"Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (Disney+ Animated Series)" News & Discussion (Spoilers)

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
I hated The Spectacular Spider-Man. If you ask me we've NEVER gotten a great Spider-Man TV cartoon yet.

I remembered to amend that to TV cartoons because the Spider-Verse movies are excellent.

Fair enough, but I think and other people would rate Spectacular Spider-Man as the best Spidey animated show, I will give the Sony animated movies the edge though, but movies are a different medium than TV shows.

The fact is Spider-Man had 3 animated shows within a 12 year period, on top of the animated movies, but at least the movies are of good quality and only come out every couple of years. Ultimate Spider-Man is the longest running Spider-Man cartoon and it is likely the worst one, it's hard to care about this new cartoon series after all of that.

I thought Ultimate had a good series finale so I'd rate it higher than Spectacular at any rate.

Fair enough, I couldn't get past the 1st season, it was so obnoxious. I used to try to watch every superhero cartoon that came out, but that first season broke me, it was so bad, I kinda gave up on trying to watch them all and would be far more selective about what I watched in the future.

That first season was so bad, it made me less some interest in the genre. The series finale would have to be the best finale ever for me not to hate that show with the passion of a thousand Suns.

That's why I am not enthusiastic for this show, Ultimate Spider-Man drained my enthusiasm for the genre, I am much more interested in X-Men 97, not just because of nostalgia, but because it's been over a decade since the last X-Men cartoon.

I think if the 2017 series did not exist, you would have more enthusiasm for this series, a good six to seven years break would good for the character.
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Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Mod Note: Remember to keep discussion civilized. It's fine to talk about other cartoons or compare them but remember to do it in a tasteful manner and to respect each other's opinions. Don't needlessly derail the topic or start arguments here. Infractions will be issued if this continues.

Now let's please swing discussions back to Spider-Man: Freshman Year.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Just on a general basis I hope for this interpretation that they:

- Don't write him exclusively like Tom Hollands' Spider-Man. Let him quip.

- Actually do a good job balancing out his Superhero and civilian side (that is actually showing him doing and dealing with stuff that doesn't necesarilly pertain to Spidey stuff, at least obviously). Don't make every supporting character into a Superhero and don't ignore Spider-Man's traditional supporting cast..

- Legitimate romance and relationships (not that any of his traditional love interests have been confirmed to even be in this).

- Don't go too overboard with de-aging characters (I say this fully aware that they've de-aged Tombstone, of all characters, into a high-schooler).

- Let Spider-Man actually win fights on his own without help or without him needing to get saved all the time.

- Good and dynamic action sequences. No forced slo-mos.

- Don't go overboard on the guest stars.

- Don't try and force in other heroes or Spider Characters. There is no reason for Miles Morales or Spider-Gwen to be in the show other than marketability.

- Let him grow as a character.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Just on a general basis I hope for this interpretation that they:

- Don't write him exclusively like Tom Hollands' Spider-Man. Let him quip.

- Actually do a good job balancing out his Superhero and civilian side (that is actually showing him doing and dealing with stuff that doesn't necesarilly pertain to Spidey stuff, at least obviously). Don't make every supporting character into a Superhero and don't ignore Spider-Man's traditional supporting cast..

- Legitimate romance and relationships (not that any of his traditional love interests have been confirmed to even be in this).

- Don't go too overboard with de-aging characters (I say this fully aware that they've de-aged Tombstone, of all characters, into a high-schooler).

- Let Spider-Man actually win fights on his own without help or without him needing to get saved all the time.

- Good and dynamic action sequences. No forced slo-mos.

- Don't go overboard on the guest stars.

- Don't try and force in other heroes or Spider Characters. There is no reason for Miles Morales or Spider-Gwen to be in the show other than marketability.

- Let him grow as a character.

I agree across the board. It will be interesting to see how much of a role Norman is playing as a mentor. Is Peter going to lean on him as much as he leaned on Tony? Or will he display more autonomy here?

Will the Slingers costumes be supplied by Norman, much like Tony did with the Iron Spider?

I loved that we got an episode of What If? with Spider-Man and I would have enjoyed seeing him appear again but personally, it feels more and more like this series premise is one big MCU Spider-Man What If? that gets to develop beyond the single story kind of like the MC2 did.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
It's kind of an interesting angle having Norman as Peter's mentor (instead of tormentor... though I wouldn't be surprised if that's how things will play out here as well). Maybe he'll even have his Iron Patriot armor to really match up to Tony/Iron Man.

I'm all for a Spidey cartoon with him as the sole spider-themed character. This might be it, but we'll see. As for guest stars, the likes of Daredevil and Doctor Strange were already shown in the promo images, and I imagine there will be more. Nico Minoru I don't really mind, but this will be the third Spidey show to feature Amadeus Cho.
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The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
I do hope we get a proper Green Goblin after having to sit through a Spider-Man cartoon that absolutely refused to do a real Green Goblin.

