Does anyone Think CN will shut down one day, since Adult Swim ratings is getting more higher and CN losing its hours

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Active Member
Apr 15, 2020
It's such a damn shame to see one of the best kids channel fall from grace like this over the years. I mean the Boston Bomb Scare which cause the president Jim Samples left, The godawlful CN real, CN Constantly overairing TTG and gumball especially back in 2017 and other shows that came out that time period didn't get a chance to shine, CN Studios is gone. But anyways, the reason i made this post here is because CN has been going through alot of hard times, and since adult swim is doing better in the ratings especially since they have checkered past and Toonami. Does anyone think CN will be adult swim 24/7, because adult swim is doing really good in the ratings and CN ratings are pretty much slipping.


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Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Here's the thing: WBD keeps shoving more shows under the Adult Swim label not because they're really a great fit there, but because AS gets higher ratings than CN does currently, they can run more ads on AS (which means more ad revenue), and also because the 6-11 demographic that CN has largely built its' brand around is watching less TV these days. Checkered Past skates by due to riding the nostalgia wave, but does anybody really think that My Adventures with Superman should be airing on Adult Swim? By constantly throwing more 'big kids to all ages' shows on Adult Swim, they're just negating the AS brand and making AS more kid-friendly to the point where CN and AS will basically be one and the same.

To answer the original question posed: do I think CN will shut down one day? No. It's a global brand and even at its' worst earns WBD too much money and brand recognition for them to simply let it die. (Did you know that Cartoon Network has an entire land devoted to it at the indoor theme park IMG Worlds of Adventure in Dubai? Neither did I.) However, it's clear that Cartoon Network has to undergo a major change in its' thinking and presentation if it's to remain relevant.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
Not trying to be mean, but be freakin' for real!

As much as I think Cartoon Network is a shell as it once was, but Zaslav will NEVER be that stupid enough to get rid of the Cartoon Network brand. Hell, even during their dark ages, Cartoon Network is still here with us. Just because Adult Swim has more ratings than CN, and gobbled up its airtime, that doesn't mean Cartoon Network (the channel) will go bye-bye.

With that said though, Cartoon Network really needs a major change in order to remain relevant. Being a Nick and Disney competitor is not working anymore. Since adults watches the network than children, turning Cartoon Network into a general audience channel, will do wonders for them, if they handled it correctly. In my opinion, moving all ages shows like Superman and Unicorn on Adult Swim is not a horrible idea, but it dilute the point of what "Adult" Swim supposed to be about, leaving Cartoon Network back as being a kids brand. Is it cartoons supposed to be for everyone? Not just segregated BS just to please the advertisers? I just don't understand this mentality.


Active Member
Aug 29, 2022
New York City
I honestly believe CN could be in a better place if there was better management. So many presidents and managers within the last few years have refused to listen to the fans. Thus putting the brand in this position. Who knows what the future holds but at the moment I wish things were better.
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What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
I mean the Boston Bomb Scare which cause the president Jim Samples left
That was a promotion for Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, was was technically Adult Swim, so Cartoon Network shouldn't be blamed for that.

The godawlful CN real
CN Real was just Stuart Snyder trying to compete with Nickelodeon directly while attempting to cash in on the reality TV trend. That program block came and went so quickly that most folks have already forgotten about it or only have vague memories of it's existence. That was a misstep, but not a blemish on CN's history.

CN Constantly overairing TTG and gumball especially back in 2017 and other shows that came out that time period didn't get a chance to shine
That's true, but lots of cable channels spam their most popular shows. That's not just a Cartoon Network thing.

But anyways, the reason i made this post here is because CN has been going through alot of hard times, and since adult swim is doing better in the ratings especially since they have checkered past and Toonami. Does anyone think CN will be adult swim 24/7, because adult swim is doing really good in the ratings and CN ratings are pretty much slipping.
I don't see that happening anytime soon, and if it were to happen, it would be a disaster. Without Cartoon Network, a 24/7 Adult Swim channel likely wouldn't last 5 years before was remade into a general entertainment channel. Grandma and Grandpa aren't going to plop their grandkids in front of the TV and turn on a channel called ADULT Swim, no matter how age-appropriate the shows on it might be. ADULT Swim is a terrible moniker for an all-ages animation channel.

