Animated Romance


Does this look like the face of mercy?
Dec 14, 2007
Unova, AKA Pokémon's NY
Here are some pairing that i liked

JimmyxCindy- There was something in me that always had me thinking about the times that Cindy always tried to one up Neutron so much that screamed, "I want Jimmy to notice me for my smarts, and who I am. So in return I must pretend to hate him, be smart, and have some sort of other advantage against him." Yeah sorry if that comes out as a black and white painting of the situation, but that how I always saw it, even in the film.

FryxLeela- We all by now they do have feeling for each other, but due to Fry being the man-child he is, sort of prevents him from Leela taking him seriously, thus rejecting any dates that Fry offers. During Bender's Big Score, I had some sort of feeling that Lars was somesort of a "mature" version of Fry, and we all saw how happy she was around him compared to Fry.

JakexRose- Already has been said a thousand times over that their star-crossed love was a major plot point of the show, and a fine example of how it supposed to work. Also the fact that Jake was mature in "Homecoming" about giving her a second chance at life for not being a member of the Huntsclan showed how deeply he cared for her, and not some blind love. (The fact that he was happy that her new life was making her happy, comes to mind. Despite having no memory of what happen, or who he was.)

Paring I'm not fond of:

InuyashaxKagome- Seriously you two, either you like each other or you don't. your love triange with Kikyo was interesting when I was a fan of the series, but now after so many episodes, can't you admit it already after letting Naraku abandon you for the umpteenth time? That was one of the reasons why I quit watching Inuyasha.

Fan Pairing that I like:

AshxDawn AKA Pearlshipping- I think it more obvious on Dawn side than it is on Ash. Getting dressed up as a cheerleader during the gym fights, (something Misty or May never did.)

JamesxJessie- Even though it has been stated it canon to the manga, the anime does have it few hints

Fan Pairing that I don't like, this one is tough, basically anything that goes against character, are in different series, and a very unreasonable age difference that screams "Jailbait", aka something that would wind someone up in jail for pedophila.


私は、ああ、くそっバットマンなんだよ !
Dec 27, 2007
Bronx, New York
AshxDawn AKA Pearlshipping- I think it more obvious on Dawn side than it is on Ash. Getting dressed up as a cheerleader during the gym fights, (something Misty or May never did.)

Well, she likes dressing up more than them. :shrug:


Amalgam Universe Overlord
Staff member
Sep 13, 2002
Here are some pairing that i liked

JimmyxCindy- There was something in me that always had me thinking about the times that Cindy always tried to one up Neutron so much that screamed, "I want Jimmy to notice me for my smarts, and who I am. So in return I must pretend to hate him, be smart, and have some sort of other advantage against him." Yeah sorry if that comes out as a black and white painting of the situation, but that how I always saw it, even in the film.

I'll admit that the first season didn't make me clamour for Jimmy and Cindy since it relyed too much on the bickering couple that you see in anime and Hey Arnold. Second Season, however, made the eventuallity of their relationship more appealing, due to the toning down of said bickering.

AshxDawn AKA Pearlshipping- I think it more obvious on Dawn side than it is on Ash. Getting dressed up as a cheerleader during the gym fights, (something Misty or May never did.)

At first I saw plausibility of him either with Misty or May when they were still on the show. But given that each region brings a new girl to the cast, I frankly see Ash living the Tenchi lifestyle (with Misty, May, Dawn so far).


Does this look like the face of mercy?
Dec 14, 2007
Unova, AKA Pokémon's NY
Mmph,I was always an Ash and Misty fan.

Well I was at one point, until Misty left amd some think it because of Togepi, and that was only because she was the only female in the party. When May appeared, I gave her time, and I more support her being with Drew than anyone else. Ash and Dawn, they are similar in terms of starting out, Ash and Dawn also seem to have a special friendship which is something he doesn't do with Brock. Stuff I can go into hasn't reach stateside yet.

I'll admit that the first season didn't make me clamour for Jimmy and Cindy since it relyed too much on the bickering couple that you see in anime and Hey Arnold. Second Season, however, made the eventuallity of their relationship more appealing, due to the toning down of said bickering.

