Blue Falcon

Wil Tha Godsson

Nov 10, 2005
Hmmm....I think that,if Dynomutt:Dog Wonder were in production today,I can't help but think that the series'd be a more or less multilevel commentary on life in the city, w/ an Olbermannic BF & a Matthewsian Dynomutt,for example, riffing on the fact that the mayor of their city is Black,and what it means to have Blacks running cities,anyway. In this day/age,hell,the Black mayor sure as hell would not react, as one'd have been depicted as doing nearly 3.5 decades ago, but would instead proact,and that is one hell of a progression.

Bones Justice

Bring on the noise!
Dec 29, 2003
Lots of places
Who would like to watch a more serious Blue Falcon cartoon without Dynomutt? I definitely would.

I always liked the character but I never really enjoyed the show that much. First because it was a comedy/adventure cartoon and second because of Dynomutt. I remember watching Dexter's Laboratory episode "Dyno-Might" where Dexter builds a new mechanical dog to replace Dynomutt as Blue Falcon's sidekick and actually find it cooler than any Dynomutt: Dog Wonder episode.

They could make the villains more serious, have deeper plots and some guest appearances of Birdman instead of Scooby Doo and his gang.

I'd be for a new show as long as it kept the comedy angle. But it needs better comedy than the original. In fact, I'd prefer it if they went to Adult Swim and came up with something like Harvey Birdman only not about lawyers. Keep it a superhero show with humor, not as crazy as Frisky Dingo (love Frisky but one is enough) or The Tick, more in line with the Dexter episode.

Sounds like a good idea to me.


Suave Incarnate
Apr 10, 2008
United States
Welp, its been a few days since I've posted. Was a bit busy. Anyways...

Wow, you guys are funny. I doubt a serious H-B Superhero cartoon would ever be revived in a serious form... ever. I'm sure William Street might decide to go back to their original formula and decide to end up making a Blue Falcon parody cartoon like they did with Space Ghost and Birdman, but a serious remake of any of the three cartoons?? I don't see that happening. If it did, who would be producing it?? Definitely not Williams Street. Would it be Cartoon Network or Warner Bros?? I'd rather have CNS do it, since WB has so far butchered their Scooby Doo and Tom and Jerry series.
I don't recall watching too much of the actual Space Ghost/Birdman/Blue Falcon as a youngen. But I think they looked like pretty good series. I've always admired the low quality animation cartoons of HB for some weird, probably nostalgia related reason. Blue Falcon may have had more than enough of its share of comedy, but think of it this way. There are a lot of good action shows that make use of a good deal of comedy. Samurai Jack had more than a few purposely funny moments, as did the original Ben 10, and Avatar as well. So really, there's not much to complain about.

And yes, I agree, the cartoons from 10 years were immensely better than today's.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Light Lucario said:
Actually, Space Ghost reminds me more of Batman than Blue Falcon does. Maybe its just the black mask or the fact that Blue Falcon was more people friendly than Batman usually is, outside of the camp series.

Granted, Space Ghost resembles Batman in that he wears a black cowl and has teen sidekicks, but Blue Falcon is practically a clone of the Dark Knight. It's almost the exact same formula: wealthy bachelor socialite lives in a big city (literally named Big City) where he masquerades as a caped costumed crimefighter by night who employs high-tech gadgets and accessories with a recurring animal motif in place of superpowers. The only difference is that instead of a teenage human sidekick, BF has for a partner a goofy robot dog who clearly needs a recall back to the factory. Get rid of Dog Wonder and give Radley Crown a tragic origin story, and he's the Dark Knight.

But I agree with the basic consensus here: it wouldn't be impossible to remake Blue Falcon, or any other H-B superhero into a narrow, serious, formidable action series, but it would be a task in and of itself to exorcise the stigmata of goofiness that Williams Street has placed upon those characters.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Granted, Space Ghost resembles Batman in that he wears a black cowl and has teen sidekicks, but Blue Falcon is practically a clone of the Dark Knight. It's almost the exact same formula: wealthy bachelor socialite lives in a big city (literally named Big City) where he masquerades as a caped costumed crimefighter by night who employs high-tech gadgets and accessories with a recurring animal motif in place of superpowers. The only difference is that instead of a teenage human sidekick, BF has for a partner a goofy robot dog who clearly needs a recall back to the factory. Get rid of Dog Wonder and give Radley Crown a tragic origin story, and he's the Dark Knight.

But I agree with the basic consensus here: it wouldn't be impossible to remake Blue Falcon, or any other H-B superhero into a narrow, serious, formidable action series, but it would be a task in and of itself to exorcise the stigmata of goofiness that Williams Street has placed upon those characters.

I actually forgot all about those kinds of details for the Blue Falcon. I was mainly thinking of personalities, not how both of them are rich men and they fight crime in their cities at night. They both act similarly, but the absence of a tragic background story for Blue Falcon still gives me the impression that he isn't exactly like Batman. Add that in and get rid of his dog sidekick, as you've mentioned, then he would be exactly like him. You also have a good point about remaking any of the H-B superheroes. I've seem some of Bird Man as a attorney and Williams Street did make quite a bit of silliness with those characters that would be hard to get rid of.


Suave Incarnate
Apr 10, 2008
United States
But I agree with the basic consensus here: it wouldn't be impossible to remake Blue Falcon, or any other H-B superhero into a narrow, serious, formidable action series, but it would be a task in and of itself to exorcise the stigmata of goofiness that Williams Street has placed upon those characters.

That is true. Kids who know Space Ghost through C2C but aren't Cartoon savvy or Cartoon dorks like some of us (me included) only know him as a talk show host. They don't know he was an actual serious superhero back in the day, so it would be an obstacle to reform a series that has been warped into something new for pop culture.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY

Anyway, if any Hanna Barbera superhero should be revived, it shouldn't be Blue Falcon. He was cool, but I remember him being too similar to Batman. Maybe Space Ghost or Birdman, instead.

Blue Falcon & Dynomutt was, IIRC, designed as a parody of Batman & Robin in the first place, right down to the campy villains.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2002
Troy NY
I wouldn't let those jabronies at Williams St. anywhere near Blue Falcon or any other H-B hero ever again.

I have the Space Ghost miniseries DC put out a couple of years back, and yes, it kicked copious amounts of butt. They could be motivated to do the same for Birdman. Remember, we never really got an origin for Birdman back in the day, either.


Suave Incarnate
Apr 10, 2008
United States
I wouldn't let those jabronies at Williams St. anywhere near Blue Falcon or any other H-B hero ever again.

True. It was awesome when they did it waaay before Adult Swim started in like '95 with Space Ghost, but than when they did it with Sealab 2020 and Birdman it just got dumb.


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