"Amazing Spider-Girl" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

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Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands

(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ron Frenz

THE STORY: As Spider-Girl continues her hunt for Hobgoblin and the lethal legacy of Wilson Fisk, the former Kingpin of Crime, a vicious new player enters the fray: Mad Dog--the bounty hunter who employs the weapons of the former super-villains he’s captured.

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Dec 1, 2006
Beyond the Pale
Well a) we find out who the new kingpin of crime is and what the item is, and b) we see that Spider gal's got issues.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
The bits with May and Mad Dog were fun, aside from that this issue wasn't as entertaining as the previous four. That's okay once in a while, so I hope #5 is back up to my personal standards for this book :)

The corny "villain punches through the corner of a brick wall" panel of Hobgoblin was actually pretty amusing if you realize how corny that was :p

But as I stated after the last issue, I hope they don't continue down this "May's social life goes down the toilet" lane, as it's already been done to death in the previous title; let the girl at least temporarily live a happy double-life ;)


Active Member
Dec 1, 2006
Beyond the Pale
Why? Is anyone ever truly happen when their entire focus is just one thing? I'm only playing devil's advocate here, but seems to me when you devote yourself to goodness, something in your life has to suffer.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
There are nice little touches in this book. I like the idea of Mad Dog and Peter's Captain being a member of Code Blue back in 90s. I did not pick up the last title so if that was explained before I missed it.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Whoops, a few days late, so without further ado:


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: It’s bad enough that the Hobgoblin, the Black Tarantula and Mad Dog are vying for the lethal legacy of Wilson Fisk, the former Kingpin of Crime, Mayday Parker has to face Simone DeSantos in a school debate and Jimmy Yama launches his comic book by introducing an all-new Spider-Girl to the public.

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
An enjoyable issue once again :)

Whenever the Black Tarantula gets involved, it makes the story more interesting, just because of the sort-of alliance that he and Spider-Girl have made in the past, with her briefly working for him - loved all that referenced by Chesbro this issue. And I'm also starting to like this Mad Dog character, his interactions with May are fun!
That did remind me that I'm missing all of May's regular Spider-Girl "friends" though... what happened to Normie, Kaine, Uncle Phil and the like? I hope they're included in the stories again soon :)

I'm glad they ditched the "May running for student council" plot, as I've previously stated, the tried plot element of barely managing to juggle being Spider-Girl and a social life wasn't that interesting to me.
Oh, the whole thing with the Hobgoblin planning to attack Spider-Girl at that promotional stunt for Jimmy's comic, I saw that coming from the moment Jimmy was convincing Heather to don the suit for him... really obvious, but at least the idea is taken from one of the first Amazing Spider-Man issues ever published ;)


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
According to the solicit text, this is possibly the conclusion to the first story arc of Mayday's new book:


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ron Frenz

THE STORY: The Black Tarantula lays a trap, Mad Dog takes aim and Spider-Girl battles the Hobgoblin for the life of a counterfeit web-stunner! Plus: Mayday Parker also confronts her parents and finally answers the question, “Whatever happened to the daughter of Spider-Man?”

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Why, why, oh why did May have to end up giving the disk to Drasco, him working for the Hobgoblin and all... oh, the irony!!

Nice issue which was extra enjoyable because of the fact that it really did wrap up all of the main and subplots which have spawned since the first issue of this book :) Jimmy's got his Spider-Girl comic published, May has dropped out of the elections, Peter knows about May being Spider-Girl again and the Kingpin's disk full of information has been taken care of.

May really had a point when she was wondering why she let Felicity know about her being Spider-Girl, but not Davida... until Tom DeFalco pulled the sneaky on us by revealing that if she told Davida, she would have to tell Courtney, Moose, Jimmy, Gene [even though the only thing she should tell him is: "I'm dumping you!", I still don't like him] etc. ;)

The first story arc of Amazing Spider-Girl, "Whatever happened to the daughter of Spider-Man?", gets four stars from me!


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
New story arc! Obsession! kicks off!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: “Obsession!”
A new chapter opens as Peter and Mary Jane Parker struggle to accept their daughter's recent decision and Spider-Girl finds herself torn between friendship and justice when one of the Ladyhawks embarks on a mission of vengeance, determined to get revenge on the Hobgoblin for crippling her twin sister.

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I continue to love Tom DeFalco's old-school comic storytelling, ahhhh ;)

For half the issue, I was suspecting it, but after that panel with the picture frame, I'm guessing Morgan is Ladyhawk's father? I'm glad that the Hobgoblin finally got Punk'd, too bad it wasn't by Spider-Girl, but hey, that'll happen eventually.

I'm sensing some hints that Drasco is going to turn on the Hobgoblin and start sincerely helping Spider-Girl soon, I hope I'm right.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Sounds like we're re-doing to a story told long ago in SPG this month...


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: Anti-mutant sentiments flare in Midtown High and Mary Jane Parker takes center stage when one of Spider-Girl’s classmates begins exhibiting dangerous new powers.

