"Amazing Spider-Girl" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

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Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
The first real appearance of Carnage in the MC2-Universe!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: “CARNAGE!” Part 2 of 4
Caught in a war between Maria Hill and the Contessa Valentina Allegro De Fountaine, Spider-Girl must also battle the reborn Carnage who is targeting the students and facility of Midtown High as well as the Parker family! Guest-starring: Kaine and Darkdevil!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
It pains me to say this, but I didn't enjoy this issue - I can't remember the last time I felt that way about an issue of [Amazing] Spider-Girl! :sweat:

Something about the art seemed off, it just wasn't as crisp as normal and felt a bit rushed. As for the story, I was excited to see Carnage appear for the first time in the MC2-Universe, but I was disappointed. I know the symbiote is somewhat influenced by the person bonded with it, but this just didn't feel like Carnage at all... the pro-killing lines felt forced and I disliked the whole aspect of the symbiote and the person within having two separate voices and conversing with one another. Not only that, but everything both of them said sounded really corny / cliché.
I can't remember from the '90s, but has DeFalco ever written Carnage before?

I did love the DarkDevil and Kaine bits, those remain great characters [and a nice joke about the need of subtle detective work to locate Spider-Girl, when they actually have her on speed-dial :D].

May really gets on my nerves sometimes, when she fails to talk to Peter about her enemies, especially when they're classic Spider-Man enemies, meaning just mentioning to her father: "By the way, could you tell me a bit about Hobgoblin / Carnage, Dad?", could provide her with lots of advantages upon squaring off against them the next time! Sure, Peter will most likely go off on a rant saying that May shouldn't be fighting them because they're so dangerous, but it's better than near getting killed due to not having enough information on them and their powers, and leaving her family exposed to these classic villains, such as in this issue!
Speaking of which, anyone else have a flash-back to the first MJ - Venom scene after the last page of this issue?

Anyone any ideas on who that mysterious shadowy figure was on the TV screen, talking about Carnage?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Whoops, a bit late, this - hopefully - exciting issue is out as I type!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: Not only has Carnage captured her father and baby brother, but Spider-Girl realizes that its new host is someone she knows! Guest-starring Kaine and Darkdevil!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Well, it turns out Carnage isn't Gene, but Moose! After May had deduced that, it seemed pretty obvious to me as well...

The biggest revelation in this issue is baby Ben... what has Carnage done to him!? This could be either really cool or really lame, can't wait for next issue to find out which way it goes ;)


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Nice hommage to the iconic Amazing Spider-Man #361 cover, the first appearance of Carnage!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: It's crisis time as Spider-Girl realizes that Carnage will only be stopped if she destroys someone she truly loves!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Nice little mention of Wikipedia. Yes, that got my attention more than the ending.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
I thought this was a nice ending to this story arc. I have to commend Defalco on his ability to finish an arc with some punch while leaving other threads to be picked up later.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
When Benny-Carnage sprung upon us on the final page of last issue, I had my doubts about it and those were justified in this issue, where he just seemed to be used as a gimmick and a fun visual [even though I personally didn't really think the visual was that cool].

But asides from that, I liked the issue. The action scenes were okay, nothing too great, but I enjoyed the characterization parts of this issue [one of the attributes this title is known for], Moose's anger at Spider-Girl and how she must feel after learning that her using the sonic blaster on her baby brother may have permanently deafened him[!!], wow... I wonder how Peter and MJ are going to deal with a possible grudge against May now.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands

(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: While Spider-Girl deals with the guilt over what happened to her baby brother, the Hobgoblin narrates this issue as he cements his plans for a gang war with the Black Tarantula.

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
The hits just keep on coming for May... I really felt bad for her when Gene was breaking up with her - he even made valid points! Up until now I disliked him and thought he wasn't May's type, but in this issue he proved that he's an okay guy.