Yeah, but I saw through that stuff, since they were like 10 or something in that range, that how most kids try to get someone to notice them, by being better than someone else, getting into stupid arguments. For the all the episode afterwards, yeah the writers did enforce it. But so far I prefer Dawn over Misty, then May. Yeah I never thought of anything good about May for some reason. That shipping for me was kind of forced for me during Movie 9 when they swam underwater and the school of Luvdisc came out.

At first I saw plausibility of him either with Misty or May when they were still on the show. But given that each region brings a new girl to the cast, I frankly see Ash living the Tenchi lifestyle (with Misty, May, Dawn so far).

I admit I might be in that same boat. Now because of that I want a Tenchi Muyo style Pokemon, with Brock as the maid, and everyone else living together.


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2002
I don't like it in real life when people get over dramatic about relationships, and I don't like in TV shows as well.

I prefer a relationship where the two either just click and get together, or don't click and no issue is made about it at all. Some shows like Dragonball Z and Yu Yu Hakusho did this well enough I think.

I don't have a problem with a little tension, though.


Peace Loving Shinobi
Mar 8, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
Stan and Wendy DID break up a long time ago. Stan NEVER got over his vomiting in front of her. For a while Wendy dated Token, and it made Stan go emo/Goth. Later on, Stan and Wendy worked together in a recent episode, but they didn't become a couple again. Though at the end of the episode where they are having a "moment" Stan does indeed throw up on her with a vengeance once again.

One show that does a good job with romance is . . . AVATAR! A kids' cartoon on Nickelodeon rife with OPEN MOUTH KISSING! I mean you have Sokka/Suki, Zuko/Mai, and Katarra/Aang, plus the whole Zuko/Katarra/Aang love triangle. Aang recently kissed Katarra for the whole time, but Katarra looked a little ambiguous about it. Aang recently confessed his love for Katarra, so who knows. The series seems to favor Katarra and Aang as its OTP.

What else?:

-X-men (1990's): The show did a tremendous job with the Wolverine/Jean/Cyclops dynamic. And hey just like in the comics, Wolverine even got a little side tail here and there. Also Rogue/Gambit had another strong supporting romance. And more open mouth kissing.

-Spider-man (1990's): Show did a great job because it introduced a few potential women early on in the first season, but ultimately it pointed more toward Peter/Mary Jane in season 2. Unfortunately it got f'd up in season 3 and 4 and it was never properly resolved save for a throwaway line in the epilogue of the final season. It wasn't enough though. I think the show's head writer had a great mind and grasp of Spider-man and the characters and he did a great job with the show's overall serial story. Just a shame it had to end on such a weird note.

-Superman (1990's): The ending to this show was simply perfect. And what was great about it was that it didn't try to wrap everything up. At the end of the series, Superman is still in a very uncertain place. He betrayed the trust of the people of earth. He was brainwashed by Darkseid who he failed to ultimately defeat once again after he gave him to the people of Apokolips who didn't have the heart to let of the idea of Darkseid as their ruler since they knew of no other life and had no desire for anything else. In many ways it's a bleak ending save for the fact that you have Superman and his true love Lois Lane together with him atop the Daily Planet, not sure of what will happen in the future, but Lois shows that she still loves and trusts him and they kiss for the FIRST TIME EVER over the course of the series. Perfect ending to this show that IMHO was at times a little uneven. Great way to execute the romance of Superman/Lois Lane as well, and a much better job than the overdone Superman/Doomsday. Sometimes subtlety is good. You don't need to see Lois in nothing but a towel in the Fortress of Solitude.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2005
Hmmm, good topic, this. Let's see:


Inuyasha and Kagome - I love the snottiness between them. The moments of tenderness are handled well too. Inuyasha's bad-boy behavior and Kagome's occasional brattiness are a good match. They make each other happy, they make each other miserable -a perfect couple.

Miroku and Sango - mild-mannered lecherous monk and fierce woman warrior - talk about sparks flying. They're both reticent, most of the time, about showing their feelings, unlike the what-you-see-is-what-you-get interaction between Inuyasha and Kagome, and that's what keeps the dual romance in the show from getting repetitive and boring. Both pairings are intriguing and often funny. In fact, Inuyasha probably handles male-female relationships better than most regular toons and IMO, better than most anime.