I get it. Kids' channels are going through a rough time right now because nowadays there are so many distractions. Kids would rather look at YouTube, Tik-Tok, play Minecraft or Fortnite or whatever than watch TV, but the solution to that isn't to simply cram everything under the Adult Swim. That only infantalizes the AS branding and alienates the CN audience. Adult Swim is supposed to be a niche, edgy programming block for audiences aged 18-35.

It's also worth noting that in several countries outside of the U.S., Adult Swim simply doesn't exist, so an AS takeover isn't the looming a threat that some American viewers may think it is.
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Active Member
Aug 29, 2022
New York City
That was a promotion for Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, was was technically Adult Swim, so Cartoon Network shouldn't be blamed for that.

CN Real was just Stuart Snyder trying to compete with Nickelodeon directly while attempting to cash in on the reality TV trend. That program block came and went so quickly that most folks have already forgotten about it or only have vague memories of it's existence. That was a misstep, but not a blemish on CN's history.

That's true, but lots of cable channels spam their most popular shows. That's not just a Cartoon Network thing.

I don't see that happening anytime soon, and if it were to happen, it would be a disaster. Without Cartoon Network, a 24/7 Adult Swim channel likely wouldn't last 5 years before was remade into a general entertainment channel. Grandma and Grandpa aren't going to plop their grandkids in front of the TV and turn on a channel called ADULT Swim, no matter how age-appropriate the shows on it might be. ADULT Swim is a terrible moniker for an all-ages animation channel.

I get it. Kids' channels are going through a rough time right now because nowadays there are so many distractions. Kids would rather look at YouTube, Tik-Tok, play Minecraft or Fortnite or whatever than watch TV, but the solution to that isn't to simply cram everything under the Adult Swim. That only infantalizes the AS branding and alienates the CN audience. Adult Swim is supposed to be a niche, edgy programming block for audiences aged 18-35.
To be fair from the looks of it CN is still doing well overseas so it's mostly a US issue from what I've seen.

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
That was a promotion for Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie, was was technically Adult Swim, so Cartoon Network shouldn't be blamed for that.
[as] shouldn’t receive blame for it either. That was the ultimate fault of Mayor Menino and other Bostonian Neanderthals, with a hint of unprofessional journalism. But I guess it hurt CN all the same, they forked over millions which they shouldn’t have been forced to do.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
CN Real was just Stuart Snyder trying to compete with Nickelodeon directly while attempting to cash in on the reality TV trend. That program block came and went so quickly that most folks have already forgotten about it or only have vague memories of it's existence. That was a misstep, but not a blemish on CN's history.
TBH, even as a kid, I don't even paid attention to CNReal because I was busy watching Nickelodeon. In fact, I barely watch Cartoon Network at all back in '09 besides a few shows. Whether CNReal pops up, I just changed the channel (though, I do enjoy Dude, What Would Happen?, but that's about it).

Don't get me wrong, it's bad, and I hate its mere existence, but at least CN quickly patched up and moved on.

2016 to now, on the other hand....
It's also worth noting that in several countries outside of the U.S., Adult Swim simply doesn't exist, so an AS takeover isn't the looming a threat that some American viewers may think it is.
TBF, Adult Swim had their own channels outside of the US, but yeah.


Mar 1, 2011
United States
Cartoon Network won't end the way you think it would. Rather than dying with a bang when everyone knows about it. It would die with a whimper. Probably years after the last original shows air and no one is paying attention. They still say they have original stuff coming like more Gumball is definitely coming. We're still waiting for other stuff which was announced years ago.

but ehhh does CN giving less time to the channel and having less content overall concern me? Yes. If there were another merger at some point in the future. I don't know what they'd do to Cartoon Network. WBD doesn't really treat CN in high regard or at least shown they have.

The Overlord

Staff member
Aug 5, 2002
Here's the thing: WBD keeps shoving more shows under the Adult Swim label not because they're really a great fit there, but because AS gets higher ratings than CN does currently, they can run more ads on AS (which means more ad revenue), and also because the 6-11 demographic that CN has largely built its' brand around is watching less TV these days. Checkered Past skates by due to riding the nostalgia wave, but does anybody really think that My Adventures with Superman should be airing on Adult Swim? By constantly throwing more 'big kids to all ages' shows on Adult Swim, they're just negating the AS brand and making AS more kid-friendly to the point where CN and AS will basically be one and the same.

