"Wolverine And The X-Men" Episode Reviews Completed at MAA (Spoilers)


Aug 6, 2003
Thanks, Arsenal. I had quit watching this series and your reviews got me back into it. I had really felt that the series just wasn't going to get any better but I checked out your reviews and saw that you thought it had improved at just about the spot that I quit watching. "Guardian Angel" marked the beginning of some good drama and the episodes after that just got better, for the most part. I only have the three part finale left to watch.

I like the way this show looks better than any DCAU cartoon and certainly like the look of it more than Spectacular Spider-Man. But it just took way too long to become good. Even the best episodes don't compare to the best episodes of those other shows. Hopefully it will keep improving in the second season.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
Clancy Brown is not a good choice for Mr. Sinister IMO

Whilst I didn't like his voice as Sinister at first. But once I saw some of the creepy scenes with him in Guardian Angel, I could see this version of Sinister has just about as much potential as the TAS one.
Clancy Brown seems to have been channeling some of his Mr. Freeze voice from The Batman (one of the very few good qualities of that character from that show) in those scenes, but the voice is put to much better use in his role as Mr. Sinister.


Staff member
Mar 4, 2006
Yea I like Clancy a lot. But his first episode as Sinister seemed kind of phoned in. It just kind of sounded like a bored Luthor. However his Guardian Angel appearance was much different. Much more of a slimy, creepy tone in his voice. It didn't sound like Lex or Mr.Krabbs or the Kurgan, etc. I was disappointed that his voice wasn't like that in his last showing though.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2007
I think the worst of that batch was "Code of Conduct," which suffered from idiot plotting. For the uninitiated, "idiot plotting" is when a plot could be wrapped up in 10 minutes if the characters didn't act like idiots.

I feel the main problem with Code of Conduct was more because it was centered around a lame villain and a lame love interest. Both of them were nothing more than one note characters.

I didn't care for Silver Samurai in TAS (the episode featuring him was the weakest Wolverine focused episode in TAS IMO), and unfortunately he didn't fare much better here.

And I can't even remember the name of the lady Logan was involved with. That's should tell you how little of an impression she made on me.


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