Even the preschool show used him :p.

Are you talking about the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon where they used the Ultimate version of Gobby or the 2017 show where Norman did not wear the Green Goblin costume? Either way, I would like to see a more traditional 616 style Gobby in this show, just Norman in a costume.


Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
Are you talking about the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon where they used the Ultimate version of Gobby or the 2017 show where Norman did not wear the Green Goblin costume? Either way, I would like to see a more traditional 616 style Gobby in this show, just Norman in a costume.
I was talking about the 2017 show.

In that show we got:

Harry and Norman as the Hobgoblin (while basically functionally just being the Green Goblin outside aesthetics)

Adrian Toomes as The Goblin King (one of the most forced things in the history of Spider-Man cartoons. I could write a whole essay about the problems with this).

Norman Osborn as a mutated Dark Goblin.

But no Green Goblin.

EDIT 12/11: Apparently the show is being renamed "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man."
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Staff member
May 28, 2010
Temecula California
I prefer that title. It reduces the link to the MCU and I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been used for a show yet.

I'm also curious if the show is still guaranteed only a single season or if things have changed since the lay-offs.
Well, my first thought was how they made a big deal about him being a "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man" in Homecoming :p.

I think the only titles they haven't used yet is Amazing, Web Of, and Sensational.

I guess now they don't have to worry about "Sophmore Year" :rolleyes2:.


Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Article on Marvel.com. Thread title changed to Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man.

I agree, I also like the title a bit more. Just feels to fit in better with Spidey's "neighborhood" than the bigger MCU or whatever.

I'd love to have a Web of Spider-Man show. Even if it doesn't follow the comics (granted I doubt they would follow the source material that closely), I like that title.

Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
I suppose it is better this way. Changing the sub-heading every season would just result in it going down in history as another "Spider-Man" series, and we already have about 6 of those.

It's really curious that there was never an Amazing Spider-Man series. I feel as though I vaguely remember Spectacular Spider-Man having Amazing as a working title but I might just be Mandela Effecting myself.


Staff member
Oct 21, 2010
Silicon Valley
I agree, in whole or in part, with Frontier.

For me, what I grew up enjoying about the Spider-Man character was the "everyman" nature of Peter Parker, and that his life was complicated by his desire to never again let folks suffer because of his inaction.

- Don't write him exclusively like Tom Hollands' Spider-Man. Let him quip.

Part of why I loved quippy the Spider-Man was that I always thought it was how Peter dealt with nervousness and fear; here is a 16-26 year-old kid with no martial training flighting bad men with fighting and killing temperament and acumen. The harder the fight, the faster the quips came! It humanized the character.

- Actually do a good job balancing out his Superhero and civilian side (that is actually showing him doing and dealing with stuff that doesn't necesarilly pertain to Spidey stuff, at least obviously). Don't make every supporting character into a Superhero and don't ignore Spider-Man's traditional supporting cast.

For me that was one of the strengths of Spectacular (and in a very similar vein, AEMH); respect the history and use it to ground the character, but do not follow slavishly.

- Legitimate romance and relationships (not that any of his traditional love interests have been confirmed to even be in this).

Any Spider-Man cartoon needs to be legitimately grounded in the life of Peter Parker, and that includes his ill-fated romances.

- Don't try and force in other heroes or Spider Characters. There is no reason for Miles Morales or Spider-Gwen to be in the show other than marketability.

Keep Spider-Man a street-level hero; I have no interest in all the multiverse variations and versions so prevalent in the attempts to provide Sony with more than one character franchise. I don't want to watch a Silver Sable and the Wild Bunch try to expand the franchise.

But then, the MCU/Sony recent stuff holds no interest for me.
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Active Member
Jun 8, 2022
I hope X-Men '97 is a success and we get a Spider-Man '98 revival that appeals to adults like us. In one word, "I didn't like" this freak.

The plot is more childish than Spectacular and Ultimate, which I always accuse of being too loose. The art style is similar to DisneyTVA series. I hate it. Kindergarten kids will love it. We adults want a darker and more melancholy Spider-Man series with more horror themes, like in the 90s.

Actually, the Ultimate art style wasn't that bad. But the Shounen anime themed 4th wall breaking scenes were terrible. It wasn't nice when the humor got in the way of the action. Spectacular's art style was literally terrible. Disney should honor old fans like us and if they can't give us a reboot for the 94 series, they should give us an HD Remaster.
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Rick Jones

Big Fan
Staff member
Feb 27, 2008
The Marvel Action Universe
Nothing big but Disney+ has put up the new logo.


The previous one:



Staff member
Mar 8, 2009
A Valid Location
Some comments from Brad Winderbaum. He addresses the show towards the end.

"And Jeff Trammell's Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which I'm going into a sound mix for in a couple of hours. It's so great. He and his team over there, they know how to make you invest in characters. It's a very high school, ensemble-driven show with Peter Parker at the center. It's just so much fun."
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