Episodes of series that made you quit watching a series


Gee, I never thought about that...
Dec 1, 2005
Michigan USA
You know, the ones that made you throw your hands up in the air and say, "I'm done with this show"?.

For me, I stopped watching Bob's Burgers after that episode where Bob took Tina, Tammy, Jocelyn, Jimmy Jr., and Zeke to a favorite movie of Bob's he wanted to share with Tina, but when they were razzing on the movie, Tina yells at them and gets thrown out. Just made me stop watching the show, except for the movie. Have not watched it since.

I stopped watching The Simpsons on a regular basis sometime in the mid-2000s. I don't think it was a particular episode that did it, although I remember starting around the time Principal Skinner and Ms. Krabappel broke up. It was just I wasn't enjoying it like I did, not getting any joy out of it, and decided to go for it.

I stopped watching Family Guy for a while because of their "Aquaman is useless" cutaway, I was sick of "Aquaman is lame" jokes made by people whose only frame of reference for the character is his portrayal on Super Friends, and this was the last straw. Plus, they were getting too mean-spirited for a while there.

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
South Park honestly could’ve hung in the towel after season 15 (S13 being the one singular perfect batch for the later part of the run).

I think there was one episode from South Park’s 16th or 17th season where I’m just like “....am I watching the wrong thing? Is part of getting older just realizing Matt & Trey’s Kardashian jokes are as funny as a heart attack?” I wouldn’t have gone back if it wasn’t for TFBW, the specials and how the Gerald trolling was actually hilarious.

Family Guy would’ve also done me in around the same time as well, but that’s something I’ll never actually break. At the very least I dipped away for a significant amount of time before season 19.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
Twilight getting her wings made me almost rage quit the show. I stuck with it and I am glad I did, but Twilight became too perfect to me from then on. I enjoyed her more snarky personality from S1.

SpongeBob…I quit it somewhere in mid S5 I must’ve…can’t remember. But I remember those awful jokes being the last straw. With Fairly Odd, I quit after Poof came. The movie was fine but anything after that was just bad so I never bothered much except for the episode Poof and Crocker bonded.

The Avatar S2 finale made me rage quit the show for a good year until S3. I was so MAD at Zuko for his idiocy. Lol. It was only forgiven once I watched the last season. But I could not watch any Avatar for a while until then. I was just so mad.

These are the ones that come to mind.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
I can only think three cartoons on the top of my head.

1. Adventure Time in its 4th Season: I remember when I was a kid when I first saw Season 4, the tone did turned me off. I love Adventure Time when it was a balls-to-the-walls zany comedy, but when it turn into a debbie-downer, bitter, romantic dramady, that's when I head out. The episode that I remember was Burning Low. That episode really weirded me out. Finn was acting all moody, and he is in love with Flame Princess for some reason. It's like I don't know what the hell am I watching. It just weird, and not in a good way.

The final nail in the coffin for me was Lady Rainicorn announced she was pregnant in Lady and Peebles. I raised the white flag, and never watched the show again. Also, I was turning 13 when the episode came out, and I slowly started to grew out of Cartoon Network, and I stopped watching the channel in early 2013.

2. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic in its 6th Season: Say what you will about Season 4 and 5, I'd rather watch those seasons than ANYTHING going on in Season 6. Season 6 of MLP makes Spongebob Season 6 look like a Annie Award-winning contender (and I HATE Spongebob Season 6, it's god-awful, and I wish that season never existed, but I don't hate it as much as other people were. But, I digress). On a personal level, it's seriously that bad.

The writing was atrocious, the stories either wasted potential, boring, or just flat-out garbage, and don't even get me started on the characters, especially Starlight and Flurry Heart. The episodes that really got me the most was 28 Pranks Later, Newbie Dash, and the Season 6 finale. Not only those episode were a complete waste of time, but it didn't really get their own characters right. I know MLP has bad episodes before, but at least they didn't make me quit the show (not even Season 3). Season 6 was the final straw for me and I just cannot take it anymore. So, I just quit while I was ahead.