To answer the original question posed: do I think CN will shut down one day? No. It's a global brand and even at its' worst earns WBD too much money and brand recognition for them to simply let it die. (Did you know that Cartoon Network has an entire land devoted to it at the indoor theme park IMG Worlds of Adventure in Dubai? Neither did I.) However, it's clear that Cartoon Network has to undergo a major change in its' thinking and presentation if it's to remain relevant.

I feel like the real question is will CN exist as a TV channel, not just a brand. As a brand it could exist as a tile on Max, but to exist as TV channel, it would have to get kids in the target demo to watch it again and one has to ask if that ship has sailed.

Light Lucario

Staff member
May 11, 2007
In a Dream World
Despite how the channel has been handled, I don't think they'll just shut it down or turn it into a twenty-four hour Adult Swim channel. It's still a recognizable brand and there wouldn't be enough content for them to turn Adult Swim into a full on channel either. I think that there just needs to be much better decisions at WB, for both Cartoon Network and the company itself, so that they can attract more of an audience.

Elijah Abrams

Just deal with it!
Jul 29, 2017
I feel like the real question is will CN exist as a TV channel, not just a brand. As a brand it could exist as a tile on Max, but to exist as TV channel, it would have to get kids in the target demo to watch it again and one has to ask if that ship has sailed.
Despite how the channel has been handled, I don't think they'll just shut it down or turn it into a twenty-four hour Adult Swim channel. It's still a recognizable brand and there wouldn't be enough content for them to turn Adult Swim into a full on channel either. I think that there just needs to be much better decisions at WB, for both Cartoon Network and the company itself, so that they can attract more of an audience.
How about they make CN's live feed available on FAST services? They're the new thing.

Markus Nelis

Jul 10, 2016
CN is a power big brand. No way it will shut down. AS 24/7 just wouldn't work in the States with limited amount of shows. Yes, a lot of kids have gone to TikTok and adult viewership is up, that doesn't mean it will shut down. CN has always been pretty much for everyone, not just "your CN" for kids like CN says in it's promos.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
How about they make CN's live feed available on FAST services? They're the new thing.
We should hope that doesn't happen because that would mean that Warner Brothers has essentially given up on the channel.

First, FAST channels are strictly a U.S. thing. Countries outside of the U.S. don't have them, as far as I know.

Second, FAST channels only offer a select amount of programming that's repeated in an endless loop. You don't get don't premieres or anything new to watch, but you pay nothing for them. FAST services are the bargain bins of free TV.

Third, this:
CN is a power big brand. No way it will shut down. AS 24/7 just wouldn't work in the States with limited amount of shows. Yes, a lot of kids have gone to TikTok and adult viewership is up, that doesn't mean it will shut down. CN has always been pretty much for everyone, not just "your CN" for kids like CN says in it's promos.
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Elijah Abrams

Just deal with it!
Jul 29, 2017
We should hope that doesn't happen because that would mean that Warner Brothers has essentially given up on the channel.

First, FAST channels are strictly a U.S. thing. Countries outside of the U.S. don't have them, as far as I know.

Second, FAST channels only offer a select amount of programming that's repeated in an endless loop. You don't get don't premieres or anything new to watch, but you pay nothing for them. FAST services are the bargain bins of free TV.
Then FAST services, in the future, should have premieres and new stuff.


Staff member
Mar 26, 2018
I think contractually, they currently can't go [AS] 24/7 like how dead HLN has to air a small amount of news still (with CNN simulcast) because the contract. I think they are at the limit of how long [AS] can be on and Checkered past kind of fakes the idea that below TV14 programming is on. This means pay TV contracts. Also if you look at your PAY TV listings look where the channel is on most systems it's by the other kids/family channels. That would have be changed, in theory too. Now they could re negotiate contracts. Probably not any time soon.

Could they remove the CN part from the channel space in the future? I don't know, nobody does, but if they do , that doesn't mean they kill off the CN brand, they would probably use it as a streaming brand (I don't mean FAST) I mean a brand. A Cartoon Network original for Max, or Cartoon Network Original on Prime , Cartoon Network Original on Hulu, etc. (We know they might go back to the selling model, hoarding doesn't work) in theory that means they can use the CN name as their streaming brand.

On the part of saying Adult Swim couldn't work as 24/7 channel in the US because the programming is limited, that's underestimating the sheer power of American cable channel to fill their line up with limited amount of shows. They could throw some old Tru TV comedy shows in daytime on 24/7 [AS] and they would. It wouldn't be liked here, but they at the company don't care what we think, they'll do what they want.

