"Amazing Spider-Girl" Series Talkback (Spoilers)

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Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands

(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: “A Brand New MAY!” Part 3 of 5
Nancy Lu returns! Fury, the Goblin Queen strikes! Spider-Girl battles the most unexpected super-foe of all! And Mary Jane notices that Peter Parker is beginning to exhibit strange symptoms as he continues to uncover the mystery of the brand new May!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands

(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: "Did someone say CLONES?!?”
As Peter demands answers from Kaine about the brand new May, Spider-Girl learns that Humanity First has targeted both Davida and Sara for death and she can only save one. Part 4 of 5.

Thoughts? What are your comments?

Fett One

Jedi Hunter
Aug 11, 2003
Peter beating on Kaine was interesting.

Based on the ending it looks like the May doppagangler has all of her memories. If the doppagangler was in that container since she was a baby for the pst 16/17 years, then it should be impossible for her to have May's memories. Since it looks like the Goblin Cult is behind this, I suppose they could have implanted the memories.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
The last issue felt stuffed full of information. I was 3/4 of the way through and I just laughed that their were still pages of story left. I am interested in seeing how things shake out between the clone and May. I loved the panel where May ducks Peter's punch.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Since it looks like the Goblin Cult is behind this, I suppose they could have implanted the memories.

It's a likely reason. Afterall, The Jackal used RNA Cells from Spider-Man so Ben Reilly would be able to have the same exact memories.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I loved the panel where May ducks Peter's punch.
Yeah, that was pretty cool :)

Peter and the way he's dealing with this whole mess is becoming one of the most interesting aspects of this story arc - as long as he doesn't revert back to his "The Spider" persona ;) The scene where MJ walks in on him talking all creepy to Benji was nicely portrayed... His paranoia is great.

I like that DeFalco's inching the school subplot along, but in a story like this, they're unfortunately completely dismissable. I appreciate it, but I just want even more of the main story :p

The best thing about this issue almost has to be that final page - how much more reminiscent of Spectacular Spider-Man #216 can you get??

More, please.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
The conclusion to another fine DeFalco masterpiece!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: “The End of MAY!” Part 5 of 5
As Nucleus unleashed her full power, Spider-Girl finally confronts the brand-new May for one of the most explosive, shock endings of all!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Apr 6, 2008
Grand Cayman
ASG #24:

Finally May gives it to Gene, 'bout time she dumps that tool.
Both Mays confronting each other on the way to help the X-People against Sara Hingle. Reading the issue over I wonder if a switch between Mays didn't happen here but that's unlikely.
Peter battles Fury but is kidnapped.
Now the ending I was not expecting, with Sara biting the dust and the New May now has enter the Parker residence.

Next issue it seems is going to have some revelations but could pose more questions to what or who this New May is, and with the New May taking over May's life it will only get more complicated as how will May regain back her family and social life at the conclusion of this arc.

Here is an article at Marvel.com on Issue #25: http://www.marvel.com/news/comicstories.5123.Amazing_Spider-Girl~colon~_Still_Going_Strong


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Skipping the post above this one as I haven't read the finale yet [planning on doing that tonight], but the next arc kicks off this week in a special anniversary issue!


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: With her life stolen by the mysterious Brand New May and her father in the hands of Fury, the Goblin Queen, a gravely injured Spider-Girl must carve a new life for herself as friends turn against her and old enemies come to her aid--and that’s just the beginning of this double-sized 25th issue spectacular!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Apr 6, 2008
Grand Cayman
Don't read if you haven't read Issue 25, yet.

First things, first. I'll retract my statement of Sara Hingle biting the dust as the convo between the Avengers confirm she is alive and the mutant subplot takes a back seat.

It seems the Goblin Cult is going to implant the persona and memories of Norman Osborn into Peter Parker.

But the one thing that proves to be more intriguing is the battle for Mayday's destiny...going to get mystical.

I do believe the third soul within Mayday is her namesake and great aunt, May Reilly Parker. A much younger looking May Reilly as she did say her name is also 'May' and even though Mayday does not recognize her, Mayday and her destinys have intertwined before.
In a way it would make sense for May Reilly to guide her great niece in confronting and embrace her destiny, in the form of a giant Spider-Girl. She tries to fight/avoid the giant SG, therefore she neglects her destiny.
'May' and Mayday are both clothed in white so she belongs to Mayday not Arana, who is clothed in black.
Mayday is weaken when she questions her identity, it kinda allows Arana to actually have the chance to manipulate her into merging with her.

Whew, all the symbolism.

Now next Issue, we will find out just how much Arana is in control of Mayday's body and if the third soul, May, will try to fight back or urge Mayday to seperate herself from Arana.
I believe the Black Tarantula is going to have a role in seperating the two, he is going to notice something is different with Spider-Girl with their next meeting in ASG #27. The Tarantula is not a fool and will see through Arana's ruse.

The New May, well I have an idea how things will play out with her but it's interesting to see how she interacts with May's friends. She could very well blow Mayday's secret identity if she continues to exhibit her spider strength like she did on Gene.


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
There is a certain rhythm that I get into when I read this book. There is a roller coaster buildup to this title that I have got used. This issue seemed to be setup for the big drop down the ramp, but instead we got more buildup. All that is to say the issue itself was not a bad one just not what I was thinking.

