVEN times when it was in theaters, and that's something I usually don't do.

Incidentally, the Bros. living in "Brooklyn", is just a reference to DIC's TV shows. The original Donkey Kong always implied that they were from New York City, but them being from "Brooklyn" exactly was just DIC's idea.

Also, going back to Nintendo's direct involvement, it should be mentioned that Nintendo payed for half the movie. This means that whether or not there's a sequel, a trilogy, or whatever is entirely up to Nintendo. I know there have been rumors going around about Nintendo allegedly saying that they plan to make more movies, but for all anyone knows, Nintendo might want this movie to be the only one.

Oh, and one more thing. No matter what Illumination thinks, or is even implied to be thinking:

-Jumpman is Mario
-"Original" Donkey Kong is Cranky Kong
-"Current" Donkey Kong was originally Donkey Kong Jr.
-"Giuseppe" is just a minor character they created who happens to dress similarly to Mario.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
Wasn't a fan. Not terrible, just very, very mediocre. I guess what it comes down to for me is this; did I get anything out of it I wouldn't have got out of playing one of the games for the same amount of time, even one of the most generic games from the New Super Mario Bros series? And the answer, honestly, was yes, a little. But very little.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
I watched this movie and gave 9.5 out of 10.

Of course, perfect movie and very huge financial success.

It looks like more movies based on Nintendo characters would be produced.


Dec 20, 2016
Some of you folks have some pretty unique perspectives on this movie that I wouldn't see elsewhere on the Internet.

Anyway, this movie was pretty good overall. Saw jt in a movie theater in April (the second time I've ever properly been to the big screen in my entire life), and currently own it on digital. Charles Martinet even voiced two characters in it: a guy named Giuseppe who speaks in the actual voice and accent that Martinet used for Mario in the Mario games; and Mario and Luigi's unnamed father, whose voice is reminiscent of what Martinet's Mario voice would've likely sounded like if he opted for the "deep, gruff Italian-American Brooklyn plumber" voice instead of the iconic Mario voice we all know and love.

My main personal gripe is that they didn't incorporate Princess Daisy into the movie (despite her being one of the main characters of Super Nintendo World and even having a Power-Up Band themed after her!), and that Princess Peach's portrayal is a bit too much like Daisy in some areas.

I hope Daisy gets included in the next Mario movie (which I think is very likely going to happen due to this movie's immense commercial success and it becoming the highest-grossing animated movie since the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic). It helps that she's going to be a playable character in the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Wonder for Nintendo Switch, marking her long-awaited first playable appearance in a console Super Mario platformer (and her first playable appearance in any Mario platformer where you don't have to tediously grind in order to unlock her; looking at you, Super Mario Run).

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
zakawer2 said:
and that Princess Peach's portrayal is a bit too much like Daisy in some areas.
It's actually kinda similar to her portrayal in the Super Mario Adventures comic book, which was refreshing. Can you imagine if Peach was the damsel in distress like she frequently is in the mainline games? That's so overused, I'm glad they made her more proactive and badass.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2020
who wanna bet that illumination just read the super mario adventures comics for inspiration and illumination said: well, just put something seen from the comics into that movie

then again, this is not criticism but this is my thoughts


New Member
Dec 25, 2020
North Carolina
Had the luxury of seeing it in theaters with my family. It was good, but a disappointment nonetheless. We've been waiting for what seemed like forever for an animated Mario film and now that it's finally here, it should have been a gem, but it wasn't.

There are two kinds of animated movies: there's A. the good ones like Sing or The Bad Guys and B. the REALLY good ones like Toy Story, Spirited Way, Wall-E, Snow White, etc. I feel like The Super Mario Bros. Movie ranks in that first column. There's plenty of stuff to nitpick at.

But still, good movie.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
It's been nominated for three Golden Globe Awards: one for Best Original Song - Motion Picture (you all know the one, right?...), one for "Cinematic and Box Office Achievement"*, and one for "Best Motion Picture - Animated". It's not exactly the Oscars or anything, but it's something, at least...

