What are some of the DCAU's Most Forgettable Moments?


Hmm....I really have to wonder. In every incarnation of Superman, right up to Smallville, there have always been really cheesy ideas following the guy--sooner or later, no matter who's writing and what decade it is, he has to battle a giant ape or a laughably lame villain in fruity clothes or a vampire that sucks fat instead of blood. Can't ANYONE wean Superman offa this stuff?

But then he wouldn't be Superman as we know and love him ;). And I still think that the Fleisher shorts are brilliant, by the way, just based on the animation.

The Penguin

Mod of Fowl Play
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I'd just as soon forget every minute of "Moon of the Wolf." B:TAS had a lot of great episodes that didn't involve a noted Batman villain, this was not one of them.


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king zrz said:
James wrong? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Two wrongs don't make a right, however more importantly, I'm too right to make a wrong.

I'll respectfully come back to DB's points when I have a little more time.
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Staff member
Okay here we go. This is for fun. DB is quite in his right to stand by his love of League... I can stand by mine. Personally I find it no understatement that it was the worst DCAU story I've ever seen. It felt it was - to coin a phrase - painted by numbers. I'm glad I had forgotten its terrible aspects.. until now. So thanks to DB's full and concise comments I am able to defend my forgetful righteousness...

"League of Their Own" part one goes to great lengths to find a good reason to have Static be useful to the League, not the other way around. I really doubt you knew at the outset that they'd need him to recharge the Watchtower.

Well this in itself is very contrived. It just reeks of a million and one kid show set ups. "OMGZ our combined powers and intellect cannot save the Watchtower - there is only one kid who can save us now!!!!11".

And beyond that, all the Leaguers act like themselves.

Do they? The fate lies in the hands of the child hero of the show they are guest starring in? Doesn't this automatically put the world's most powerful force slightly off kilter? That the combined powers of the Leagues rely on one small time child? The JL are instantly relegated in their role as guest stars from the get go and it weakens them to the point - to me - the story was just beyond silly. The whole story is set up in favour of Static and to the detriment of the JL. With the JL being such a powerful group, it just comes across as very contrived.

Static isn't treated like a god, unless you're going to accuse the story of making him the hero. Well, duh! It's his show!

To the detriment of the other characters. I'm sure there was a way to involve him in the League activity without making him the sole saviour not just of their current situation, but the actual end finale with Brainaic. Oh, let's not forget how he pretty much takes out the League in part two. Ah, now I remember why I made myself forget this story, it's just silly and by the numbers, it's simply best to forget it.

Of course they aren't going to bother bringing in the League if they're not going to let Static prove himself somehow worthy as a hero.

And in no small way. Sorts out their Watchtower problem, manages to out do them when turned on him and then has a key role against Brainiac. Well, that's one hell of a hero. But it also seems one hell of a stretch too.

The animation was crisp, fluid and dynamic

I recall that I felt it was fairly weak at the time, but my memory is genuinely fairly poor on this episode to validate that. Hence this was my original choice. I don't remember being impressed compared to any other Static/DCAU.

Brainiac taking over the Watchtower was memorable

If I had spectacles, please imagine them popping off my nose from shock. DB, Brainiac is always taking over things. The Watchtower seems to get infiltrated fairly regularly. I can't see how either circumstances combined would make it memorable. The fact the comics have the Watchtower infiltrated on the tuesday of every month and Brainiac take something over on the Friday doesn't help matters here.

Static wasn't over-glorified.

I can't think how he could be any more glorified than he is in this story, so I'm pushed to imagine a more over glorified situation.

If this "newbie" story doesn't please you even a little, I'd say you're unpleasable.

I am unpleasable when it comes to Mary Sue. Terrible woman. Keep her out of my bed please.


Magneto was right
How about the barfight in Hawk and Dove?

Two members of the Justice League use their powers to beat the stuffing out of some barflies. It's difficult to take heroes seriously when they're beating up drunks on their introduction.

Couldn't they have borrowed some third-rate villain from DC's annals instead?

Oh yeah, and who paid for the property damage?


Active Member
James said:
And in no small way. Sorts out their Watchtower problem, manages to out do them when turned on him and then has a key role against Brainiac. Well, that's one hell of a hero. But it also seems one hell of a stretch too.
I'll grant taking on the League as pretty darned out there, but he has versatile electricity powers - it can't be too much of a stretch that he can fix the Watchtower and have a part in taking down a robotic villain.


