Animated Romance


Essense Of Love
Jan 6, 2007
but then when it comes to Lion King II:Simba's pride.. it's like..OMG!! Kovu is Scar's son!! he and Kiara are together!! incest!! *dies*.. :shrug: ..

yes, I know they say in the movie a couple times that Scar wasn't his father.. but in the early stages of S.P. Kovu WAS Scar's son.. but the soccer mom's freaked at this.sheesh.. it would've made things less confuzzling if you ask me.. oh, well..

Young children generally wouldn't care either way.I,myself,wouldn't be totally freaked out either.Because if they had gone with the original plot Kiara and Kovu would be second cousins and in most states you can marry a first cousin without it being a big deal.And truly,it would've made the plot more grappling if Kovu was Scar's son or if may Kovu's father had shown up in the movie somewhere.Also,I never quite got if Zira's kids were Kovu's real brother and sister or not. *sigh* Family...

Elven Moon

hiya, toonsters
Oct 29, 2001
ø sulking in my own doom
Do you like seeing romance in an animated program?

Yes. I admit I'm a hopeless romantic, so any series that doesn't have a little bit of it disappoints me, sorry to say.

However - this is as long as they don't make it the main focus, as long as it doesn't take over and become the "A and B Love Love Show."

What has been the best canon relationship in an animated program?

Lina and Gourry (Slayers) Lina and Gourry go through a lot together, so there is a strong, loving bond there, though nothing too affectionate is displayed openly or publically. It's really cute and fuels a lot of the series.

Helga and Arnold (Hey Arnold) I like how they interact with each other, what they think about and try to figure out about each other (at least on Arnold's end), and how Helga secretly helps him out when he needs it most (like the neighborhood issue in the movie, or the Christmas present dilemma).

What has been the worst canon relationship in an animated program?

I guess if I had to pick, since I can't think of anything else - the Future Doofus/Webby (Ducktales) pairing? I don't know, it seemed really random to me and rubbed me the wrong way. I can't see it.

Additionally, I hate it when one of the main characters is too busy focusing on/drooling at the popular bimbo to be open to a relationship with someone else, as someone else said. Or when a character claims they truely love someone, but keep jumping around into other relationships, sometimes physical (like Fry in Futurama - sure, I know it makes for good TV, and it's funny, and he's immature, but if that boy loves Leela as much as he says, you'd think he'd try to settle down a little bit and prove he could be faithful if they started dating).

Are there any non-canon relationships that you like and/or support?

Ash/Misty (Pokemon) I've been "shipping" them for about 10 years now. It's rather nostalgic. I don't know, I think they'd make an adorable pair :)

Jessie/James (Pokemon) Same as above. It's canon in the manga but we've yet to know if anything will happen in the show.

Velma/Shaggy (Scooby Doo) So help me, I don't know why. I got that idea into my head when I was little, and it's hard to shake off.

I don't subscribe to the illogical/stupid pairings if I can help it. You know, the "they looked at each other funny in that one episode, it must be love!" or "they're the same age/race/hair color, it's perfect!" kind of fans. No, just no.


Staff member
Apr 23, 2007
In the now, man
Now I'm up for a good relationship in a show, but it seems as if the writers don't know how to add one into a series well. Nearly all of the potential couples in today's animated series transcend from "I like him/her, but I'm not ready to tell him/her yet", and rarely ever get to expand upon this.

The few couples I support include:

JakexRose(American Dragon: Jake Long): Ever since the first episode, we all knew that Jake liked Rose, but we never knew if the feeling was mutual, but we did, however know, that both were on opposing sides. One of the biggest fears of the show included that if Jake found out that Rose was out to destroy him, and vice versa, how would each react to their destinys?

Would Jake lose all interest in her? Would Rose slay him? What if they went together despite their paths? And worse of all, what if the Huntsclan found out about them?

All of which were answered throughout the show, and the quality, of all things, improved.