I did catch up Season 7-9 many years later, but from the looks of it, the show had seen better days.

3. Fairly Oddparents when Poof came to the picture. I'm sorry, as a kid, I DESPISE Poof with a burning passion. I love Tara Strong, but my god, this character makes me wanna punch a hole in a wall. I don't care if you guys like Poof. That's fine. I just do not like this character at all. He makes Mushi Sanban from KND look like a perfect angel lol. Hell, Dil Pickles was better than Poof, and I don't like Dil either.

The last time I watched FOP was the Wishology Trilogy back in 09', and I stopped watching the show ever since.

Oh, and the less said about Sparky, Chloe, and Fairly Odder, the better.

Twilight getting her wings made me almost rage quit the show. I stuck with it and I am glad I did, but Twilight became too perfect to me from then on. I enjoyed her more snarky personality from S1.

It's funny because I used to give Twilicorn the benefit of the doubt when she got her wings, and I was there when people were losing their minds. But yeah, as time went on, I really miss snarky, unicorn Twilight, so I stuck with that. Not a big fan of Twlicorn.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
I can only think three cartoons on the top of my head.

1. Adventure Time in its 4th Season: I remember when I was a kid when I first saw Season 4, the tone did turned me off. I love Adventure Time when it was a balls-to-the-walls zany comedy, but when it turn into a debbie-downer, bitter, romantic dramady, that's when I head out. The episode that I remember was Burning Low. That episode really weirded me out. Finn was acting all moody, and he is in love with Flame Princess for some reason. It's like I don't know what the hell am I watching. It just weird, and not in a good way.

The final nail in the coffin for me was Lady Rainicorn announced she was pregnant in Lady and Peebles. I raised the white flag, and never watched the show again. Also, I was turning 13 when the episode came out, and I slowly started to grew out of Cartoon Network, and I stopped watching the channel in early 2013.

2. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic in its 6th Season: Say what you will about Season 4 and 5, I'd rather watch those seasons than ANYTHING going on in Season 6. Season 6 of MLP makes Spongebob Season 6 look like a Annie Award-winning contender (and I HATE Spongebob Season 6, it's god-awful, and I wish that season never existed, but I don't hate it as much as other people were. But, I digress). On a personal level, it's seriously that bad.

The writing was atrocious, the stories either wasted potential, boring, or just flat-out garbage, and don't even get me started on the characters, especially Starlight and Flurry Heart. The episodes that really got me the most was 28 Pranks Later, Newbie Dash, and the Season 6 finale. Not only those episode were a complete waste of time, but it didn't really get their own characters right. I know MLP has bad episodes before, but at least they didn't make me quit the show (not even Season 3). Season 6 was the final straw for me and I just cannot take it anymore. So, I just quit while I was ahead.

I did catch up Season 7-9 many years later, but from the looks of it, the show had seen better days.

3. Fairly Oddparents when Poof came to the picture. I'm sorry, as a kid, I DESPISE Poof with a burning passion. I love Tara Strong, but my god, this character makes me wanna punch a hole in a wall. I don't care if you guys like Poof. That's fine. I just do not like this character at all. He makes Mushi Sanban from KND look like a perfect angel lol. Hell, Dil Pickles was better than Poof, and I don't like Dil either.

The last time I watched FOP was the Wishology Trilogy back in 09', and I stopped watching the show ever since.

Oh, and the less said about Sparky, Chloe, and Fairly Odder, the better.

It's funny because I used to give Twilicorn the benefit of the doubt when she got her wings, and I was there when people were losing their minds. But yeah, as time went on, I really miss snarky, unicorn Twilight, so I stuck with that. Not a big fan of Twlicorn.
Same, really last thing I watched with FOP was the Wishology stuff, but boy did it suck. Liked some things, but it sucked.

AT too, yeah I rage quit that series after the "Floaty" episode. They brought back Betty I was like "nuh uh. No more." A friend told me to get back into it and I am trying. I've watched like 75 percent of the show including all the spin offs. Still I can not get over also Flame P, and Betty coming back which to me was SUCH a cop out.

