Well, Cartoon Network Beat Nick and the Disney Channel...

Gokou Ruri

Wielder of the dark arts.
Aug 23, 2004
United States
Frankly I don't care how well live action dramadies do against cartoons. I care how one popular cartoon stacks up to another. So do us all a favor and leave your "but these live action shows do better than those cartoons" at the door.
Considering the subject was which shows are more popular and which network was "winner of the weekend", excluding a few shows on the grounds they're live-action is nothing short of narrow-mindedness. They're Nickelodeon/Disney shows, and they're ratings grabbers, and that's all that matters.


Active Member
Apr 16, 2006
Digimon Savers will probably be one of their highest rated shows this Fall (maybe their highest) and it will do proportionally well enough for Disney to keep Digimon around. However it wont even come close to shows on Nick, Disney or CN because they have a lot more coverage.

You know, I thought Digimon was a dead franchise in the USA, which is why I don't see any ads about the franchise on TV what so ever, other than the ones on TD that tell us what time to watch it at.

By the way, how well did Digimon do in the ratings very recently?

Considering the subject was which shows are more popular and which network was "winner of the weekend", excluding a few shows on the grounds they're live-action is nothing short of narrow-mindedness. They're Nickelodeon/Disney shows, and they're ratings grabbers, and that's all that matters.

Yeah, live-action shows usually get more ratings than cartoons nowadays and that's why CN is planning to make an episodic TV series of Re-Animated:( .

Considering Disney's going to start airing Digimon Savers, I highly, highly doubt Disney's deal for Digimon will be over anytime in the near future. While I doubt it's quite as long as the Power Rangers contract, I wouldn't be surprised if Disney has a pretty long contract for Digimon.

If Disney's contract for Digimon is uber-long, then that would mean no proper DVD releases at all and that would be a major let-down:( .


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
Considering the subject was which shows are more popular and which network was "winner of the weekend", excluding a few shows on the grounds they're live-action is nothing short of narrow-mindedness. They're Nickelodeon/Disney shows, and they're ratings grabbers, and that's all that matters.

Yes in the whole picture you can't factor out any programing. However, if Nick and Disney live action shows beat CN cartoons it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is when Nick and Disney cartoons beat CN cartoons. That's obviously not what matters to CN though given they're attempting to make their own live action show now.

Do you think I care if you consider my thinking narrow minded? You can take your Zoey, Drake and Josh, and what have you and stick them up your anus. I'll be watching Gilmore Girls.


Catch 'ya Later!
Mar 22, 2007
Pokemon Universe
Personally, I think that Toonami helps CN's ratings a lot.

If it wern't for Toonami, I probably wouldn't watch CN at all (except for mabey Pokemon)


Apr 18, 2007
Yes in the whole picture you can't factor out any programing. However, if Nick and Disney live action shows beat CN cartoons it doesn't matter to me. What matters to me is when Nick and Disney cartoons beat CN cartoons. That's obviously not what matters to CN though given they're attempting to make their own live action show now.

Do you think I care if you consider my thinking narrow minded? You can take your Zoey, Drake and Josh, and what have you and stick them up your anus. I'll be watching Gilmore Girls.

You do know Gilmore Girls is cancelled? on May 15th, the series finale.


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
Yes, but I suppose it was it's time. Wish Seventh Heaven would bite it already.

Now Everwood, that should have gotten another season but at least it had a decent... er... ending.

Probably a good many of my favorite live action programs will not return next season. And I guess that's just as well. Maybe I'll find something new or maybe I just wont bother watching prime time television.

Even so, it's a shame to see Gilmore go, considering it's easily one of the best written dramadies in prime time. I guess it can't be helped though.

Gokou Ruri

Wielder of the dark arts.
Aug 23, 2004
United States

Sheesh, guess the public really love Hannah Montana (well, I like it too :sweat:. Can't wait until "Achey Jakey Heart" and the Jake Ryan arc continues). Guess Spongebob's.... all washed up. Hehehe.... *dodges brick*

But seriously, ever since they started counting Disney shows, I haven't seen much of Spongebob on these lists.


not like those other old guys
Feb 26, 2002
Well it was pretty certain that Disney Channel was always beating Nick (much less CN). Long before the lists showed that they were. The previous list producers were MTV Networks and they didn't track the ad-free networks. Now it's from ABC Networks and thus they track all the Disney networks and other ad-free networsk as well.

None the less, Sponge Bob still occasionally is not only the #1 show with kids it's the #1 show with everybody. I gotta say it still puzzles me how more 18-34 would watch Sponge Bob one day than say... 24. And on that particular list it's got the top 3 spots with 2-6 and 9th with 6-11. I guess older kids may be losing interest but there's more kids born every day and it looks like the Sponge catching their interest well enough. That show has been around a dang long time though and frankly I never much cared for it so when it's reign is finally completely over... I wont be the least bit sad about it.

Avatar in premiere mode tends to steal away a fare amount of those devoted 6-17 Disney watchers as well. And as this thread and another recent one pointed out initially, so can Naruto but seemingly only when it's a marathon or an event.


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