JimmyxCindy(Jimmy Neutron): If anything, for "Stranded". A bigger step towards a potential relationship in one episode than DannyxSam went through from that show's entire run.

Uh, that's it. Hmm.


Active Member
Nov 13, 2002
Torring, Denmark
I've enjoyed those romances mostly:

Sally Acorn and Tails (Sonic the Hedgehog Sat AM)
Fox and Vixen (Animals of Farthing Wood)
Miss Blue and Scarface (Animals of Farthing Wood)
Gadget, Chip and Dale (Rescue Rangers)
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Staff member
Apr 23, 2007
In the now, man
I hope that this thread becomes more than a list thread; even though I encourage people to share their favorite couples, whether canon or non-canon, I hope that people will take the time to explain why they feel the way that they do. I will also provide a few questions for the sake of generating some discussion, which I hope people will answer.

I've enjoyed those romances mostly:

Fox and Vixen (Animals of Farthing Wood)
Miss Blue and Scarface (Animals of Farthing Wood)
Gadget, Chip and Dale (Rescue Rangers)
Uh, read above.

You support a threesome-incest-pact?


Apr 18, 2002
Sunny California
Couples I liked:

Rebecca and Baloo (Talespin): The episodes featuring them were so sweet. They had great chemistry, too. He helped her mellow out and have fun. And she was the only person who could motivate (or scare) him to get off his butt and do some work once in a while. :p

Lina and Gourry (Slayers): Their relationship progresses really naturally as the series goes on and never feels forced. Its a pairing that's just a lot of fun to root for.

Gadget and Dale (Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers): Everyone seems to like pairing her up with Chip, but I always thought she clicked more with Dale. I dunno why. Maybe I just like to root for the underdog. :p

Couples I didn't like:

Starfire and Robin (Teen Titans):
Their relationship didn't really develop, one day they just had the hots for each other. And the "OMG will they or won't they kiss!!" thing really ruined the Trouble in Tokyo movie for me. :sad:

Originally posted by Tobias
- Jem/Rio/Jerrica - Jem
I know what you're thinking. This was the CORE relationship of the series, but Jem/Jerrica constantly strung Rio along, constantly making him have to choose between the two, keeping the poor guy in the dark the whole time, when she could have EASILY told him the truth after the Battle of the Bands at the end of the first episode.
Jerrica was a manipulative lunatic and Rio was an unapologetic, two-timing slut. The way I see it, they deserved each other! :D


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Gadget and Dale (Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers): Everyone seems to like pairing her up with Chip, but I always thought she clicked more with Dale. I dunno why. Maybe I just like to root for the underdog. :p

I use to be a Dale/Gadget fan myself, but upon viewing it seems like Chip's feelings run more deeper (like in the episode with Foxglove), whereas with Dale it's a schoolboy/munk crush

Starfire and Robin (Teen Titans): Their relationship didn't really develop, one day they just had the hots for each other. And the "OMG will they or won't they kiss!!" thing really ruined the Trouble in Tokyo movie for me. :sad:

If you mean that it came out of nowhere, then I'd have to disagree as Sisters had moments where you could see a relationship in the works.

Besides, one thing I like about the pairing is how unlike most relationships in animation, they don't go into the bickering couple routine. Sure, there are moments where Robin blew it as a potential boyfriend (Such as the movie), he demonstrates a fair amount of sensitivity towards Starfire.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2004
My favorite canon couple would have to be Aang and Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender).

Their relationship has been well built up, believable, and likeable. It started off as a one-sided crush on Aang's part, then after a while a few hints throughout seasons 2 and 3 (that we've seen) Katara's hidden feelings for him started surfacing, until we finally had the moment of truth in the invasion episodes.

It's been a lot of fun for me to see this relationship grow deeper and deeper, I can't wait to see what the writers do next!