Regular Show I ragequit too....around the time that goat guy came around. I rem on TZ, people HATING him. I dont rem what happened to him, maybe he turned out to be a villain? But it turned me off from the show.


Strong to th' Finnich
Jun 4, 2007
Since a couple of you guys have mentioned Adventure Time, allow me take a turn dumping on it:

The last episode of AT that I sat through was "Thank You". I was on this very forum (which was still called Toon Zone at the time) and the show was already starting to wear on me; I felt like I was the only person on the internet who wasn't over the moon about this show, but the episode "Thank You" was the final straw for me. I found that ep to pretentious, artsy-wartsy, up-its'-own-butt hipster swill, but everyone else in the talkback was praising it to the stars. The show was already getting less funny and more wannabe arthouse by the week, but "Thank You" is where AT officially lost me as a viewer; I never watched AT or anything associated with it since.

prpis said:
Regular Show I ragequit too....around the time that goat guy came around. I rem on TZ, people HATING him. I dont rem what happened to him, maybe he turned out to be a villain? But it turned me off from the show.

Thomas was the goat guy's name. He was a seemingly random minor character that first turned up in the season 4 episode "Exit 9B" and went on to become a regular for the next two seasons before being revealed to be a Russian spy in the season 6 special "The Real Thomas", though he defected to save his friends and then went into hiding. Thomas seemed like a weird addition to the show, but he never bothered me personally.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
Thomas was the goat guy's name. He was a seemingly random minor character that first turned up in the season 4 episode "Exit 9B" and went on to become a regular for the next two seasons before being revealed to be a Russian spy in the season 6 special "The Real Thomas", though he defected to save his friends and then went into hiding. Thomas seemed like a weird addition to the show, but he never bothered me personally.
ahh okay. I remember how users here used to dunk on him a lot. The complaints made me turn off from the show. That and also the show seemed to stagnate for a while. I would like to try again but I’m not sure. It seems to have ended on a good note with fans. I have some nostalgia. But it seems I’ve outgrown it. I don’t know. Guess I could put it up if I’m ever in the mood.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
Same, really last thing I watched with FOP was the Wishology stuff, but boy did it suck. Liked some things, but it sucked.
Yeah, I thought the Wishology specials makes the Jerkenator one look like high art.

Christ, it’s no wonder people lost interest in FOP, yet Nick keeps milking it anyway.
AT too, yeah I rage quit that series after the "Floaty" episode. They brought back Betty I was like "nuh uh. No more." A friend told me to get back into it and I am trying. I've watched like 75 percent of the show including all the spin offs. Still I can not get over also Flame P, and Betty coming back which to me was SUCH a cop out.
I heard Betty was like the love interest for Simon/Ice King, but I don’t know and I really don’t care. Like I said, this is why I love Adventure Time when it was a funny, wacky comedy. Making it a high drama with artsy-farts BS is what makes me give up on this show. You cannot have your cake and eat it to, you know?

Plus, I don’t care for Flame Princess either. As a kid, I find her pretty boring and pointless.

Regular Show I ragequit too....around the time that goat guy came around. I rem on TZ, people HATING him. I dont rem what happened to him, maybe he turned out to be a villain? But it turned me off from the show.
Yeah, as much as I love Regular Show, I lost interest in it when Thomas showed up. Not to mention the whole love triangle between Mordecai, Margaret, and CJ was really weird and out of place to me.
The last episode of AT that I sat through was "Thank You". I was on this very forum (which was still called Toon Zone at the time) and the show was already starting to wear on me; I felt like I was the only person on the internet who wasn't over the moon about this show, but the episode "Thank You" was the final straw for me. I found that ep to pretentious, artsy-wartsy, up-its'-own-butt hipster swill, but everyone else in the talkback was praising it to the stars. The show was already getting less funny and more wannabe arthouse by the week, but "Thank You" is where AT officially lost me as a viewer; I never watched AT or anything associated with it since.
Wow. I don’t remember seeing that episode as a kid, but yeah I don’t blame you for losing interest in the show.
Thomas was the goat guy's name. He was a seemingly random minor character that first turned up in the season 4 episode "Exit 9B" and went on to become a regular for the next two seasons before being revealed to be a Russian spy in the season 6 special "The Real Thomas", though he defected to save his friends and then went into hiding. Thomas seemed like a weird addition to the show, but he never bothered me personally.
Wow. I never knew that. Man, what a cop-out.