*The article says that it's "a new category that 'includes nominees from the year's most acclaimed, highest-earning and/or most viewed films that have garnered extensive global audience support and attained cinematic excellence.'". "Cinematic excellence", huh? Well, if the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (who holds the Golden Globes) says so. I guess it has cinematic excellence, but I feel it almost didn't, for the reasons I previously mentioned, among others...

EDIT: It also got nominated for a Saturn Award

Also, on at least two sites, I keep seeing various "This movie isn't going to win. This movie or that movie is going to win instead" comments, with some going "It'll win Best Song(, but only because it's a meme). It won't win anything else.". Long story short, I personally think that some of those comments may be coming from people who are biased against the movie in some way; probably even some of those critics who may have written the reviews they did because either they were biased one way or another, or felt it was an embarrassment to the art form, or otherwise just wanted the movie to fail for some reason or another. Some have even gone so far as to criticize the HFPA for nominating this movie be questioning whether or not the Golden Globe Awards even matter, or things like that, which certainly doesn't seem fair, but then I admittedly don't know the whole story. Still it just might be better than nothing.

Anyway, the way I see it, it might win one or more of the Golden Globes it was nominated for, it might not. It would be good if it won, but even if it doesn't, it won't make the movie any less than what it is, a video game-based movie that, for the most part, is the genuine article, and doesn't insult the viewers' intelligence (at least I think it's the genuine article, and I don't think it insults anyone's intelligence...).
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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
Bumping this thread since it’s been about three months since the last post, but on Nintendo’s MAR10 Day video Miyamoto-san himself announced that they and Illumination are working on a new movie, but they can’t go into details right now. Just like before though, I’m trusting that Nintendo will ensure that the movie will be what it needs to be. In any case, with the first movie, Illumination (and Nintendo too, but especially Illumination) created an expectation. For this reason, assuming the movie actually gets made (which it likely will, but I’m just saying), I plan to just go and watch it without looking any further into it (other than commercials and stuff). I know Nintendo won’t disappoint, but I’m hoping Illumination won’t. The original movie was a huge commercial success, but critical opinion on it is divided, to the point that it didn’t get nominated for any Academy Awards (which doesn’t really bother me that much, but I’m just saying). I mean, I don’t think Nintendo will try to please the critics. With the exception of a period during the Gamecube (at least) and original Wii eras (long story), that’s never really been their focus. I’m pretty sure that Nintendo will just focus on making sure the movie is the best it can be.

Still, it’s funny how Nintendo waited until MAR10 Day to announce this movie. OTOH, I’m going to assume that it was just a coincidence. OTOOH, it has been 11 months and 5 days since the original movie came out, but I suppose anything is possible. Now personally, I’m not going to speculate on what it might be about, regardless of what happened in a certain post credit scene.

I’m certainly looking forward to more news on this new movie…

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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Neither Nintendo nor Illumination have revealed what the next Nintendo movie will be as of yet. I know that a live action Legend of Zelda movie is in the works, and a proposed Donkey Kong solo film has been floated around, which will most likely be Donkey Kong Country. Charlie Day (who voiced Luigi in the film) said that he'd be down for a movie based on Luigi's Mansion, but there's no official word on if that will actually happen. Similarly, there's no announcement of a SMB sequel as of yet, but we know that there will be one. The film made over a billion at the box office. That's "billion", with a "b". There's going to be a sequel, folks.

On that topic, I wish that fans would stop asking for Rosalina and Super Mario Galaxy to be in the sequel. We're only 1 movie in. Movie 2 is too early for the cast to go into space and meet Rosalina. There's still many areas of the Mushroon Kingdom that haven't yet been explored. You need to establish the status quo before you can shake it up. Plus, if Rosalina makes her big screen debut before Princess Daisy, that would be just plain wrong. I also think that movie 2 is too early for Wario and Waluigi. Ideally, those characters shouldn't show up until movie 3.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I think that the villain for SMB2 should absolutely, positively, definitely NOT be Bowser! I like Jack Black and he was good in the movie, but I hope that the producers don't just rehash the plot of the 1st film when there are so many other bad guys in the Marioverse that could be used: Wart, Tatanga, King Boo, Count Bleck, even Smithy the Sword if you want to bring in characters from Super Mario RPG.