I also enjoyed the funny, and slightly one-sided (since we never got to see his point of view on the matter) romance of Helga and Arnold (Hey Arnold). I'm sure I wasn't the only one screaming at the screen at Helga at the end of the Hey Arnold Movie for trying to cover up her impulsive kiss.

Dr. Hutch (sp?) and Filbert (Rocko's Modern Life) was a cute suprise as well, I loved the episode where they got married!


Apr 2, 2002
Fantasy Land
I'm a romantic at heart,but I'm more into canon relationships than fanmade ones....

Pairings I like....

Elisa/Goliath (Gargoyles)...I love how their relationship develops over the course of the series,and I also disagree about it being beastiality (they're both humanoid,so in my mind it's more like they're different races than anything else)

Fry/Leela (Futurama)....this is a borderline one (Fry loves Leela,and she likes him,but feels he's too immature to have a relationship with),but I think they'd make a cute couple,and the movie (Bender's Big Score) sort of implies that they're meant to be together...

Homer/Marge(The Simpsons)...Yeah,they're already together,I just like them as a couple,they both make me laugh...I also wish they'd kept Skinner and Krabbapel as a couple on the show...

Inuyasha/Kikyo....Lately,it seems I have a thing for tragic romance...I kinda feel sorry for both of them....though I also like the Inuyasha/Kagome pairing (well technically,Kikyo and Kagome are the same

Rukia/Renji (Bleach)....Alot of fans seem to be in favor of Rukia/Ichigo,which actually doesn't bother me,but I just like the relationship between Rukia and Renji better (another kind of couple I like is childhood friends who end up together)...

Sora/Kairi (Kingdom Hearts video games)....I love the scene between the two in Hollow Bastion in the original game (Sora ends up becoming a heartless,and Kairi manages to turn him back to normal by hugging him)...I also like Roxas and Namine as a couple....

...and pretty much any other Disney couple (I'm a pretty big Disney fanatic)

Pairings I don't like...

I can't think of any canon couples I dislike off the top of my head...

but I do dislike most fanmade parings where...

the two characters have never met in canon

will never meet in canon (usually crossover pairings involving two or more different series)

most yaoi and yuri,don't get me wrong,I don't have a problem with characters being gay or lesbian if they actually are in canon (I like Sailor Moon's Uranus and Neptune as a couple for example) problem with it is that people tend to pair up characters who are straight in canon (anyone who thinks Miroku from Inuyasha is gay isn't watching the show),or they add yaoi or yuri into a series where it's very unlikely to occur (Kingdom Hearts is half owned by Disney,so I really doubt anyone's gay)...


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
BrendaBat said:
Starfire and Robin (Teen Titans): Their relationship didn't really develop, one day they just had the hots for each other. And the "OMG will they or won't they kiss!!" thing really ruined the Trouble in Tokyo movie for me. :sad:

The Robin/Starfire pairing didn't come out of nowhere; it originated from the 80's New Teen Titans comics. And IMO, it did develop on the show; it's just that the series' characters were so watered-down that we didn't get to see any serious character development of anyone.

Anyway, I'll gladly take Robin/Starfire over the totally fake, utterly groundless, completely implausible and outright nonexistent Robin/Raven pairing that so many message board fans were so fond of while the show was running. (But it's worth mentioning that I only support, nee acknowledge canon couplings, not fan-made ones.)


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
The Robin/Starfire pairing didn't come out of nowhere; it originated from the 80's New Teen Titans comics. And IMO, it did develop on the show; it's just that the series' characters were so watered-down that we didn't get to see any serious character development of anyone.

Anyway, I'll gladly take Robin/Starfire over the totally fake, utterly groundless, completely implausible and outright nonexistent Robin/Raven pairing that so many message board fans were so fond of while the show was running. (But it's worth mentioning that I only support, nee acknowledge canon couplings, not fan-made ones.)

What's your stance on the Jinx/Kid Flash relationship? Yes, the show didn't have more than two episodes with them, but the pairing is touched upon in Teen Titans Go (which unlike most tv tie ins keep the characters consistent with the show).