Alright, here’s another one. I lost interest in Phineas and Ferb around Season 3 when the show started to get really repetitive, less funny, less creative, and a lot more boring. After Across the 2nd Dimension DCOM, I was out, and never watched the show ever since (besides Last Day of Summer and Cadence Against the Universe).

I lost interest in Big City Greens after Season 2 because I felt the humor was not really all that funny to me, and they tried way too hard to be silly and edgy, and it just didn’t do it for me. Not to mention, Cricket comes off as way too unlikable to me. Which is a shame because I love Big City Greens back when it first came out. Now, I’m just not interested in it anymore. Although, I did see bits and pieces of Season 3 where the Greens goes back to their hometown, it was interesting, but I just couldn’t get into it.


Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs
Sep 1, 2023
The Nether Regions
Yes Phineas and Ferb same. I quit after the fabulous movie. Things got very repetitive.

As for AT…my sin with it wasn’t it getting philosophical (maybe in some ways it was but I like going deep into stuff emotionally…except the show got very very left field with it, more than it should’ve). My sin with it was taking amazing episodes it had written and just….throwing away the entire meaning and emotion of its past episodes and saying “nope yep. She’s back. Simon came back too by magic. And you need to accept that”. I was like NO! And the writing was bad too.

Now, the finale and the Fionna and Cake spin off were amazing. They handled the couple well. But that’s another topic.


A Little Meatwad
Oct 2, 2020
Miramar, FL
As for AT…my sin with it wasn’t it getting philosophical (maybe in some ways it was but I like going deep into stuff emotionally…except the show got very very left field with it, more than it should’ve). My sin with it was taking amazing episodes it had written and just….throwing away the entire meaning and emotion of its past episodes and saying “nope yep. She’s back. Simon came back too by magic. And you need to accept that”. I was like NO! And the writing was bad too.

Now, the finale and the Fionna and Cake spin off were amazing. They handled the couple well. But that’s another topic.
Yeah I can understand. There were episodes’ concepts that should be treated as a zany farce for the most part, instead of treated it as if the next Days of Our Lives or something. I don’t know, but that’s just me.

Anyways, another show I rage quit as a kid was Foster’s Home. There was an episode that I remember it was about Arnie’s birthday, I think. Yeah, I hated that episode when I was a kid and it really ticks me off. Don’t get me wrong, the Bendy episode is a million times worse, but I’m sorry, I’m not going to excuse the fact that this episode was so mean spirited and cruel.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
The Return Of Chef was probably the thing that made me quit South Park. I seem to recall watching a few episodes past that, but really my decision to quit probably started there. I think the homeless people as zombies episode finalized it.

Red Arrow

ça va nog wel
Oct 22, 2012
Episode 15 of Grossology ("All Together now") made me gag at the end when Sloppy Joe puts Lance Boil's head under his armpit and the entire boil splashes and the main characters are having their mouths open. I still can't believe YTV allowed that. I was completely done with that show.


Staff member
Apr 23, 2007
In the now, man
It was two episodes in particular, but Aqua Teen Hunger Force lost me with "Dickisode" and "Deleted Scene". I was used to the show having a gross, juvenile sense of humor, that's part of the charm, but I don't recall much charm or wit to these episodes. I only came back to see the finale and have rewatched various earlier episodes again on Max, and while I do still enjoy the first part of the series, I don't see myself coming back to either of these.