Also, I don't get why some fans are suggesting that King K. Rool be the villain of the SMB sequel. That wouldn't make sense. King K. Rool is Donkey Kong's nemesis, not Mario's.

Similarly, I wish that fans would stop saying "Oooh! We're getting Super Smash Brothers next!" Uh, no. We aren't. You don't go straight from Super Mario Brothers to Super Smash Brothers. That'd be like going to The Avengers immediately after Iron Man 1. You need to establish the other Nintendo franchises and what they're all about before you bring in Master Hand or some giant multi-dimensional threat that would take all their combined forces to defeat.
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Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Since this thread has been bumped for Mar10 Day, there's something I want to get off my chest:

I wasn't expecting everyone on the planet to love this movie; video game movies are generally niche and Illumination can be a polarizing studio; heck, mine and Goldstar's dad, who usually accompanies us to movies, opted to sit this one out because he thought it looked "too kiddie"; that's perfectly understandable and I respect that. What I don't understand or respect is supposed self-proclaimed "movie experts" and "critics" like Jack Packard of Red Letter Media (whom I'm usually a fan of) and Second Wind or Alex of The Angry Joe Show decrying the movie as "trash" and another word I can't repeat here, and moaning and ranting and posturing like this one film and its' success is going to lead to the death of modern cinema as we know it.

Listen, if you didn't like The Super Mario Bros. Movie, that's perfectly fine, but if you're going to hate on this movie, at least hate on it for a legitimate reason; "There were no high stakes" or "It didn't make my cry like a Pixar movie" AREN'T legitimate reasons. Folks, it's Super Mario Brothers. Why did you come into The Super Mario Bros. Movie expecting Braveheart or Citizen Kane? I don't see how this could've been any more of a video game movie. "There were no high stakes?" M,man, it's Super Mario Brothers. What SMB game has ever had high stakes? The goal of any SMB game is "go the place, do the thing, fight the big boss at the end". "It didn't make me cry like a Pixar movie?" Bro, it's SUPER MARIO BROS. ("Is that the only argument you have, Silverstar?" "That's the only argument I NEED, Alex!") When has any SMB game or level ever made you cry? If you're blubbering after playing a SMB game, you may need to talk to your therapist.

Once more, guys: it's a movie based on Super Mario Bros., produced by Illumination, aka the Minions people. If you didn't like the movie, fine, but if you came into this expecting Toy Story or Up, well that's on you.

"The success of this movie will lead to other movies like it"? No duh, detective! And would that be a bad thing? Movies like this already exist: they're called popcorn movies. Need I remind that to date there have been 10 Fast and Furious movies, and that's not counting side films like Hobbes and Shaw, and Universal's already announced that H&S is getting a sequel. You know how many Police Academy movies there have been? Seven. Not one, not two, not three, not even four. SEVEN. Plus 2 TV series, one animated and one live-action. If cinema can survive those, then SMB poses no threat to it. There have always been popcorn movies and there will always be popcorn movies, get over it!

-There. I said it. I fell better.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
I wonder how they will handle a sequel, I think the Bowser vs. Mario conflict might get a bit stale if he is the only villain in this movie series. Maybe they should bring in some of the RPG villains to spice things up over time.


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2007
Newington, CT, USA
Goldstar, did you even read my post? I literally said that Miyamoto-san announced on the MAR10 Day video that a new Super Mario Bros. movie was being made. Heck, people are even saying that Chris Meledandri (whose part I skipped) said in the video that they have a planned release date of April 3rd, 2026 (release dates can change, but still).

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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Goldstar, did you even read my post? I literally said that Miyamoto-san announced on the MAR10 Day video that a new Super Mario Bros. movie was being made. Heck, people are even saying that Chris Meledandri (whose part I skipped) said in the video that they have a planned release date of April 3rd, 2026 (release dates can change, but still).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I did. My post didn't contradict yours in any way. I'd didn't even address anything in your post directly. I confirmed that there will be a follow up to the SMB movie, as I knew that there would be due to the movie making over 1 billion at the box office. No surprise there.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
I saw announcement about sequel to Super Mario Bros. movie, also new date for two games that ported from GameCube and 3DS, also 3 Mario games for GBC.



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