If you can find a copy, I'd recommend Teen Titans Go #39 as it does a friendly jab towards the shipping bit.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
What's your stance on the Jinx/Kid Flash relationship? Yes, the show didn't have more than two episodes with them, but the pairing is touched upon in Teen Titans Go (which unlike most tv tie ins keep the characters consistent with the show).

If you can find a copy, I'd recommend Teen Titans Go #39 as it does a friendly jab towards the shipping bit.

My stance is that the 2 of them didn't have a "relationship", but merely a friendship, though I know A LOT of people began shipping them after "Lightspeed".

I've never read a single issue of TTGO!, as I've never been able to find a copy in any of my local stores.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
My stance is that the 2 of them didn't have a "relationship", but merely a friendship, though I know A LOT of people began shipping them after "Lightspeed".

Which isn't entirely unwarranted, because again, J Torres has been developing them into a couple in the comic. For one, TTG #34 has Kid Flash racing Mas Y Menos, and flirting with some girls during the race. All of which was broadcasted, which resulted in a very Poed Jinx:sweat: .


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
TTG #34 has Kid Flash racing Mas Y Menos, and flirting with some girls during the race. All of which was broadcasted, which resulted in a very Poed Jinx:sweat: .

Ah, I see. As I said, I've never been able to get my hands on a TTGO! comic, so it's not for me to comment, though I tend to agree with Blackstar's above comment.

But oy vey, don't get me started on Mas Y Menos. A pair of Spanish speaking midget twins who dress like dry cell batteries whose one power has a very obvious flaw which could be easily exploited by even the dumbest of supervillains. They're like cheesy fanfic characters come to life!


¡Mierda santa! ¡Ninjas!
Aug 16, 2003
San Juan, Puerto Rico
I like my romances low-key and drama-free; I've lost patience with unrequited love and interminable will they/won't they scenarios. Unfortunately, given that most romances on television are of this nature--writers for the most part seem incapable of writing for two people actually in a relationship--I have little interest in actual official couples.


Casey Jones and April O’Neil-TMNT (2003): Yes, it started out as a will they/won't they scenario, and a not too well-written one, at that, but that was dispensed with when they officially get together in early season 3. Why do I like it? Well, it makes sense, for one: both have a good combination of things in common (shared interest in mechanics/machinery and certain movies, their status as the turtles' nakama) while still being distinct individuals—plus, they clearly dig each other. Also, the relationship did not diminish their status as individual—so far, they’ve remained Casey and April, instead of being defined by the relationship. All in all, it’s a very healthy relationship—which is a far rarer thing in TV than it should be.

David and Fox XanatosGargoyles: The same things said about the Casey/April relationship apply here. They dig each other, they’re good for each other, they share interests, and they don’t lose their individuality to the relationship. All this from so-called villains. Too bad Fox is underused.

Misato Katsuragi and Ryoji KajiNeon Genesis Evangelion: Most cartoon romances start at the beginning; this one picks up after it’s already ended. While the previous two relationships work because they lack angst, this one I like for the opposite reason: these two are emotionally immature, and their chemistry is equal parts toxic and complementary. The same rules apply, however: they still dig each other, despite it all, and both are equally interesting together or apart. Ironically, despite the characters’ immaturity—or perhaps because of it—I find it to be one of the most maturely handled relationships in animation.


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Ah, I see. As I said, I've never been able to get my hands on a TTGO! comic, so it's not for me to comment, though I tend to agree with Blackstar's above comment.

On that note, TTG #53 leaves no doubt on KF and J's relationship:

They share a kiss at the end of the issue.


Flute Player
Aug 2, 2001
Nowhere in Particular
Stan Marsh and Wendy Testaburger - In the early years of that relationship, Stan would always throw up in front of Wendy. Although it seems like in later years he doesn't do that.


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