Michael Jackson is RETURNING
I would say Static Shock episodes The Usual Suspect, Hoop Squad and Replay. Those are such horrible, horrible episodes. There is nothing good about these episodes


Staff member
Caswin said:
I'll grant taking on the League as pretty darned out there, but he has versatile electricity powers - it can't be too much of a stretch that he can fix the Watchtower and have a part in taking down a robotic villain.

It's what I call icing on the cake. For me the overall elements just made the whole tale as contrived as some fanfiction that gears the characters, plot and resolution artificially around the one central character. It's a bit like that tongue in cheek Buffy tale when Jonathan makes that spell that makes him the hub of the world. It just didn't work for me to the point I had to induce an alcohol overdose to forget the pain.

And just to clarify, I do like the Static character. It's not a slamming attack on the concept or cartoon, but just this particular attempt to bridge the two universes that felt awkward and a little lazy.

Damn you all. Why can't you just let me forget?


Staff member
I thought the whole Static Shock show was forgettable. I only enjoyed Static in JLU, and he got eaten by time. The episode when he met the league made me cringe, luckily he never showed up in JLU except for the already mentioned appearence. The animation I remember being very poor, and the digital coloring didnt help. The story was lame, I didnt buy the reason they needed Static then I still dont now. And Brainiac, whos idea was it to pitch his voice to the point where it was unrecognizable. One of the worst episodes ever for the DCAU.


Gah, cuteness! My weakness!
A few Batman episodes I honestly can't believe nobody has mentioned yet:

1. Be a Clown

2. Critters (It burns!)

3. Moon of the Wolf

Oh, and Justice League's War World episode.


Scientist Supreme
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ReijiAzuma said:
A few Batman episodes I honestly can't believe nobody has mentioned yet:

1. Be a Clown

2. Critters (It burns!)

3. Moon of the Wolf

Oh, and Justice League's War World episode.

Well, the reason they weren't mentioned is because, well, they were forgettable, and they were so forgettable that, well, we forgot.


Active Member
ReijiAzuma said:
2. Critters (It burns!)
Bad? Debatable. Forgettable? Hardly. You say yourself, "It burns!" Hardly something you'd forget. And that's not even touching on the 'ninja farmer' aspect...


ReijiAzuma said:
A few Batman episodes I honestly can't believe nobody has mentioned yet:

1. Be a Clown

2. Critters (It burns!)

3. Moon of the Wolf

Oh, and Justice League's War World episode.

Why all the hate for "War World?"


Defender of the Universe
By no means did I dislike the episode, but I thought "Dark Heart" was pretty forgettable. Sure, that episode was referenced several times afterward regarding the space cannon and the tech Brainiac/Luthor stole, but as for as Omega Level alerts that one just didn't seem too compelling.

Agreed with "Monkey Fun." The only reason I remember it was because the idea (both the cartoon and the comic) kind of stunk.

In retrospect, BTAS had some forgettable episodes, too, but much in part because they featured some no-name villains. That's a good way to make an episode forgettable. Plus, I don't own the DVD's, and the show's been off the air for years. Out of sight, out of mind...


Staff member
Caswin said:
Bad? Debatable. Forgettable? Hardly. You say yourself, "It burns!" Hardly something you'd forget. And that's not even touching on the 'ninja farmer' aspect...

I would say that "Critters" is the very last story anyone could class as "forgettable". It gets more mentions than pretty much any other tales, albeit negative ones.

Personally I thought it was a lot of fun, but that's me. I appreciate it's unpopular, but unforgettable, nah.

I must confess I quite liked War World. Overlong maybe, but some good animation, nice fights and a fairly decent pace. Not an episode I would ever put in my top 20, but I do at least remember it.

James Harvey

The World's Finest
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Just a reminder to keep this thread as fun and light-hearted as possible. And remember, this thread doesn’t just pertain to just "bad" episodes, but also various "forgettable" moments in even the best of episodes. Have fun with this thread!


Faster than the fat flash
I had to read through this topic before I could remember episodes that I forgot. So in no particular order:

Moon of the wolf(batman TAS)
That episode where alfred goes to that poison Ivy resort
The legion of superheros JLU episode
and Patriot Act(JLU)


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