Hobgoblin sure does seem obsessive and delusional. But I'm glad that a new story arc revolving around him is gearing up, it should guarantee some exciting storytelling! Black Tarantula will surely be included, which makes it even better :)

Does anyone know why the variant cover for this issue has Spider-Girl in Marvel Zombies style? It seems too random and gimmicky for me [even though I'm a MZ fan], as this title has nothing whatsoever to do with MZ :confused:


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
The hits just keep on coming for May... I really felt bad for her when Gene was breaking up with her - he even made valid points! Up until now I disliked him and thought he wasn't May's type, but in this issue he proved that he's an okay guy.

Hobgoblin sure does seem obsessive and delusional. But I'm glad that a new story arc revolving around him is gearing up, it should guarantee some exciting storytelling! Black Tarantula will surely be included, which makes it even better :)

Does anyone know why the variant cover for this issue has Spider-Girl in Marvel Zombies style? It seems too random and gimmicky for me [even though I'm a MZ fan], as this title has nothing whatsoever to do with MZ :confused:

Probably to get some potential new buyers.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2002
There are a lot of Marvel titles being released over the next month that have Marvel Zombies-style covers. So far, I have seen Ms. Marvel, Howard the Duck, Anita Blake: First Death, The Amazing Spider-Girl, Ultimate X-Men, Runaways,Wolverine, and Ultimate Spider-Man covers, in addition to the Marvel Zombies 2 series of course. I'm sure that there are more out there, so feel free to correct me if you see any more. I think Marvel's trying to milk this zombie thing for all it's worth, and it's working. A lot of the covers aren't that bad. I'm guilty of buying a few.

Kazuya Prower

Keeping it Tails since 2005
Nov 6, 2004
Florida, USA
There are a lot of Marvel titles being released over the next month that have Marvel Zombies-style covers. So far, I have seen Ms. Marvel, Howard the Duck, Anita Blake: First Death, The Amazing Spider-Girl, Ultimate X-Men, Runaways,Wolverine, and Ultimate Spider-Man covers, in addition to the Marvel Zombies 2 series of course. I'm sure that there are more out there, so feel free to correct me if you see any more. I think Marvel's trying to milk this zombie thing for all it's worth, and it's working. A lot of the covers aren't that bad. I'm guilty of buying a few.

Either that, or its an excuse to zombify more classic Marvel Comics covers.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2002
Either that, or its an excuse to zombify more classic Marvel Comics covers.

I'm not saying more zombie covers is a bad thing, but you can only do so many without them becoming a marketing gimmick. I still like Suydam's cover more than anyone else's. I got this poster at the Baltimore Comic Con that's a parody cover of the cover for the Crisis on Infinite Earths trade and Crisis on Infinite Earths # 7. Everyone on the cover is a zombie, except for Supergirl who is tied up with an apple in her mouth being held by a zombie Superman. It probably shouldn't be funny, but I find it hilarious.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Hobgoblin? Check. Black Tarantula? Check. This-issue-is-going-to-be-cool? Check!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: “Know Thy Enemy!”
As Spider-Girl learns the fate of a family member, the Hobgoblin unearths the secret origin of the Black Tarantula.

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Two big reveals in this issue!

- Benji is developing his spider-powers! It's a bridge they were bound to cross somewhere along the line, and him being a host to the Carnage symbiote is a nice plot device to kick that storyline off :) Spider-Baby!
- Arana has been introduced into the MC2 universe! I already thought it was pretty cool to see her mentioned by herself [though we didn't know that was her at the time] and have Ron Frenz draw her character, even though I've barely read any of her stories, but now it seems she's going to be at least a supporting character for a while, interesting.

I've never really liked Davida and this issue didn't change that. I don't like her character design and I don't like her attitude. Meh.

After May's encounter with Franklin Richards, I'm kind of sorry I haven't picked up the F5 mini-series, as now I'm pretty curious what's up with Reed and why Franklin is wearing that silly helmet... :sad:
Mindworm is unleashing a kind of creepy side of May, this should prove interesting seeing as she really has been experiencing hit after hit lately.