Kim and Ron - sometimes she's too perfect, sometimes he's too flawed, but they do click and are appealing in their way. Their parents are cool too - how nice to see toon parents that aren't bumbling idiots.

Homer and Marge Simpson - they're the glue that holds the show together, despite some fan gripes that their marital ups and downs have been overused as a plot device. Their affection for each other just makes them funnier, and proves that a couple doesn't have to bicker nonstop in order to generate laughs.

Vintage Cosmo and Wanda - their flirtation with each other in the show's very beginnings made them very different and very funny, not to mention memorable. Oh, how far they have fallen...

Robin and Starfire - mostly because of Starfire. She is the best super heroine ever, hands down, IMO. She's sweet and funny yet powerful and fearless. She has personality. She screws up sometimes. She's very human. If only Robin had magnetism to match hers. Still, they were cool together.


Timmy Turner and anybody else - He's a self-centered, shallow, bucktoothed little brat who's clearly been hanging around his fairy godfather too long. There's always been this debate as to who he should wind up with - Trixie or Tootie - but IMO he should wind up a bitter old loner with only an idiot goldfish for company (the other goldfish wised up and hooked up with a Spanish-speaking purple ferret, don't you know ;) ).

Peter and Lois Griffin - egad. If you've watched the show, I needn't elaborate. I know the show's not The Simpsons, and is basically about a so-called family that abuse and pretty much hate each other, but still. The gimmicky cutaways are the only thing that's occasionally funny IMO. And sometimes the baby and the dog.

Pucca and Garu - yeah, the chase is the thing, and I like the toon a lot but the chase gets on my nerves now. I prefer the rare eps that focus on other storylines.

Danny Fenton and Sam Manson - yeah, I know, they do seem like a perfect match. But they had zero chemistry IMO.

And that is all.


Jan 11, 2003
I'm a person that needs a reason for characters to cross race. I know how people think "beauty". and race is a factor. But my thought's of Bumblebee and Cyborg was always based on strength and smarts. The tow of them together were always complementary. I'm not sure, but wasn't their race decided long ago in the comics?
Yeah. But the controversial thing about the fan-created Cyborg/Bumblebee pairing is that the writers said in an interview that they made the two hate each other because they didn't want to have the cliche "Oh, they're both black so they must like each other." That, however, didn't stop the fans.

Favorite canon ship: BB/Terra (Teen Titans)
They're so cute together and they complement each other well. At the same time, it's tragic how they seem doomed never to be together.

Nonfavorite canon ship: Aang/Katara (Avatar)
Aang acts so childish and Katara's so maternal and protective. So them together is like... yeah... I can't ship them because it creeps me out. No offense to the fans.

Rolling Cloud

...too early....
Oct 30, 2005
Winthrop, Mass.
Pairings I like:

NarutoXHinata: There's enough proof and it makes more sense to me then pairing him with Sakura.

IchigoXOrihime: Makes more sense then putting him with Rukia and she does care for him.

TaiXSora (From Digimon): If only they didn't try to make it seem like Sora liked Matt, this would've worked. :sad:

Yugi X Tea in Yugioh: Can't really think of a reason, but it seems to click in my opinion.

Jaden X Alexis in Yugioh GX: Alexis has shown enough hinting that she liked Jaden during the series. And, that final letter...XD

Can't think of any I don't the moment.

kid rabbit

Well-Known Member
Mar 8, 2007
st,louis mo.
spider-man and the black cat had better were the better couple in my opinion
also Charlie brown/Marcy
are what brought their shows together

Mad Mod 49

Active Member
Jun 2, 2004
United States
NarutoXHinata: There's enough proof and it makes more sense to me then pairing him with Sakura

Much of the "proof" is anime filler though. I'm sorry, but I just can't see Naruto falling in love with any girl anytime soon, he's too much of an idiot to grasp what true love is (much like his master Jiraya.) :sweat:


Full of Stuff
Feb 20, 2008
Detroit, MI
Parings I like:

DannyxSam:Yeah, their relationship really developed nicely. I loved all the teasing moments throughout the show, the Wes ring, Tucker basically being the Wingman.

