Who Has The Best Rogues Gallery?

Which Hero or Team Has The Best Villains?

  • The Avengers

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Batman

    Votes: 48 71.6%
  • Daredevil

    Votes: 2 3.0%
  • The Fantastic Four

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • The Flash

    Votes: 12 17.9%
  • The Justice League of America

    Votes: 6 9.0%
  • The Justice Society of America

    Votes: 4 6.0%
  • Spider-Man

    Votes: 24 35.8%
  • Superman

    Votes: 10 14.9%
  • The Teen Titans

    Votes: 3 4.5%
  • The X-Men

    Votes: 11 16.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 7.5%

  • Total voters

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
90'sCartoonMan said:
Interesting choices, Fone, especially since there's not much I know about them as villains (aside from the episodes of Duck Tales I've seen). You know how super hero's enemies are treated, how do they compare to Scrooge's and Bone's enemies?

The cool thing about Magica Despell, Flintheart Glomgold and the Beagle Boys is that they all have differing goals and represent different threats to Scrooge. The Beagle Boys simply want to steal all of Scrooge's money. Glomgold only wants to prove he has more wealth than Scrooge. Magica is only concerned with getting ahold of his number one dime. I also find it refreshing that NONE of them are interested in killing Scrooge. I think a non-lethal villian is much more interesting than a killing one.

Bone's rogues are a combination of scary and funny. While the Hooded One and Kingdok are scary the two Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures provide comic relief. I like Bone's rogues simply because they have the agenda of releasing the Lord of the Locusts and taking over the Great Valley. Thier motives are clear and they don't ever deviate from them with the exception of the Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures trying to make Fone Bone into a quiche.


Jul 20, 2005
Winston-Salem N.C.
Batman: His rogues gallery I think is the best. Its a very tragic gallery. But the villains in it are some of the most well known and some of the best all-around.


Aug 23, 2004
I simply don't see the interest in Spider-Man's villains; most of them don't have any personality and aren't defined by anything beyond their gimmick. Batman's and the Flash's enemies do better in that aspect.


Kikoutei Densetsu
Oct 24, 2003
I don`t know why people think bats has tragic rouges when it only 2 of them. Really one cause mr freeza didn`t even have a origin until BTAS came along. Maybe doc oct&scorpion are kind of silly. But they can`t be as bad like a guy who names himself after a bird who can`t fly while another one base himself off a character from a silly kid book. Thats penguine&mad hatter incase nobody don`t know who I`m talking about.


Aug 23, 2004
Shouldn't you be considering their personalities rather than what name they were attached to? The reason that Batman's rouges gallery is considered "tragic" is because most of them happen to be insane, results of their own inner failings, and/or results of simply bad luck and the fact that mankind can produce such monsters is a tragedy in itself.

Even using your restrictive definition, there are still quite a few of them. Bane was raised in a prison, thrown in there as puinishment for his father's crimes; there, he was taught that might makes right and survivied the only way he could: be the best. The Joker got one bad day and went insane; he botched up a criminal job that was supposed to pay for his family and his wife and unborn child were killed. The Preston Payne Clayface was the result of a failed experiment to cure himself, and feels pain if he goes without killing people. Harley Quinn can't help but feel immense attraction to the Joker. Man-Bat is the sad result of a experiment gone awry. The list goes on.

I do like your self-fufiling dismissal of Mr. Freeze, though. His is recent, it doesn't count!!
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Marvel Animation Age Webmaster
Staff member
Apr 15, 2002
The Marvel Animation Age
Spider-Man, for me. I think they interact well with Spider-Man, and a chosen few have great chemsitry with Peter. Most of them haven't been written correctly in years, but when they do, characters come on top over gimmicks. There's nothing wrong with gimmicks, IMO, and Spidey's villains have the best gimmicks too.

Batman's a very close second. I find a few of them to be a little bland in the comics, but the cartoon version seems to have done a very good job translating them.

I kinda like Superman's, but they're nowhere near as good as Bats and Spideys.


Staff member
May 5, 2001
Batman. There is such a diverse range of villains, not only in background and character, but as to how absolute a villain they are. Batman delights in having characters which sit firmly in grey areas where the hero's own outlight is very much black and white.

I think Spider-Man has a good set too, but I don't think they have that psychological diversity that Batman's do, and I think it's the depth to character which make a really a good rogue gallery.


Molecularly Malleable Mod
May 1, 2001
Maryland, USA
My choice is obvious for anyone that knows me: Batman's rogue gallery is the best, IMO, for the reasons SJJ listed.


You've forced my hand.
Nov 24, 2001
Los Angeles
Well, Batman's rogues gallery wins by a huge margin.

Second? Spider-Man villains. Most of 'em are pretty cheesy, but I love 'em anyway.


Christopher Glennon

Punch Drunk Flounder
Staff member
Nov 22, 2003
My Own Nonsensical World
Fone Bone said:
The cool thing about Magica Despell, Flintheart Glomgold and the Beagle Boys is that they all have differing goals and represent different threats to Scrooge. The Beagle Boys simply want to steal all of Scrooge's money. Glomgold only wants to prove he has more wealth than Scrooge. Magica is only concerned with getting ahold of his number one dime. I also find it refreshing that NONE of them are interested in killing Scrooge. I think a non-lethal villian is much more interesting than a killing one.

Bone's rogues are a combination of scary and funny. While the Hooded One and Kingdok are scary the two Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures provide comic relief. I like Bone's rogues simply because they have the agenda of releasing the Lord of the Locusts and taking over the Great Valley. Thier motives are clear and they don't ever deviate from them with the exception of the Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures trying to make Fone Bone into a quiche.
Good points, Fone. The only Scrooge comic I ever read was one where he and Glomgold were trying to figure out who has more wealth, and they both do underhanded things to each other. Glomgold isn't necessarily a villain, he's just a rival for Scrooge, and they're pretty much the same when it comes to the pride they have in their riches. Although maybe Scrooge's family keeps him a bit more honest.