But anyway, I don't think it will happen at anytime soon.

First, FAST channels are strictly a U.S. thing. Countries outside of the U.S. don't have them, as far as I know.

Second, FAST channels only offer a select amount of programming that's repeated in an endless loop. You don't get don't premieres or anything new to watch, but you pay nothing for them. FAST services are the bargain bins of free TV.
Paramount has expanded Pluto TV to other countries and areas so other countries have FAST channels, ITV in the UK has FAST channels on ITVX and they even moved most of their children's programming to a FAST channel (and still air some on ITV2 part of a legal commitment) It's not out of the norm. Seven in Australia has some FAST channels on 7 Plus. Etc.

On the programming it depends on which channel. Some are made for one show on a loop like the hit series "Life With Derek" some are done are like the nick ones that do that so you can kind of watch for convenience. Some are programmed like a TV channel like Laff more and Ryan Reynold's Maximum Effort Channel it depends. But a CN one would be more like a mixture of shows they feel comfortable streaming for free and some retro shows not premieres, so yeah agree, not that this was me trying to disagree.

How about they make CN's live feed available on FAST services? They're the new thing.
They would not, unless they rip it from cable carriage. They could make Cartoon Network FAST channel, but it wouldn't be the same feed as cable.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Then FAST services, in the future, should have premieres and new stuff.
You realize that the moment that happens, the services would no longer be free, right? Original programming costs money, and new animated shows are too expensive to produce to let the people watch them at home without charging them a fee.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2018
I don't think CN is going to die but CN has very unfortunate future is decline of cable TV and many kids stopped watch it, leaving to adults who prefer linear TV to watch CN, especially cartoon lovers.

Cable TV subscription numbers are at late 1980s level now and it could drop to early 1980s to 1970s in next decade if decline continues. Have small numbers of viewers may not kill the cable at all but programming costs would need to be adjusted to make cheaper to watch than streaming services. I do think that decline would stop when cable TV subscription numbers are at late 1970s-early 1980s level.

Many decades ago, cartoon shows used to air for free on OTA channels (ABC, NBC and CBS), especially Saturday morning cartoon shows. Biggest challenge was ridiculously low budget that forced Hanna-Barbera and Filmation to make cheaper shows.

Then FAST services, in the future, should have premieres and new stuff.
If studios willing to use profits from successful films to make cartoon shows, along with ads revenues, so it could work well.

Back in 1970s, you can watch free cartoon shows on ABC, CBS and NBC but... their budget was very minimal.

You realize that the moment that happens, the services would no longer be free, right? Original programming costs money, and new animated shows are too expensive to produce to let the people watch them at home without charging them a fee.
Yeah, it means studios would need heavy breakthrough with box office sales, so they can use some of money to make cartoon shows to be shown on FAST, also they need have decent ads revenues. Release new show to streaming, cable and FAST at same time can better to make money.

I do think that death of cable TV has been overestimate or exaggerated.

Elijah Abrams

Just deal with it!
Jul 29, 2017
The idea that I brought up with CN's regular feed and premieres/new stuff on FAST services would be an alternative offering for those who don't want cable nor vMVPD.


Staff member
Sep 16, 2013
Brierley Hill, UK
FAST is available worldwide via LG Channels and Samsung TV Plus if you have those TVs, also as mentioned on PlutoTV, as well as some local/regional services as people already mentioned here. UK kids TV rival POP is on LG and Samsung, and has played the free TV market very well, purely based on acquisitions. CITV in the UK has gone FAST and is now known as ITVX Kids.

Cartoon Network can't survive on FAST (but if you drop the F, it can), animation is an expensive business (CN is a channel built on original programming), however I can see a Cartoon Network streaming channel on Max (i.e. behind a paywall), and there's potential for additional ones too, such as themed channels, maybe a Cartoon Cartoons one, a classic Boomerang one, or even a 24 Hour Adult Swim and Toonami one.

It's low risk and has low overheads, as it's easier and more affordable to setup a stream over the internet rather than broadcasting a traditional channel, kids are streaming on-demand nowadays, so probably best to have the channel and the VOD in the same place, and have the show premieres on the stream. Also because of this, they can be experimental as much as they want.
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