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  1. Max

    Which animated Batgirl design is your favorite?

    This is my favorite Batgirl design...
  2. Max

    DC animated series ideas

    Shazam! The Animated Series I think this could work if done right. Captain Marvel is one of the most iconic superheroes ever. He's a kid who can transform himself into an adult superhero by saying a magic word and that's the dream of any kid so this show could really appeal to young audiences...
  3. Max

    Why did Bruce use red in his Batman Beyond costume?

    ...or like Batgirl from TNBA.
  4. Max

    The Future of DCAU/Timmverse

    I love (not) this guys who read a simple phrase by someone and think they know all about that person. No, I'm not a close-minded rabid DCAU fan and you clearly misunderstood what I said. I never said that I will dislike every show that is not on the same level or better than the Timmverse...
  5. Max

    The Future of DCAU/Timmverse

    I don't. Until I see something on the level or better than the Timmverse I will still continue to want new Timmverse animated series.
  6. Max

    Blue Falcon

    There's different styles of animation these days so don't put it all in the same bag. And by the way, I'm not saying that the animation should be like the picture above if that's what you think. I posted that picture because it was the only good picture I could find of Blue Falcon alone and also...
  7. Max

    Blue Falcon

    Who would like to watch a more serious Blue Falcon cartoon without Dynomutt? I definitely would. I always liked the character but I never really enjoyed the show that much. First because it was a comedy/adventure cartoon and second because of Dynomutt. I remember watching Dexter's Laboratory...
  8. Max

    How about a anime series based off Gotham Knight ?

    It would be cool but I think it's not going to happen at least not with the quality of the Gotham Knight segments. The anime style is already very detailed in TV series or OAV's but when it comes to movies it's another level of quality because is one thing only. Doing an entire Batman series...
  9. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    It's not about what we want, it's about what could be a good move for that series. People always want the same format unless someone give us something different but still good. If it works fans will like it whether that was their initial desire or not. So, all I'm saying is that it could be a...
  10. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    Maybe it could be aired and broadcated by MTV.
  11. Max

    Building A Better Avengers Animated Series (Roster and Plots)

    Here is mine... Captain America Iron Man Thor Giant-Man Wasp Hawkeye Quicksilver Scarlet Witch Vision Guest appearances by: Wonder Man Hulk Namor the Sub-Mariner Nick Fury Black Widow Falcon Tigra Black Panther Ms. Marvel
  12. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    Just for the record...I back up ESE150 and Nygma in everything they said. (Mod Note: Please keep this thread on-topic, please. Thank you.)
  13. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    Instead of having another X-Men cartoon where Wolverine takes the lead role (Wolverine and the X-Men) I would rather have an animated series set around Wolverine and his quest to find more about his past. I think Wolverine has enough popularity to have his own animated series and there's a lot...
  14. Max

    Will they ever make a Flash series?

    True. Exactly. That's how it should be done.
  15. Max

    The Official "Batman: The Brave & The Bold" News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    LOL Are you sure that what you saw on Demand was a preview of a Shazam! movie? Come on, Will Smith as Captain Marvel?! That's hilarious. Show me that preview.
  16. Max

    The Official "Batman: The Brave & The Bold" News & Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

    DC has been trying to relaunch the Shazam! franchise for the last 2 years with comic series like "The Trials of Shazam!", "Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil", this year we'll have "Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam!" and a live-action movie is already in production...check it. So yeah it's...
  17. Max

    How did Bruce make the Batman Beyond suit?

    In the Batman Beyond movie "Return of the Joker" you can pretty much see why Barbara Gordon and Tim Drake abandoned him. You can see how and when Bruce realized that he had become too old to be the Batman in the first episode of the Batman Beyond series. As for Alfred we assume that he died of...
  18. Max

    Will they ever make a Flash series?

    I think they used John Stewart in the JL so he could bring more diversity to the team and to have a hero that could appeal more to the black people. Sometimes the producers of the shows make this kind of decisions so that the show can be more appealing to any type of audience. I think that was...
  19. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    Uuh Harry a green soup addict....should I be impressed by that? Is that making the show more adult? Should I be impressed by a show that copies scenes and concepts from the Spider-Man live-action movies? Should I be impressed by the kiddy animation of the show? Should I be impressed by the fact...
  20. Max

    Will they ever make a Flash series?

    Barry Allen with Wally West appearing at some point in the series as Kid Flash.
  21. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    It's too kid like for me.
  22. Max

    Are any Timmverse projects planned?

    I agree. They should move on and start doing new animated series with other DC heroes instead of just keep doing new versions of the Batman. Some people say that they should keep doing it for the young people that never saw the older shows of the Batman like the Batman TAS but there's DC...
  23. Max

    What Marvel Cartoon do you want to see?

    I think it's time to leave Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man, Fantastic Four and the Hulk and concentrate more on other Marvel superheroes that have had just a few or none shows in the last 20 years. I'm talking about Thor, Captain America, Daredevil, Punisher, Ghost Rider, Black Panther, Nick...
  24. Max

    DC Universe DTV Poll

    I voted on the Crisis of Infinite Earths but thinking it better I don't want them to run into that multiverse or possible/alternative future stuff like the Crisis of Infinite Earths, Infinite Crisis or Kingdom Come. Besides, each one of those series are too big to be put into a single movie. I...
  25. Max

    How did Bruce make the Batman Beyond suit?

    With this.... Come on you really think its necessary to make a movie just to explain that?
  26. Max

    Are any Timmverse projects planned?

    Well, he also stated this after the Doomsday: ...and unless Warner Bros. Animation change their corporate rules about the ownership of the concept and license of every original show created for the company, Bruce Timm will not develop an original project for those guys. Working for...
  27. Max

    Favorites team-ups for "The Brave and The Bold" animated series?

    What for? Sorry but Plastic Man and Elongated Man have the same powers/abilities and very close personalities so why have the two teaming up with Batman in the same episode? One of them is enough and in my opinion should be Plastic Man not only because he is from Gotham City but also because he...
  28. Max

    Favorites team-ups for "The Brave and The Bold" animated series?

    01. Batman & Green Arrow 02. Batman & Aquaman 03. Batman & Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) 04. Batman & Black Canary 05. Batman & Zatanna 06. Batman & Wildcat 07. Batman & Robin (Dick Grayson) 08. Batman & Superman 09. Batman & Flash (Barry Allen) 10. Batman & Hawkman 11. Batman & Green Lantern (Hal...

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