So a villain who tries to make the hero into a quiche is more interesting than one who wants to kill the hero? Interesting.

Nice quote by the way, GregX, I remember reading it before. I always felt Weisman was stretching it a little with Catwoman, though, and Riddler is one of my personal favorites (just because of Batman's adventures with him, not so much what his personality says about Batman's).

Wow, and here I thought there'd be more X-fans. When I was a kid, everyone in my class would look at pictures of Magneto, Apocalypse, Juggernaut, and Mr. Sinister, and we'd be impressed by how cool they looked and how powerful they were. Guess looks aren't everything. What say you, KryptoKnight?


Out Here
May 20, 2001
Middlesex County, NJ
JSA All the Way!

Where the Age of Innocence crashes head-on into the Age of Mutable Time/Space Configurations. (Since many of the JSAers haven't quite had a grip on who, where, or when they are since Crisis, etc., how can they not host the fluid rogues' gallery to end all rogues' galleries?)


Kikoutei Densetsu
Oct 24, 2003
Singularity said:
Shouldn't you be considering their pseronalities rather than what name they were attached to? The reason that Batman's rouges gallery is considered "tragic" is because most of them happen to be insane, results of thier own inner failings, and/or results of simply bad luck and the fact that mankind can produce such monsters is a tragedy in itself.

Even using your restrictive definition, there are still quite a few of them. Bane was raised in a prison, thrown in there as puinishment for his father's crimes; there, he was taught that might makes right and survivied the only way he could: be the best. The Joker got one bad day and went insane; he botched up a criminal job that was supposed to pay for his family and his wife and unborn child were killed. The Preston Payne Clayface was the result of a failed experiment to cure himself, and feels pain if he goes without killing people. Harley Quinn can't help but feel immense attraction to the Joker. Man-Bat is the sad result of a experiment gone awry. The list goes on.

I do like your self-fufiling dismissal of Mr. Freeze, though. His is recent, it doesn't count!!

And what make you think spiderman villains just woke up one day and desides to become evil for no reason? Dr conner was look for a way to regrow the arm he lost, so he used lizard DNA on himself. Almost work,problem is it turn him into a man lizard. In that state no one is safe even his wife and son, althougth he does not lash out at them like he does when fighting spiderman or anyone else. Dr octtavist was a very smart sciencetist until a explasion in a lab fuse the metal arms he used into his back and drove him over the edge to a life of crime. Norman osbone was a business man who love his work too much. One day while testing a dangerous gas, things went awry, once exposed to the gas it warp his mind to a evil person none as the green goblin to amke spiderman life aliving hell. In the 70`s&60`s he did not even know he was the GG cause he had a split personlity. But after being killed by his own glider and bougth back to life he the Norman&GG personlaty fuse and lives to make spiderman life a loving hell again. HES EVIL.:eek: Eddie Boke was a guy who life was pretty,much going down hill. When he was fired from the daily bugle due to a big screw up, he blame spiderman. He wanted revenge but did not know how to get it until he meat the venom suite that spiderman used to wear. Passing on the powers of spiderman to him,along whit his secert ID and abile to block spiderman spider senses made venom a force to be recking whit. Mac Gargen was spy for JJ to find spiderman secert ID. After too many failed mission, JJ talk Mac into being bomb by radioion to become the scropion. The side effect took a toll on mac and made it hard for him to choose from right to wrong. Mac hated being stuck as a freak and blame JJ&Spiderman for everything.

I could go on but thats enough. Now weather this change your view or not, just remeber that bats rouges are not the only ones whit bad days.


Aug 23, 2004
Blahblahblah. You're confusing my two positions: that Spider-Man villains don't have much personality, and that Batman's rogues have an element of tragedy. You made a statement that Batman villains weren't tragic, and I simply responded to that. Nowhere did I express the opinion that Spider-Man's rogues did not have tragedy.

Your writing is also pretty banal and disorienting; I can hardly bring myself to read the huge block of text that you've typed up.

Ed Liu

Frog of Thunder
Staff member
Sep 6, 2001
Princeton Jct, NJ

Play nice kids. It's all fun and games 'till someone gets irradiated and mutates into a monster or something.

-- Ed/Ace


Mild Mannered Reporter
Sep 1, 2005
[insert witty coment]

I wanted to do teen titans but now that i think of it there villains aren,t very good its the members which are intresting so batman neneneneneenene baaatman:zim: :gir: :evil: :( :sweat: :ack: :eek:

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
90'sCartoonMan said:
Good points, Fone. The only Scrooge comic I ever read was one where he and Glomgold were trying to figure out who has more wealth, and they both do underhanded things to each other. Glomgold isn't necessarily a villain, he's just a rival for Scrooge, and they're pretty much the same when it comes to the pride they have in their riches. Although maybe Scrooge's family keeps him a bit more honest.
That sounds like Carl Bark's The Second Richest Duck which was Glomgold's first appearance anywhere. I assume you got it from Free Comic Book Day a couple of years back. In their second appearance confrontation Glomgold was the only one using underhanded tricks to win but at the same time he was feeling guilty about it. Their dynamic is fascinating. Two other great appearances are Don Rosa's The Son of the Sun and Return to Plain Awful.
So a villain who tries to make the hero into a quiche is more interesting than one who wants to kill the hero? Interesting.
Actually I was referring to Scrooge's rogues when I said that. That said the Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures motive is food rather than true malice and it's a cute running gag.


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