Now on to next month, ten years of Spider-Girl!

Kazuya Prower

Keeping it Tails since 2005
Nov 6, 2004
Florida, USA
Two big reveals in this issue!

- Benji is developing his spider-powers! It's a bridge they were bound to cross somewhere along the line, and him being a host to the Carnage symbiote is a nice plot device to kick that storyline off :) Spider-Baby!
- Arana has been introduced into the MC2 universe! I already thought it was pretty cool to see her mentioned by herself [though we didn't know that was her at the time] and have Ron Frenz draw her character, even though I've barely read any of her stories, but now it seems she's going to be at least a supporting character for a while, interesting.

I've never really liked Davida and this issue didn't change that. I don't like her character design and I don't like her attitude. Meh.

After May's encounter with Franklin Richards, I'm kind of sorry I haven't picked up the F5 mini-series, as now I'm pretty curious what's up with Reed and why Franklin is wearing that silly helmet... :sad:
Mindworm is unleashing a kind of creepy side of May, this should prove interesting seeing as she really has been experiencing hit after hit lately.

Now on to next month, ten years of Spider-Girl!

Its said that Franklin absorbed alot of Cosmec rays and now his head is a glowing skull.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
The celebration of ten years of the little title that could!!


(Click to enlarge)


WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: Double-sized issue! Celebrate the 10th year anniversary of the first appearance of Spider-Girl in What If #105 as the daughter of Spider-Man becomes the widow of the Black Tarantula! Featuring guest-stars galore as Spider-Girl battles a horde of her greatest villains!

Thoughts? What are your comments?

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007

This is a very significant cover, don't you think?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
It is significant, but the "anniversary-themed" covers never really appeal that much to me; sure, they're special, but I dunno, it must have something to do with "breaking the fourth wall" or something... not that I'm complaining though, I'm glad Spider-Girl has been around for ten years :)

The cover aside, this issue really felt "epic" to me, at least for Spider-Girl terms! It was a perfect example of doing a strong story which can be told within the space of one issue, instead of dragging it out for months, like Spider-Man stories in recent memory, such as "The Other", "Back In Black" or "One More Day".

I liked the overall build-up of this issue, with Mindworm slowly breaking May down and her not figuring it out, reminiscent of early battles between Mysterio and Spider-Man :) They found a nice way of intertwining plotlines by having Hobgoblin kidnapping the doctor who was supposed to examine Benjy, so props for that.
The flash-forwards / dream sequences to May's future were... interesting, as was seeing Benjy to turn out to be a dead ringer for his father once he hits his teens!

It was also nice that they found a plausible way to include almost all of Spider-Girl's original rogues gallery and allies from the past ten years into this one issue, although the allies part is a bit harder to believe - how would Mayday get all of them to join in, without exposing her secret identity [seeing as it was just the kidnapping of a random doctor to the rest of the heroes]? The scenes of her rounding up her friends were pretty fun to read and seeing all those rogues come by made me realize how good Spider-Girl's rogues gallery actually is! Seeing some of them [like Canis] felt kind of nostalgic, which is a good thing, considering how "young" this title still seems at times!

One of the best sequences was easily Spider-Girl realizing her mind was playing tricks on her and willing herself through inner monologue to break through the chains and burst out of the water tank... that was a classic scene right there! And it feels like an hommage to classic Spider-Man stories, another thing it has going for it :p

Two footnotes:
- I guess the guy in the shadows from the beginning of the story is the same character as in the end... it has to be someone from May's past - as in, from the beginning of her first run, anyway, I can't wait to find out!
- I found it strange how the Black Tarantula did a 180 on us at the end of the issue! He has been infatuated with Spider-Girl forever now and has helped her out many times, so I don't understand why he would break those ties as soon as the rumour is out that Hobgoblin is trying to get the "Heart of the Spider" secret out of her [which she doesn't know anything about]! Wouldn't that just be another reason for him to help / protect Mayday?


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