JakexRose: I can't say it any better than someone has before.

SasukexSakura: Call me fickle, but I've wanted these 2 to get together since the start. Even though in the manga, she's getting farther away from "Sasuke-kun" and getting closer to Naruto, part of me hopes she still loves him.

There was also the TommyxKimmy paring from All Grown Up!. I don't know why I like it, I just find that dynamic interesting.

Parings I don't like:

KimxRon: I know that it was fated from the beginning, and I did like the movie ending. But some of the relationship seemed tacked on. I mean Ron suddenly becoming a football star to date Kim? Not that he didn't deserve it, but I would have liked it more if he stayed the "outcast" he was and still went out with Kim. It seemed like the writers were saying "If you want to date a hot cheerleader, be a jock.", which shouldn't be a message that's sent to kids. There's no rule that says that you have to be a star QB to get the girls, yet they followed this. That was really my only beef with KR.

Fan-Parings I like:

DawnxPaul, Pokemon: Though these 2 have little to no interaction, I really liked that gym scene where she blew up when he didn't know her name. Normally, girls don't get that pissed when someone doesn't know their name, unless they want to get to know that person, as a lover or friend. I also like his gloomy persona interacting with her cheeriness.


We lil' devils
May 8, 2004
Galaxy of Terror
For me, the absolute best example of an animated romance is Hatori and Kana from Fruits Basket. I would add other couples in but because the anime didn't go as far as the manga... *grumbles*

Anyway, another good example of animated romance is Yukari and George from Paradise Kiss. It really kicks you in the face with the reality of love.

IchigoXOrihime: Makes more sense then putting him with Rukia and she does care for him.
I'm kinda disappointed in this pairing. I mean, liked it, I really did at one point, but with all that Ichigo Rukia business in the early volumes...and then to suddenly switch the focus on Orihime with her new discovered powers... It felt awkward and rushed at the same time.

EDIT (Just thought of some more)

Hollandx Talho:
Though the show didn't focus on them as much as RentonxEureka or DomonixAnemone, you got the idea that the two of them cared deeply for one another despite the many struggles. I honestly liked the implied romance in the flashbacks and pictures rather than an overexposure on their relationship.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2005
Eek! and Annabelle. You know it to be true. The show was very well done in its own right, the first two seasons anyway, and Eek! was basically the object of affection for many a hotter, and usually human female admirer, but always had eyes for Annabelle, who was actually a pretty likeable character.


Apr 12, 2004
Bobobo World
most yaoi and yuri,don't get me wrong,I don't have a problem with characters being gay or lesbian if they actually are in canon (I like Sailor Moon's Uranus and Neptune as a couple for example) problem with it is that people tend to pair up characters who are straight in canon (anyone who thinks Miroku from Inuyasha is gay isn't watching the show),or they add yaoi or yuri into a series where it's very unlikely to occur (Kingdom Hearts is half owned by Disney,so I really doubt anyone's gay)...

Gargoyles creator Greg Weisman on a character he outed 5 years ago:
"What I said, I believe, is that in my opinion Lex is gay -- though he may not yet realize it. And that we would be consistent with that knowledge... as I believe we have been up to this point. But that in the current world climate we would not be addressing it on the show at all. Not explicitly or implicitly. It's a d@mn shame, and since we're talking about episodes that don't exist it would be easy for me to be brave now and pretend that we'd be open about it, but that would be a lie of expectation, and I try to be more honest than that with the fans. All I promised was consistency. It may sound like a subtle distinction, but believe me it is not. It may also sound like a cop-out, and believe me, IT IS. But it's a cop-out that comes out of the fact that if I even attempted an implicit portrayal, it flat out would not get on the air. And I could stand my ground. And I would get fired. And then there'd be no consistency either. Someday, I hope to live in a braver more understanding world... but we ain't there yet. And I think what we're doing is at least a step in the right direction."

Just because it doesn't exist in canon isn't much of an argument in the kid-aimed fandoms. Japan may be a little freer on this, but canon yaoi/yuri is primarily about fan service. Did you know Hasbro's contract for the live action GI Joe movie included a "no gay character" clause? But the whole Dumbledore revelation does give me hope.


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