It is nice to see De Falco finally give us a credible view of how May would end up with a creep like Black Tarantula. Plus, it put a nice twist to the ending. There just seems to be so much going on right now that one of the subplots needs to get resolved soon or they are all going to suffer from not enough attention.


Apr 6, 2008
Grand Cayman
I can see the subplots tying up real nicely before the overall story arc concludes.
I feel the Arana subplot will conclude in Issue 27 or 28, more likely at the end of #27. Atleast from my assumptions.

It's inevitable though, Mayday will have a showdown with her father before this arc comes to a close.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
So much going on in this issue! Just the way anniversary issues should be ;)

The "Brand New May" confuses me, as even in her thought balloons, she insists that her memory has been hazy since Sara Hingle went nuclear, but many other of her thoughts and actions imply that she is fully aware of the fact that she's replacing "our" May...
As for Araña doint the mind-body switch thing, I totally didn't see that coming! All this time, I've believed that in the end, her plans with Spider-Girl would always be genuine and not something like this! This puts the whole story in another perspective for the next installment, which I can't wait to read :) I also can't wait to see what the Goblin Cult has in store for Peter...

I enjoyed the back-up with a detailed version of how Kaine rescued May from Osborn. The art was really nice and having more than two or three vague panels to think of [from way back after the original Clone Saga ended] when I recollect how May was saved is a good thing. Throwing Elan into the mix was a nice twist.
The "Spectacular Spider-Baby" back-up was a lot of fun as well, it was like one of those Franklin Richards stories and I see potential!

From where I sit, I'm really hoping that if the title actually does get canceled in a few months from now, how in the world is DeFalco going to wrap up all of these plots currently in the book!? :sweat: Okay, it can be done, as he illustrated in Spider-Girl #100, but it'll be another heck of a finale!


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
Whoops, missed this last week:


(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: “The Replacement!”
Araña’s back, Fury strikes, and the Green Goblin joins the search for the missing Peter Parker! But the big story is, will the real Mayday please stand up?!?

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
For some reason, this issue didn't really have / leave me as excited as the previous one did. It was okay, but the whole "dream sequence / soul searching" part of the story with [I presume] Aunt May and Mayday herself felt a bit too sappy and forced at times.

Arana exploring the capacities of Spider-Girl's body was interesting and the link between what Mayday was doing in her coma and her possessed body gave enough tension to that bit of the story.

The best part of the issue has to be May waking up in Arana's body and the first thing she sees being the unusually large bosom [for a Spider-Girl book] on "her" body :D Hilarious!

On to next month... the cover for the next issue looks promising...!


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands

(Click to enlarge)

WRITER: Tom DeFalco
PENCILS: Ronald Frenz

THE STORY: As Kaine, Darkdevil and Normie Osborn attempt to rescue Peter Parker from the Goblin Cult, Araña sends Spider-Girl to destroy the Black Tarantula. But this May has her own agenda (as you can see). Also, Tom DeFalco and Colleen Coover (AGE OF THE SENTRY, X-MEN: FIRST CLASS) bring you the adventures of Mayday’s little brother, Li’l Benjy, the Spectacular Spider-Baby!

Thoughts? What are your comments?


Active Member
Sep 26, 2004
Overall this was a good issue. The Arana/Black Tarantula relationship seems kind of odd. It is clear they have a history, but it is odd that Arana would have had a relationship with the Black Tarantula. The variant cover sort of spoils the shock of who Norman wanted to be used as his successor which is unfortunate.


Active Member
Oct 3, 2004
The Netherlands
I love the three POVs being used in this storyline [Brand New May, Araña-May and Spider-Girl-Araña], it makes the whole picture really exciting :)

Seeing May adjusting to being in Araña's body was fun and there not being too much confusion on who's who was a relief; May's friends know that the real May is in Araña's body and that there's a clone slinging around, and Black Tarantula knows that Araña is in Spider-Girl's body. Yeah, typing it makes it sound confusing, but it's really not :p

Having the "Brand New May" slip up due to her inexperience and blow the family secret was a nice detail, seeing as May's managed to keep it for over one hundred issues. Now, seeing Peter all evil and stuff was chilling... but I'm not sure if he's been brainwashed to think he's Norman, or that Norman has actually been inserted into Peter's body?

Having the May - Araña body-switch be so quickly reversed [it lasted two issues, IIRC?] was unexpected but was done with great timing! This story arc is reminding me of the last one in the "Spider-Girl" title, so I hope that it'll stay this exciting and have a teriffic climax in #30, just like the climax in #100 of said previous title!

Miyamoto Musashi

Law Enforcer
Nov 18, 2007
This thread won't be closed after the cancellation of the series, right? In case someone wants to talk about how great the series ran for won't be considered like opening back old wounds?


I Don't See Gravity
Nov 2, 2003
City of Townsville, USA
This thread won't be closed after the cancellation of the series, right? In case someone wants to talk about how great the series ran for won't be considered like opening back old wounds?
Talkbacks are almost never closed. Plus, unless there's a thread for Amazing Spider-Man Family, we'll need some place to discuss new Spider-Girl content.

Speaking of Amazing Spider-Man Family, issue #4, as expected, doesn't mention a Spider-Girl story. That means ASMF Issue #5 (expected to be released in early April) could be the first to include a SG story. I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll be buying it. It costs more than ASG (especially since I subscribe to ASG, making my cost jump from $1.67 to $4.99 per issue) and will probably have less Spider-Girl content. Yes, there's more content overall, but I'm not interested in most of it...


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