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  1. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "Ultimate Spider-Man (Animated Series)" News & Discussion Thread, Part 2 (Spoilers)

    Just saw the trailer. Ultimate Spider-Man looks great.
  2. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Young Justice "Drop Zone" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Eh? They all look ridiculous.
  3. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Young Justice "Drop Zone" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Well there's Public Enemies. With the lips and eyes, he looks a bit too much like a luchador.
  4. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes" News & Discussion Thread, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    So, when can we expect Season 2 to begin? Not next year right? :(
  5. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Should SSM use lesser-known villains?

    If I was writing for SSM, I'd have Swarm show up in every episode. Wouldn't you? He's a Nazi made out of killer bees, for God's sake!
  6. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Favorite "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Villain

    Personally I hope Miles Warren doesn't turn into The Jackal, because the outfit is really stupid looking and having a crazy alter ego is uninspired. He's basically just the Green Goblin with no clothes and bigger ears. And while the ears are right for an actual jackal, I wasn't aware that...
  7. TwoFaced_Dark24

    X-Men: TAS "Come The Apocalypse" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Oh I forgot, Apoc did reveal his motive in the previous episode to Mystique: "I know more of this world than you can even dream. That is why I must destroy it!" :D
  8. TwoFaced_Dark24

    X-Men: TAS "Come The Apocalypse" Talkback (Spoilers)

    They never explained Apocalypse because the character's origins hadn't yet been revealed in comics at the time. When was the last time you saw this episode? Apocalypse makes a grand monologue in the episode what he thinks and wants. What's his motive? Well, Xavier pointed out that Apocalypse...
  9. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Thoughts on the Wolverine and the X-Men designs

    Some of the designs doesn't stand out very well, and some female characters have horribly, huge hair. And dear lord, why did they give Vertigo that hair cut?!
  10. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Best Spider-Man voice over actor?

    Josh Keaton is excellent. Christopher Daniel Barnes isn't so bad, but the dialogue was either just cheesy or melodramatic. The narration got tiresome too. Did he always have to point out the obvious? I've always had a soft spot for Rino Romano as I grew up playing those Spider-Man games for...
  11. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" International Airings Talkback, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    Anyone else wanted a cliffhanger at the end hinting to Hobgoblin appearing?
  12. TwoFaced_Dark24

    SSM: The Green Goblin's identity? Final Bets! (Spoilers up to 213)

    A few hours? Isn't the episode airing tomorrow?
  13. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Canadian Airings Talkback, Part 2 (Spoilers)

    From now on, she will be known as Silver Staple.
  14. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Canadian Airings Talkback, Part 2 (Spoilers)

    The guy at the docks was definitely Kingsley's twin brother, Daniel. He freaks when he sees Sable but Kingsley already knew she was in town. Then at the parking garage he comes face to face with Rhino and he dosen't seem all that freaked. Angry yeah, but not freaked. Plus he's wearing that...
  15. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Wolverine And The X-Men "Overflow" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Never read it. I'm talking cartoons here. You like THESE episodes? Wow. She is in the cartoons and films. I'm not talking about...
  16. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Wolverine And The X-Men "Overflow" Talkback (Spoilers)

    Storm's character is one-dimensional in any X-Men cartoon. Her personality is redundant and her dialogue terribly melodramatic. She also has the most boring episodes. In the film series, she also never did anything besides, uh, getting a new hairstyle now and then.
  17. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "Wolverine And The X-Men" News & Discussion Thread, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    Why would the Goverment care about how visually exciting it is to see Sentinels fight mutants? Oh you don't get what I'm talking about... I was being sarcastic :shrug:
  18. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "Wolverine And The X-Men" News & Discussion Thread, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    I'm saying that the idea of using giant robots to hunt down super-powered teenagers is stupid - not that they are bad supervillains.
  19. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "Wolverine And The X-Men" News & Discussion Thread, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    When did I say that they weren't a threat to the X-Men? The Government has nothing to do with the Hulk or Abomination. How many Sentinels are produced for the purpose of hunting/killing mutants? And over how many years? Of course, in enough numbers, even an army of Pauley Shores can...
  20. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "Wolverine And The X-Men" News & Discussion Thread, Part 3 (Spoilers)

    I hate hate hate the Sentinels. The idea of giant purple robots (who look like they're related to Galactus) created to hunt down and exterminate all mutants is so ridiculously stupid on so many levels, given that they cannot pursue their quarry as soon as they do something crafty, like, oh...
  21. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Canadian Airings Talkback (Spoilers)

    So, why has "Shear Strength" been scheduled to air next sunday?
  22. TwoFaced_Dark24

    "The Spectacular Spider-Man" Canadian Airings Talkback (Spoilers)

    I thought at first when Kraven said he could smell Spider-Man that he would now gain his superhuman strength and senses like in the comics. But then he transformed and everything went downhill from there. Kraven's transformation is directly from Ultimate comics. I never cared for it in the...
  23. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Marvel Animation Age - Site Updates And Suggestions Thread

    A pity you didn't review episode “X-Cessive Force”, Stu. I wanted to hear your opinion on how well Mr. Sinister was portrayed, as I know you liked the character on the 90's cartoon and said in the Cyclops retrospective that you hoped he'd make his way into Wolverine and the X-Men. ;)
  24. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Nasty Boys Question (X-Men animated)

    They actually left out one Nasty Boys member from the comics.
  25. TwoFaced_Dark24

    Nasty Boys Question (X-Men animated)

    Strangely enough, these guys featured more prominently in 90's X-Men cartoon than they ever did in the comics. The Nasty Boys has only made four appearances in the comics. How come they are Mr. Sinister's minions in the 90's series? Sinister's main minions in the comics are the Marauders.
  26. TwoFaced_Dark24

    The "The Spectacular Spider-Man" News & Discussion Thread, Part 6 (Spoilers)

    What the hell is up with Spider-Man's arms and legs? He looks like a monkey.

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