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Aug 27, 2002
This was a pretty good issue. Mary Jane finally accepting May's right to be Spider-Girl was the highlight of the book. I hope Gene Thompson isn't a permanent cast member. We had enough jerk characters in the book with just Brad Miller. I don't think we can handle two in one book. Besides, I think Peter would have a stroke if May and Gene stayed together and got married.:D It would be almost as bad if she got back with JJ and became J. Jonah Jameson's grandaughter-in-law.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2004
Okay, hate to be annoying but I've got questions.:D

Are there tbs for the first Spider-Girl comic series?

This comic is a continuation of the first one, right?


Active Member
Aug 27, 2002
Okay, hate to be annoying but I've got questions.:D

Are there tbs for the first Spider-Girl comic series?

This comic is a continuation of the first one, right?

The Amazing Spider-Girl is indeed a continuation of the original Spider-Girl comic series that ran for one hundred issues after having avoided cancellation multiple times.:D

There was one trade paperback released quite some time ago that reprinted the first eight issues, but it is now out of print. A few years ago, Marvel began releasing the series in digest format. Currently, there are eight digests, with more on the way. A couple of the other MC2 universe series have also been given the digest format: A-Next Volume One, collecting the first six issues, J2 Volume One, collecting the first six issues, and Fantastic Five, collecting all five issues. The Spider-Girl digests have collected up to issue forty-four. The Annual, # 51, and the reprint of What If? # 105, Spider-Girl # 0, have been included within the digest collections as well. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask. Spider-Girl remains my favorite Marvel series, and so I try to get anything even remotely connected to the series and character.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Just to note, the reason why #51 is reprinted in a different order is due to it being set during the early time of Mary Jane's Pregnancy.

Anyway, looking forward to seeing the MC2 debut of:
Carnage. Should this version still be in the shell of etheral energy (Amazing Spider-Man #431), I'm guessing the events of Last Planet Standing, would result in the shell being removed.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
This was a pretty good issue. Mary Jane finally accepting May's right to be Spider-Girl was the highlight of the book. I hope Gene Thompson isn't a permanent cast member. We had enough jerk characters in the book with just Brad Miller. I don't think we can handle two in one book. Besides, I think Peter would have a stroke if May and Gene stayed together and got married.:D It would be almost as bad if she got back with JJ and became J. Jonah Jameson's grandaughter-in-law.
Judging from the way Gene's was used in this issue [and the jerky things he's done recently, specifically during May's run for student council], I'm guessing he's going to get dumped pretty soon.

I liked the twist they sprung on us by having Mary Jane narrate this issue instead of May, for a change. It was interesting to read her thoughts on everything and to follow her around a little bit. I think they should do this again sometime, but with Peter, which should also prove interesting. I know there was an issue years ago in which everyone in May's gang had a turn at a narrative bit, which was also fun.

The theme for this issue was well done and fit nicely into a single issue. I like how moral issues are handled in this book, they're always handled properly without ruining the story by being "too much". So props for Tom DeFalco for that!

One of the letters on the letters page was interesting, proposing the possibility of May being a mutant, as she was born with altered DNA, theoretically making her a mutant. The editor offered another possibility, that being that May could be a second generation of someone who was mutated... what do you all think?

About the next issue:
It seems that Carnage is able to escape due to a mistake by May, so LPS probably has nothing to do with it. I'm guessing that this is going to start a chain of events which will have May guilt-tripping on us for a while again though...


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Enter: Carnage makes his debut in the MC2 Universe!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: Spider-Girl, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Part 1 (of 4)
When Spider-Girl stumbles on to a S.H.I.E.L.D. mission that’s about to go bad, she inadvertently sets free the deadliest (and most requested) foe that Spider-Man ever

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Judging from the way Gene's was used in this issue [and the jerky things he's done recently, specifically during May's run for student council]About the next issue:
It seems that Carnage is able to escape due to a mistake by May, so LPS probably has nothing to do with it. I'm guessing that this is going to start a chain of events which will have May guilt-tripping on us for a while again though...

I won't find out until tomorrow, but what I meant is that the last time Carnage was seen prior to The Gathering Of Five (Which is again the divergent between Spider-Man and Spider-Girl), The Carnage symbiote was imprisoned in the shell due to the Surfer. With the shell most likely disappearing due to LPS, S.H.I.E.L.D probably was ready incase that shell didn't last, hence why May's will unwillingly set Carnage free. Also, according to solicitations:

The host is someone new, someone that May knows.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Weadon is back and therefore so is Kaine, yay! :p But I'm wondering why some of the former team were granted release from the team, back into society, and Kaine isn't - at heart he is probably the most genuine hero on the team [at least in the MC2 universe], he is a clone of Peter Parker, after all.
Which team members went AWOL? I can't remember...

Oh yeah, Darkdevil is back too, this issue was like a high-school reunion, even though it's only been a year or so since we've seen these characters! Now, where's Normie?

Glad to see Mayday back into costume without any inner struggle about it and with Peter having refilled her web cartidges for her, it was about time!
Funny yo see little Ben crawling around in Spidey-wear, bit of an ego-trip on Peter's part maybe? ;)

I liked the Tarantino reference, except I didn't understand why it was used - was May referring to excessive violence which is present in Tarantino movies?

Awesome final panel, that looked great! I'm eager to find out Peter's reaction, and seeing as the person inside the symbiote is someone from Midtown, I'm betting [from the posture] that it's Gene, seeing as that would be interesting - May's "boyfriend" as Carnage :)


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