Classic Speedy

Alllllll righty then
Staff member
May 13, 2003
I stopped being a regular Sunday night Simpsons watcher with "Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words". The thing is, it wasn't even the worst episode the show's done- there have been far worse before it ("That 90's Show") but I still stuck with the show. But it was more the slow build-up over many seasons which were hit-and-miss until I finally decided I'd had enough. Later on I watched most of season 20 in reruns and have caught random episodes here and there, but I don't feel like I've missed much.
Last edited:


Gee, I never thought about that...
Dec 1, 2005
Michigan USA
I would also like add, it was "Free Hat" that made me stop being a regular viewer of South Park. The stupidity of the town's adults in that episode's b-plot made me go "Really?". Plus, the idea that George Lucas would relish in children going to jail and being subjected to prison r*pe just doesn't sit right with me, knowing he's a parent and all. Say what you will about his work and what he's done with it, but that was just a bridge too far for me.

Fone Bone

Matt Zimmer
Jan 19, 2004
Framingham, MA
I would also like add, it was "Free Hat" that made me stop being a regular viewer of South Park. The stupidity of the town's adults in that episode's b-plot made me go "Really?". Plus, the idea that George Lucas would relish in children going to jail and being subjected to prison r*pe just doesn't sit right with me, knowing he's a parent and all. Say what you will about his work and what he's done with it, but that was just a bridge too far for me.
The show ultimately had no sense of decency. You could argue the same about early Family Guy but it's grown a conscience over the years. But South Park was just toxic year in and year out and I just had enough.

[classic swim]

Sep 26, 2022
It was two episodes in particular, but Aqua Teen Hunger Force lost me with "Dickisode" and "Deleted Scene". I was used to the show having a gross, juvenile sense of humor, that's part of the charm, but I don't recall much charm or wit to these episodes.

Deleted Scenes to be fair was a half hour run-off where the joke was showing you a gist of scenes that were scrapped from the movie. Not exactly a clever show, but that was the point. Also timing, because that season took both a delay and a back seat around that time to build up on the theatrical film.

Dickesode was also their first bridge into making Aqua Teen an MA show. The novelty’s very much gone if you don’t care about them vs Standards, and the uncensored version is basically worse.

Simpsons is hardly anything to brag about because everyone quits The Simpsons eventually. I think I was still trying to pop up here and there, then they advertised that ratings hoax where Marge divorces Homer/Homer stays with Lena Dunham and that finally did it.


Staff member
Jul 14, 2010
Oddly the only cartoon episode I remember having this effect on me (not counting shows where I only watched the first episode or two) was the Rugrats episode Bigger Than Life; I just remember it hitting me how sappy the show had gotten, how thin they seemed to be on ideas, how little Kimi and Dil were adding to the show etc. I was also 15 or something, but that didn't mean much in my world.

I guess I also stopped watching Johnny Bravo after whatever the first episode of Season 2 I saw was. There are those who are Pops and Carl people, and those who aren't. I'm not, or I certainly wasn't back then.

I've fallen on and off long-running shows like Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Spongebob etc., but not as specific reactions to individual episodes, as far as I can recall, just drops in interest, changing life circumstances and so forth. I remember really hating the much hyped Season 26 Simpsons premier Clown in the Dumps, but weirdly I ended up seeing more of that Season when it was still current than I had most seasons since around Season 13.


What up, dog?
Jun 4, 2007
Cartoon Country
Teen Titans GO! The last full episode that I've seen to date (not including the Warner Bros. 100th Anniversary Special that aired a couple of months ago), was the episode with the short "You're Fired!" in which Beast Boy is fired from the Titans and the Wonder Twins are brought in to take BB's place on the team. At first, I thought "OK. The Wonder twins in the Teen Titans GO universe. This could be entertaining.", but of course, the story was nothing more than the predictable string of "Zan is useless! His power is stupid, and Jayna is the only good one!" jokes. that we've all seen and heard a dozen times already. This episode could have ended that dumb shtick once and for all, but instead, the writers just leaned in on it. After that, I was done with TTG.


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